Wednesday, May 15, 2013 Vol 3062 - Ape hangers
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PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 ![]() In the GOP, it's "Screw those women, rapist's rights come first!" Quotes "Poll this question: Should the IRS investigate "Tea Party" groups that seek tax exempt status as social welfare non-profits? -- LOLGOP in a tweet Send e-mail to Bart Rand Paul WANTS Hillary Careful what you wish for, Dude Link Rand Paul again blasted Hillary for her actions — or lack of action — on Benghazi. “They asked and pleaded for [more] security in advance, well in advance, and it was denied. Hillary Clinton should’ve been involved. It was her job as secretary of state to be involved with security in Libya,” Mr. Paul, a KY Republican, said on “Fox and Friends.” “That’s exactly why I find her culpable and why I don’t think she was doing her job. She wasn’t reading the pleas for help” from American diplomats in Benghazi, he added. Mr. Paul has become one of the biggest dicks concerning Mrs. Clinton. The two are rumored to be strongly considering runs for their parties’ nominations for president in 2016. Some Democrats have accused Republicans, including Mr. Paul, of hammering Hillary over Benghazi to damage her and make her a less viable candidate for the White House. I don't think Rand can get the GOP nomination. Why? The GOP always ends up nominating someone they don't like from their Left-wing. Romney was always a gun-grabbing, gay-loving Northeastern Liberal. McCain was hated and mocked by the vulgar Pigboy for years. Bush billed himself as a "uniter, not a divider" implying the GOP divided us. Dole was a mean-spirited bastard, but he was hardly right-wing - unless he was running. Bush the Smarter needed Dan Quayle to placate the religio-crazies. That brings us to Reagan who was SO LIBERAL compared to today's crazy GOP. If Reagan was an incumbent, they'd primary his sleeping ass right back to California. So that's why Rand Paul can't be president. He might be VP, but to whom? If they do it like 2012, they'll bounce from one unknown loser to unknown loser and maybe deeeep into the summer of 2016, they beg Chris Christie to get in. But Rush the radical HATES relatively-centrist Chris Christie. Yeah, we need a bloody (rhetorically, of course) GOP civil war. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Advertise with Bartcop.com, Spend Money, Make Money Two days just $35 One week just $70 Don't let Bush's recession beat you. Fight back! Advertise on bartcop.com ![]() Benghazi E-mail Altered? By Whom? We always said it was a hoax... Link Was ABC News used by someone with an ax to grind against the State Department? It looks possible. A key email in its “scoop” that the administration’s “talking points” on Benghazi had been changed a dozen times came from White House national security communications adviser Ben Rhodes. It seemed to confirm that the White House wanted the talking points changed to protect all agencies’ interests, “including those of the State Department,” in the words of the email allegedly sent by Rhodes. But CNN’s Jake Tapper reveals that Rhodes’ email didn’t mention the State Department, and doesn’t even seem to implicitly reference it. The email as published by Karl differs significantly from the original obtained by Tapper. So why didn't Obama's people say, "That e-mail was faked - not our words." I've always liked Jay Carney, but he can't answer simple questions worth a damn. Every word out of his mouth sounds like a team of lawyers had OK'd it, but that's why he sounds like he's not giving us the whoile truth. Hey Jay, why give a 200-word answer when "No" will do? Send e-mail to Bart Shop
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![]() Obama Needs a Drudge by Brent Budowsky Link The unprecedented influence of [Matt] Drudge is that he offers a scandal and message megaphone to conservative media, politicians and ideas that drive the national narrative that Drudge horizontally cross-promotes. GOP attacks rocket from Issa’s keyboard to Fox News and Drudge’s site, which beams them outward to be repeated from “Morning Joe” to the evening news and daily newspapers. Armies of mainstream media insiders pore over the Drudge Report like Talmudic scholars, which arguably make Drudge the single most influential person in American media. The insular and personally based political style of Obama works brilliantly when he is a single candidate concentrating his full apparatus against a single opponent such as Mitt Romney, but fails in the White House when the mission is to promote a powerful message and mobilize mass opinion to influence the machinery of governance. Former President Reagan understood this. His addresses to the nation, backed by his grassroots organization and promoted by his media allies, flooded the Capitol switchboard and synchronized his power in both campaigning and governing. Drudge in this sense is the oldest child of Reagan. In basketball terms, Drudge is the playmaker who gives assists to others, while Obama is the shooter who takes too many wild three-point shots while teammates are open under the net, pleading for him to throw them the ball. Brent, you lost me with the basketball analogies. I mean c'mon - it's a short pants sport! But I think the bigger problem is the Democrat are just OK about winning. Sure, if victory knocks on their door they miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight get up and answer it, but they damn sure aren't going to WORK as hard as Republicans to win. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Bart's double standard? Hey, Bart. Read your site every day. We see eye to eye on many things, BUT... You do seem to be taking it awfully personally when Shirley Manson & Gwen Stefani choose not to dress in a conventionally "sexy" way. What, so their music is crap now? Not sure how you make that connection. Most people in show business try to look their best when onstage. Plus, it's difficult to say, "You shouldn't enjoy this, you should enjoy that." Your Paul McCartney example notwithstanding, I don't believe for a second that you comparably judge male musicians by their appearance. ha ha You got that right. Jimmy Page can wear Kerry's condom suit for all I care. I just want to see him play live again. You minimize the creativity of Garbage and No Doubt when your opinion of them is disproportionately shaped by how good the frontwomen look. This is a double standard in which women too often are judged by their appearance first, and their abilities second (if at all). Don't you find it strange when an attractive female stage performer intentionally take steps to make herself less appealing visually? I'm not disappointed in Shirley for getting older. I'm saying that dressing down is unusual, if not unprecedented. You might have to go back to Moms Mabley to find someone who intentionally made themselves less atractive before going onstage. ![]() I would think an ardent Hillary Clinton supporter such as yourself would recognize that. Mark T from Michigan Dude, we're not voting for equal rights for women. We're just expressing opinions and I think Earth-haired girls are more attractive. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() President Passerby When will Obama come to work? by WaHoPo's Dana Milbank Link President Passerby needs urgently to become a participant in his presidency. Late Monday came the breathtaking news of a full-frontal assault on the First Amendment by his administration: word that the Justice Department had gone on a fishing expedition through months of phone records of Associated Press reporters. And yet President Obama reacted much as he did to the equally astonishing revelation on Friday that the IRS had targeted conservative groups based on their ideology: He responded as though he were just some bloke on a bar stool, getting his information from the evening news. Now that Obama has learned about this extraordinary abuse of power, he’s not doing a thing about it. “We are not involved at the White House in any decisions made in connection with ongoing criminal investigations,” Carney argued. Jeff Mason asked how Obama felt about “being compared to President Nixon on this.” Carney laughed. “People who make those kinds of comparisons need to check their history,” he said. Carney had a point there. Nixon was a control freak. Obama seems to be the opposite: He wants no control over the actions of his administration. Obama's presidency is in trouble and he doesn't seem to notice. What will it take for him to come to work? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Obama and Scandals Bart, it's not that Obama has led a scandal free life, it's the media has given him a free ride on them. Mike C. ...and Hillary was too polite to mention these scandals in 2008? Send me a list and some links - I'll print it/them. Send e-mail to Bart Dr. Laura Exposed Link No nude pictures here Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Bartcop's Computer Repair
We can fix your computer We do the repairs magically, over the Net. Bartcop's Worldwide Computer Repair ![]() Sign up now! We come to you! Bart, Jordan worked on my aged slower than molasses computer last week and did a great job of cleaning it up. It took longer than we thought but in the end has been worth it. He was very patient and gave excellent advice and recommendations. I encourage anyone who has problems to give Jordan a call. Paula R. PA Hey Bart, I want to let you know that Jordan took care of my 2001 vintage IBM ThinkPad. Thanks to you for having him on board. A long time fan since 1998. Jimmy in Providence, RI Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Michelle's "scandal"
Bart, Here is the snopes link refuting your latest Monkey Mail asshole regarding Michelle Obama having her law degree forced from her by some disciplinary committee. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/lawlicenses.asp Keep hammerin'!! Bluedeer Send e-mail to Bart Marty's
Entertainment Page
has new stuff every day Marty's TV Listings are the best! ![]() Marty
