Tuesday, Oct 23, 2012 Vol 2959 - Horses and bayonettes
![]() ![]() ![]() Katy Perry wig - only $15.95 Time is running out - Order today! Or go as Jailbait ![]() Click to be Jailbait The Hottest Halloween costumes 2012 Ideas Quotes "Does Romney know where Syria is? In the debate, Romney said: 'Syria is Iran’s only ally in the Arab world. It’s their route to the sea.' Syria is clearly not Iran’s route to the sea given that Iraq divides them." -- Ben Cohen Link Send e-mail to Bart Obama Rattles Romney in Debate That was the Yahoo News Headline Link Obama portrayed Romney as "all over the map" and inexperienced on key national security issues in theie final debate. Each candidate attempted to paint the other as an untrustworthy commander in chief, but Romney was less aggressive and he was often on defense in the 90-minute exchange. "I know you haven't been in a position to actually execute foreign policy—but every time you've offered an opinion, you've been wrong," Obama said, referencing Romney's initial support for the Iraq war. Obamal was harshly critical of Romney, and landed a few well-placed zingers. "The Cold War's been over for 20 years," he said in response to Romney saying that Russia is America's primary geopolitical foe. He later said, "Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets," in response to Romney's criticism that America has fewer Navy ships than in the past. "We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines," the president added, a touch of mockery entering his voice. So, Romney clearly won the first debate. Obama won the second and third debates, but not by a great deal. The race that was once over is now up for grabs. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Obama Aggressive, Romney Limp Why did the tiger turn into a mouse? Link Obama dispensed zingers early and often, from "the 1980s called; they want their foreign policy back" to "we have these things called aircraft carriers" to jabs about Romney's investments in companies that did business overseas and outsourced American jobs. Every remark was calculated to suggest that Romney is out of touch with current events and stuck in failed past Republican policies. Romney once again frequently referred to the letdowns of the past four years, but because Obama's foreign policy record is much stronger than his domestic record, it was less effective. He had to give credit for Obama successes such as killing Osama bin Laden and couldn't articulate how his Syria policy would differ. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: right wing ads on your page Hi Bart, I like the right wing ads on your site !!! I click on them ever chance I get. Since I haven't contributed directly yet, between the ads and amazon it's my way to kick some coin your way Plus I'm draining a little from the right wing propaganda machine. Imagine if ALL your readers did that !!! Copesetic Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Why We Hate Women by the Republican party Link Sunday on ABC’s This Whore, Greta Van Susteren blasted Democrats for focusing on Romney’s “binders full of women.” “I know that the Democratic Party is running with that, but… women have heard so much worse…” she said. Yeah, they have heard worse - and it's all been from the Party you whore for. Todd Akin says something worse nearly every day. When he told a reporter about “legitimate rape,” even Republicans seemed appalled - at first. Since then he’s accused Claire McCaskill (D-MO) of acting like a “fetching dog.” Wisconsin state Rep Roger Rivard recently said, “Some girls rape easy”—twice. Former comedian Dennis Miller (I wrote that first) has lambasted Sandra Fluke for having the temerity to believe her heath insurance should cover basic reproductive health care. Birth control they believe should be settled by a woman’s employer. Can’t get much worse than that. The GOP’s platform calls for banning abortion with no exceptions—not even the life of the mother. Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL) briefly insisted that there is no instance where an abortion is necessary to save a mother’s life But Greta is worried that "binder talk" is too rough for the precious ears of women? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() If Obama wins, will this be the defining moment? Thanks to Ron C Subject: Can you imagine how horrible it must be to watch a lot of TV in Ohio? Bart. it’s just as bad in Iowa. Every Romney commercial is so full of lies they should have disclaimers run before and after them. And how legal can it be that a family member owns the voting machines in a key state? This smells like 200 and 2004 all over again. They know they cannot win fairly so they cheat. Every instance of voter fraud uncovered so far has been by the republicans, and in so many states. I wish the Democrats would grow some balls and stand up to the cheaters. BobbyLee in iowa BuddyLee, don't worry about that. The Dems plan to file a lawsuit on November 5th. Subject: watching TV in Ohio Hi Bart I have quit watching anything live except football. It's non stop political ads here. Jeff in Akron Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Shop
