Halloween 2008 Vol 2240 - Bible Spice
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Quotes "What's the deal with the Straight Talk Express?
You rail against big government, yet continue
"Neil Cavuto, McCain is losing because of a
disastrous 8 years of policy decisions
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How Stupid are Texans? Excerpt:
The Obama-is-a-Muslim confusion is caused by fallacious
Internet rumors and Nazi talk radio.
The Texas numbers are unusual because just 5 to
10 percent still believe Obama is a Muslim
I guess when it comes to being extra stupid,
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The Paulson Swindle Excerpt:
These are dynamite facts that demand immediate
action to halt the bailout deal and correct its giveaway terms.
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Quotes "Palin is a nasty and very skilled political
opportunist who is giving as good as she's getting,
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Norm Coleman: 4th Most Corrupt Excerpt:
Some could argue that if Norm Coleman is in the
top 4, then Al Franken gave Coleman the benefit of
ha ha Coleman must feel like he's been caught in a tractor's nuts.
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Subject: Too much lipstick - not enough pig It looks to me like the McCain/Palin ticket has
turned into the
Ever since the the Republican ticket was called
"Lipstick on a Pig"
If McCain can't keep Lipstick from going maverick
on him,
Marc Perkel
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How Dumb
is Sarah Palin?
Damn, that means she's got 19 points on me...
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http://www.bartcop.com/chainsaws.htm Thanks to
Quotes "David Sedaris framed the choice with this
metaphor: "Can I interest you in the chicken?
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Bart, I'm giving McCain 143 electoral votes
Sports Round-Up
Poker, Survivor and this week's Football Picks!
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saw it on whatnowtoons.com
Subject: Waiting to Exhale Bart, Since 2000 my political emotion has been one of
deep anger.
In 2006, when Democrats made big gains in Congress,
I was thrilled. But that didn't last long as Democrats
Now we are nearing the end of eight years of political
I don't trust the Rethugs not to try something.
McCain wants to be president so badly he turned into
But I feel pretty good about things.
Having to say WTF??? -again- is not an option.
Mary Lou, I think you speak for 5.5 billion people.
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Marty's Entertainment Page Marty always has good stuff.
Trying to Decide Option Two
Now with working link!
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Subject: letter in Lakeland, FL Ledger Disappearing GOP I have seen a trend in this election on the part
of many Republican politicians.
Is he ashamed to admit that he is a Republican rubber stamp for George W. Bush? He has had eight years to work on our energy problems.
Sorry, Adam, but you had your chance and you chose
to follow the worst president ever
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Dickipedia on the vulgar Pigboy ha ha
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Vote Early if You Can You know those sons of bitches will give you broken machines on Election Day. You know those sons of bitches will say, "You're not on our list - You can't vote." You know those sons of bitches will make you wait 5 hours to vote - if you're Black You know those sons of bitches will try to change your 'Obama' vote to 'Fascist Dogs.' After you vote - check and see if it counted it correctly. You know those sons of bitches will steal it if you let them
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Subject: thanks, Dude Hey Bart: On this weekend before the election, I just wanted
to thank you for helping to
You have worked you butt off for your nation and
that's what a true patriot is.
Your Pal,
It was a tough year, but if we de-Bush-bastard
the White House
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What if we could guarantee
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Banner ads by the day,
Quotes "Just this past week, we saw what Barack Obama
said about judges. He said,
If there was a God, he might strike you dead for lying, Mr Bond.
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CHILL Dark t-shirts $26.59 Mens and women's shirts, v-necks,
Also available this way:
Buy a shirt if you think "Obama's got this." After McCain's gigantic screw-ups,
Got Plans for Election Night? Spend Election Night here with us - in
the Live Chat Room.
It wouldn't hurt to check out the signing up part in advance.
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Obama: Vote
for a Clinton Economy
The average working family is $2,000 dollars
poorer now than when George Bush took office.
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Subject: that Victoria Jackson quote Bart -- I was reading that quote LAUGHING because I thought
she was KIDDING!!
That was the funniest thing to come out of her
mouth in YEARS...
What's the first thing a blonde does in the morning?
She goes home.
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Only 4 days left
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The McBush GOP Pumpkin eats its own. That's Elizabeth
Dole going in now and
Subject: Election night pledge Hey, I want to take the pledge too: $5 for every
red state that turns blue (my favorite color!)
But if MsInsane and Bible Spice win, I'm moving
to Europe where they've had their fling with fascism.
He's talking about Ken's
November 4th could turn out to be the Party of the Decade!
Trust me, we'll have more/better/faster news than CNN. All we need now is an Obama victory!
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Make your kids smarter! Great Prices w/ Free Shipping Shopping online? Use this Amazon
portal and
Inhofe to
ACORN: "I'll kill all of you"
"Acorn led these Cubans to my house to protest,"
the Alva Review-Courier quotes Inhofe as saying.
"Inhofe said he went home and spoke to the protesters
in Spanish, telling them,
Inhofe is running against Andrew Rice this time.
Had I been running Rice's campaign,. I would've printed what people
say about Inhofe,
We'd still lose, of course, but these Okie rubes are PROUD of Inhofe.
Of course, he's totally against, "niggers,
beaners and faggots," so he's bulletproof
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We have tons of great 'toons on the Bart Blog!
Subject: what is a MILF? Bart, people keep calling Sarah Palin a MILF.
Murphy, it means Moose Injuring Lost Female.
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Worldwide Bartcop They read it in Aix-en-Provence, Provence-Alps, somewhere Milt reads it in Embarrass, Minnesota (In the woods) They read it in Sofia, Grad Sofiya, Bulgaria They read it in Louth, Ireland They read it in Bangkok, Krung Thep, Thailand
Want to sell stuff everywhere? They have money - their economy isn't run by a religiously-insane moron. Why sell to America when you can sell to the world?
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barrels daily before
Bush invaded
Bush is stealing up to 6 million barrels of
oil per day.
No wonder they were so eager to start
a war,
brave men and women,
...all because of Bush's oil greed
Why are
we there?
Where's all that oil money going?
Subject: No Affirmative Action Republicans With the polls favoring Obama, Republican politicians
in House and Senate races are trying to make
What? Wow! Are you kidding me?
The way I see it is if a Republican is asking
for an affirmative action voter bailout, are they really Republicans?
If a candidate has failed to earn your vote based
on their own record then they don't deserve reelection.
Marc Perkel
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Subject: Donation Bart - for all you do may this add to and aid
your cause.
I go to your page after I check out my e-mail
- every day.
Keep at it,
David, send me an e-mail.
or send a "love" check to
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Jessica Alba and Rainbow Trust
See a flood of Jessica Alba Pictures in BC Hotties
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