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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

 Staying sane w/
 a sense of humor


BCR 140 is here!HOTHOT

Tues-Wed   May 20-21, 2008 Vol 2154 - Shemp Cocktail

Quote of the Day

"She flatly said she was not leaving the 
  contest, no matter how much bloviators 
  like Timmeh, Tweety, the NY Times and 
  Air America rant and rave. Considering that 
  Gore and Kerry both conceded (early), I'm 
  behind the candidate who will take it to the mat."
    -- lambert, of  on Hillary, 
        after her conference call with some bloggers,   Link

  I wasn't invited to that, either.

  I guess I'm radioactive on all sides, now.


In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow Let's ignore the math HOT
Arrow Obama moves closer 
Arrow Hillary the Demon HOT
Arrow The Obama/Edwards Deal
Arrow On Earth, they'll wonder 
Arrow Why She keeps running HOT
Arrow I won't Miss the Silence 
Arrow Oil Tops $132
Arrow Jessica Alba & Mr. Cash 




In THE THIN WHITE LINE, author Craig DiLouie presents a terrifying vision about
how a pandemic might unfold, focusing on the Canadian experience but relevant to any country.

Click Here for the book's 'trailer'


"The odds are that our next President will be replacing more of the 
   liberal Supreme Court Justices than he will conservative ones."
      -- Lance mannion, warning of the disaster a McCain win would cause,  Link

 Will our nominee mention judges at every campaign stop?
 Or will they all but ignore it the way Gore and Kerry did?

 Why does our side try so hard to lose?

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Let's ignore the math

CNN says 54% of white voters in Kentucky say 'Obama shares Rev Wright's views,'
and they voted against him, giving Hillary another big victory over our all-but certain nominee.

What if the issue gets down to these two options?

1) We do the right thing and be fair to Obama 
2) The super-delegates nominate the candidate with the best chance?

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"This is why Democrats lose elections. The elite is always "above" doing anything that might 
appeal to THOSE PEOPLE. ..This is part of the reason the Washington elite hated Bill Clinton. 
A Democrat who appeals to the common man?  No no, can't have that!"  -
     -- Steve M,   Link

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Subject: Obama/Clinton


I don't think HRC should be VP.

She would make a kick ass Sec of State;
1)  It's a much better job than VP,
2) she can use experience/contacts she gained while First Lady,
3) it sets her up nicely for 2012 (unless the Mayans were right)
or 2016 when she would still be younger than McCain or Romney.
 Eric X

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"There was a time when the Democratic party went too far in the way of populism 
(William Jennings Bryant). Now we run away from it...I would think that Kerry, Gore, 
Dukakis, Mondale, McGovern, etc. would be some kind of lesson. Clearly not. 
This party needs to be held back a grade."
    -- tigercourse,    Link

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Victory moves Obama closer
 Please ignore his 35 point loss in Kentucky


Obama stepped to the brink of victory Tuesday night, defeating Hillary in Oregon and moving
within 100 delegates of the total he needs to claim the prize at the party convention this summer.

"You have put us within reach of the Democratic nomination," he told cheering supporters in Iowa.
Obama lavished praise on Clinton, his rival in a race unlike any other, and attacked McCain.

"You are Democrats who are tired of being divided, Republicans who no longer recognize the
party that runs Washington, independents who are hungry for change," he said,

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Subject: What happened to you?


 I getting a little fed up with answering that question...

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Devil in a Pantsuit, Hillary the Demon


CNN's Alex Castellanos said Democrats must realize that "it's time to take the family dog to the vet." 
Keith Olbermann expressed the hope that "somebody will take her into a room - and only he comes out." 
Jack Cafferty gleefully floated the specter of Clinton being run over by a flatbed truck. 
A recent Tribune editorial compared Clinton to a euthanized Kentucky Derby contender....

Death, death, death. The steady, depressing drumbeat continues. 

