Weekend-Memorial Day May 24-27, 2008 Vol 2156 - Witless protection
Quotes "There is no question she was citing the RFK
murder of 40 years ago in the spirit of
I'm so old, I remember when people didn't believe in mind readers. But in 2008, if you claim you can read a Clinton's mind, you can
get rich
Mr. Goodwin, seeing you grinning from
ear to ear, practically giddy with glee discussing
What Hillary said was, "Primaries often
go into June," and then named two examples.
The Obama camp and the whore media made
the decision to be horribly outraged
Says 'No One Should Be Offended'
In a statement, Kennedy Jr. said: "It is clear
from the context that Hillary was invoking a familiar political
Bobby isn't free to speak his mind.
You don't mistakenly scream "rape" if there was
no rape. Screaming "rape"
Remember how mad Obama fans got when they quoted
Obama saying,
Or when Obama said, "Bitter
people cling to guns & religion?"
But when Hillary mentions a historical point from 40 years ago, the
Obama camp and
Gosh, for a Clinton hater, can it get any better than this?
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Quotes "Hey, I know it looks bad for me now. But,
think about it.
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Subject: Obama accuses Clinton of stoking up anger? Obama is accusing Clinton of stoking up
anger in Michigan and Florida over the Democratic Party's
If Florida and Michigan aren't counted in the
primary then how do you think they will vote in the general
Marc Perkel
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How small stories become big news!!! Excerpt:
A shot of Chinaco for the guy who
wrote that.
Important stories, after months of serious reporting,
can disappear with barely a whisper
This Just In...
This weekend's feigned outrage over Her RFK remark
is an especially vivid example
The truth about what Clinton said was entirely beside the point. Her comment was only big news when set aflame
by a pro-Obama media more
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Subject: re Hillisteria over RFK! Bart, this is total insanity, what we are witnessing here? It's the total meltdown of American media.
It's sad, it's scary, it's mob behavior.
RFK Jr. issued a statement of support for Hillary
yesterday. The Argus editorial board
Why aren't CNN, MSNBC, Air America et al the whores
I can answer that last question:
They are in the revenue generating business
and they can make slightly more money
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NY Whore Paper Headlines "HILLARY SAID WHAT?
Saw the headlines on Meet the Whore
where this week, Timmy had SIX
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What Bartcop said > Barack also said there was "no place for
that in this campaign," but, of course,
Bingo. Double bingo. Triple f-ing bingo.
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Subject: Betrayal ![]() Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Subject: rising gas prices Bart, Today I heard some Euro-trash say that Americans
are "whining" about high gas prices.
1. My home state is bigger than most European
These f-ing people....
Steve, in Europe, the price of gas is higher but they get free health care. They might pay an extra $100 a month for petrol,
What could you do with an extra $900 a month?
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How we plan
to screw Obama
ha ha Christ!
"...the issue of race will subside?" ha ha I don't know the stock market terms like a man of my intellect should,
Am I the last sane man in North America? It's frustrating to see half the Democrats falling
into this trap.
They forget - they're called the "whore" press
for a reason.
Instead, voters will begin scrutinizing Obama
as a man and decide the race
Oh, perfect!
If you're not convinced he's qualified, why are you giving him millions
of dollars worth of positive
My nightmare:
"Bart, why didn't you tell us this was coming?"
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Will Obama stay
'above the fray?'
Or will he agree to fight the bastards?
Subject: Belinda, last issue Bart:
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Nobody really cares about Florida or Michigan, right?
Subject: Hillary-Obama wars You are so right about the Hillary-Obama wars.
You need to watch what you say.
But I've voted for every Democrat since McGovern
and nothing will change.
We've officially gone insane.
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South's Finest Chocolate
Child Abuse
Accusations of sexual abuse by U.N. peacekeepers
and aid workers around the world have increased
The study found a huge range of exploitation and
abuse: children trading sex for food, forced sex,
I've mentioned geography as the big factor. If you're born in Kennebunkport, you can own this
planet even if you're an evil, brainless prick.
Too bad God couldn't come up with a fair way of distributing wealth. But it's the same way with sexual slavery.
Thanks again, God.
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Subject: shame on Hillary Who's hand was up Hillary's back when said.
won't drop out of the race
Really? Is that what she said? I'll bet you can't produce audio or video of her saying that. Oh, but you can find it in PRINT, in
thousands of blogs and news stories,
Your media is lying to you again.
C'mon Bart, you've already lost your mind-go
for it!
John, go for what?
Why would I agree to accept media
horseshit and throw away the facts?
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Quotes "Insulting Bill and/or Hillary Clinton does
not appear to be the primary goal of any of
Yea, that's insulting.
