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Halloween  2008 Vol 2240 - Bible Spice

Quote of the Day

"I don't pay attention to polls,  I just count 
  lawn signs. So get ready for President ReMax!" 
       -- Stephen Colbert

In Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Arrow How Stupid are Texans? 
Arrow The Paulson Swindle HOT
Arrow How Dumb is Palin? 
Arrow Trying to Decide 
Arrow Coleman: 4th Most Corrupt 
Arrow Obama's Clinton Economy HOT
Arrow Inhofe: "I'll kill all of you" 
Arrow Jessica Alba & Rainbow 


All New Patient Fees Will be
Donated to Obama's Campaign


Bring Proof of Donation
and Your Treatment Is Free


"What's the deal with the Straight Talk Express? You rail against big government, yet continue
  to push cockamamie spending plans that make a mockery of it. That's why you're losing right now,
  Senator McCain. Not because you don't have the courage of your convictions. But because on
  economic matters, you have no convictions."
      -- Neil Cavuto (R-FOXNews-Nazi),   Link

"Neil Cavuto, McCain is losing because of a disastrous 8 years of policy decisions
  by the Bush administration whom you supported at every foul turn."
  -- Arctic Ghetto,     Link

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How Stupid are Texans?


A new University of Texas poll shows that 23 percent of Texans say Obama is a Muslim.
Obama is a Christian yet just 45 percent of brain-dead Texans said he was a Protestant.

The Obama-is-a-Muslim confusion is caused by fallacious Internet rumors and Nazi talk radio.
McCain once had to grab a microphone from a woman who claimed that Obama was an Arab.

The Texas numbers are unusual because just 5 to 10 percent still believe Obama is a Muslim
- less than half the number of Texans who buy into the debunked theories.

I guess when it comes to being extra stupid,
they do everything bigger in Texas.

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The Paulson Swindle


I The swindle of American taxpayers is proceeding more or less in broad daylight, as the unwitting voters
are preoccupied with the national election. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson agreed to invest $125 billion
in the nine largest banks, including $10 billion for Goldman Sachs, his old firm. But, if you look more closely
at Paulson's transaction, the taxpayers were taken for a ride--a very expensive ride. They paid $125 billion
for bank stock that a private investor could purchase for $62.5 billion. That means half of the public's money
was a straight-out gift to Wall Street, for which taxpayers got nothing in return.

These are dynamite facts that demand immediate action to halt the bailout deal and correct its giveaway terms.
Stop payment on the Treasury checks before the bankers can cash them.

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"Palin is a nasty and very skilled political opportunist who is giving as good as she's getting,
smacking Obama, Biden and now McCain (his staff, anyway) with savage glee. and  sse's being
scapegoated in a personal way that seems sadly familiar for female candidates, in very sexist terms.
It's hard not to notice that a woman is being blamed and shamed yet again, when the real screw-up
here is McCain himself, who presided over possibly the worst V.P. pick in modern history."
      -- Joan Walsh,  Link

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Norm Coleman: 4th Most Corrupt


Norm Coleman has sued Al Franken for saying that Norm Coleman is the 4th most corrupt Senator.

Some could argue that if Norm Coleman is in the top 4, then Al Franken gave Coleman the benefit of
the doubt by ranking him 4th instead of possibly higher, like say the 2nd most corrupt Senator or even
3rd most corrupt Senator..

ha ha

Coleman must feel like he's been caught in a tractor's nuts.

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 Subject: Too much lipstick - not enough pig

It looks to me like the McCain/Palin ticket has turned into the
Palin/McCain ticket now that the lipstick has gone rogue.

Ever since the the Republican ticket was called "Lipstick on a Pig"
it looks like it's too much lipstick and not enough pig.

If McCain can't keep Lipstick from going maverick on him,
how is he going to run America?

Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.

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How Dumb is Sarah Palin?
The experts have ways to measure...


Having devoted over 30 years of my life to the practice of psychology, I was shocked
to discover the actual extent of Sarah Palin's diminished intellect, although hardly surprised
she is developmentally challenged. Her 83 full scale Wechsler I.Q. reported in her Wasilla
High School records was labeled Dull Normal at that time and, in fact, 83 was just slightly
above the range labeled Borderline Retarded ( 70-80 I.Q. ). Her SAT scores were also
similarly deficient,thus serving to confirm her sub-normal I.Q...

Damn, that means she's got 19 points on me...

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Thanks to


"David Sedaris framed the choice with this metaphor: "Can I interest you in the chicken?
  Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?"
  I definitely want the chicken."
      -- Noreen Malone

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Bart, I'm giving McCain 143 electoral votes
and if he can't win states like AZ and MS,
that might be generous.
    --dave, in Ashland, OR

Sports Round-Up
 by Mike the dealer


Poker, Survivor and this week's Football Picks!

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saw it on

Should Congress give Bush immunity for war crimes?

 Subject: Waiting to Exhale


Since 2000 my political emotion has been one of deep anger. 
Not just over the election, (though it started there) but everything the Bush administration has done since.

