Fri-Monday Dec 5-8, 2008 Vol 2257 - The Big Spank
Quotes "We held Bush accountable..."
Despite eight years of evidence, they continue
to lie
With Obama taking power, we will once again
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Slappy Tries
to Block Obama Presidency
The high court’s premier moron is bringing the
matter to his colleagues as a result of the writ that
Hey, Slappy the Moron, don't you have anything
else to do?
Maybe the hard Left is about to get their wish.
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Bush: A
predictable disaster
An example was Tom Brokaw’s “Meet the Press” on
Sunday, which addressed
It's the media's job to praise Bush and attack
Democrats. If they don't, Republicans will line up
It was as if everyone else was responsible for
the nation’s troubles, from unions and auto executives
Part of the problem is the whores who decide what
gets broadcast are all millionaires.
That's why many bloggers do a better, more honest job explaining the
Sidebar: Are we sure Bob Parry wrote this?
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Subject: Just finished BCR 146 I just finished my first listen to BCR 146.
Great job explaining the auto industry bailout.
I understand that the auto industry is in bed
with the oil industry, and when you sleep with
Bart, thank you so much for the Bartcop Radio.
Have a good one,
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3 Palin
Stylists Cost $165,000
McCain used donor money for about $23,000 in additional
charges from dozens of stores.
...and she was sold to us as a "regular Mom" who happened to be governor. If she had actually been what they pretended she was,
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Subject: Doctors' Opinion of Financial Bail Out Package The Allergists voted to scratch it, and the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves. The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling
about it, but the Neurologists thought the Bush
The Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted;
the Pathologists yelled, 'Over my dead body!'
The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness,
the Radiologists could see right through it,
The Internists thought it was a bitter pill to
swallow, and the Plastic Surgeons said,
The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward,
The Anesthesiologists thought the whole idea was
a gas,
In the end, the Proctologists left the decision
up to some assholes in Washington.
Thanks to FGBash
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GM, Ford - Won't Pledge to Buy American Excerpt:
Sen Sherrod Brown: "One of the concerns
is that tax payer dollars will not be used to off shore
Richard Wagoner (GM): "I have to look at the data...and respond to you if I could." Alan Mulally (Ford): 'The vast majority
of our research and development is lead out of the
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Thanks to James Cz
Subject: Gimme some twos by Mike the Dealer Bart, awesome
We need more of this on bartcop.
More More More
Once I was playing $5 poker in Vegas and looked down at a pair of twos.
One reason it's so powerful is because it looks like nothing
but it beats a pair of Kings AND a pair of Queens.
So I'm getting excited about possibly winning the hand, but the guy
Sure enough, two pair won all those hundreds but I just couldn't play.
I always wanted to play in the World Series of Poker, but odds are that
I found out they have a "childrens" tournament with a $1500 buy-in and
since my clock
He paid $10,000 to get in last year's WSOP and on the very damn first
The poor bastard's
poker tournament was over in about 80 seconds (you gotts see this)
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Visit The Beat Museum in San Francisco You might run into somebody
Prop 8 - The Musical Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Thanks to Jonathan
Subject: Sexist BS 'I love Bart Cop -- but let's get real....the
cutsie pic of Sarah Palin is sexist BS and you know it.
Stop the madness.
Patsi, stop the madness?
Palin wasn't chosen because she was qualified. She was chosen because McCain needed a backwards caveperson
She was chosen because McCain holds women is such low regard that he
She was chosen because McCain figured he was going to lose anyway and
She was chosen because McCain knows a certain percentage of men will
She's dumber than a bag of rocks and there's talk she may be the GOP's
Showing the GOP respect is not in my mission statement.
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Saw it on headlines-youshouldknow.blogspot.com
'Washington Financed Al-Qaeda' This "journalism" sucks so bad, I assume it was
produced by the GOP
First, "Washington" is dead and could not have financed anything. Second, if you're going to make a charge this
explosive, you'd better put
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Rove's dance
partner gets "Meet the Whore" job
During the last few weeks, NBC considered various
right-leaning whores, and even contemplated multiple
Karl Rove's dance partner has long been considered
one of the top contenders for the post, mostly because
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Subject: My Saturn (GM) runs great Hi Bart, I own a 2000 Saturn wagon. With regular
maintenance, it has 157,000 miles on it.
I love the car - although some of the details
are very American car looking (ugly and bloated),
That said...we still drive the Prius on long trips
where we can fit all our stuff.
One American car that has suited me well over
the years...there is hope.
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Inauguration T-shirts! Can't go to His Inaugural?
Mens and women's shirts,
Get your historic shirt today!
Subject: Why waste electric car money on GM? Earlier this year Congress allocated 25 billion
dollars to develop electric cars.
I think they should take the 25 billion and give
it to Honda and Toyota, who also
Marc Perkel
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Subject: scooter libby Hi Bartman, It doesn't matter what anyone who works for the
CIA says about who is undercover or who isn't.
