Tuesday, August 14, 2012 Vol 2921 - Tool bag
Quotes "Historically unpopular presidential candidate chooses historically unpopular running mate." -- my new favorite writer, LOLGOP, Link Send e-mail to Bart Ryan, worse than Palin He's dead weight on Mitt's sinking ship Link 3. The Ryan Plan, which even without Ryan on the ticket was dragging Mitt down. It starves the government to pay for massive tax breaks the rich do not need. It’s not a budget as much as it is a cookbook for the middle class. 4. Ryan reminds voters that Mitt is for turning Medicare into a voucher system. This not only costs seniors more but also explodes the cost of health care in general. Medicare costs are far more manageable than private insurance, but Ryan and Romney want to blow up our single-payer system that works so Wall Street can profit off seniors. 5. Ryan maybe improves Mitt’s chances in Wisconsin but hurts them in Florida, which Mitt needs to win. Don't you just love that "Medicare voucher" rhetoric? Seniors now have a GUARANTEE of health coverage. Under Willard/Ryan, you get a f-ing COUPON for 20% off. It's like asking a hungry homeless man: "Would you like a complete Thanksgiving dinner, with turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy and cranberry sauce and green beans and some shots of Chinaco... OR Would you like a coupon for 20% off a Thanksgiving dinner?" No wonder they're sinking in the polls., Send e-mail to Bart ![]() The worst since Quayle? This race is over. Did Romney have a choice? His VP HAD to be an insane 'Bagger, right? What sane Repugnant could he have chosen? There are none. He could've put up a sign: "Sane need not apply." ![]() Shop Online
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![]() Someone bought a Domke Original Camera Bag $118 (cheap) with FREE shipping Amazon donated $4.72 to the Treehouse, I think everyone needs a safe place for their cameras. Thanks for using this link
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This is what we're up against. ![]() ![]() Paul Ryan and The Right by Russ the Pillar Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: R-Money? R-Nya Hey Bart! I put together an updated bumper sticker for the Republicant ticket. Let me know if it's worth promoting. ![]() Tom at http://www.funnyfarmonline.org/ Tom, I like it. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Translation: Keep that nutty bitch away from my convention. Once again - did Romney have a choice? Didn't Palin show up in Massachusetts to upstage Romney the day he announced? Why couldn't she see that would poison her future? She gets off on making people angry - she has personality disorders. Why can't Sarah get along with the other Fascist dogs in the Repugnant Party? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Shit-fil-A Bart... It’s might interest everyone to know that the money donated by Dan Cathy also goes to support Westboro Baptist church nonsense... JC Since he hates God's gay children, that makes sense. Why did God make so many big mistakes, Mr. Cathy? Why can't God get it right when He creates His children? Why did God create "abominations" that need to be exterminated? Is your God incapable of getting it right, Mr. Cathy? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Obama, the only Protestant on either ticket Ryan and O'Biden are Catholics and Willard is in that nutty Kolob Kult. So what do the Protestants do? They abandon their religion because Obama's Black. God must be sooo disappointed in them. I imagine God likes Ol' Bart better than his "Christian Hater" kids. Send e-mail to Bart Marty
new stuff every
on her fine, fine Entertainment Page Marty's TV Listings are the best! ![]() Marty always has good stuff. ![]() Nationalmemo.com Link Have you been to nationalmemo.com? I guess it's new - Joe Conason is apparently a big dog there. Gene Lyons columns are there - that's good because Gene is hard to find sometimes. I also just discovered LOLGOP, who is a great and funny writer. He or she is on the team so I guess I'll visit them often. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() We may already be past the tipping point. What if it takes 30 years to turn back global warming? What if we wait another 30 goddamn years to start doing that? When will a Democrat summon the courage to say, "Jim Inhofe is CRAZY - We're out of time, we have to start reversing things NOW!" Sarah Palin Nude Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Did Paul Ryan show Romney his tax returns? Usually the Vice Presidential vetting process is pretty thorough. Romney had to collect a lot of information about his potential running mates. Which makes me wonder, did Paul Ryan turn over his tax returns to Romney? If so - is the voting public going to get to see them too? After all, the two of them are applying to us to choose them as our leaders. They are running on tax reform issues. Shouldn't they show us what taxes they pay like Obama and Biden did? Marc Perkel Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Advertise with Bartcop.com, Spend Money, Make Money Two days just $35 One week just $75 Don't let Bush's recession beat you. Fight back! Advertise on bartcop.com. What is today's Mystery Car?
