"Bipartisanship is Obama's kryptonite. It robs him of his power. But he is
constantly drawn back to it, over and over again.
And he is supposed to have some kind of awesome ability to learn???" -- Clyde, Link
Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Bush and
Cheney Escape
Down With
the People
Is Not Yet Lost
Just Gimme
Some Truth
New Orleans
How did
they pull it off?
My Toyota
has a Problem
Becki Newton
on Broadway
Funny how nobody cared about the deficit
until the Black guy became president.
send a 'love' check to
bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
"Obama wants a televised summit on health care
with the Republicans. What does this mean? The idea of a genuinely bipartisan
health care bill is defunct. But Obama seems wedded to the illusion that Republicans are actually interested
in reasoning together - as opposed to doing whatever they can to crush him. How much more of this
will it take before Obama and the Democrats grasp that bipartisanship is a dead letter, a lousy tactic, and
a sign of presidential weakness?" -- Robert Kuttner,
How can everybody see the same thing - except Obama?
"Jesus Christ on a half-eaten communion
wafer, what the FUCK? Yeah, like this whole "bipartisan"
crap worked so well the last 50 times he tried it? Seriously, at what point does repeating
this same shit over and over and hoping for a different outcome NOT define 'insanity'?"?" -- Dependable Renegade,
Excerpt: With each passing day, it becomes more and more
astonishing to encompass the fact that Bush and Cheney
have managed thus far to escape any accounting
whatsoever for the massive battery of criminal activity committed
during their time in office. More than a year
has passed since these men had their hands on the levers of power,
and evidence of their myriad crimes and frauds
is laying all over the countryside, yet nothing has come of it.
Once again, we see the Democrats playing patty-cake
while the GOP plays hardball.
They impeavch our guy for having a girlfriend
while we give them a pass for rape, torture and invasions.
Obama's refusal to lead is killing his chances
at sucess and his party's chances in November..
The Brits have been running a wide-ranging inquiry
into the manner in which the UK and United States were led
to war in Iraq by Bush and his Poodle, Blair.
An astonishing amount of damning evidence and information has been
uncovered and publicly aired, including the following
statements delivered by a senior member of Parliament (MP) on Tuesday:
A senior Welsh MP said last night he knew "for
certain" Blair and Bush struck a deal to invade Iraq in Crawford in 2002
- a year before war was declared. Elfyn Llwyd,
Plaid Cymru's parliamentary leader, said he had seen a confidential memo
to that effect, although he would not divulge
its exact contents.
If you rob a bank and the local cops see no reason to arrest you, was
a crime committed?
If you rape a woman and the local cops see no reason to arrest you,
was a crime committed?
If you torture a goat-herder and the Democrats see no reason to arrest
you, was a crime committed?
Obama is choosing "be nice" over leadership.
That's a mistake.
Subject: BTW Senator Obama -
You're the President Now
There's a difference between getting elected and
assuming leadership and I'm still waiting for
President Obama to assume leadership. Obama's
management style seems to be that he's just
another member of a team rather than the team
captain. America is in a crisis and both the Democrats
and the Republicans in Congress are acting like
a class full of unruly 10 year olds with a weak substitute teacher.
I am asking you Mr. President today to take charge.
I am asking you to be a leader. I am asking you
to assume your role as the decider. You are the
chief executive and you are in charge. You are the leader
but you have yet to assume leadership. A year
ago we made you the most powerful man on the planet.
We gave you the power and we expect you to use
it. Instead you're like a Jedi Knight who won't use The Force.
You're like Superman in his role as Clark Kent.
You're like Charlie Brown who just tries to keep kicking
the football just to have it jerked away by Congress
at the last minute.
It is time, Mr. President, for you to take charge.
It's time to open up a can of whoopass and set Congress straight.
It's OK to be reasonable and rational in the
way you make decisions but please, if you are passionate about
something you can at least raise your voice and
show it. Here in real America things are so bad that we are
waking up in the middle of the night screaming.
We want to hear you scream too. The role of President was
given to you. We are still waiting for you to
claim it. Be the leader!
Marc Perkel
"He has a very aggressive agenda from which
he has retreated not one bit. And so when he extends his hand, he says, "I ask
only one thing of Republicans, and that is that you quit being Republicans," and they respectfully
decline. If you have an aggressive agenda, you're going to have to push it aggressively
in a partisan manner." -- George Will, pretending Obama
is too agressive, Link
Obama seems to be taking political advice from his braindead
I don't take disagreement as a personal attack
and I don't understand people who do.
