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Calming the Democrats
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Tues-Wed May 6-7, 2008 Vol
2148 - Love & Chili
"Harold Ford says Clinton should drop out.
She should.
He also says there should be an Obama/Clinton
ticket. No way."
-- The Great and Powerful Kos, ruling
out VP choices for Obama, Link
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Who will
Pick the Judges?
Like many Americans, we have been intrigued and
often exasperated by the long-running Democratic
primary and the ever smaller-bore spats between
Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. So we are
thankful to Senator John McCain for reminding
us Tuesday what this year's presidential race really is about.
On a day when Mr. Obama won a decisive victory
in North Carolina and Mrs. Clinton eked out a win in
Indiana, Mr. McCain spoke about his judicial
philosophy. He is determined to move a far too conservative
and far too activist Supreme Court and federal
judiciary even further and more actively to the right.
I hope the Democratic nominee stresses that at
every opportunity,
that if we let crazy McCain stack the court with
Bush bastards
we won't even recognize America four years from
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"Paul, you're looking at the old coalition.
A new Democratic coalition is younger.
It is more urban, as well as suburban, and
we don't have to just rely on white
blue-collar voters and Hispanics. We need
to look at the Democratic Party,
expand the party, expand the base and not
throw out the baby with the bathwater."
-- The "still neutral" Brazile, telling Paul Begala that the 'New Dem party'
doesn't need white working-class people and Latinos
Heard on CNN
"We cannot win with egg heads and African-Americans.
OK, that is the Dukakis
Coalition, which carried ten states
and gave us four years of the first George Bush."
-- Paul Begala,
responding to Donna Brazile
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Subject: American Voters
Bart, you wrote:
> Over the weekend, I heard super-uber-rich
Warren Buffet say that his secretary
> pays a higher rate of taxes on her salary
than Buffet does on capital gains.
> If the Democrats had any brains (should I
bother to finish this sentence?)
> they'd mention facts like that at election
time - *but they never do.
I stand accused of the things that I've said.
Show me I'm wrong and I'll admit defeat and buy
you a shot.
*Really, you're a smart man and I would think
you would have figured out the sad fact that politicians,
Democrat or Republican, are all rich. They
are normal ordinary humans and will not actively work
against their self interest. It's like
Animal Farm - *All* animals are *equal*, *but some* animals are
*more equal than others*. The politicians
are in the house, warm, well fed, and well cared for while
we working folk are in the cold drafty barn.
Every once in a while, they put on a grand show to
keep us happy. It's theater and until we all
wake up to that, nothing will change.
The status quo is, *All* animals are *equal*,
*but some* animals are *more equal than others*.
I think you're wrong.
What I'm hearing is "We're just like them," but we're not.
If we were like them, we'd win every election because the facts are
on our side.
Republicans want to win and they'll do anything to reach that
Democrats might accept victory if it's handed to them on a silver platter,
but that's only after every losing option has been exhausted.
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Lopsided Victory in N.Carolina
Hillary lost North Carolina on Tuesday and with
it her last best chance at the White House.
The results dented if not doomed her hopes of
convincing superdelegates to disregard
Obama's lead in delegates, states won and popular
vote to nominate her.
"Clinton did not get out of the night what she
needed," said North Carolina Rep. Brad Miller,
an undecided superdelegate. "To use a basketball
analogy, she traded baskets. And she needed
to do much better than that this late in the
contest with her down 150 or 160 pledged delegates."
CNN has been popping party favors all night - their candidate won.
I assume Olbermann over at MSGOP has been hospitalized for dehydration?
They've said about 500 times that Obama's victory in Carolina was "hueueueuege"
while her victory in Indiana was "barely,
slightly a squeaker" and then they repeat
that another 500 times in case somebody missed it.
Oh no - Bart's about to play the race card!
CNN said Obama won over 90% of the Black vote in both states.
Jon Stewart was mocking Hillary last week, saying
"Obama can't win primaries? What do you call
Carolina and Louisiana?"
I call them "states with a heavy Black population."
If America had a huge Black population, victory in November would be
easy for us.