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Mitt's Boca Etch-A-Sketch Who was that man in the Thurston mask? Link Shortly before Romney’s much-hyped (and ultimately underwhelming) foreign policy speech at VMI, The New York Times reported that even Romney’s own advisors had no idea what his foreign policy would look like. His performance at the final debate must have confirmed their doubts. On issue after issue, Romney disavowed the same positions that he and his neoconservative advisors have embraced throughout the campaign. While he successfully distanced himself from the deeply unpopular Bush bastards, he ultimately left voters with little notion of what he actually believes when it comes to international affairs. Unlike the first two debates, Romney spent almost the entire night in Boca Raton agreeing with Obama. From the first question — on Libya, the topic that Romney clumsily used to attack Obama during the last debate — it was clear that he would not be playing offense. Although Romney repeatedly criticized Obama's supposed lack of leadership, he essentially endorsed hispolicies on issue after issue. How do you debate a guy who keeps saying, "I agree with you?" The right-wingers must be going CRAZY seeing their champion agreeing with the Negro Muslin Kenyan, but Prime Directive #1 is to get those dark-skinned people out of the White House - whatever it takes. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Quotes "How can the loss of workers' rights in China or anywhere else create good jobs here? Short answer: It can't. Throw in some even more exorbitant military spending, and you're headed for ... the RomneyZone." -- Richard Eskow, Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: last night's debate The dope got roped in my opinion from my Montana vantage point. We will remember “horses and bayonets” for a couple of weeks now. Geoff in Montana Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Marty's
Entertainment Page
has new stuff every day Marty's TV Listings are the best! ![]() Marty
always has good stuff. Obama is a Mean, Mean Man by that crazy dried-up hag Gary Bauer Link One night last February, Obama was attending a fundraiser in Florida when he spotted a local Republican activist he knew was close to Marco Rubio, the "next Ronald Reagan." At the time, Rubio was being discussed as a potential vice presidential pick. Obama approached the woman and asked, "So, is your boy going to go for it?" "The woman certainly wasn't expecting this sort of welcome," Politico reporter Glenn Thrush relates in his new e-book, "Obama's Last Stand." "But she had seen this side of Obama before, the puckish trash-talker -- not the professor who delivered high-minded lectures to eye-rolling senators." "I don't know. It could happen," the woman said with a chuckle. "Well," Obama replied as he moved closer, "tell your boy to watch it. He might get his ass kicked." I don't buy it. I'm not saying Obama is above some trash-talking, but to a female? At a formal gathering? Yeah, that's how Obama got to be president, - by acting thuggish with rich, white women. Gee, too bad nobody had a camera or a cell phone or a tape recorder to catch and record the words the president might accidentally let slip. Gosh, I'll bet the roomfull of reporters will remember next time. All we have is the word of the guy trying to sell books. If he says Obama is an uppity nigger who leers at every white woman he sees, the fair-and-balanced FOX News will give him the next two weeks of free air time. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Lance Armstrong Bart, as much as I admire Armstrong, the evidence is overwhelming that he cheated. If the evidence is overwhelming, why can't anyone point to it? Virtually all of his fellow USA postal team members admitted to following along with the same doping regimen. EPO was the performance enhancing drug specfically designed for endurance cyclists that the team used. In the early stages of its use there was no accurate test for its presence in the blood or urine, so it went undetected. If you have time to read the conclusions of the report, I am sure that you will concur that Lance did run afoul of the drug rules. M Lamont I don't understand how the allegation that the test could be fooled is somehow proof that Armstrong cheated. Since they admit they had no way to catch cheaters in 1999, Armstrong should be given the benefit of the doubt. And if ALL the bikers were doping, how did Lance manage to win each time? BTW, I have no idea if he cheated or not. I'm saying once they admit their test was faulty, how do you screw a guy for consistently winning? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() ![]() Now consider a group of baboons,
the loudest, most obnoxious of all primates. And what is the proper collective noun for baboons? A Congress! ![]() Thanks to Ralston Today's Mystery
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Reminds me of Sophia Loren at the Oscars several years ago. Jim W I don’t know the mystery car today, but it reminds me of Madonna for some reason… Geoff B Hi Bart, Very nice picture of the 1959 Cadillac Cyclone. Graham Hard to believe that car is a Cadillac. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Reminder:
When you make a purchase from Amazon.com
the donation money comes from them, not you. ![]() Thurston, the Dithering Bully by Robert Reich Link I thought the third debate was a clear win for the President. He displayed the authority of the nation's Commander-in-Chief - calm, dignified, and confident. He was assertive without being shrill, clear without being condescending. He explained to a clueless Mitt Romney the way the world actually works. Romney seemed out of his depth. His arguments were more a series of bromides than positions - "we have to make sure arms don't get into the wrong hands," "we want a peaceful planet," "we need to stand by our principles," "we need strong allies," "we need a comprehensive strategy to move the world away from terrorism," and other banalities. This has been Romney's problem all along, of course, but in the first debate he managed to disguise his vacuousness with a surprisingly combative, well-rehearsed performance. By the second debate, the disguise was wearing thin. In Monday's debate, Romney seemed to wither - and wander. He often had difficulty distinguishing his approach from the President's, except to say, repeatedly, "America needs strong leadership." I didn't hear Obama say this: "Romney sees a future where America is made stronger by giving more to the super-rich. I see a future where America is stronger because we gave the middle classs some breathing room. If you're a one-percenter, I understand why you might vote for Romney, but if you're in the 99 percent, for Christ's sake, pull your head out and use your f-ing head and vote yourself a raise." I wonder why I didn't hear that? Send e-mail to Bart Subject: early voting Actually Bart, out here