What these commentators seem to seek is not just Hillary's withdrawal - but her outright annihilation. 
They evoke the nightmarish vision of a commanding woman intent on destruction - thus she must
be destroyed before she can launch her evil scheme.

Gee, did somebody just wake up and see what we've been seeing for months?
Many of these sons of bitches are angry that she's still breathing.
How many times have we heard, "We have to run a stake thru her heart?"

They want her career destroyed, they want her reputation destroyed.
And what was her crime?  She wanted to win, which is something the Democrats
haven't seen since 1996, so they can't remember what that looks like.

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Subject: He can, she can't


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Thanks to the Wizard of Whimsy

Subject: BCR 140 - & New York Trip Report

Great report ...would have loved to go on music night.

Sorry about the bad time on Long Island ...there is a reason we call it Wrong Island.
It is the birthplace of such great Americans as Bill O'Reilly and Amy Fisher.
Now THERE'S a couple for ya!

Long Island is NOT NY ..
It is a wasteland  infested w/ mall slaves and Mets/Jets fans.
It is NJ with smaller hair.

 ha ha

Catch you next trip.

Nice to see you went to my fav. Italian place in The City
.... Chinaco and bocce ball next time!!
 Mario Morgado

Mario did a great job on the Bartcop shotglasses


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What did Obama promise Edwards?


John Edwards's endorsement of Obama seems par for the course for Hillary.
As soon as she wins, superdelegates endorse the other guy. As soon as she wins,
backers endorse her opponent. The more she wins, the more media decry her
staying in the race. The better she does, the worse she's made out to be. It's quite
a staggering and stunning beating that she's been taking from the liberal elite.

John Edwards's belated Obama endorsement is one in a series of blows. Clinton continued
to rack up massive margins in the very voting blocks that Edwards had courted and claimed
previous to dropping out. Beyond that, she also won over Obama's core voters.

The question is, given the fact that Clinton wins and wins big the Edwards constituents,
why would Edwards, the supposed populist bucker of the elite establishment, endorse
the candidate who loses his "own" group of voters and loses it big?

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Subject: Obama's Victory

Hey Bart,
Maybe I've asked you this question before.


Loving the New York report. 
It's turned me a serious shade of green:-)

Keep hammerin'
 Steve in NYC 

Steve, the end to the NY report will have to wait until I calm down.
I'm not happy about getting snubbed on that Hillary conference call.

Are they trying to piss off the very, very few sites that stuck with them?

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Subject: Hillary's independent run

Would you support Hillary running as an independent against Obama and McCain?

 To answer your question - no.

 Randi Rhodes has found another way to slur Hillary.
 She's predicting she'll "pull a Lieberman" and run as an independent
 just so she can screw the rightful King out of his place in history.

 Randi knows Hillary's not going to do that, but it's more red meat
 for the Hillary haters who hang on every slur coming out of Randi's mouth. 

 Randi called her "that fucking whore," and the Obama people defended her.
 "She's a comedian, get over it."
 "Free speech - got a problem with that?"

 But when I ask, "Why are white voters staying away?
 I'm told "Goodbye loser, I'll never read you again." 
 Maybe that free speech thing only goes one way?

 For the record, if Randi ever turns back into the rational girl that I loved,
 I could convince myself she "had a bad moment" that lasted 6 months.
 But it's possibly that Randi, Keith, Eddie as naseum will keep pounding 
 forever on the horse they swear has been dead since February.

 Funny, for a race that was "over" months ago, 
 Obama lost West Virginia by 41 points
 and he lost Kentucky by 35 points.

 Obama did well in Carolina and Oregon, but how many states do we have
 that are black-loaded like Carolina or extra-liberal like Oregon?

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Smooth and Creamy - the South's Finest Chocolate HOT


 Tell 'em Bart sent you.
 You won't get a discount, but it might be funny to hear, "Bart who?"