Oh well - we might lose in November, but at least we will have broken
the 700-year
dynasty family chain of having Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton shoved down
our throats...
We might get Bush/Bush/McCain/McCain.
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Subject: re: Wrights Chickens
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"McCain announced today the members of his
campaign's Justice Advisory Committee.
Translation -- The very folks who would help
McCain select nominees to the whore court
and federal courts. Heading up the effort
are Paula Jones attorney Ted Olson and the
religiously insane Senator Sam Brownback (R-Devo)."
The Hotline, Link
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Subject: Gas tax - better idea
Rather than suspend the federal gas tax for the
summer and lower the price by 25 cents,
let's lower the price by two dollars a gallon,
back to pre-Bush inauguration levels.
We could call it the Bush-Never-Happened Holiday,
and we'd all have a happy summer!
Andy in Birmingham, AL
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Disasterous Diplomacy
When a country run by a despotic and isolationist
regime is laid low by a massive natural disaster,
the diplomatic thing to do is to respond with
a show of compassion. Not kick 'em when they're down.
More than 22,000 people have died in the staggering
devastation caused by the cyclone in Burma.
But when Pickles made her first-ever visit to
the White House briefing room yesterday, to talk about
what's going on in that country, it was not to
deliver a message of goodwill.
Rather than announce the launch of a massive relief
effort, Pickles tossed insults at Burma's leaders
and blamed them for the high death toll. But
why respond to a catastrophe with such hostility?
The awkward timing may have had something to
do with an event entirely unrelated to the cyclone.
"I'm going to leave tomorrow for Stepford, for
Jenna's wedding, and I wanted to make a statement
about Burma before I left," the cookie baker
told reporters.
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Subject: Obama Projected to win
NC with fewer votes than Clinton
Hi Bart,
The attached screenshot was from CNN.
They were projecting Obama the winner in NC, but
Clinton was ahead 49% to 47%.
Not sure what math they are using, but there
must be points subtracted for being a Clinton...
Thanks for the page of Sanity in an insane world,
Maybe Obama's cousin works at CNN and he called the election early for
(That's a joke - don't write.)
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Subject: You should
be ashamed
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Suicides May Exceed Combat Deaths
That's what our own government is telling us...
The number of suicides among veterans of wars
in Iraq and Afghanistan may exceed the combat
death toll because of inadequate mental health
care, the U.S. government's top psychiatric researcher said.
Community mental health centers, hobbled by financial
limits, haven't provided enough scientifically sound
care, especially in rural areas, said Thomas
Insel, director of the National Institute of Mental Health.
He briefed reporters today at the American Psychiatric
Association's annual meeting in Washington.
If our nominee would make the case that those Bush bastards not only
sent men to die and be maimed
in Bush's fake quagmire, but then ignored them when those broken soldiers
needed some help, they'd
not only be doing the right thing by helping soldiers, it would also
help them in November.
But our side has a habit of keeping quiet about the issues that would
help them the most.
Did Kerry ever mention Bush stacking the Supreme Court in the 2004 race?
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Subject: Helen Thomas
Yeahh!!! for Helen - 3 cheers
everybody - & let's
elect her to be the Prez & get the whole
damn squabble over.
BTW, I've never tasted tequillo, it seems there's
some little creature
in the bottle & I'm a nature lover &
don't want to upset its environment.
EM, Hollywood lied to you.
Trust me - theres no worm in tequila.
If there was, I'd know.
You sometimes might fnd a worm in Mescal,
but you have to know *I* ain't drinking nothing with animals
in it.
We still respect you, Steven Spielberg, but in Poltergieist,
the only monster
Craig T. Nelson could swallow from a bottle of Cuervo Gold
was the taste.
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"James Carville is well-known for spouting
off his mouth without always knowing
what he's talking about. And I intend to stay
focused on fighting for the American
people because what they don't need is 20
more years of performance art on television."
an angry Barack Obama, responding to Carville's cajones remark
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Subject: Steven Bartman
Ah Bart,
Did you have to mention Bartman?
The therapy was just starting to take hold.