I enjoy the occasional "lively" conversation.
It keeps minds sharp and at my age I need all
the sharpening I can get.
Also, If I agreed with everything you put on
the page there's be no reason for me to read it.
Have a great week.
Steve, that was a nice island of sanity - thanks.
I'll bet most people, under extreme circumstances, would do anything to save their children but until then, I'm just trying to keep things
Subject: Torture debate
Bart, you wrote:
"If you have the combination to a safe and
I have knitting needles, I'll have that combination in less
than five minutes so torture does work "
But what if I don't have the combination to some
safe and you use those knitting needles on me?
I don't get your question.
If you have C-4 underwear, you can't plead innocence.
If you're the manager of a bank, you can't plead
ignorance to the combination.
In your mind, I absolutely know that combination
and you won't be satisfied 'til
I give up some numbers...any numbers. Sure, you'll
soon find out I was lying,
but at least you've stopped shoving knitting
needles in my ears for now.
I know you'll be back at it ... say another 85
times ...and I'll just make up
some more numbers, because I really don't know
the combination to the safe.
Ronald H
I think I see what you're saying. Bush &
Cheney wouldn't mind torturing every
goat herder in Afghanistan to see if anyone might
know anything about anything.
I agree - that's crazy and I'd never be a party
to that.
Excerpt: Why is Washington paralyzed? There's Obama's
tactical missteps, the obstinacy of congressional Republicans,
rising partisanship, the blustering idiocracy
of cable-news, and the Senate filibuster, which has devolved into a
super-majority threshold for any important legislation.
These are all large factors, to be sure, but that list neglects
what may be the biggest culprit: the childishness,
ignorance, and growing incoherence of the public at large.
A shot of Chinaco to Jacon Weisberg for telling the truth.
Anybody who says you can't have it both ways clearly
isn't reading opinion polls. One year ago, 59 percent liked
the stimulus plan. A few months later,
while still in recession, a majority says Obama is spending too much money
on it.
Idiots simultaneously demands and rejects action
on unemployment, deficits, health care, climate change, and other problems.
Sixty percent of Americans want stricter regulations
of financial institutions. But nearly the same proportion says we're suffering
from too much regulation on business. That kind
of illogic - or, if you prefer, susceptibility to rhetorical manipulation
- is what
locks the status quo in place.
A wise man once wrote:
"We want two things, dammit. We want jobs and we want Obama to stop spending money to create jobs." -- tea-bagging handjobs at their convention
Wait, that was no wise man - that was me.
People are super-f-ing stupid and Obama does not know this. Obama knows how to appeal to smart people, but they are a tiny minority.
Obama really, really needs someone on his staff who can speak to super-stupid
You know who agrees with me?
"Obama’s political challenge, however, is that
millions of ordinary voters don’t have a clue, so he’s got to find ways to tell them
over and over again until they do." -- Gene Lyons Link
Excerpt: The truth is that given the state of American
politics, the way the Senate works is no longer
consistent with a functioning government. Senators
themselves should recognize this fact and
push through changes in those rules, including
eliminating or at least limiting the filibuster.
This is something they could and should do, by
majority vote, on the first day of the next Senate session.
Don’t hold your breath. As it is, Democrats
don’t even seem able to score political points by highlighting their opponents’
A shot of Chinaco to Paul Krugman for telling the truth.
Is today Tell The Truth Tuesday or something?
It should be a simple message (and it should have
been the central message in Massachusetts): a vote for
a Republican, no matter what you think of him
as a person, is a vote for paralysis. But by now, we know
how Obama deals with those who would destroy
progress. Sure enough, Robert Gibbs, the White House
press secretary, accused Mr. Shelby of “silliness.”
Yep, that will really resonate with voters.
Krugman has nailed it again.
When the teabaggers said "Obama
is a foreign Muslin who hates America,"
Obama said, "That's silly."
Obama thinks that solved the problem and that's
why we lost Teddy's seat - because Obama can't see the facts.
He continues down the road of ignorance and that's
killing the Democrats - why can't he see the obvious?
If/When we lose the House and Senate in November,
will he see it then?
Well, America is not yet lost. But the Senate
is working on it."