It would appear I have insulted Mr or Ms. CAFKIA, but I can't
be sure because
I find it odd that in this political season, asking "why
black Americans so readily deserted
Would it have been less insulting if I had a black friend ask the question, instead? Is it wrong to ask why the Clintons oldest and best friends have left them? How many years must a man be in politics before he can ask such a question? What alternate words could I have used that would've been les insulting? Or is it just not acceptable to ask questions any more?
Is it our duty to fall in line behind Obama and hope?
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Subject: Obama Dear Bart: long time reader, lifelong Democrat. I cannot and will not vote for Obama this fall.
I understand your position on Democratic unity,
I predict that if Obama is elected the result
will be so bad that the Dems will quickly lose their
Please consider this -- I'd love to read your
thoughts on the issue.
Mark, first thing - vote democrat in
November - you have to or you're condemning
Second, Obama could be the next FDR - we just don't know. When you call up a player from your farm
club and he gets 3 hits in his first game,
It looks like Democrats are sidelining their
.330 hitter to give the new kid a chance.
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Quotes "Because a person - who can let hang in mid-air
the prospect that she might be
Who knew "invoking" would get so many pundit panties in a wad?
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Message: Hillary will murder hundreds of
2 minute video
Subject: I wrote the HRC campaign Dear Bart, Yesterday I wrote a harsh letter to the HRC camp
and told them exactly what I think of the way
Still have not received any answer from them as
of this AM, don't expect to, only got the usual
The worst part was seeing them give tens of thousands of dollars to
Throwing huge sums of money at the Great and Powerful KOS was almost
as stupid as
I used to say Hillary's campaign was the only one who didn't need my
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Why Would
I Drop Out Before Obama Is Assassinated?
In an interview, Hillary Clinton brought up Bobby
Kennedy's June, 1968 assassination
"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in
1992 until he won the California primary
She has a point: June is a great month for political assassinations. Why drop out of the race before all the assassins
have had their say?
So, it's wrong to say campaigns often last
thru June
I guess if you hate the Clintons, there's no such
thing as out-of-bounds...
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Subject: Can someone please kick Howard Dean in the balls... ...and get him to set up the freaking unity ticket???
'Bout half the dems like her, half like him
The Democrats are damned determined to lose this thing. I have a horrible feeling we're going to be hailing
Herr Fuhrer McCain (or his
VP when he dies).
Phil, I hope we're both wrong. Howard Dean seems to be content to stand there and do nothing
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Good point.
60 Minutes Quotes KROFT: "A number of years ago, Colin Powell
was thinking about running for president,
MICHELLE: "...as a black man, Barack can
get shot going to the gas station..."
If Hillary had said that, the Clintons would probably have to leave the country. Sometimes statements of fact are acceptable ...and sometimes they're not. It all depends on how fast you can fake
some outrage and who the media wants to harm.
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Fake Scandal
It's absurd to suggest, as some Obama supporters
immediately did, that Mrs. Clinton was making
Yet the claim that she was playing the race card,
which was promoted by some Obama
Obama will be the Democratic nominee. But he has
a problem: many grass-roots Clinton supporters
It's up to Obama to deliver the unity he has always
promised - starting with his own party..
Six months ago, Democrats were as united
as I've ever seen in my 54 years,
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![]() Guys - trust me.
GOP mulls McCain 'blowout' Excerpt:
50 electoral votes is considerably larger than either Bush "victory." "A win by 40 or 50 electoral votes would be a
watershed event with all the issues that were stacked
Anything I
said here would only make you more angry.
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I wanted to give the site credit, but I lost the link.
Old business I think I got two e-mails on Randi's Hillary-will-murder-me insanity. I got zero
e-mails on why Idaho's 13,000 vote victory got more delegates
...but I got a lot of e-mails pointing out how much Molly hated
the Clintons.
If I could just learn to concentrate on what's important...
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![]() Subject: Think about it... If the football game is over, the final score
has been posted, and the lights are off,
And, what should we think of their fans who still
sit in the bleachers, cheering wildly
Keith I can prove you're not being honest - you ready? If the game is over, then let's bet on who won. That's so simple, I'm surprised you didn't think of it first. > What odds can a delusional old friend get? > From the way you talk, I'd say 20-1 is about right - what do you
> I'll take the "immoral, desperate, no-integrity, position-changing,
> C'mon, let's gamble like men and help some sick kids in the process. > Do we have a deal? > Wait, let me guess - gambling is wrong, am I correct? ha ha
The game is over, the final score has been posted and the lights are
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It pays to advertise on bartcop.com We're in our busy season...
Quotes "China, the ChiComs, signed a one-billion-dollar
nuclear fuel deal with the Russkies,
Thanks to MicMac
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Election Year Anomoly This year, Obama and McCain have both had to back away from religious insanity. Most election years, the candidates are forced to cozy up
to religious insanity,
On CNN last night, some Catholic dude said Rev Hagey (sp?) has
been attacking
Do you think once a year all the religio-frauds go to Vegas and
do some cocaine
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Subject: I am pissed Bart this is such bullshit.