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Here on Earth, they'll wonder

It looks like Steny and the Blue Dogs are trying to arrange a deal to capitulate on telecom immunity,
again, reports Howie Klein: "Although the House voted against retroactive immunity, many suspect that
Hoyer has promised the Blue Dogs that he will deliver it in the negotiations. He made sure one of the
most vile Blue Dogs accepting telecom bribes, Iowa Congressman Leonard Boswell, would be in on
the negotiations." Boswell is facing a strong challenger in the Iowa primary from Ed Fallon (website),
who you might want to help out - but, in addition, Glenn Greenwald invites you to help to oust another
Blue Dog who has jumped on the same gravy train, Chris Carney of Pennsylvania. Blue American has
a big ad campaign against Carney on this issue and they could use some cash to keep it running.
And there's more.

Naomi Klein says the Chinese police state has turned out to be better than free markets for making
capitalism work - and now that American companies have helped them set it up, they are ready to
send it back to the "free" world.

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"He's right on just about everything - except for the Dallas Cowboys and Tiger Woods."
    -- bmbmd  on Demo Underground    Link

 Dude, thanks for that.
 Didn't know I had any friends left over there.

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 Subject: Write in Hillary

If Hillary is not the Dem's nominee, I will either stay home election day or write in Hillary.
Those who say the Dems will pull together are wrong.
Mary P

Mary, you can't do that.
You're helping the insane Fascists if you do that.

On election day, go in that booth, hit "Democrat" and walk out.
You'll be happy you did.

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    * Connect. Join a community
    * Listen. Individual artists have a vote
    * Support. Skip the middleman

Honesty in Media Quotes

"There is no question Donna Brazille pretends to be a neutral pundit but is a loyal 
Obama supporter. That's how the media propaganda works this election cycle. 
Obama pundits hide their bias by calling themselves neutral, then bash Hillary 
and speak positively of Obama." 
      -- Eddie3dfx,    Link 

 Eddie forgot to mention that the ONN does this on purpose.
 And can you believe they put Candy Crowley on Hillary?
 Candy would gladly give her arms & legs to have Der Monkey's Fascist bastard,
 so CNN assigns her to Hillary so she can put the nega-slant on every story.

"Begala and Carville were forced to say they are Hillary supporters every time
 they go on CNN which was the right move to make, so why shouldn't that same 
 label apply to all that are trying to shape the narrative?" 
    -- John Amato, "Undeclared Super Pundits",  Link

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Subject: Democrats

Mr. Bart: On your last page, you referred to the Democrats as:

> the Democrats wet their pants in fear, as usual.

> the scared bunny Democrats

> chicken-shit Democrats

In each case I'd say you were 100 percent correct. But such accurate references are why
I don't hold out a lot of hope for November. I've said it before: I'll vote for whomever is the Demo nominee.
I won't even need to hold my nose ... too much. But I'm really afraid the Dems are, once again,
going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Between that, being unemployed for the last two and a half years, now hopelessly in debt to credit card
companies and to friends who have helped us out, my wife's litany of health probems (she's disabled,
can't work), plus my getting another pair of helcoils in my chest after Xmas, I can get real depressed.

So. Thank you for having hope, and for putting out your Web page as often as you can.
It's invariaby the high point of my day, and it often give me hope in return. I'm thinking our luck
might turn around some day, and I'll actually be able to send you $ instead of compliments,
which are worth precisely what they cost you - nothing.

Anyway. Thanks again, and take care of your own bad, bad self. You don't even want to
end up like me, with bad health and wondering what the hell you're going to do today to
make rent, let alone keep the lights from getting turned off. ...

Best possible wishes,
 Charles E

Note: I told Charlie not to send me anything until he was fully back on his feet.

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"The argument that Clinton's supporters are racists proves that Obama is unelectable. 
  No candidate can win the general election if over half of Democratic voters refuses 
  to vote for him because he is black."
      --  MO Blue,

 CNN says 54% of white voters in Kentucky say 'Obama shares Rev Wright's views,'

 I'm haunted by this - are you?