What happened in Libbys case was that he attempted
to rely on his excellent memory and failed to
But you lose your right to claim, "It was for national security" when
you make these claims.
You're denying that Bush & Cheney wanted Plame exposed.
Once you go down that road, it's all or nothing because you're giving
up the
Your problem is you don't think like a crook.
Did you see Die Hard One?
Bruce Willis knows Rickman is a horribly cold serial killer,
but The Goof
You have no idea what kind of people you're dealing with here.
By claiming that, they get the ultra-right patriots, the military and
the whore press on their side
All the Bush bastards have to do is come out of this smelling less worse
than Hitler and they get to
I see this shit clearer than Lake Concha, but sometimes I feel like
a party of one.
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Subject: Carson the Monkey Hey Bart ~ Carson, the patience on trial monkey said Valerie
Plame was outed by a DEMOCRAT, Richard Armitage.
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Marty's Entertainment Page Marty always has good stuff.
Subject: Boooosh magnet Bart, I wanted to thank you for sending the magnet and stickers in the mail.
i really wanted the boosh magnet and was afraid they would be gone before i could get my donation in. joyce and i bought a new all black refrigerator last year and the magnet was perfect for it. however, although she despises booosh as much
as i do, she is refusing to let me put the magnet
i have put it on the refrigerator about a dozen
times and she has removed it every time.
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Larry Flynt is making a Sarah Palin porn movie
If explicit photos don't offend you,
Subject: Who do the complainers want in Obama's cabinet - Kerry? Kucinich? Yes, Kucinich!
*I* have nothing against Kucinich, other than
he's considered an elf by the whore media.
You lump him in with a capitulator like Kerry, on what rationale? They were only lumped together in that they're
two big names not yet onboard.
It seems you fight for the status quo, by bashing any chance to prevent reoccurrence of these past 8 yrs. I don't get what you're saying.
If you believe that inviting the Liebermans back into the fold; so be it, I hate Kissyface but I'm going to trust Obama until I have a hueueueueuge
...but lets get the 'change' we all agreed to
vote for and not
How is obstructing Obama "getting the 'change'
we all agreed to vote for?"
Why is the Left blaming Obama for being practical?
Obama should be applauded for dealing with the concrete facts in front
of him
After 8 years, we finally have a pragmatic president who can see reality.
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I was at the Post Office Friday. The clerk asked if I had cats and I said,
Subject: Issues w/ Images on Bartcop Bartimous, I use a MAC and SAFARI and your website is not
loading all of
Do the images show up on Internet Explorer? FIREFOX does NOT seem to present the same issues.
I don't know enough about things to have an intelligent
Obviously all the images appear when I see bartcop - otherwise I'd fix
the problem as I see it.
Similarly, sometimes on a Friday I'll get e-mail saying, "Why
haven't you posted anything this week?"
Somebody smarter than me will have to figure out what's going on.
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This is another way a crashed economy helps the GOP.
That's more bodies Bush can push into his meat grinder.
What if we could guarantee
Tired of blogging for just a few? If your product is good, all
you need is exposure.
It doesn't
cost to advertise on bartcop.com
Banner ads by the day,
Saw it on lonesomemongoose.wordpress.com
I believe Hillary's cardboard cutout
If you haven't seen it, imagine the early stages
of the barroom rape scene of "The Accused" with
When I saw this picture, I did not think of a fabricated rape scene from a Jodie Foster movie. I did not think of Mike Nifong's
false descriptions of the Duke lacrosse party or Justin Timberlake
I thought, "There's two drunk dudes messing around." Who's leading the charge to screw this guy?
Sometimes I just don't want to be a Democrat anymore.
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Visit http://www.ffrf.org/ Your IQ will go up 8 points.
Subject: your choice of hotties Mage Heligenburger!!!! A Hottie? Stop with the jokes!!!!!
Dude, it it was a tribute to mature women. Have you ever heard of the theory of relativity? If you're a teenager she probably looks like somebody's mom.
If you're Dole or McCain, she probably looks like jailbait. If you get real, real, real lucky, you
might someday end up
Meanwhile, I'll try to dig up some Miley Cyrus pictures for you - when
she turns 18.
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Subject: Marg H Hey Bart, I regularly attend most of the
motion picture and television industry Awards shows
Of all the beautiful, of the most beautiful
women in the world, Marg stood out heads above them all.
Thank you, Thank you, and Thanks!
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Subject: Afters Bart -- we can beat up Obama later.
I jest.
But I have to tell you:
Don't you just feel calmer when he's speaking?
He's the rock.
I was raised a Democrat, and I'm a grown up and
I know the world's imperfect.
And that's my sermon for the day. Amen.
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That's Bernie in Oregon's finger
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Want to sell stuff everywhere? They have money - their economy isn't run by a religiously-insane moron. Why sell to America when you can sell to the world?
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Kristin Cavallari's new Nose Check out the all-new flood of Kristin Cavallari Pictures in BC Hotties
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