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 Tuesday   Oct  21, 2008    Vol 2233 - Master of Disaster


Quote of the Day

"Every time I've been ahead, I've messed up."
       -- Grumpy     Link


In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow GOP sinks to new lows 
Arrow All as sleazy as McCain? HOT
Arrow Can McCain Swing Florida?
Arrow "War Counsel" in Adirondacks HOT
Arrow The Real Scandal 
Arrow Civil war on the Right HOT
Arrow Now we are 'rednecks' 
Arrow Smallville's Kristin Kreuk 



"Find your Mom's most conservative suit and clunkiest pumps and borrow an aging 
   relative's reading glasses. Twist your hair into an updo and wink regularly."
       -- USA Today's advice on making a Sarah Palin Halloween costume    

 Don't forget to snarl a lot and scream, "Obama pals around with terrorists!"

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McCain vs the Lie Detector

Desperate GOP sinking to new lows
 Maybe the voters should punish them...


Facing the prospect of a catastrophic defeat in two weeks and, with it, possible relegation to 
minority party status in all branches of the national government, McCain, Caribou Barbie, the RNC
and their affiliated partisans are flailing around in a disoriented fit of pique...

As for Palin, in North Carolina on Friday, she implied that only some parts of the United States are 
"pro-America." The very next day, McCain senior adviser Nancy Pfotenhauer, a self-described 
"proud resident" of Oakton, Va., said the parts of the commonwealth outside the Washington suburbs 
are the "real Virginia" and will thus be "responsive to Senator McCain's message."

Here's what real Americans are doing: writing checks to Mr. Obama...
And here is what real Americans are not doing: making angry outbursts at campaign rallies.

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"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Obama like they did JFK. 
The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator to be president. 
We're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. 
Gird your loins. We're gonna win with your help, God willing, we're gonna win, but this is 
not gonna be an easy ride...I probably shouldn't have said all this because the press is here." 
      -- Joe Biden, promising a terrorist attack if Obama wins,   Link

 Joe, why are you doing your John Kerry impersonation now?
Shut the hell up about all the bad things 
that'll happen if Obama wins the White House.

 Are you crazy?
 Barack, send Kerry and Biden to Fiji for 2 weeks.
 They'll blow this for you if they get the chance...

 Why do most Democrats have a loser fetish?

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Are they all as sleazy as McCain?


Either because of age or recent immersion in politics, a lot of readers have asked, is it really usually this bad?
Do they all get this sleazy? As sleazy as McCain?

The simple answer, I think, is, No. They don't. I don't think there's any question that McCain's is the dirtiest
and most dishonest campaign, certainly in the last 35 years and possibly going much further back.

You may say, wait, Willie Horton? The Swift-boat smears? What about those?

But here's the key point, one that is getting too little attention. 
President Bush's father didn't run the Willie Horton ad.

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 Subject: Vote with your wallet

Please cancel your subscription to the Tampa Tribune
and other newspaper that endorses McCain-Palin-Bush.

Every day!


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"Making ugly attacks, below the radar, with automated calls is fundamentally gutless. 
  After watching the campaign unfold over the last several months, many of us have come 
  to expect dishonesty and dishonor from McCain, but this is the most meaningful example 
  of cowardice we've seen this year. Worse, McCain knows this. He hated this kind of 
  campaigning when it was used against him eight years ago."
      --  Steve Benen on McCain's robocall slurs,   Link

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The Real Scandal
 by Bob Herbert


It never ends. The GOP never gets tired of spraying its poison across the American political landscape.

So there was a Michele Bachmann, (R-MN) telling Chris Matthews that the press should start investigating 
members of the House and Senate to determine which ones are "pro-America or anti-America."

Can a rancid Congressional committee be far behind? Leave it to a right-wing Republican to
long for those sunny, bygone days of political witch-hunting.

Ms. Bachmann's demented desire ("I would love to see an exposé like that") is of a piece with the G.O.P.'s 
unrelenting effort to demonize its opponents, to characterize them as beyond the pale, different from ordinary
patriotic Americans - and not just different, but dangerous, and even evil.

But the party is not content to stop there. Even better than demonizing opponents is the more powerful 
and direct act of taking the vote away from their opponents' supporters. The Republican Party has made 
strenuous efforts in recent years to prevent Democrats from voting, and to prevent their votes from being 
properly counted once they've been cast.

I heard a discussion on the radio yesterday - after the GOP meltdown on Nov 4th,
after the Democrats get the White House and maybe even a veto-proof senate, 
they're going to have to re-brand themselves as something different to win another election.

Who will grab the reigns of power?
The fiscal conservatives, who hate Bush for his $5 TRIL spending spree?
The religious conservatives, who think McCain isn't Palin enough?
The Neo-Cons, who screwed the world for short-term political gain?

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Subject: your page

today was the first time i have ever viewed it.
and to say i laughed till i cried would be an understatement .
albeit the tears only filled my eyes but they were  tears none the less.

i wish you all the best!!
keep doing what your doing
and congrats on your success so far!!