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Subject: NAFTA

Way back in 1986 I worked at a company called Genicom that made printers.  We engineers were in
Waynesboro Virginia which is where all manufacturing started back when it was part of GE making relays
for things like the space program.  By the time I got to Genicom most of manufacturing was already being
done in Mexico - it was cheaper to make parts there and import them than to make them in Virginia.

NAFTA did not create the outsourcing problem by any means.  It actually hurt Mexican farmers as
US produce could be sent into Mexico cheaper than Mexicans could grow it.  Go figure.
What happened to those Mexican farmers?  A significant portion became illegal aliens in the US.

Car production often moved not to Mexico but to Canada FWIW.
American motors and later Chrysler made a lot of cars there.

Japanese companies make cars cheaper here than American companies because they have no
Americans on pensions.  If Ford paid no pensions to retired employees they'd be profitable now
and kicking some Toyota butt.
 Ole Zenferret....

 Zen, by "pensions" do you mean health care?

 Doesn't Toyota have retired folk to take care of in Japan?

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Why does Hillary keep running?


she may want to continue so she feels like she has exhausted her options
she hopes to seat FL and MI and remind the super-dels she won both
she could win the popular vote and try to sway the super-dels that way
she could be staying in case Obama makes another big gaffe like Rev Wright
    (Sidebar: Randi suggested she's staying in hoping that a KKK sniper gets lucky)
she could be pressuring Obama for the VP slot

 Maybe she's not the "surrender early" type.

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 Subject: Why don't we pump domestic oil?


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Oil Tops $132
 Super-rich Oil bastards want it all


Oil prices bolted to a new record above $132 a barrel Wednesday after the government manipulated
the market with a phoney report. And crude's rise in the futures market again pressured consumers by 
gouging higher prices at the pump  - regular rose overnight to a new record above $3.80 a gallon.

Light, sweet crude for July was up about $3, rising as high as $132.08 a barrel.
At the pump, the average price of regular gas rose to a record $3.80 a gallon.

"If you don't like it - impeach me.  No, wait... 
  Pelosi says that's off the table, so go to hell."

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I won't Miss the Silence
 Suddenly, I have respect for Marie Cocco


l will not miss the deafening, depressing silence of Howard Dean or other leading Democrats,
who haven't publicly uttered a word of outrage at the unrelenting, sex-based hate that has been
hurled at Hillary. Among those holding their tongues are hundreds of Democrats for whom Clinton
has campaigned and raised millions of dollars. Don Imus endured more public ire from the political
class when he insulted the Rutgers women.

Would the silence prevail if Obama's likeness were put on a tap-dancing doll that was sold at airports?
Would the media figures who dole out precious face time to these politicians be such pals if they'd compared
Obama with a character in a blaxploitation film? And how would crude references to Obama's sex organs play?

There are many reasons Clinton is losing the nomination contest, some having to do with her strategic
mistakes, others with the groundswell for "change." But for all Clinton's political blemishes, the darker stain
that has been exposed is the hatred of women that is accepted as a part of our culture.

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"What could be more fair than Chris-the-Hillary-hater joining Keith-the-Hillary-hater
  and Timmy-the-Hillary-hater for an honest, roundtable discussin of her chances in the
  Oregon primary.   Good thing MSGOP is an honest network that can be trusted."
     -- Bart, disgusted with America's opinionated election coverage

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Subject: can we survive Obama?

Bart, what makes you certain that we can survive Obama?
What makes you certain that he will help us?
What makes you certain what he stands for?

I spend a lot of time being confused...

There is no evidence that Obama is someone who we will be "lucky to survive."
Nobody can guarantee the actions of another and nobody knows what Obama thinks,
   they can only know what he claims to stand for.   That's not a slam, he's just relatively new.

There's every chance that Obama will be a great president.

The only certain doom is McCain - he's our enemy.