In 2006, when Democrats made big gains in Congress, I was thrilled. But that didn't last long as Democrats 
soon proved not to have the stomach for meaningful change and/or going up against BushCo.

Now we are nearing the end of eight years of political hell. 
Can it really be we will begin to find our way out of this morass W created (in his own image)?
Obama's message is a positive one. I am cautiously optimistic.

I don't trust the Rethugs not to try something. McCain wants to be president so badly he turned into 
something almost unrecognizable, abandoning past beliefs, the truth, morality, judgment.

But I feel pretty good about things.
I voted early.
I am ready to say "President Obama". 

Having to say WTF??? -again- is not an option.
 Mary Lou 

Mary Lou, I think you speak for 5.5 billion people.

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Marty's Entertainment Page

Marty always has good stuff.

Click on the E!

Trying to Decide

 Option One

 Option Two  Now with working link!

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 Subject: letter in Lakeland, FL Ledger

Disappearing GOP

I have seen a trend in this election on the part of many Republican politicians.
I just saw Rep. Adam Putnam's television ad and nowhere in the ad does it mention that he is a Republican.

Is he ashamed to admit that he is a Republican rubber stamp for George W. Bush?

He has had eight years to work on our energy problems.
Now he claims he has some fabulous plan for energy independence.

Sorry, Adam, but you had your chance and you chose to follow the worst president ever
with tax cuts for the rich. Come on, Adam, man up and admit you are a Republican.
 Colby Black

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Dickipedia on the vulgar Pigboy


 ha ha

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Vote Early if You Can

You know those sons of bitches will give you broken machines on Election Day.

You know those sons of bitches will say, "You're not on our list - You can't vote."

You know those sons of bitches will make you wait 5 hours to vote - if you're Black

You know those sons of bitches will try to change your 'Obama' vote to 'Fascist Dogs.'

After you vote - check and see if it counted it correctly.

You know those sons of bitches will steal it if you let them SO DON'T LET THEM.

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Peruvian Faith Healers Predict Election Results

Subject: thanks, Dude

Hey Bart:

On this weekend before the election, I just wanted to thank you for helping to 
keep we progressives (nearly) sane during the last eight horrid years. 

You have worked you butt off for your nation and that's what a true patriot is. 
God bless!

Your Pal,
GO BARACK!!!!!!!!

It was a tough year, but if we de-Bush-bastard the White House
it will all be OK.

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Takin' It Back With Barack, Jack!

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Fox News and Diebold


"Just this past week, we saw what Barack Obama said about judges. He said,
  'I'm tired of these judges who want to follow what the Founding Fathers said and the Constitution.' "
    -- Sen Kit Bond (R-Liar) making shit up because the truth won't do,   Link

 If there was a God, he might strike you dead for lying, Mr Bond.
 I'm sure Obama didn't say he was tired of judges who follow the Constitution.
 You Republicans trashed the Constitution, not us.

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CHILL Dark t-shirts


Mens and women's shirts, v-necks,
tank tops, hoodies, sweatshirts in tons of colors.

Click to Order

Also available this way:

Buy a shirt if you think "Obama's got this."

After McCain's gigantic screw-ups,
I think Obama's got this.

Got Plans for Election Night?

Spend Election Night here with us - in the Live Chat Room.
It's free, there's hardly any rules and it's all the drugs you can handle :)

It wouldn't hurt to check out the signing up part in advance.
it can be a little tricky, but if I can do it anybody can.

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Obama: Vote for a Clinton Economy
 But I thought we were turning the page on...  nevermind


Over the summer Bill Clinton was reported to be miffed that Obama wasn't talking up the successes
of the Clinton economy as a way of making the case that Americans are better off when Dems are in power.
If that's true, Bill will be cheered by the speech Obama gave in Sarasota, Florida.

The average working family is $2,000 dollars poorer now than when George Bush took office.
When Bill Clinton was president, the average wages and incomes went up $7,500 dollars.
So I've got an economic plan that is similar to Bill Clinton's and Senator McCain's got an
economic plan similar to George Bush's. Look and see what works and what doesn't.

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Subject: that Victoria Jackson quote

Bart --

I was reading that quote LAUGHING because I thought she was KIDDING!!
Some of the stuff these nutballs are spewing... I mean SERIOUSLY...
I wasn't confused by the New Yorker cover... but Victoria Jackson had me...

That was the funniest thing to come out of her mouth in YEARS...
reminded me of her objection to blond jokes...

What's the first thing a blonde does in the morning?  She goes home.
Victoria said "Of course she does, what if she has to get ready to go work or something..."

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We have reached $8,910HOT

Only 4 days left
to retire the 2008 Fund-raising thermometer!

Help us get to $10,000 by election night!

Anything will help $5, $10 $25 or more!

Subscribe to Bartcop

You can select a monthly plan to provide recurring support.
Please sign up for whatever you can afford.
(10% of your gross is the usual tithe.)