Kerry M -- Lifelong Cubs fan
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Why I Hate
Is Michelle to Blame for Wright?
by Christopher Hitchens
I invite you to look at the film of Farrakhan's
sweating, yelling, paranoid face and to bear in mind
that this depraved thug, who boasts of "dealing
with" one of black America's moral heroes, is the man
praised by Jeremiah Wright and referred to with
respect as "Minister Farrakhan" by the senator who
hopes to be the next president of the United
Take away Hitchens rational views on religion,
he has a reputation for saying things that
no rational person in America would say - yet
he has 500 times more money than I do.
People searching for an answer to "Is God
real?" look no further.
I don't need any condescending liberal
to explain to me why black Americans are inclined to be
touchy about the way their forebears were treated
any more than I require a patronizing former
Harvard law student to guide me through the anxieties
of the gun-owning and hunting community.
They give Pulitzers for horseshit
like that.
Can anybody tell me what he was trying
to say?
I'll bet George Will understrood every word of
that crap.
I can quite easily understand these points without
Like me, do you get the feeling that Chris Hitchens
got beat up
every day in high school for pretending to be
such a know-it-all-prick?
Chris Hitchens is famous for saying:
Theresa was a lying fraud,
Clinton is a rapist and
Reagan was a nasty whore.
A thought just popped into my head:
Hitchens would be the perfect wife for Maureen
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Subject: Democrats and victory
The Democrats have a center/left candidate who
fits the ideological profile of all modern successful
Democratic presidential nominees.
However, party activists insist upon choosing a left wing candidate
who fits the ideological profile of all modern
unsuccessful Democratic presidential nominees.
You have just broken Bart's
Law #1
Don't ever tell the truth in a political campaign!
How do Republicans (representing a tiny fraction
of Americans) keep winning the White House?
They owe it all to the unfortunately large Dazed
And Confused wing of the Democratic Party.
One clueless Kos diarist said it all:
"I'd Rather Have The Democrats Lose With Obama
Than Win With Hillary".
That's the single biggest problem Democrats have.
They'll only agree to victory under certain conditions.
Republicans doubtlessly agree.
Bobby Lane
Damn, that's weird.
When I owned the Hard Rock Island, the baddest biker in my bar was
Bobby Lane.
When he got drunk, he'd kiss me on the cheek.
He was tall and slim, 6-6 amd maybe 200 pounds and he was the leader
of the pack.
His specialty was bar fights with clowns claiming they knew karate
or whatever.
Have I told you about the time an ex-con, Hard Rock Island regular told
"Bart, I was in jail with Bobby Lane last
and he says he's going to kill you
when he gets out."
He was a fun guy, but one night Bobby Lane got hopped up on pills and
he cornered his girlfriend,
my main bartender, in the Ladies Room. I went in to see what the problem
was and after some pointless
conversation, I told him I was going to have to call the cops because
Bobby was more than my bouncer
and me could handle (cough) and his hostage, my bartender Kathy Kay,
(Kathy - call me)
to me that that was the right move - so I called the cops, and returned
and told Bobby ten times,
"Bobby, the cops are on their way - if you have any drugs on you,
flush them now because I don't want this to be any worse
than it has to."
Since he was hopped up on pills, he didn't listen to me - the cops showed
up, subdued him,
searched him and found some drugs and now he's in jail looking to get
some revenge.
Hmmm, that would be another fun story for the Bartcop Biography.
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"The central characteristic here of these massive
humanitarian disasters
is that when people are denied freedom,
the results can be deadly."
the vulgar Pigboy, saying 'freedom denied' caused the Cyclone that mugged
Burma, Link
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Watching Tuesday night, they said they were going
to honor the greats of Rock n Roll.
I asked Mrs Bart if her drink was fresh, and she
said, "Yes, why?"
and I replied,
"Because I think we're going to see our good
friends in a few minutes."
Yep, there they were. We toasted them when they
appeared in the screen.
Catch BCR
#140 for more.
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Subject: A puzzling Contradiction,
or Do Like I say, Not what I Do
It is spring, and the hypocrites are in full bloom.