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"We will raise production when the market justifies it." 
      --  Ali Al-Naimi, Saudi Oil Minister, telling Bush to F.O. and die  Link

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Subject: Obama and my vote

There is no fricking way on this planet that I would vote for Obama. No way, no how,
wont even consider it. I would rather vote for Bob Barr, Nader or McCain.

I am so viscerally offended by the way the Obamanation smeared the Clintons that this
Latina's heart is hardened against the racist bull that was pulled by that ambitious empty suit
with the complicity of the whore media.

You can make all the fun of McCain you want.
Obama, for all the lying and sweet talk, is NOT qualified for the office.
Love you anyway but the bald viejito (little old man) probably will be it for me.
 MV in Honolulu

MV, I agree - it was the most shameful political slur in my lifetime.

But when you go to vote, just vote "Democrat" and leave the booth.

Don't let your understandable anger allow McCain to stack the Supreme Court
with more anti-Constitution, anti-civil rights, Bush-loving Fascists.

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Subject: Obama called them racists?

Bart, you wrote:

> "The most accomplished Black man in history says they're racists."

Can you dig me up the quote where he said that?

I know you're a comedy site, and one I've enjoyed a lot, but when you drop a
bomb like that, it's a good idea to back it up.   a long-time reader

John, you're right - the candidate himself has not used that phrase, personally,
but he certainly doesn't mind his celebrity "advisors" using that flammable language.

I should have said, "Obama's campaign" says the Clintons are racists and Obama 
benefits from the vile accusation while conveniently staying out of the gutter.

That Powers woman called Hillary "a monster."
Isn't "racist" a step up from "monster?"

CNN has Donna Brazile on every day, trashing the Clintons.
When that Obama-campaign-generated crap came out about LBJ and MLK, Donna Brazile
was screaming the loudest, "We, as black people, can't tolerate such racist talk."

Then Bill had the nerve to use Jesse Jackson's name in the same sentence as Obama and
once again, Brazile was screaming, "We, as black people, can't tolerate such racist talk."

And I know you'll say, "She's not officially on his campaign staff," but she ran Gore's campaign
and she wrote the rules that knocked out Florida and Michigan and CNN gave her that megaphone
so she could trash the Clintons while insisting, "I'm not endorsing either candidate" while she does it.

Even the biggest Obama fans will have to admit that he had NO CHANCE to be president
as long as the mutual love and respect between blacks and the Clintons continued.

The Clintons had to become racists.

Can anybody argue with that?

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Marty's Entertainment Page
always has good stuff.

Click on the E!

Subject: I must object

You're just mad cause Edwards went for Obama...
Was whoring yourself out for 10 delegates worth it?  Hahahahaha 

I don't get the joke, but the Edwards endorsement didn't mean a thing.
If Obama is "clearly the leader we need now," why didn't John say it months earlier?

No, Seriously....what do you think Obama promised Edwards for the backing???? 
Airport Blowjob?    Oh....wait...the Republican race has already been decided. 

C'mon Bart!!!  Your going to vote for him so why fight it?
Hammer on!!!!!
 Northern California Dave 

If Obama is the nominee you're damn right I'm voting for him.
I'll bet if I was for Obama, I'd get invited to the damn conference call.

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Subject: Float seen in a German parade

 Sent in by Eddy the Pillar

 I'm sure the Obama people will get a kick out of that,
 but won't it be funny only AFTER Obama wins the White House?

 IF Obama and the whore media manage to sideline our best knife-fighter,
 and then he loses the election in November, will it still be funny?

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DNC: Fractured Fairy Tales

 Subject: Bruce Yurgil (and others) on NAFTA


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Subject: I hate the corporate whore news

She wins BIG HUGE in KY and the bloviators are all: 'Nothing to see here everyone. 
Obama is almost to what he needs. Just move along.'

I am so sick of this shit Bart. 
Did you hear her speech? She's amazing. Just amazing.