 OR send a 'love' check to
 PO Box 54466
 Tulsa, OK  74155

Option: If you want to donate on a regular basis
but you don't like PayPal, I could call you
and get your credit card information and
manually process your donation monthly.

Bart, call me so I can sign up!

The McBush GOP Pumpkin eats its own.

That's Elizabeth Dole going in now and 
check out the look on Norm Coleman's face...

Subject: Election night pledge

Hey, I want to take the pledge too: $5 for every red state that turns blue (my favorite color!)
Since I'm pretty math-brain-dead, I'm counting on you to post how much that will be on

But if MsInsane and Bible Spice win, I'm moving to Europe where they've had their fling with fascism.
Keep hammerin'
 rdale in Eu-taaw

He's talking about Ken's pledge
I hope Obama (and each of us) has a great night on Nov 4th

November 4th could turn out to be the Party of the Decade!
Anybody planning to join us in the Live Chat Room?

Trust me, we'll have more/better/faster news than CNN.

All we need now is an Obama victory!

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Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene

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Inhofe to ACORN: "I'll kill all of you"
 He's the nuttiest handjob in the senate


A 26-year-old incident involving Jim Inhofe when he was Tulsa's mayor has gained renewed interest,
thanks in large part to Inhofe himself.  Inhofe told an Alva newspaper last week that he had threatened
to kill members of the community action group Acorn who came to his house in 1982.

"Acorn led these Cubans to my house to protest," the Alva Review-Courier quotes Inhofe as saying.
"My wife called me frantically saying they were trying to break in.

"Inhofe said he went home and spoke to the protesters in Spanish, telling them,
"I have guns in my house. If you're not off my property in one minute, I'll kill all of you."

Inhofe is running against Andrew Rice this time.
I doubt Rice has a chance - they love religiously-insane handjobs in Okiehomie
and Inhofe is certainly the premier religious handjob in the senate, if not the congress.

Had I been running Rice's campaign,. I would've printed what people say about Inhofe,
that he's Jesse Helms without the manners, that he's Bush without the brains.

We'd still lose, of course, but these Okie rubes are PROUD of Inhofe.
They can hardly contain themselves over his "greatness."

Of course, he's totally against, "niggers, beaners and faggots," so he's bulletproof
on election day - but to this day - the hillbilly states wonder why they're ridiculed.

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Subject: what is a MILF?

Bart, people keep calling Sarah Palin a MILF.
What does that mean?

Murphy, it means Moose Injuring Lost Female.

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Worldwide Bartcop

They read it in Aix-en-Provence, Provence-Alps, somewhere

Milt reads it in Embarrass, Minnesota (In the woods)

They read it in Sofia, Grad Sofiya, Bulgaria

They read it in Louth, Ireland

They read it in Bangkok, Krung Thep, Thailand

  Want to sell stuff everywhere?

They have money - their economy isn't run by a religiously-insane moron.

 Why sell to America when you can sell to the world?

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 Iraq pumped 3.5M  barrels daily before Bush invaded
 and then they got their big Halliburton upgrades

Bush is stealing up to 6 million barrels of oil per day.
Since oil has sold for $125 or more per barrel,
Bush is stealing $750,000,000 every day.

No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history but
our whore media is too busy to investigate.

4,188 brave men and women,
will never come home...


...all because of Bush's oil greed

Why are we there?
Because Iraq's oil wells have NO METERS!

Where's all that oil money going?

Subject: No Affirmative Action Republicans

With the polls favoring Obama, Republican politicians in House and Senate races are trying to make
a unique and interesting argument. They are saying that people should vote for Republicans because
they are a minority and that there should be some kind of quota for the number of Republicans elected.

What? Wow! Are you kidding me?
Isn't that affirmative action?
Are Republicans asking for political welfare, a handout if you will?
Are Republicans claiming they are some sort of endangered species?
Should the voters bail out the Republican party? I don't think so.

The way I see it is if a Republican is asking for an affirmative action voter bailout, are they really Republicans?
Do they have no shame? We already gave Republicans welfare when Bush came begging the taxpayers for
a trillion dollars for the Wall Street bailout. I say no way! I say no way!

If a candidate has failed to earn your vote based on their own record then they don't deserve reelection.
I am a conservative voter who values personal responsibility. I say - let the political market decide.
No redistribution of political wealth. Republicans should have to work hard, do their job, and earn our vote,
not get a handout. When we go to vote on Tuesday we should vote for the person who we think will do
the best job for the country. No welfare for Republicans!

Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.

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Subject: Donation

Bart - for all you do may this add to and aid your cause.
Thank you.

I go to your page after I check out my e-mail - every day.
Then there is a huge letdown because there is no where else
to go for such good humor and information.

Keep at it,
 David in Harbor City

David, send me an e-mail.
I'll fix you up with some BCR!

 Click to Subscribe or Donate


or send a "love" check to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK  74155

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Jessica Alba and Rainbow Trust


 See a flood of  Jessica Alba Pictures  in  BC Hotties

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