All the talk show nazis and their knuckle-dragging,
black-book thumping, God loving, righteous,
radical right "Operation Chaos" retards, are "appaled
and horrified" that "Hussein" Obama would belong
to a churh for over twenty years, whose pastor was
"an American hating racist," bent on blaming
the United States government for all the world's ills.
A long time paishoner and financial supporter
of Reverend Wright's church, and obviously a strong
believer in Reverend Wright's America hating
opinions, "Goddamn America, Hussein" would be
the ruination of our christian democracy if elected
The unholy alliance between these two America
haters alone should be more than enough to disqualify
Obama from even being considered as a presidential
nominee, in these patriots' belief. Well, I can't blame
them righties for being exercised over this.
I mean hate speech is a real lousy thing for anyone to do.
People who insist on doing a whole bunch of hate
speech are not God's favorites, you can bet your
boots on that. Which brings me to the part that
puzzles me and seems kind of illogical to this old boy.
If Barrack's pastor should be universally condemned
for his contemptible hate speech,
it's only fair that the condemners shouldn't
be guilty of like behavior. But wait, what's this?
Every Sunday in Evengelical churches throughout
America, fundamentalist preachers assure
their congregations that God has decreed that
the only people who can obtain salvation and
eternal life with God in heaven, are those indiduals
who are born again in the blood of Jesus Christ.
This creates a real problem for anyone born more
than two thousand years ago, and the overwhelming
majority of humans who were born since or ever
will be born. Seems like that if you're a Jew, Muslim,
Eskimo, pyramid slave, raped and murdered baby,
etc., you are not welcome in heaven. God doesn't
think you're good enough. So all you stupid losers
who didn't have the sense or opportiunity to be
"born again", get ready for an eternity of isolation
from God.
Somehow, this all sounds just a tad hatefull
to me.
Jeremiah Wright served six years in the United
States military. US Marine Corps, PFC, 1961-63;
USNavy, Hospital Corpsman, 1964-67. In
1965 and 1966 he was awarded three Presidential
Commendations by President Lyndon Johnson.
My question to all the hate spewing, right wing,
self-righteous, hypocrite, lying, prevaricating,
draft-dodging, gutless, chicken hawk, nazi talk show
perverts, is: What represents a better American;
sanctimonious, gasbag, rabble rousing,
say-anything-for-money greedy whores like you,
or an honoarably discharged USMC veteran and
ordained man of God, who projects his message
of the very real inequalities in this country,
with a certain amount of bombast and hyperbole
often evidenced by fervent preachers?
Tony Mac in Tucson
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The Sideshow
Subject: Obama wooing Clinton
Did you notice Obama supporters are suddenly playing
nice to the Clinton voters?
This is after months of ugly rhetoric and accusations
of racism.
I guess they now realize that if Obama secures
the nomination, he will need the backing
of the Clinton voters. Well they are wasting
their time being civil at this late stage.
It is too late. The damage has been done.
When you accuse the Clinton backers of being racists,
well that's like using the "N" word.
Words once spoken can never be recalled.
Clinton still leads in delegates, popular votes
and electoral votes. Yes, Michigan and
Florida must be counted. Count every vote. Remember
the 2000 election in Florida?
Not counting every vote was wrong then, and is
wrong now.
If Michigan and Florida are not counted then Clinton
got cheated.
Jim in Rochester, Michigan
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"Bush said that Cinco de Mayo is an opportunity
to recognize the strong ties of family,
economy and culture that bind the United
States and Mexico. That was nice. Yeah.
Then the president said, 'Now, let's
get back to building that fence.'"
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Paul predicts President Obama
pays to advertise on bartcop.com

We're in our busy season...
for more Hits
"I want to apologize to the administration.
I forgot last Thursday was the fifth anniversary
of President Bush's 'Mission Accomplished'
declaration. I'm sorry! Usually on that day,
I let the president dress up in a flight
suit and land on me."
Jon Stewart
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Subject: Obama
Rev. Wright, the lapel pin, no hand over heart,
Ayers, his wife....
Fuck that bullshit.
Is THAT all the pubs have on Obama?
