Valentine's Day is still two weeks away,
but congressional Democrats are positively giddy with love
-- and they're all in the love with the
same, surprising, person. One by one, Democrats are rushing
down Pennsylvania Avenue to deliver hugs
and kisses -- to George W. Bush!
Who would believe it? After one of the hardest-fought
campaigns in memory, and a long, bitter recount battle,
Democrats are acting like they didn't really
mean it. Every day, another one declares his puppy love for Bush.
On his first day in office, former Sens.
Paul Simon and John Glenn and other so-called ``Democratic elders,''
met with and spoke glowingly about the
new president. Next, Democratic firebrands Ted Kennedy and
George Miller talked education with Bush
and later praised his school plan. Newly elected Democratic
Sen. Zell Miller of Georgia announced he
was co-sponsoring Bush's massive tax cut.
Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd, former Democratic
National Chairman, joined seven other Democrats in
voting for John Ashcroft for attorney general.
House minority leader Dick Gephardt celebrated his 60th birthday
in the Oval Office dining room, with George
and Laura. The Congressional Black Caucus, last bastion of liberalism,
trouped en masse to the West Wing for another
Bush group grope. And the entire Kennedy clan accepted an
invitation to return to the White House
this weekend to watch a movie with the first family.
Whatever happened to the loyal opposition?
If this is what we can expect for the next
four years, the Democratic party might as well close up shop.
Tell them, Bill!
If things get much worse, I may have to run for something.
(Oh, that's right - I live in Oklahoma - nevermind)
And that's not all. Congressional Democrats
have not only fallen all over themselves to accept Bush's invitations to
the White House, they have also invited
him into their most private meetings.
Every February, Senate and House Democrats
gather for an annual retreat: to set legislative goals, debate strategy,
divide up responsibilities and lay plans
for retaining or gaining seats in the next election.
It's all top secret.
No outsiders.
No lobbyists.
No reporters.
And especially, God forbid, no Republicans.
Until this year -- when both House and Senate
Democrats will entertain as their special guest: President Bush!
That's like the Giants inviting the Ravens'
quarterback into their locker room at half-time.
If that's not total surrender,
I don't know what is.
Granted, Bush won't stay for the entire
retreat, but he will attend, he will speak, and he will dominate the news
turning a strategically important Democratic
event into just one more Bush campaign event. And, besides,
what is Bush going to say about vouchers
or tax cuts they haven't already heard?
Do they really expect him to apologize
for nominating John Ashcroft?
The warm embrace of Bush by Democrats
stands in stark contrast to the welcome
Bill Clinton received from Republicans
eight years ago.
Even though Clinton tried to reach across
the aisle, Republican congressional leaders spurned him.
Not one Republican voted for his 1993
economic plan. They never accepted Clinton as a
legitimate president, declared open
warfare, impeached him and dogged him with an
independent counsel until the last day
of his presidency.
Now, tit for tat is not good public policy.
I'm not suggesting that Bush be given the same shabby treatment
Republicans gave Clinton. But there are
two good reasons they should stop joining his bandwagon.
First, no matter how charming Bush's words,
his actions still reveal him as the right-wing conservative he is. No
one serious about uniting the country would
nominate John Ashcroft for attorney general. No true compassionate person
would cut off all funding to overseas family
planning clinics, denying poor women in third world countries the
basic reproductive information American
women enjoy.
Second, there were real differences between
Bush and Gore in the last campaign, differences that didn't disappear once
Bush inherited the White House. Most Americans,
in fact, rejected Bush's proposals on prescription drugs, Social
Security, vouchers and tax cuts. Having
lost the popular vote, Bush has no mandate to push his conservative agenda.
And Democrats should not give him one.
Not to mention the obvious fact: If Democrats
are to have any hope of taking control of the House and Senate in 2002,
they'd better not be caught sleeping with
the enemy.
Respect for the president is one thing,
falling in love with him is another.
Democrats can shake Bush's hand.
But they should stop slobbering all
over him.