I have always said that I would vote for Obama,
but they must understand how hard it is
For sure, they DO NOT understand that.
They can't see anything but Obama's greatness
- and what's odd is they demand
They trash her and her supporters as if we are
all evil twisted retards.
Me too, but maybe this will go away when we get a nominee - or
a ticket.
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Subject: the worst race card I've ever seen Bart, I just found a website by an otherwise-somewhat-reasonable
blogger (a black attorney in Philadelphia)
It's disgusting.
It is titled "You know I have seen this picture a few times before, but I never noticed Hillary and Bill." http://field-negro.blogspot.com Has any Clinton-supporting site ever put up anything
so hateful?
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Entertainment Page
Subject: 75,000 came out to see Obama? Unmentioned in national reporting was the fact
that Obama was preceded by a rare, 45-minute
They led us to believe all those people showed up to hear Obama. If only the whore media would give us the facts, but noooo...
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In THE THIN WHITE LINE, author Craig DiLouie presents
a terrifying vision about
Hi Bart! We took a 16-day trip to Europe.
They say if you wear a WPE t-shirt in a bar in Europe
Subject: the choices we make Obama doesn't have a snowballs chance in
Hell of winning the real deal, but he'll walk away with
I give the repubs until just when our convention
starts before they start playing hardball.
"It's the Democrat's to lose," was what
they all said last Nov/Dec.
May God Bless America, or at least have
mercy on Earth itself.
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We got pounded by a six hour hail storm Sunday night,
Subject: Clintons killing people Yes they kill people, they stack them up like
cord wood in a secret room in Clinton's presidential library.
Freerepublic.com, Gene Robinson, Dana Milbank,
Mo Dowd, Randi Rhodes, Kos,
You might notice that all but one of these sources
are democrats, so that should be proof enough.
Bill, you forgot, Consortiumnews.com, Huffy Post, MSGOP, CNN, The New
York Whore Times
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Facts and opinions Obama and Hillary each have about half the party - I'd say that's
a fact.
So if Obama does NOT choose her as his running mate, my opinion
is that he'll piss off
Obama's pride forces America to endure another four years of Bush's disaster
The future of the planet, the history of America and tens
or hundreds of thousands
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Things would be a lot easier for Obama if Hillary
Our whore press I got an e-mail from a friend whose husband trained a very famous horse. "There are reporters out to the barn every
day trying to get my husband to say
Because her husband is a good man, he's not taking
the bait, but isn't that just like
You can't say it too often: Fuck the press.
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Subject: can't always get what you want? What is it now with you!!
Are those questions?
We have to make Hillary VP or she won't go away
She has maybe 49% of the party and the momentum.
I use to come on here every dAY, BUT NOW YOU JUST
I take it you're an Obama fan?
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Subject: hey from Moscow Hi Bart, I've been watching this whole thing unfold for
awhile now
Sitting here in Moscow (not in Idaho but the real
deal), Russia,
The only one who fits the bill is Hillary.
The guys here are gearing up for McSame to win
Don't give up on Hillary. She's our only
hope. Obama just doesn't have what it takes
Keep it up my man,
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Worldwide Bartcop They read it in Benin, Nigeria They read it in Monroe, North Carolina They read it in Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Indonesia They read it in Suplee, Pennsylvania They read it in Plac, Pays de la Loire, France
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Subject: the Clinton plan to win Bottom line: She said she's staying in the race, among other reasons, just in case some crazy assassinates Obama. No, that's what the lying whore media claimed she meant to imply. Keith Olbermann said
He has to lead you to the conclusion that She
wants someone to shoot Obama
Is your English so bad that you need to whore media to tell you what she said? This is
just unbelievable.
FP, what's unbelievable is that you'd fall for it. They said, "Bitch,
it's May, why you still in this race?"
and her reply was,
But you've chosen to hear something else. In a couple of weeks, your heroes in the media
are going to turn on Obama
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We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog! You like 'toons?
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
Bush is stealing $220,000,000 every day. No wonder they were so eager to start a war, It's the biggest theft in Earth's history. Exxon made
Gouging us to the tune of
...and what did it cost America,
Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...
We lost another 3 soldier since last issue. We now have 4,083
dead soldiers.
Hey guys, we'd like to bring you home,
That's why
How do we
know for sure?
$200M-400M a day goes missing! Where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
Subject: why blacks possibly feel insulted There is a general but, rarely openly stated,
view that blacks are supporting Obama
The possible insult is the intimation that we
could not or would not do a complex analysis
So, if 92 or 93 percent of blacks vote for for the black candidate,
To be a good Democrat, I have to say 92 percent does NOT constitute
a trend?
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Subject: Donation Hi Bart: Always a pleasure to donate to
I'm a Hillary supporter and I'm concerned about
the infighting.
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