NOW, lets see what they have on the Clintons,
Give me a break.
You think we are all stupid.
jd, if you had my brain, you could remember allll
the way back to 2004.
All they had on Kerry was the lie that he didn't
earn his medals - and how'd that turn out?
I didn't call you stupid, but then, I don't know you.
But the American voter is the most foolish of fools.
And I still don't get that "lol" negative stuff against the Clintons.
Gore and Kerry were low-baggage, decent men that the GOP
turned them both into pitiful, lying losers because they failed to
Why am I the only person who sees that?
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Permafrost Melting
Yet Jim Inhofe calls that fact "the big lie"
In a country where many scientists scoff at the
existence of global warming, Zimov has been waging
a lonely campaign to warn the world about Russia's
melting permafrost and its nexus with climate change.
His laboratory is the vast expanse of tundra
and larch forest along the East Siberian Sea, an icy corner
of the world that Zimov has scrutinized almost
entirely on his own for 28 years.
Among Zimov's findings: The release of greenhouse
gases - particularly methane, a greenhouse gas
20 times more potent than carbon dioxide - from
thawing permafrost underneath Siberian lakes could
accelerate global warming and represents an especially
worrisome trend in the battle to slow climate change..
Let's blame religious insanity and greed.
Bush says "God's love" will protect us, so Inhofe might as well get
rich by poisoning the planet.
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Bush Countdown Clock
"A president saying that he has the right to
overturn George Washington's 200-plus year prohibition
against torture and torture anyone he wants,
with his assistants gathering to personally review the
kinds of torture techniques being used prisoner
by prisoner, its obscene."
-- Al Gore, coming out against torture Link
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Subject: Obama
Bart, so I'm watching a lot of news and ALL the
pundits on ALL the channels are saying,
"Over here in this congressional district
is where the Blacks live and Obama will win there,
now over here is where the white, working-class
people live, and Hillary will do well there,"
but when Bill Clinton states the obvious, that
Jesse Jackson won Carolina twice but failed to win
the White House - and bingo - he's automatically
a terribly-racist man.
I thought we weren't supposed to notice if voters
are Black, white or purple.
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Corn Countdown
- 43 days
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Subject: stupid idea
The gas tax repeal would do nothing but push us
further into debt.
Not even a good Band-Aid. The oil companies would
take about
one week to raise the price back to where it
Instead, why not end subsidies and tax breaks
to oil companies?
Why not end the war? There would be some real
savings for taxpayers.
But only a Democrat could do those things.
We can't change anything until we win the White
When Obama was on Meet the Whore last Sunday,
he ran thru
a long list of things that neeed to be done,
but "winning the White House"
wasn't one of the things he mentioned.
Bridges are falling down from a lack on maintenance,
and some are advocating
cutting highway funds even more? Puh-leeze. This
is pandering of the worse sort.
No, pandering of the worst sort is when Bush shows
up after a natural disaster
and hugs a Black mother who lost a child in the
flood, hurricane or tornadoe*
Does that help anyone or accomplish anything?
No, but everybody likes that kind of pandering.
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Subject: last issue's dig at
You failed to include Glenn Greenwald with Conason
as the only salvageable content from Salon.
Nowadays, digby, you and Greenwald are
the only blogs I bother to read anymore, and the angle
you 3 have in common in your own very unique
ways is that you keep a sharp focus on the role
played by the media in all this madness.
Oh, that and you're not blinded by Hillary hatred
or awed by Obamania
but rather have the clear heads to see things
as they are.
Ricardo in Mexico City ,
I still haven't forgiven Salon.com for sending that whore Jennifer Liberto
into my camp,
telling me how great my page is and how great I am, while digging for
dirt on Media Whores Online.
"Hi Bart,
Jennifer Liberto here - Salon sent me... I love your page
you're so sexy... BTW, who runs Media Whores Online?"
Hell, for all we know, that's why MWO went out of business.
The people who ran MWO were a lot more fanatic about not
being famous or identified than I am and that's hard to do.
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Saw it on marriedtothesea.com
Subject: my donation ignored
Bart, I sent you a donation a while back, but
never got Bartcop radio.
