Wednesday, Oct 23, 2013 Vol 3143 - Suicide Caucus
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"The GOP - How to transition from shutdown to impeachment?" -- LOLGOP in a tweet Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Cruz Ally Facing Backlash Rep Mike Lee feeling the heat back home Link When Mike Lee toppled Republican Sen. Robert F. Bennett here in 2010, it was the tea party’s first big triumph. But now, after the shutdown, it’s Lee who faces a revolt within his own party. Utah, one of the most Republican states in the nation, has a long tradition of being represented by pragmatic, business-minded conservatives in the U.S. Senate. Lee broke that pattern by governing as a f-ing loon — standing alongside Ted Cruz in the ill-conceived push to kill health care for the poor. As a result, Lee’s approval ratings in Utah have cratered, and prominent Republicans and businessmen are openly discussing a primary challenge against him. Top Republicans are also maneuvering to redesign the party’s nomination system in a way that would make it less likely that Lee could win reelection in 2016. Just ask Bank President A. Scott Anderson, who raised money for Lee three years ago. “I think people admire him for sticking to his guns and principles, but I think there are growing frustrations,” Anderson said. “If things are to happen, you can’t just stick to your principles. You have to make things work . . . . You’ve got to be practical.” Spencer Zwick, a chairman for Romney’s campaign, was more direct, calling Lee a “show horse” who “just wants to be a spectacle.” (If anyone knows about show horses, it's Romney.) “Business leaders that I talk to, many of whom supported him, would never support his reelection and in fact will work against him, myself included,” Zwick said. If Lee is worried, he isn’t showing it That's because he's crazy. Remember all those years we had MAD with China and Russia? Russia amd China might be run by power-hungry dictators, but they're not crazy so MAD worked. Then came al Qaeda, who are willing to die for the cause - that's what Teabaggers are. They aren't hear to "win" anything, they are here to destroy. Hey, Teabagger, if you'd like to live in a world with less government and more religious insanity, Somalia might be a good fit for you. But bottom line, if Teabaggers are suicidal, should we stand in their way? Send e-mail to Bart Subject: A.C.A. Hi Bart, A little more info on the ACA (I won't call it Obamacare because no one likes that). I've been on private insurance for a couple of years since my job got sent overseas and had been looking forward to signing up for better / cheaper insurance. I got quite frustrated when every logon attempt would fail. I read on a blog somewhere that IE10 didn't work. They said to use Firefox or Chrome. Within a short while I had filled in the subsidy questionnaire. It's not as difficult as some claim it is. Currently I'm waiting for verification of my uploaded driver license so I can review the available policies. Seems to me the glitches mentioned in the news are only on IE browsers. Wonder why the government doesn't tell folks this? Thanks for all the interesting info you post. It's good for a laugh. John L John, if the Democrats are consistent in one category, it's refusing to list the facts. They can't remember that OUR SIDE IS RIGHT. If you're right, you only have to remember a few facts. When you lie, you have to keep a dozen plates spinning at the same time and that's why the dropped-plates Republicans are stuck at a lowly 24% approval rating. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Some GOP Govs ![]() Because they want to save their phoney-balonet jobs, that's why ![]() Link Governor Tom Corbett (R-PA) — one of the most unpopular governors in the nation — has decided to expand Medicaid to cover 682,000 residents who currently earn too much to qualify for government-subsidized health care. Medicaid expansion, a key component of Obamacare, has been rejected in nearly every state that voted for loser Romney. But since the election a rash of Republican governors in states Obama won have accepted the expansion, which the Whore Court ruled could not be forced on state governments. Brian Sandoval (R-NV) was first followed by Susana Martinez (R-NM), Chris Christie (R-NJ), John Kasich (R-OH), Rick Scott (R-FL), Rick Snyder (R-MI), and now Corbett. All of these governors were able to pass expansion through their state legislatures, except Scott and Kasich — though Ohio’s governor is still pushing to accept the federal money. Jan Brewer (R-AZ) — who represents a state Romney won but is trending Democrat — won a standoff with her Republican legislature to expand Medicaid in her state. So, even Governor "Up yours, Nigger" is going for Obamacare? ![]() Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Re: "Mich Kemeter freesolo highlining at Taft Point" Do you know what I don’t get? Why don’t we ever see stories about wire walkers falling to their deaths? Okay, maybe they’re really good; but what are the odds that no one would ever slip? Patrick I agree. Put another way, how does one make this walk for the first time with no safety equipment? ![]() Send e-mail to Bart Pope Cracks Down on Crooked Priest Bastard lived in a $40M Mansion Link I like this new Pope more and more. He's everything the old popes SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALL ALONG. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() This Just In... McAuliffe Surges to 17-Point Lead in VA It's amazing what a Hillary drop-by can do for your campaign. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Let the Confederate States Secede plus Bart's Law #2 In the new NNAA (the No Niggers Allowed America) do you think the seceded states would then be naturally dissolved and have to form new legal entities? Seems likely, which might give them all the excuse they need to abandon their state retiree obligations. Have you heard this discussed? Or have an educated guess? I wish I could convince myself this is just a silly question. The super-rich are natural predators who feed on the weak - unless government stops them. This is why "We need less government" is their mantra. The strong want to be free to feed on the weak. Bart's Law #2: Once a few years ago and again recently I opened store-branded credit accounts to take advantage of a 12-months-interest-free deal (different stores). Both times, several years apart, the second monthly statement sent to me had interest added into the balance due, with no mention at all of the 12-month offer. Both times they were thankful that I brought it to their attention and they would fix it right away. Both were Discover accounts. Watch those bastards. Thanks for all you do, DebDer Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Another example of the super-rich feeding on the poor. Obama's trying to fix that so he MUST be stopped. Shop Online
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![]() Gay Couple Marry in Oklahoma They used Tribal Law, out-witted White Man Link A same-sex couple successfully applied for a marriage license in Oklahoma despite the state’s strict rules against gay marriage. The pair used a legal loophole to get the license last Friday under tribal law, which doesn't fall under the state constitutional amendment that defines marriage as occurring only between a man and a woman. They plan to wed Oct. 31. Darren Black Bear, a member of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, was able to get a marriage license to wed his partner of nine years, Jason Pickel, because the tribe’s legal system does not specify two people must be of different genders to be wed. Rosemary Stephens, the editor in chief of the tribes’ Tribal Tribune, told Yahoo News another gay couple in the tribe wed in December 2012 under the law, but did not make their union public. At least one person in the couple must be a member of the tribe to get a marriage license. Stephens said no one in the tribe has raised any objections to giving out marriage licenses to gay couples. “They’re held in high esteem,” Stephens said of Black Bear and Pickel. I guess those Indians are just too backwards to realize they're supposed to HATE gay people. Why can't they be "enlightened" like the rest of the gay-hating Okies?. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Marty's
Entertainment Page
has new stuff every day Marty's TV Listings are the best! ![]() Marty always has good stuff. Click on the E! Today's OMG!
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Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Mike the angry white man Mike likes being angry. It's why he gets up in the morning - to hate. He also sounds like he has a reading comprehension problem, and doesn't know the difference between a an Annual Deductible (when your insurance kicks in and starts paying it's % of the copay) and an Annual Out of Pocket Max that you pay, then your insurance kicks in and pays 100%. I don't know what state he's in, but here in CA, the highest Deductible is only $5000 a year for medical and drugs combined (Bronze plan.) The Silver is $2000 for medical, $250 for brand name drugs, while the Gold and Platinum plans have ZERO deductible. It's funny he mentions $12,700, since that's the exact Annual Out of Pocket Max for the Bronze, Silver, and Gold plans for an ENTIRE FAMILY. Max out of pocket for one person is only $6,350. I've been trying to keep track of other states, and they all seem to be landing in the same basic ballpark as far as benefits go. tally I feel bad for Mike. He lives in a world where Rush-facts are actually facts. He lives in a world where the shit FOX News says is actually true. He lives in a world where a Muslin terrorist took control of the White House and only Mike and the hard-right can see the "real truth" while the majority is blind. It's gotta suck living in Mike's world. Send e-mail to Bart A new book about those notorious
American resisters and truth-tellers,
Dr. James Fetzer and Dr. Kevin Barrett. Fetzer and Barrett, career academicians and longtime radio-show personalities, in the past hosted a radio show called “The Dynamic Duo.” ![]() Click to Order It all comes from that day, 22 November 1963, at 12:30 PM in Dallas. From that day we got Oklahoma City, we got 9/11 and Afghanistan and Iraq. From that day we get this day, today — our world, our lives — whatever is yet to come in Syria, Iran, perhaps even WWIII. We can choose to watch it unfold on TV, or we can do something. For years and years, Fetzer and Barrett have done everything they can. This new book is a biography of Jim Fetzer and Kevin Barrett. But it is also a call to resistance: Stop the wars End the empire Help the poor Pope: Idealogues Killing Church