in OR, early voting is ALL you get. Every registered voter in this state gets a ballot in the mail. They fill it out at their convenience, and then either return it in the mail, or drop it off at special ballot boxes setup at government buildings and libraries. Polling stations? They are so over! No more standing in line, in the rain. No more dodging protesters on the way in, and reporters on the way out. No senile volunteers who can't read your signature, and can't hear you when you pronounce your weird last name. No more waiting...in line...for a moment of privacy in a flimsy porta-closet the size of a toaster-oven. I point out a greater advantage to the Oregon System. The fact is, you don't HAVE to vote in private. In fact, you can make your vote as public as you'd like. You can vote where you like: in the library, in the coffee house, in the breakroom at work, in the hospital waiting room, in your car (while not driving), on the bus or light rail. The possibilities are endless. Personally, I advocate voting at the bar. You can't drink and drive, but you CAN drink and vote. And after a few beers, you tend to get loud and proud about the process, and soon, everybody in the establishment knows that Obama is going to win, because you are putting him over the top. I find this approach most convincing, for the last thing anybody in this town wants is to tangle with a mean Irish Chicago democrat. Because, even a drunk Irishman can win...... simply by listing the facts. --dave, Portlandia OR Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: George McGovern, American war hero Loved what you said about McGovern, Bart. I was so honored to have this photo taken a few years back with him and his daughter. ![]() Debbie from Milwaukee I'm guessing many people don't know how brave McGovern was - from Wikipedia: McGovern flew 35 missions over enemy territory from San Giovanni, Italy. His targets were oil refinery complexes or rail marshalling yards, all as part of the U.S. strategic bombing campaign in Europe. On a mission over Czechoslovakia, McGovern's plane had one engine out and another in flames after being hit by flak. Unable to return to Italy, McGovern flew to a British airfield off the Yugoslav coast. The short field, normally used by small fighter planes, was so unforgiving to four-engined aircraft that many of the bomber crews who tried to make emergency landings there perished. But McGovern successfully landed, saving his crew, a feat for which he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. On McGovern's 35th mission, McGovern's plane took 110 holes in its fuselage and wings causing an inoperative hydraulic system. McGovern's waist gunner was injured, and his flight engineer was so unnerved he was hospitalized with battle fatigue, but McGovern managed to bring back the plane safely. He was awarded the Air Medal with three oak leaf clusters. A shot of Chinaco to a true American war hero - George McGovern. ![]() Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Republicans From what I see the Republicans are inhaling fear and exhaling anger. But the truth is that America has real problems. Problems that are going to take time to recover from even if we do everything right. And if we don't do everything right we might not ever recover. The Republicans have yet to put a plan on the table to we can see if it passes the math test. I can't vote for someone with an undisclosed plan. The way I see it, fear and anger is not a good strategy. We need to grow up and act responsibly. We need to get past fear and anger so we can stand up, dust ourselves off, and as a united country, start the journey from where we are to where we need to be. Marc Perkel Send e-mail to Bar ![]() ![]() Advertise with Bartcop.com, Spend Money, Make Money Two days just $35 One week just $70 Don't let Bush's recession beat you. Fight back! Advertise on bartcop.com ![]() Know your Supermodels ![]() Link Subject: Last issue's supermodel Link Bart, that tragic supermodel would be Gia played in biopic by Angelina Jolie. oddcat Send e-mail to Bart Today's Wildlife Photo Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's Mystery
Celebrity Photo
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, that's American Idol singer Katharine McPhee. John from Charlotte Send e-mail to Bart The GOP's War on women, the poor and non-whites We're fighting the anti-progress GOP - can you help? Support bartcop.com the way the racists supported Chick-fil-A You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or Donate
or you could send a "love" check tobartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 We accept credit cards Thank you ![]() Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Bart, that is the Liberty Bridge (1894) in Budapest Hungary. On the top of each pillar is a Turul - the mythical Hungarian bird standing on a golden ball. Rick P Send e-mail to Bart ![]() What is today's History Mystery? Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Bart- it is Sean Connery, prior to his days of being cool, when steroids were apparently legal (oil sure seems to have been). Here's another one from the day: Douglas ![]() ![]() Subject: donations Hey Bart, it's my birthday this month. Please keep the website going. After listening to all the republican propaganda, it's a pleasure to go to Bartcop and and read stuff that makes sense! Doris in Jackson, OH Doris, thanks for that. Humor can get us thru the worst of times so we will keep on. As my buddy Ray Coleman used to say, "Never quit!!" Amazon.com is my best bet to staying on the InnerNets. ...and if you shop with them, you might even save some money. Please remember the Gift Cards and the Bartcop Portal when you shop online. It never hurts to check http://amzn.to/bartcop prices. ![]() Can't-Get-to-the-US Louise Redknapp ![]() ![]() Check out over 130 sexy and tasteful photos of Louise Redknapp More in BC Hotties Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties. Send Your Hottie Suggestion to Bart
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