Excerpt: The priest at St. Mary's Catholic Church in downtown
Greenville has told parishioners that
those who voted for Obama placed themselves under
divine judgment because of his stance
on abortion and shouldn't receive Holy Communion
until they've done penance.
The Rev. Jay Scott Newman told The Greenville
News on Wednesday that church teaching
doesn't allow him to refuse Holy Communion to
anyone based on political choices, but that
he'll continue to deliver the church's strong
teaching on the "intrinsic and grave evil of abortion"
as a hidden form of murder.
And what do you call dropping the Mother Of All Bombs on a city of 5
million people?
Ther Catholics should come clean and just say, "We
are Republicans."
"She’s a great dame. People are fascinated
by her because the Left hate her. I think the Left - mostly women on the Left - hate her because
it appears that she has a great sex life, all right?"
-- former comedian Denni Miller, Link
Hey, Cha-cha, you just said the Left hates all
pretty women.
Are you really that stupid?
Excerpt: Madison County, Idaho was once dubbed "the reddest
place in America" by Salon,
but that didn't make it any less shocking when
elementary school children allegedly
started chanting "assassinate Obama" on the school
Matthew Whoolery told KIKD News he found out about
the chanting from his second
and third graders, who had no idea what the word
"assassinate" meant.
"They just hadn't heard anything like this before,"
Whoolery stated. "Where did they
get the word and why would they put that word
and that person together?'"
Obviously some kids heard that phrase at home and repeated it on the
Why do Republicans think that way?
Excerpt: In a report on NBC's Today about the Minnesota
Senate race, Lee Cowan repeated the discredited rumor
that "ballots have suddenly appeared out of nowhere,
including some found unsecured in an election worker's car."
In fact, according to election officials quoted
in news reports, the ballots did not "suddenly appear[] out of nowhere,"
and they weren't "unsecured." Cowan also aired
a statement by Fritz Knaak, a lawyer for bastard Norm Coleman,
apparently critical of the handling of the ballots
in question, but he didn't report previous statements in which
Knaak reportedly said he felt assured that the
ballots weren't compromised.
I'm so old, I remember when Huntley and Brinkley read factual news on
Now, NBC has become a gaggle of silly whores, printing every rumor
they get
from discredited charlatans like Limbaugh and Drudge.
All New Patient Fees Will
be Donated to Obama's Campaign
Bring Proof of Donation and Your Treatment Is
"And now the liberals want to stop President
Reagan from selling chemical warfare agents and military equipment to Saddam Hussein,
and why? Because Saddam allegedly gassed a few Kurds in his own country. Mark my
words. All of this talk of Saddam Hussein being a war criminal or commiting crimes against humanity
is the same old thing - liberal hate speech. And speaking of poision gas, I say we round
up all the drug addicts and gas them." -- Rush
Limbaugh, November 3, 1988
Excerpt: Hillary is among the candidates that Obama is
considering for secretary of state.
Clinton was rumored to be a contender for the
job last week, but the talk died down as party activists
questioned whether she was best-suited to be
the nation's top diplomat in an Obama administration.
The talk resumed a day after Obama named several
former Clinton aides to help run his transition effort.
Others mentioned for the State Department job
are Chuck Hagel, Kerry the Quitter and Bill Richardson.
I don't think Kerry is qualified to be dog catcher.
He can't open his mouth withour making a major gaffe.
I could live with Richardson or Hagel, but Hillary has the brains,
the reputation and the steel for the job.
"In politics, people sometimes go to great
lengths to avoid stating the obvious, but I think it’s about time that we all remembered that
the greatest measure of a president is whether he protected and defended this great country.
Bush took that most important charge, seriously." --
Sarah Palin, with a straight face, Link
A couple of issues ago I think you mentioned a
prediction that Bob Parry would jump on Obama
for not pursuing the crimes of the past administration
(the same reason he hates the Clintons).
Anywho, I saw this today and just wanted
to tell you congrats on being correct once again.
> Why would Louisiana vote GOP after the Republicans
tried to drown them? < Why do the poorest people vote to give
more to the super-rich?
Katrina is why, I'm pretty sure.
At least a quarter million of the poorest Louisianans
were displaced out of Louisiana
by Katrina and are no longer there to vote Democratic.
Upside: many of them may
have helped turn their new surroundings bluer.
Places like Georgia or Florida, maybe.
Tom B
"The liberal media attacked Sarah Palin because
she did not abort her Down syndrome baby. They wanted
her to kill that child..." -- Michael Barone,
Michael, can you site your sources?
Who said they wanted her to kill that baby - can we get a list?
Remember what I said last issue?
> Oh, well, if Michael Barone said it, you KNOW it's a crock of
shit. > Michael Barone is like Fred Barnes, without the brains or the
fairnesss (cough)
You can't name another Republican with a Downs baby because they
were all aborted.
And nobody hated her for bringing that baby to term.
What we hated was her waving it around like Rudy waved 9-11
and McCain waved his "I got shot down
so I'm a hero"horseshit.
The second Palin got done with a speech, that baby was rushed
so Palin could wave it around like it was the Stanley Cup.
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Subject: Congratulations!