Do I have to send another donation to get it?
If this happens to you - write to me and ask about it.
There are many reasons why stuff happens:
#1 culprit, people for get to
include their e-mail with their letter.
This means I have to write you a return snail mail letter
to ask you
to send me your e-mail. Oddly enough, those letters hardly
ever get answered.
In all these years, I've gotten an e-mail less than ten
times saying,
"You wrote me and told me to e-mail
you that you owe me 90 days of BCR."
My thank you e-mail with login
instructions gets discarded as spam.
I'm not particularly bright.
I have a system that no check goes to the bank
until after the person has been thanked and t-shirt ordered,
BCR set up, etc,
but sometimes my IQ of 64 betrays me and the job falls
thru the cracks.
So if I owe you something, don't forget about it and resent me.
If you remind me and I don't reply, your letter might be stuck in MY
spam filters, so maybe have a friend send something but
stay on me.
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Here for
Get one of each for just $40
Note: the credit card bastards charge me
$60 a month, so I gotta sell a bunch of shirts
just to break even - are you sure you or your honey
doesn't need a WPE shirt/sweatshirt/hoodie?
Bartcop T's!
Now more than ever!
Buy a pair
to seal in plastic for your kids!
They'll be talking about
what a
dick Bush was for 100
Join the
rest of the world
Buy the shirts,
e-mail your picture,
get your smiling face
on bartcop.com!
to Order
Can Clinton
rebound in time?
Obama took a major step Tuesday toward securing
the nomination. Not only did he score a
convincing victory in North Carolina; but by
drawing to a virtual tie in Indiana he made an already
difficult path for Hillary significantly more
But Clinton vowed to soldier on, telling supporters
"it's full-speed on to the White House."
She said that because Obama called Indiana "the
tie-breaker." Maybe it is, maybe it isn't,
but she's using his mistakes against him. That's
what you're supposed to do in a political campaign,
but when She does it, they call it "playing the
race card."
After Bill Clinton was the best friend Blacks
have ever had in the White House,
Hillary can't even get 10% of Blacks to support
her, but once again, you're playing
the race card if you mention that Blacks tend
to vote for Blacks.
Obama wakes up this morning with a larger lead
in pledged delegates as well as
the overall popular vote. For Clinton, time for
a rebound may be slipping away.
I just want it to be over.
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They read it in Dalkeith, Midlothian, UK
They read it in Ossining, New York
They read it in Kalmar, Kalmar Lan, Sweden
They read it in Cranford, New Jersey
They read it in Wittlich, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
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have tons of great 'toons on the Bart
like 'toons?
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start
a war,
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
billion in profit in 90 days
us to the tune of
$129 million
profit per day
Gouging us to the tune of
profit per second
because Bush started a fake war
...and what did it cost America,
besides $3 trillion of debt for your kids?
Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...
Some don't.
x 4,071....4,073
We lost another 2
soldiers since last issue.
We have 4,073
dead soldiers.
Hey guys, we'd like to bring you home,
but the guy in charge is a real dick.
makes $108M - $128M
every day
That's why
raped Iraq
and killed Saddam
How do we
know for sure?
oil wells have NO METERS!
a day missing
Where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
Subject: Donation
Bart, just a small amount for all you do.
The best and most fair site on the Internet!
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PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
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Alba voting Obama
See tons of Jessica Alba pictures
at BC Hotties
Thanks to bartcop.com
We know you work
hard for your money, so we take it as
a compliment when you throw
some our way each month.
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of bartcop.com
It had everything.
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BCR Show
Much of BCR 140 was our
Trip Report to New York, April 08
Listen to it before you share it
There's some language in this show.
to Listen to Show
to download
Show 140
Thanks to Chicago Jim for the music.
Also, part of BCR 140 was recorded
late on Cinco de Mayo, if you get my drift.
Here for the BCR Archives
this is my fave Shirley pic - Steve M
What's your favorite Shirley picture?
(Send the picture, don't send a description of the picture.)
Got a Shirley picture we haven't run?
it to us!
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