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by Wizard of Whimsy


"Dan Quayle has advised Sarah Palin to 'just be yourself.' 
  Unfortunately, he spelled 'yourself' with three 'l's' and a '6.'" 
     -- Amy Poehler, who's leaving after the election - and then she's gone...

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Subject: your comment on Apple Ads


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"They remind me of Mr. Drummond and Willis on Different Strokes." 
      -- Jimmy Kimmel, about Obama and Biden

  Relax, it's a joke...

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Civil war on the Right
 I like it when it's on their side


There's a civil war erupting on the right, and Colin Powell is caught in the crossfire.

The split has been deepening for months as some of the nation's top conservative commentators 
have soured on McCain's campaign and ridiculed Palin as qualified for the heartbeat-away job. 
High-profile dissidents include David Brooks, Peggy Noonan, George Will, David Frum, 
Kathleen Parker and Christopher Buckley.

The depth of the division was apparent when Laura Ingraham declared on her radio show, 
"They're not conservatives when it counts." She said these pundits could say whatever they wanted, 
"just don't call yourself a conservative," and that they shouldn't be booked on television.

Yes, we need a cage match - conservative against conservative. 

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Subject: Powell says Palin not ready

General Colin Powell, endorsing Barrack Obama for president, said that one of the reasons 
is that Sarah Palin is not ready to be president.   

Perhaps Palin should call a press conference to dispute all those who say she's not ready. 
But she doesn't do press conferences so I guess she can't prove her critics wrong. 
If you can't do a press conference you're not ready to be president.

Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.

She even joked about that on SNL, saying, 
"If I did press conferences, I don't think they'd look like that" (Fey doing a press conference.)

If McCain doesn't think she's ready to ride without his training wheels,
maybe we should take McCain's word for it and point that out?

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"Do you think Obama could fix his own toilet if it was stopped up? 
  What?  The Messiah uses toilets?'"
       --  Rush Limbaugh, struggling with his syphilitic afasia

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 Subject: troops in American streets

Bart, a US Army brigade has about 2500 men.  
The 1st Infantry Division is about one of the meanest, smartest, and most professional 
combat units in the world.  They have members from every part of the United States.  
But 2500 of them are not going to control civil unrest across the entire United States. 

The US military takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies
foreign and domestic.  Some of them are Bush Weed Whacker supporters, but not all of them. 

If this is all that Bush has to stop civil unrest, then he isn't trying.
 Frank D.
 U.S. Navy, Retired

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If I was on Obama's staff, I'd push to make McCain pay for that.

I'd have a dozen women on our ads saying, 
"Maybe John McCain isn't concerned with 
""women's lives,"" but we know Obama is!"

When McCain screws up, he must be punished!

But, ... it looks like they're going to win this without my help :)

But the thing is, if you f-ing punish them early 
and then you f-ing punish them some more,
they get tired of beating their heads against the wall.

That's the real way to play rope-a-dope.

Marty's Entertainment Page

Marty always has good stuff.

Click on the E!

Can McCain Swing Florida?


No Democratic presidential nominee has won Sarasota County, set on one of the most affluent and 
conservative strips of Florida's Gulf Coast, since Franklin Roosevelt did in 1944. It's home to loyal 
Republicans like Katherine Harris, the Bushslut that robbed America of their right to vote. But in 2008, 
women like Joan Smith Geyer may decide Sarasota's outcome. Geyer, 62, is among a growing number 
of Sarasota Republicans voting for Obama. A big reason, she says, is that McCain hasn't proved to be 
the GOP moderate that Floridians thought their moderate GOP governor, Charlie Crist, was endorsing 
during the state's primary race in January. "I don't agree with the fear tactics the McCain campaign has 
been using here," says Geyer, who has even offered one of her empty rental properties as an Obama 
campaign office. "If McCain had picked Crist as his running mate, he might be having an easier time here."

You'd think Grumnpy would do OK with othyer old geezers... 

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Subject: Bart, nice page yesterday

Just wanted to say...
AWESOME page always...but particularly good today. 
Forwarded lots of stuff.
> Subject: are you still pissed?
One of the best responses EVER.
Gino Ruberto
Champlin, MN
P.S. Wish I could get Malloy here. Worst AIR-AMERICA affilliate EVER! 950am. 
They play BASKETBALL games in prime-time. Malloy is on at 1:00 am. 
I'm a night bartender so I get the tail end of it after closing, but the signal is almost inaudible. ARGH! 

Dude, get Mike on your computer!

You can hear Mike's show on


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"The know three things about this Joe the plumber - he's opinionated, he's extremely 
  conservative, and we're not so sure about the plumbing. Oh my God, he's Ann Coulter!" 
       --  Bill Maher

 I still need to write that Religulous review.

 Go see it, but be sure the theater is empty (Don't go Fri-Sat nights) because
 the laughing will drown out the next line and you don't want to miss any of it.

 I saw it with a crowd of about six people at a 2PM showing last Tuesday afternoon
 and you can't help but laugh out loud real hard a dozen or more times in the movie.

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"War Counsel" meets in Adirondacks
 Didn't they also meet the morning of 9-11?   What are they planning?