Get rid of the religious nuts, he's saying Link Pope Francis warned Christians against turning their faith into a rigid ideology. “The faith passes, so to speak, through a distiller and becomes ideology,” he said. “And ideology does not beckon [people]. In ideologies there is not Jesus: in his tenderness, his love, his meekness. And ideologies are rigid, always. Of every sign: rigid. “And when a Christian becomes a disciple of the ideology, he has lost the faith: he is no longer a disciple of Jesus, he is a disciple of this attitude of thought… For this reason Jesus said to them: ‘You have taken away the key of knowledge.’ The knowledge of Jesus is transformed into an ideological and also moralistic knowledge, because these close the door with many requirements.” “The faith becomes ideology and ideology frightens, ideology chases away the people, distances, distances the people and distances of the Church of the people,” Francis added. “But it is a serious illness, this of ideological Christians. It is an illness, but it is not new, eh?” He said Christian ideology was the result of a lack of true prayer. He's talking to Cruz, Palin and the Teabaggers! "Knock off your crazy shit" this Pope seems to be saying. ![]() Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Del Castillo Bart, It's Larry Monroe, your Blues DJ friend in Austin, Texas. My radio station is KDRP, Dripping Springs Texas, and our signal in Austin is Solar Powered. I also host a program called "Texas Radio Live From Guero's Taco Bar" on Wednesdays from 6 till 8 PM. This Wednesday one of our guests is Del Castillo. I will interview them and they will play live for about half an hour. I invite you to tune in. Our web site is kdrplive.org and we have APPs for mobile devices. BartCop is my favorite page on the whole damn internet. Keep it up, Larry Larry, that was way cool, thanks. Tell Rick and Mark that Bart says Hey! Hey, ask them if they remember playing Rock Island in Tulsa :) I'll be listening tonight. Send e-mail to Bart
Link So, Kerry's work on Syria is hindered by
Snowden's grandstanding. Previous Snowden
accusation have alleged American eavesdropping on Germany, Britain,
Brazil, You can bet your ass on that. So, France has to put on this "How dare you?"
act, even tho they're doing the same thing to other countries. Kerry said the United
States was working to find a balance between protecting privacy and
providing security in I would guess that nobody thinks Obama set this spying
operation into motion. He revealed that the NSA was doing a LOT of snooping and The Left was appropriately outraged, but protecting our Constitutional rights from the NSA was never Snowden's motive. Snowden stumbled onto thousands of secrets and he knew he'd hit a publicity gold mine, so he f-ing ran with it. Even if you think Snowden did the right thing way back then, how can anyone say he's doing the right thing now? <> If Snowden had stumbled onto an outrage or two, maybe we could forgive his crimes, but now he's out for revenge and he wants to hurt America in as many ways as possible and that's treason no matter how you slice it. Sadly, the same is true for Chelsea Manning - she released 700,000 secret documents. Don't we agree that it's impossible for Manning to have read and understood the global ramifications of releasing 700,000 classified documents? Manning released every clasified document she could get her hot little hands on and, even for far-Left liberals, that has to be a crime. There are some on the Left who believe that EVERY government secret should be revealed. That's crazy and I fail to see why my friends on the Left don't get that. ![]() Today's Wildlife
Link Mom and the kids... Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Re: "Del Castillo" and KDRP Dude, great tunes! Been listening to KDRP all day. Thanks for the tip. Patrick Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Here's another chance to donate. ![]() You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or make a one-time Donatation
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bartcop.comPO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 Also, shopping ![]() ![]() Today's Mystery
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Nobody got Pia Toscano. She was on American Idol but they voted her out because she was the hot one. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Bart, that is Pittsburgh, PA!! Terry, trying to bear it now in ALABAMA! Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Name the Mystery Car Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, that's a 1931 Chrysler CG Imperial Dual Cowl Phaeton. michaelgy Send e-mail to Bart ![]() What is today's History Mystery? Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link CONTEST: Bart, I believe that is Gloria Winters. She was most well known role as teenage Penny King on "Sky King" (1952-1959). Pauk V P Paul, you have won Obama Confidential by my good friend Marc Berlin ![]() Click to Order I'll get that right in the mail to you. ![]() Subject: donations
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