"Republicans believe the status quo is unacceptable,
but so is any health reform package that spends
money we don’t have..." --
Eric Cantor, who sat silent for eight years while Bush
borrowed money from China to give the super-rich tax cuts,
Too bad there's not one Democrat who will
call them on this.
Obama wants to fix health care and all he gets from the GOP is
"Up yours, nigger" and Obama smiles and says, "That's OK,
I'll ask you again tomorrow."
Excerpt: Every country has its challenges, and compared
to much of the rest of the world
I'd take our particular batch hands-down. It's
just that so many of ours are self-inflicted.
Still, looking out across the panoply of peril,
all the unfortunate ways in which we get it wrong
as a society, I can't help but think that what's
at the bottom of the stack, providing a foundation
for the rest, is a profound national stupidity.
I'm going to run out of Chinaco before this issue is
Our biggest single problem is our (often willful)
ignorance. That's the single national characteristic that
enables so many of our other maladies. If only
we would allow ourselves to think, so much of the inanity
that passes for normal in our politics would
be laughed off the stage, and we'd all sure be a lot better off for it.
This is what I found most compelling about candidate
Obama (as opposed to President Obama, who's been one
disappointment after another). Whether he was
talking about dumb wars, or the fear-marketing of guns, gays and god,
or addressing the question of race in America,
Obama would sometimes do something that America hadn't seen in its
political class since Jimmy Carter was in the
White House: He would sometimes tell the truth.
Fuck the truth.
Mondale told the truth and what did it get him?
Gore told the truth and what did it get him?
Kerry told the truth and what did it get him?
Bart's Law #1...and
it's Number One for a reason.
Don't EVER tell the truth in a political campaign. People WANT to be lied to. If you doubt me, ask President Mondale about telling the truth.
Mondale: "I'm going to raise your taxes, and
Reagan is going to raise your taxes. The difference is I'm telling you the truth,"
and Mondale lost 76 states that year.
People don't want to hear, "You need to eat
your vegetables." People want to hear, "You can eat all the
candy you want and never get a cavity."
Our poor clueless Democrats have no idea what politics is about.
You know your party is in trouble when the Tequila Okie knows more
than the "experts."
The writing on the hand doesn't bother me that
much...it's the fact that
she doesn't have the intelligence to know what
she wanted to write on her hand....
ha ha
I saw that, but it didn't hit me until you mentioned it.
I've been told that meth dealers write phone numbers and addresses
on their hands because they can't remember a goddamn thing.
This clearly demonstrates the level of preparation
she puts into anything...
Keep Hammering!!
Northern California Dave
So, (my best Glenn Beck impersonation) is this proof
that Palin is a meth dealer?
"Electing a president who needs to write "energy"
and "taxes" on her hand is like boarding a plane with a pilot
who has 'landing gear' written on her hand." --
iLoveOldNY, Link
Note: If you sign up,
you'll get an instant Twitter alert when
a new page or radio show is fresh and hot.
Americal Idol gets serious tonight.
Survivor Heroes vs Villians starts
The Amazing Race starts Sunday.
In your weekly report, tell us what happened but
add lots of opinion.
"I like this girl and here's why" and
"I hate this guy and here's why." "This guy choked, this girl picked the wrong
song." "Russell found the first Immunity Idol" and
"Dumbass Fred lost his passport."
Each week, send me your report as text inside
an e-mail.
No attachments, no fonts, no pictures - just
text in your e-mail.
(I can't spend hours re-formatting your writing.)
No minimums, no maximums, OK to skip a week etc.
Use whatever language you like but don't get gross.
People will want to write to you.
If you don't want your e-mail public, go to Yahoo or hotmail
and open an account like Mikethedealer@hotmail.com
This pays nothing, but you might develop a following
and that could lead to quitting your job and that's tons
of fun.
This would be perfect for two people needing a sudden,
If you're in Seattle and you have to take a sudden trip
to Boston
even Southwest is going to slam you for $1600
and I could save you, say, $400.
Somebody's going to suddenly have a need for a pair of tickets.
I hope it's not you that has to take that sudden trip,
but if it is, at least I can save you some significant money.
Excerpt: Steps were taken to contact Oprah, who agreed
immediately, and then Leno.
Rob Burnett spoke with Mr. Leno’s executive producer,
Debbie Vickers.
“She asked if this was for real and then she
laughed for about 10 minutes,” Mr. Burnett said.