Powerful generals and admirals from some of the most powerful nations on Earth are reportedly 
meeting somewhere in the local area this weekend after flying into the Adirondacks on Friday.

Among the passengers of a large Boeing 757 airplane with "United States of America" printed on its 
fuselage were top members of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and their counterparts from France, 
Germany and another country, possibly Great Britain, according to Barry DeFuria, an Airport 
Committee member who was there when the plane landed. A top military delegation from Italy 
flew in on a separate Falcon airplane, DeFuria said.

Bush has 90 days left and he's planning something?
I don't like the way this smells, but then, everything the Bush bastards do stinks.

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Saw it on

Subject: Obama's tax pledge

One thing I'd like to see Obama say is that *his* taxes will go up under his plan because he makes over the limit.  
Make it personal - "My taxes will go up, John and cindy McCain's taxes will go up, but your taxes will go down!"  
That would show that he's taking one for the team so the rest of us can have slightly better lives.

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CHILL Dark t-shirts


Mens and women's shirts, v-necks,
tank tops, hoodies, sweatshirts in tons of colors.

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Also available this way:

Buy a shirt if you think "Obama's got this."

After McCain's gigantic screw-ups,
I think Obama's got this.

Got Plans for Election Night?

Spend Election Night here with us - in the Live Chat Room.
It's free, there's hardly any rules and it's all the drugs you can handle :)

It wouldn't hurt to check out the signing up part in advance.
it can be a little tricky, but if I can do it anybody can.

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We have reached $8,000HOT

Special thanks to C.C. in Hollywood!!

Help us get to $10,000 by election night!

Anything will help $5, $10 $25 or more!

Subscribe to Bartcop

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Option: If you want to donate on a regular basis
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Bart, call me so I can sign up!


If you're interested in some Bartcoppers-only Fult Tilt Dollar Tourneys let me know.

When you sign up, tell them 'Bartcop' referred you
and they'll give you and me a bonus of some kind.
Deposits are easy and instant.

If we can get 9 people we can have a private game.

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Subject: Election night pledge

Bart, I like Ken's idea of pledging for every GOP state that that Obama takes away from McCain.
Give me $5 per state too.
 Eric X

Eric is talking about Ken's pledge 


> Right now Obama is ahead in 9 of those states. (  CO FL IA MO NV NM ND OH VA )
> To get the ball rolling, I pledge $5 for each of those states that Obama takes.

> I'd pledge more but I sent $200 to Obama.

Subject: Election night pledge

Bart, I'll pledge US$10 for every red state that goes for Obama, 
so be sure and call in this marker when we get our big win in November.
 That One in Seattle

Of course, I'm extra grateful for all pledges and donations.
It would be great if we could retire that 2008 thermometer Election Night.

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Subject: Letter to the Red States HOT


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Treehouse Crossword Puzzle 36


 Today's Puzzle is Name that Movie

 Thanks to GK!

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Drive-By News

Oklahoma is such a backwards, racist shithole, McCain leads by 37 points.

Obama leaving campaign trail to visit ill grandmother 

I hope she lives long enough to see her boy in the White House.

Josh Marshall is Still Smearing Hillary - Isn't it time to let go?

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Worldwide Bartcop

They read it in Siena, Toscana, Italy 

They read it in Cairo, Al Qahirah, Eqypt 

They read it in Oslo, Norway

Greg & Terri read it in Bloomingburg, N.Y 

They read it in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada 

  Want to sell stuff everywhere?

They have money - their economy isn't run by a religiously-insane moron.

 Why sell to America when you can sell to the world?

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We need more blog writers.
Can you write?
Do you have opinions?

E-mail Chicago Jim to get started.

Now we are 'rednecks'


On the heels of telling the PittsburgH Tribune Review that racism would play into the vote in 
Western PA for president next month, Rep. Jack Murtha told a PittsburgH  TV station that it's 
difficult for many in the area to change, saying just five to 10 years ago the entire area was "redneck."

You have to wonder how residents of Pennsylvania like the descriptive phrases that have been piled on 
in the past few months. First, it was bitter and God and gun clinging, then it was racist, now they are rednecks."

First, stop whining.
You're being talked about because you're evenly split and you're important.

If Pennsylvania isn't half racist, why did Hillary beat Obama by 80 points?
(Don't write, it's a joke)
And as long as there's an Oklahoma, you don't have to worry about being the most racist state.

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 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their big Halliburton upgrades

Bush is stealing up to 6 million barrels of oil per day.
Since oil has sold for $125 or more per barrel,
Bush is stealing $750,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history but
our whore media is too busy to investigate.

4,184 brave men and women,
will never come home...


...all because of Bush's oil greed

Why are we there?
Because Iraq's oil wells have NO METERS!

Where's all that oil money going?

Subject: Donation

Bart, here's a donation to make the hammer higher.
Could you run this message from my dogs?
 Chris N

            "McCain, you're out!  Don't force us to get tough!"

You betcha!

 Click to Subscribe or Donate


or send a "love" check to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK  74155

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Smallville's Kristin Kreuk



 See a flood of tasteful, mostly-clothed, Kristin Kreuk Pictures in BC Hotties


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