Weekend-Black Monday, Nov 13-15, 2010 Vol 2610 - Tech Fu
Solid Wood Furniture by erikorganic.com We offer 56 beautiful hardwood choices on every furniture piece. ![]() Erik has been advertising with bartcop.com for nine years Quotes
"Last year, Exxon-Mobile (Makes $10,000 profit per minute) PAID NO FED INCOME TAXES. Genera Electric (War profiteer making trillions) PAID NO FED ICOME TAXES. But America is so broke, Obama's Commission wants old people to work until they are seventy years old? Give me a fucking break!" -- Michael Moore, speaking the truth on Bill Maher friday I said last issue: > What we need to do is make the tax system less friendly to the super-rich. > If you're going to plug the loopholes, why not plug the GIANT ones? America voted to have Grandma eat dog food twice a week so Warren Buffet could add another $100K to his $40B empire? ![]() "We must meet the GOP in the middle - that's what America wants." Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Christmas Shopping online? Use this
BTW, who wants
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in some brick & mortal store?
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Programmable 15-Bar Espresso Maker ![]() Coffee machines are big this year? Hey, got kids or grandkids or parents to buy for? Get them the Amazon Gift Card - Perfect! ![]() That way, your shopping is done and they get exactly what they wanted! (Buy your gift card thru this portal and they'll send me a small check!) Amazon.com will send me a slice, too! Woo Hoo! which helps keep the Tequila Treehouse going! ![]() ![]() Check out our new Bush Recession Prices Banner ads by
the day, Quotes "Contrary to conventional wisdom, President Bush is very smart..." -- Mark McKinnon, on the Bush payroll and for BIG money, Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Does Obama still want to be president?
He's acting more like a Boy Scout troop leader by William Grieder, The Nation Link Send e-mail to Bart Marty
new stuff every
on her fine, fine Entertainment Page Marty's TV Listings are the best and we're in Sweeps Weeks! Marty always has good stuff. ![]() Quotes "I'm very proud of my record. After they killed Lincoln at the theater, no other American presidents were murdered on my watch." -- what I hear every time Bush talks about 9-11 Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Bartcop's Worldwide Computer Repair
![]() We fix broken computers. Can we fix yours? Can we talk? Our computer repair business started out slow, then it really started to take off. We've made over 50 people happy - but now business has fallen back to almost nothing. Have we fixed every broken computer in the world? :) I'm going to lose my tech if he's not making any money. I know what'll happen, as soon as I lose him I'll get a flood of requests, "I need your tech!" Sign up now! We come to you! ![]() Lying Monkey Quotes Matt Lauer: You approved the use of waterborading. Lying Monkey: I did Matt Lauer: You say it's not torture and that it saved lives. Lying Monkey: Yes, it did. Matt Lauer: So what if some other country wants to waterboard an American? Lying Monkey: I'm not debating this subject with you!!! Well, of course you're not debating the subject because your position is untenable. Your only honest answer is "Sure, waterboard all the Americans you want," which doesn't fly. Liars always refuse to answer or change the subject when they get caught in a debate. Send e-mail to Bart Bono frees Aung San Suu Kyi He put a world of pressure on some military thugs ![]() ![]() Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Quotes
"Thursday, the White House seemed to cave in on the Bush tax cuts even before negotiations began. When the liberal base erupted, White House aides spent the rest of the day furiously backpedaling." -- Chip Reid, CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, Friday I'm getting REAL tired of hearing this Groundhog Day Headline again and again. "Obama surrenders early" I don't remember any campaign speeches that said, "Give me the White House and I promise you that I'll cave-in to the Republicans long before the battle begins." Can we get Obama enrolled in "Cavers Anonymous" before it's too late? Send e-mail to Bart Subject: 2012 Who will have the guts to run against Obama in the 2012 Democratic primary? Howard Dean, Jim Webb, Hillary (too late?), Jerry Brown, Al Franken? There's gotta be somebody. JDams Before that happens, maybe a dozen Demo senators with some courage - ha ha - I love my sense of humor - could go to Obama and say, "You're screwing this up, Sir." Even AFTER the election disaster, Obama is proving he has no clue what to do. I'd like Obama to be a two-termer but you can't win by kissing GOP ass all the time. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Held over - I love this toon! Quotes "Bush not class act, destroyed GOP, jailed Ramos & Compean, left us bailouts, gave more power to fed gov & China." -- Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Taliban), tweeting about Herr Fuhrer Dubya, Link Send e-mail to Bart Bush cheated in his new book Much was lifted from advisers' books Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Help Bartcop.com survive! to bartcop@bartcop.com OR send a 'love' check to bartcop.com