Bart, I don’t know how many others have said it,
but as the absolute Godfather of teaching liberals
how to fight back against the thugs of the reich-wing,
you deserve a helluva lot of credit in what
we’ve just seen happen. I started reading
you in 1999 and you’ve consistently stayed on message,
on point and on top of the need for us to learn
to stop taking knives to gunfights.
In these precious few moments where we celebrate
before the hard-assed work starts,
I want you to know how much I’ve valued your
efforts over the years.
Keep at it, bro. The next job is making
sure the wingnuts, gasbags and idiots learn
that their race is run, their sun has set and
it’s time for them to learn a new purpose in life:
Sit. Down. And. Shut. Up.
Excerpt: To succeed, a talk show host must perpetuate
the notion that his or her listeners are victims,
and the host is the vehicle by which they can
become empowered. The host frames virtually
every issue in us-versus-them terms. There has
to be a bad guy against whom the host will
emphatically defend those loyal listeners...
But the key reason talk radio succeeds is because
its hosts can exploit the fears and perceived
victimization of a large swath of conservative-leaning
listeners. And they feel victimized because
many liberals and moderates have ignored or trivialized
their concerns and have stereotyped
these Americans as uncaring curmudgeons.
That's a good explanation, but it's a little simpler
than that.
Slugs like Rush and Hannity are "conservatives"
because they know conservatives are the
easiest people to fool. By definition, they are
uneducated, racist gullibles who need constant
reasurance that their side is winning so they
overlook the constant contradictions from their heroes.
It's the same reason con men get into religion
- all they have to say is "God wants you
to give me your money"
and the nutty people believe them and out come those wallets.
The quote you referenced: Coleman said that
he was "one hundred percent better than Paul Wellstone." When confronted he amended: "I'll
be one hundred percent better for president bush."
I'll take the Gomez challenge.
I've given at least a grand to Franken.
If he wins, an extra ten bucks to you will feel
Jason, if you've given Franken $1,000,
then a shot of Chinaco Anejo to you.
I awarded a shot of Chinaco - against my better judgment
- to Wolf the Whore
on election night for remaining silent and letting the Obama jubilation
speak for itself.
According to the latest TV Guide, Wolf the Whore was eager to jabber
on constantly like a
chihuahua drunk on Cuervo but David Bohrman, Exec Producer of CNN's
election programming
overruled the I'm-bigger-then-this-story Blitzer and told the
egomaniac to shut the hell up.
So, a shot of Chinaco to David Bohrman, instead.
...that's one of my biggest faults - being too nice to the enemy.
Barak Obama’s election proves a man can be black
and elected president.
Just like W proved a man does not have to be
smart to be president.
Plus, I was thinking I finally can go to Disney
World again and not be ashamed to go into the “Hall of Presidents”.
Being a white man, I do not think I’ll ever fully
understand how a black American feels about the election of Barak.
Who would have thought we would ever have an
America President with a middle name of Hussein?
It goes to show the American people can grow
We know the mad dogs are going to be whipping
up the winds of chaos,
we need Bartcop now more than ever!
Larry the Liberal
All those guys who wanted into Palin's pants ought
to be ecstatic right 'bout now.
I mean, there was NO WAY they were getting into
the pants of the VP.
Now, all they gotta do is wait until she's tossed
out of the Governor's office
for ethics violations, and her marriage self-destructs
(not necessarily in that order),
and they'll be able to go up to Alaska and pick
her up in a bar.
PS: I'm having a poll as to how long her marriage
lasts: 6 mos, 1, 2, 3, or 4 years.
I'm betting under a year.
You can select a monthly plan to provide recurring support. Please sign up for whatever you can afford. (10% of your gross is the usual tithe.)
to bartcop@bartcop.com
send a 'love' check to
bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
If you want to donate on a regular basis but you don't like PayPal, I
could call you and get your credit card information and manually process your donation monthly.
No one should be surprised if Al Franken
is elected to the U.S. Senate in the Minnesota vote count
or canvass, which is not completed until Nov.
18, and that a statewide hand recount, an election contest
in Minnesota courts, and the United States Senate
will all confirm this result.
Here's why. Minnesota only uses paper ballots,
no punch cards and no touch screen. There is a complete
paper trail. Most of the ballots are counted
in their precincts by optical scanners. Some rural counties use
a large machine to count in the clerk's office
after the polls close. In both precinct and central counting,
the machine reads only marked ovals, but the
test audits during the canvass (and the subsequent recount)
are by hand and include all discernable marks
and a recount is mandatory for close races.
So if Minnesota does it right - why doesn't every state do it right?
Just paid up on my pledge and included North Carolina
that flipped.
I sent you a note about a petition to dump Lieberman
and to also consider another
pledge for us Bartcop regulars for the two Senate
seats that will go to a runoff.
Would most certainly be a good Christmas present
for all of us.
You were a big help in making this all happen
and giving us hope
even when the spineless party we've suffered
in have floundered pathetically.
I remember how devasted I was the last election
and really having doubts about this party's
future viability. Howard Dean is not getting
enough credit for the 50 State strategy he rammed
through depsite the objections of all the party
leaders, that really made this all possible.
He was one of the only other ones to give us
hope in the darkest days.
A shot of Chinaco for him?
Greg in Vacaville, CA
I agree.
To Howard Dean, who came back from that media rape in 2004 to help us win back majorities in 2006 and helped us again in 2008!
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