Mr. Leno quickly agreed, but the idea had to be
passed by the top NBC executives,
including the chief executive, Jeff (Chemical)
Zucker. Permission was granted.
Somebody told me that you wrote on your site that
"pulling an 8-year-old girl's
fingers and toes off with pliers and then sawing
her arms and legs off -- all without
anesthesia -- is very, very rarely the answer,
but info obtained might be good,
even if sometimes it's not". Can that be true?
(I respectfully disagree.)
ha ha
Yep, kiddie torts is my hobby, and I don't care
who knows it!
Can you explain when that might be the answer?
Thanks, I'll take my answer on the page.
"Special" Ed in Fremont,
But you raise a really good point by making
"sawing her arms and legs off" as a point of reference because, by comparison, that broken finger
seems benign.
If you compare this
to this
where exactly do you draw the line?
Good liberals are chanting "Never, no, no -
not ever" while I'm looking at
a broken finger vs 3,000 dead and I wonder if my party is good at math.
I have. I’m standing on the corner of Bourbon
and Iberville.
It’s the day of the first black-and-gold Super
Bowl, and I’m watching the crowds go wild.
It boggles the senses, standing here. It’s like
being submerged in a black-and-gold ocean,
immersed in sounds and smells and feelings that
are dizzying and moving and wonderful.
There’s music everywhere, on every corner of every
street. There’s music in the bars and restaurants
— music in the streets and on the sidewalks.
There are all kinds of songs being sung in all kinds of styles
and keys, but they’re all up-beat, they’re all
jubilant, and they’re all meant for dancing.
And there’s plenty of dancing going on. From one
end of the city to the other, there’s always a beat.
And where there isn’t, some black-and-gold-clad
zealot leaps up and yells, and the whole seething crowd erupts in answer.
“Who Dat? Who Dat? Who Dat say ’dey gonna beat
them Saints?”
I'm glad they got their victory.
I didn't recognize it at the time, but I was very emotional during the
I expected Manning to crush them, but I kept hoping they'd somehow
Then in the fourth quarter, just as Manning was marching in to tie the
Tracy Porter stepped in front of the intended receiver and suddenly,
EVERYBODY in that stadium and EVERYBODY watching at home came to the
realization at the same second that the Saints were actually going
to win the big one.
Icing on the cake - as he was running towards the end zone, Tracy Porter
(Can you imagine how hard his heart was beating during that run?) was
pointing out
potential tacklers to his teammates and they did their jobs and boom,
it was over
Monday I was watching Whore CNN and Rick Sanchez said, "The
Saints' plane is landing and we'll get to see the New Orleans crowd
at the airport greet their hometown heroes."
But - we never got to see that because the sons of bitches diverted
their cameras to Los Angeles
so they could get that all-important footage of the Jackson family
walking into a courthouse.
When they came back to Louie Armstrong Airport (I just love that) they
showed an SUV
driving off and Sanches said some team members were in that vehicle.
Way to go, CNN.
You promised us a BIG party and you delivered a funeral.
Today, Tuesday, New Orleans is throwing the Saints a parade at 5PM
local time. That should be a lot of fun to watch - I think I'll trust MSNBC this
Sarah Palin is asking us, "How is that hopey,
changey thing workin' out for ya?" Probably about as well as abstinence is working
out for your family.
Marc Perkel
Funny that the loser is taunting the winner.
It's like the Colts taunting the Saints - it makes no sense.
I just turned 60 last December, which means I
was old enough to witness
the coverage of JFK's assassination. I
was in 8th grade at the time and
school was excused just after JFK's death was
made public.
That being said, let me suggest an excellent book
on the topic:
"Ultimate Sacrifice", by Lamar Waldron and Thom
This is THE most well-researched writing I've
seen on this subject.
The short story: The mob infiltrated a
plan to kill Castro and was able to
use the cover of that plan to kill JFK and later,
RFK, both of whom were
pursuing the mob in the courts.
In your not-so-copious-quantity of spare time,
grab a copy of this book
and give it a close read.
Supporting you from the Left Coast,
Michael, that was in this Discovery series.
It was Santos Traficante - he said the CIA came
to him with cash to kill Castro.
He pocketed the CIA's money and said, "We'll
get to work," but never did anything.
Then Bobby came after Hoffa and this was right
as Castro took Cuba and shut down
the casinoes*
that Traficante was running,
maybe to the tune of $1M a day in 1959 dollars.