always has good stuff. ![]() Subject: my take on Obama's "scandals' On IRS: if my tea party organization was dedicated to destroying the IRS, I'd expect to be looked at for tax exempt status. On AP: this was done by subpena, you know, due process, in pursuit of terrorism security leaks. What's not to like? Ray K Send e-mail to Bart ![]() See more
at http://mariopiperni.com
![]() Send e-mail to Bart Subject: The IRS's questioning of Tea Party groups is mildly disconcerting ! Bart, the IRS Commissioner was appointed in 2006 by Republican President Bush for a six-year term! The Teabaggers were fragged by their own side – Obama cannot be blamed for the actions of an agency run by a Republican! Harsha Harsha, you know that and I know that. How can we get word to the political geniuses helping Obama? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Golf Marshalls: "Eldrick Lied" Eldrick marred by he said/he said drama Link Two course marshals are disputing an account from Eldrick over their involvement in a tiff between Woods and Sergio Garcia during this weekend's Very Sleepy Championship. Garcia blamed Eldrick for a bad shot by claiming Woods distracted him by pulling a club from his bag, drawing noise from the crowd. Eldrick said he did not see Garcia and the course marshals gave him the OK. Gary Anderson and John North, the marshals involved, say they said nothing to Woods one way or another. "It's very simple," Garcia told NBC. "You have to pay attention to what's going on because the other guy is hitting. You do something when you're in the crowd and the crowd is going to respond." For his part, Woods accused Garcia of playing sore loser. "It's not real surprising that he's complaining about something," said Eldrick. But the marshals dispute Woods's claims. Send e-mail to Bart Know Your Classics Link Subject: last issue's Classic Link Bart, that is Natty Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. Richard M Send Classic Lines to Bart Subject: Whoa Bart! Really? Did you ever think that women want to be recognized for their performance and talent, NOT their looks? Link You have to be very careful when expressing an opinion near a Democrat. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's Wildlife Photo Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: War of Northern aggression Bart, I am of the opinion that the only way to stop the "silliness" of the Southern desire to replay the Civil War is to quit the idealizing of the Confederate Generals. I know that I will be called all kinds of names by the Southerners, .......but Robert E. Lee was a "Pudknocker". For crap sakes- How many died for Lee's honor? Sorry Southerners, but Lee killed your GGGrandparents (mine also!) to protect his image of his own honor. He is, of course, quoted as saying at the battle of Fredericksburg, "It is a good thing that war is so terrible" as he gleefully watched the Union soldiers die. Get over it. Lee was a Jerk!! Harv Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Here's another chance to donate. ![]() You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or make a one-time Donatation
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bartcop.comPO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 Also, shopping ![]() ![]() Today's Mystery
Celebrity Photo
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Nobody got Debra Messing. She was on a popular TV show called "Will and Grace" for eight years. Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, is that Lindsey Graham? Jude No, but you're damn close. Bart:, is that Danica Patrick? Douglas J Bart, could that cutie be Annika Sorenstam? Tom I believe that is Kate Middleton, a true Princess. Rosemary Rosemary, you are correct. But Lindsay Graham is a princess, too :) Send e-mail to Bart Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Nobody got Colorado Springs. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Name the Mystery Car Link There's a second Mystery here... Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, that's a 1954 Buick WildCat II concept car. Michael, Cannon Beach, OR Send e-mail to Bart ![]() What is today's History Mystery? Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Bart, that's Harry Reasoner, from an era when journalists had integrity and we didn't have to rely on comedians for truthful information. Thanks Bart! Keep hammering! When the IRS gets back to me, you'll get a cut. Promise. Rick in Monterey ![]() Subject: donations Bart, this in appreciation for your efforts. If the world was fair, you would be a rich man. Hal in New York, New York Hal, that wasn nice - thanks. Humor can get us thru the worst of times so we will keep on. As my buddy Ray Coleman used to say, "Never quit!!" Amazon.com seems to be my best bet to stay on the Tubes ...and if you shop with them, you might even save some money. Please remember the Bartcop Portal when you shop online. It never hurts to check http://amzn.to/bartcop prices. ![]() Hot French Singer - Alizee ![]() ![]() Check out over 100 sexy and tasteful photos of Alizee More hot babes in BC Hotties Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties... Send Your Hottie Suggestion to Bart
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