Link Subject: Last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, it is a Ferrari 360 Modena Spyder. Unfortunately, it isn't mine. Harker in Japan Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Bad Weekend for Ochocinco (Chad Johnson) Link So his new-ish wife finds a receipt for condoms in his car - asks WTF? He responds, of course, by headbutting his bride, giving her a 3-inch gash on her forehead. The cops arrest him, the Miami Dolphins fired him, HBO fired him from one TV show and now VH-1 cancelled his spin-off TV show. Gosh, dude - did you fuck up? And do you know what Johnson's defense is? He claims she headbutted him. Really, dude? That's your way out of this? Who gave you that great idea? Jermaine? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() We're
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you'll know when each new issue goes up. Medical pot Mess n Montana http://www.facebook.com/tom.daubert ![]() "I might get 20 years in federal prison because 'the Feds' have a problem with the legal pot laws in Montana." Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() The GOP's War on non-whites ![]() The GOP is so radical, they need police protection in public We're fighting the anti-progress GOP - can you help? Support bartcop.com the way the racists supported Chick-fil-A You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or Donate
or you could send a "love" check tobartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 We accept credit cards Thank you Today's Hot Mystery
Celebrity photo
Look DownLink Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, that is Oscar-winning actress Charlize Theron! Harold S Send e-mail to Bart Today's Wildlife
Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Ayn Rand madness I've been rolling "Enlightened Self-Interest" around in my head. I had a queasy feeling about it. It isn't altruism, it is just selfishness that looks at the long term. Here's what happens if a society is based on it. They can't recruit anyone for the army. There is no reason to die for your country, if you really believe Ayn Rand. You could go if your prospects on the outside were slim and the chances of getting killed were small, but when it really counts: at war time, no. No reason at all. Likewise if there is a crime you can commit with practically no chance of getting caught, and gets you lots of money, there is no reason to stop you. None. Not even a reason to feel guilty. There is no right and wrong any more, just Enlightened Self-interest. Society is disgusted with people who act this way. Ayn Rand shrugged. She just believed that's the way people really are. Imagine Ayn Rand meeting him in the afterlife. Maybe it would take four of them. And how about these men and women? And I didn't even have to include the military, where sacrifice is right in the job description, and not less precious just because it happens all the time. Scott Davis Send e-mail to Bart Today's Mystery City
Link Subject: last issue's mystery city Link Bart, that is Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Vince C Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's History Mystery Link Subject: last issue's history mystery Link That is the legendary Brigitte Bardot. John from Charlotte Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: donation Hey Bart~ looks like "Americas team" is "Super Bowl bound". Lowrand Lowrand, thanks for that. Yes, once again, the Dallas Cowboys are going to the Super Bowl! Maybe this year they won't have to sit in the End Zone. I heard the announcer say Dallas has won ONE playoff game in the last 15 years. Jerry Jones says he's stick with Tony "Butterfingers" Romo NO MATTER WHAT. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Oh, and I love that they won last night - since it didn't count. Everyone is broke, but you're still buying some necessities, right? Buying them thru Amazon helps keep bartcop.com on the InnerNets and you might even save some money.. Humor can get us thru the worst of times so we will keep on. As my buddy Ray Coleman used to say, "Never quit!!" Please remember the Bartcop Portal when you shop online. It never hurts to check http://amzn.to/bartcop prices. ![]() Hottest Vampire - Nina Dobrev ![]() ![]() Check out over 100 sexy and tasteful photos of Nina Dobrev More in BC Hotties Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties. Marty always has good stuff. Shopping online?
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