Plus, (It's hard to keep up) wasn't Traficante involved with Judith
And while we're at it - who killed Marilyn Monroe?
The highest profile, richest and most inportant government figures in
our history
have been assassinated before our very f-ing eyes and the story
never makes sense.
The LA coroner said MM died of an overdose of pills, but there
were no
gelatin pill remnants in her stomach so how did the drug get in her
When was the last time a shooting story made sense?
OJ Simpson? Nobody has any idea what happened that night.
Jon Benet Ramsey? The Boulder cops learned nothing from the LA cop screw-ups?
The Bush bastards having dinner with the Hinckley's the night before
'insane' son shoots Reagan, the heartbeat between Poppy and
control of Earth?
Lots of people don't know this...
George Bush was president for just under 12 years.
That's not legal under our constitution, not after FDR, but neither
is Bush & Cheney
running on the same ticket when they were both Texas residents.
Cheney flew to Wyoming to "change his address" so he wouldn't be a Texan,
even tho his home, his job and his property taxes were paid to the
state of Tejas.
The Democrats had no problem with the Bush bastards flaunting
the Constitution.
You see, it wouldn't be right to stand up and say, "But
that's illegal!"
"Bush won twice - it's our job to follow his lead."
There are 162
shows online to listen to and more are coming
That's a lot of BCR
You can select a monthly plan to provide recurring support. Please sign up for whatever you can afford. (10% of your gross is the usual tithe.)
send a 'love' check to
bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
"The newest song on The Who's set list was
32 years old; the oldest was 41, but it wasn't even the tunes' over-familiarity that was
the biggest problem. Townshend (64) and Daltrey (65) were woefully flat and way out of sync during
the unison vocal parts, and they relied on empty theatrics to convey the musical energy of the
Who when the Who really was the Who."
-- self-important asshole Jim DeRogatis, the pop music critic at the Chicago
Sun-Times Link
Why couldn't the critics just enjoy the
If you wanted musical perfection, you could've
slept thru a perfect opera.
Townsend and Daltrey know they're not kids anymore - so they
should quit playing?
It was EXCITING! In a way, that's all good rock 'n roll has to be.
As far as the vocals, we could blame the guy doing the mixing.
It sounded to me like the band got it right, but early on, Roger
was singing harmony
and he was a little bit louder than Pete so it sounded a little
And you complain about Townsend's "empty theatrics?"
You wanted him to play "Won't Get Fooled Again" without the windmills?
I never heard of Jim DeRogatis before.
Sounds to me like he's not much of a music fan.
Oh, and how terribly brave of him to attack a couple of old guys.
If this was today's hottest young band that couldn't deliver
the goods live - that'd be one thing.
But this was like seeing a treasure at the Smithsonian - but
they're still able to bring the EXCITEMENT,
which is something I doubt we'd ever get from Jim DeRogatis,
the heartless music expert.
If you didn't feel any "musical energy" Sunday night,
then you're certainly older than anyone that was on that Super
Bowl stage.
You'd think the pop music critic at The Chicago
Sun-Times would at least know as much about rock 'n roll as Ol' Bart.
Tell me, Jim, when you visit your mother, do you remind her
that she was much prettier when she was younger?
I took my car in for it's regular oil change &
check up.
I bought it used in September of 2004 and I'm
now at 55,000 miles.
Lately, I noticed the seat belt retractor wasn't
working properly so I told them
I would like to purchase a new one so the seat
belt would stop getting caught in
the door when I exited in a hurry which is most
of the time because I'm a busy
man and I have shit to do.
Swear to Koresh, the Toyota guy looks it up and
he says the seat belt
retractor is considered part of the drive train
(would I make this up?)
and that means it was covered under my 70,000 mile warranty.
Then they gave me a 2010 Toyota to drive for the day.
Bart, I'm ashamed this is so tiny but as a social
security recipient
at the very bottom of the food chain it's all
I can do for now.
Hopefully, I can send more later.
Tom in Visalia, CA
Tom, that was way cool.
No donation is too small because they add up.
The pie is higher thanks to you!
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this year is - "No Anti-Bush Site Left Behind".
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Check out Marx
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Thanks to yb for the imaginary (but hot) lesbian mental movie
favorite Shirley picture?
the picture, don't send a description of the picture.)