![]() Lying Monkey Quotes Matt Lauer: You failed to send troops to Louisiana after Katrina - why? Lying Monkey: It's illegal for me to send troops unless the governor requests them! First, when did the law ever stop you from doing something you wanted to do? Why didn't you ask your torture lawyer to give you a waiver so you could save 5,000 lives? Second, it sounds like: Matt Lauer: You failed to operate on the woman who was shot in the head. Lying Monkey: It's illegal for me to operate unless the patient requests it! Really? The lady with a bullet in her brain needs to file a formal request for help? Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Stewart on Rachel's show Bart, did you watch Jon on Rachel yesterday? I know you normally don't watch her show, but you should watch this episode. It's 95% Jon, with Rachel occasionally asking a question. Jon is pretty amazing. And it's commercial free (the top video, not the little snippets below.) You really should watch the whole thing. Link tally I watched most of it live and it wasn't very good TV. They spent SO MUCH TIME expressing their mutual admiration for each other that there was little or no "debate" involved. Too bad. Seriously, it was like watching Russert interview Cheney about Iraq. Now if Stewart would face Bill Maher - the man who made the accusations - that might be interesting... Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Bart's poker buddy goes all in, wins big ![]() Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Three days after it's release the book is 30% off? Of course, the GOP will bulk buy thousands of copies to make sure it gets to the top of the Whore Times lost. Weird Picture of the Day Link Subject: you're missing the point Bart, you wrote: > The problem isn't lack of money - it's lack of courage on Obama's part. > Why doesn't he tell Bitch and Boner to shove those tax breaks up their Fascist asses? Bart my man, I think you’re missing the point. We’ve all be sold a bill of goods. Obama is answering to the same corporate overlords as the Repugs. His campaign is being financed by exactly the same folks that are financing the other side. All his faux resistance to the tax hikes is just like Brer Rabbit. “Don’t throw me into the briar patch” now reads: “No no, Repugs, don’t make me give a huge tax break to my corporate masters”. RJ in Asheville RJ, I see where you're going but there's a flaw in your hypothesis: If they're working for the same Master, why are they spending hundreds of millions of dollars to try to win a fight who's winner has already been decided? Meg Whitman spent $140M on a contest that her corporate masters wanted Jerry Brown to win? Your theory fails to hold water. Obama's need for approval at any cost makes more sense to me. ...just my opinion - you could be right. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Quotes "Well, they can go out there like rats and multiply, then, I guess." -- Tennessee state Rep. Curry Todd (R), saying pregnant Mexican immigrants remind him of rats, Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Olbermann's back. Whoop-de-doo by Gene Lyons Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: You never liked Obama anyways... ![]() Link Send e-mail to Bart Remember this from October? ![]() I have a SW VISA that's given us tons of free trips over the years but they kept sending me applications for a second SW VISA claiming they'd give us TWO round trips if we would just sign up - total cost $59 that was due in late 2011. After I posted that, someone wrote and said, "There's a sucker born every minute," implying that I was falling for some bullshit trap, so naturally I wrote him back and asked if he was the type of dude who'd be willing to put his money where his mouth is. I never heard back, but today vouchers for our two free flights showed up. Why pay for flights when Southwest gives them away for free? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Check out the news and toons at ![]() I don't remember the circumstances that presented Bush with the invitation to touch this American volleyball player's ass at the Beijing Olympics but someone said the decision to touch it with the BACK of his hand was "the smartest decision Bush made personally" in his eight years as President of the United States. I agree. Wildlife Picture of the Day Link Subject: Torture Torture is morally wrong. It is illegal both nationally and internationally. It is uncivilized, brutal, and things done only by the religiously insane, but barbarians, brutal dictators, and psychopaths. It's the kind of thing done by countries like the Congo, Somalia, Syria, Iran, Iraq under Saddam, Germany under Hitler, and the soviet Union under Stalin. We are Americans and we are the ones who are supposed to set a better example. But unfortunately under President Bush we stooped to the same level ad the above named dictators. Bush now openly admits that he ordered torture. He claims it resulted in useful information. And he acted on that information and invaded Iraq just to find that unlike what he was told, there were no weapons of mass destruction and the premise for the war was false. All it proved is that if you torture someone they will tell you whatever you whatever you want to hear. But all the torure did was create a recruiting tool for Osama bin Laden to point to Bush with his waterboarding and Abu Ghraib and say that Americans use torture. Americans are barbarians. And because we allow Bush to get away with it, they would be right. It is what put us in danger. It makes America weaker. It makes us seem dishonest. And it is a bad example for the rest of the world. Marc Perkel Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Click to Order “Mike Palecek reminds me of Socrates the gadfly who asked unwelcome questions, Diogenes with his lantern looking in vain for an honest man, Chekhov the man with the hammer challenging the complacent family to share their meal, Kerouac the ever on the move, somewhat hysterical searcher, and he reminds me of many Americans who as children were so blasted with propaganda that they’re devoting the rest of their lives to challenging the lies and all who tell them. In this land where babies are brought by storks and buildings collapse due to unpatriotic bricks, we need the gadfly because no leader, preacher, guru, or saint will wake us up, though the Doomsday clock is ticking close to twelve.”— David Ray, American poet, author of “The Endless Search” and “The Death of Sardanapalus and Other Poems of the Iraq Wars” ![]()
![]() Poor Baba Boooey Baba Booey is famous for two things: being Howard Stern's producer and possibly having the worst Opening Pitch ever at the new Mets Stadium. Thursday he was on Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy gave Baba Booey a chance to redeem himself for that awful throw live on his TV show. His pitch went waaaaay wide right - Dr House would look for a tumor if he saw how far that ball missed its intended target. Jimmy insisted he try again, the second pitch fell several feet short so he tried one last time, far-right, beaming a young woman in the head! It was like watching the Zapruder film. Buy the book! ![]() Click to Order Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Thanks to Art Subject: Is Dancing fixed? Bristol Palin receives the lowest scores every week - yet she continues on Dancing. I read that Sarah Palin is using the Republican Robo Dialer machine to send thousands of fraudulent votes to Dancing. Can you verify? My wife and I have been avid viewers of Dancing with the Stars but we can no longer watch a an obviously fixed show. Howard in Big Springs, CA Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Amazing new book says when Prescott Bush (The drunk!) went to Germany to help Adolph with his finances, Joe Kennedy went with him! Book says Kennedys and Bushes bet on both sides of the war. That's how the super-rich stay super-rich! Click to Order or More Info ![]() Guess the City Link Subject: last issue's mystery city Bart, last issue's mystery city is Yalta, (Now Fixed) where Stalin met Churchill and FDR in WWII, Burt ![]() If I remember right, this picture shocked America. This was America's first look at "suddenly old" FDR. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() You can select a monthly plan to provide
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![]() Today's History Mystery Link Subject: last issue's history mystery Last issue's history mystery dude is Fidel Castro! Peter in Long Beach Funny, only a handful - maybe 4 - people got that. Send e-mail to Bart ![]()
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