And look this from Yahoo pol dashboard:

She wins 65% in KY and get this - in 2004, Kerry got 40% and KY is 57% DEM! 
Do we NOT get this?!!! Kerry loses, Gore losses but the Clintons WIN.
 Liz the Connector

 Liz, nobody wants to hear it.
 Maybe America figures it would be "neat" to have a black president
 the same way California thought it would be "neat" to have Gov. Terminator.

 People want what they want..

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Subject: Bush fails - and Mrs. Bart


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Worldwide Bartcop

They read it in Garden Grove, California

They read it in Wissen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

They read it in West Linn, Oregon

They read it in Yantai, Shandong, China (You guys OK there?)

They read it in Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

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Subject: Hey

Bart, it's a shame how many sites have passed on over the years. 
At least you are still going strong so we have a voice on the web.
 Jerry at

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We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog!

You like 'toons?

 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their 2003 Halliburton upgrade

Bush is stealing $220,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,

It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.

Exxon made $10B
$11.66 billion in profit in 90 days

Gouging us to the tune ofHOT
$129 million profit per day


Gouging us to the tune of
$1,300 profit per second
because Bush started a fake war

...and what did it cost America,
besides $3 trillion of debt for your kids?


Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...

Some don't.
x 4,076....4,079

We lost another 3 soldiers since last issue.

We now have 4,079 dead soldiers.

Hey guys, we'd like to bring you home,
but Bush is busy fighting appeasers


Exxon makes $108M$128M every day

That's why Bush
raped Iraq and killed Saddam!

How do we know for sure?
Iraq's oil wells have NO METERS!

 $200M-400M a day goes missing!

Where's that money going?

Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.

Subject: Donation

Thanks again for what you do. 
I'm probably more of an Obama supporter than Hillary supporter but for me it makes no difference. 
I'll vote and support whoever is nominated by the Democrats. 

(Heck, maybe the Republicans will make Obama a little meaner in the general election so that he 
won't be so concillatory with them if he is elected.  There should be Republicans arrested and 
turned over to the Hague. Others should just be arrested and tried in this country.) 

We do need to work on the Democrats but not until the Republicans go the way of the Bull Moose Party. 
I mean, Joe Leiberman rose far enough in the Democratic party to run for VP. 
What does that say about the party?

One thing it might say is Democrats are too quick to dump their heroes.
Reagan was a doddering old fool who raised taxes and gave weapons to terrorists,
and he's the biggest saint the Fascist bastards have in their Hall of Heroes. 

Clinton gave us peace and prosperity, and half the Democrats hate his f-ing guts.
And Kissyface was picked because Gore wanted to distance himself from our 'Reagan.'

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Jessica Alba marries Mr. Cash


 See the tasteful  Jessica Alba Picture Flood at BC Hotties


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Computer Tyme Hosting is owned by Marc Perkel, who first put Bartcop on the Internet back in 1996 and keeps  Bartcop online today.

Marc hosts several other political sites including American Politics Journal, Political StrikesFaux News Channel, Seeds of Doubt and interesting sites like the
Church of Reality - a religion based on believing in everything that is real.

Our motto for this year is - "No Anti-Bush Site Left Behind". So - if you have an anti-bush site and you are  choking on hosting fees or dealing with threats - let us know and we'll help keep you online.

 We also have that strongest server side spam filtering on the planet.
Check out Marx Mail for info on how you can have a Spam Free Email Account.

 Perkel's Church

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BCR Show #140

Much of BCR 140 was our
Trip Report to New York, April 08

Listen to it before you share it
There's some language in this show.

Click to Listen to Show 140

Click to download  Show 140

Thanks to Chicago Jim for the music.
Also, part of BCR 140 was recorded
late on Cinco de Mayo, if you get my drift.

Click Here for the BCR Archives

           Bart, this is my favorite Shirley picture - Elmer in Ohio

              Damn, you're right - ain't nothing wrong with that picture  :)

             What's your favorite Shirley picture?
             (Send the picture, don't send a description of the picture.)

 Got a Shirley picture we haven't run?

 Send it to us!  and BartCop are trademarks of attempts at humor


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