Weekend-Monday, Dec 21-23, 2013 Vol 3171 - Stinking rich
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PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 ![]() Quotes
"I can't wait to see the Duck Dynasty family deliver the keynote address at the 2016 Republican National Convention." -- Charles Pierce, Esquire Magazine Link Do you think the Duck family went to dad and said, "You're blowing this for all of us?" Too soon to tell how this will play out, but with the GOP running to defend the bigots, the Duck family is morphing from that fun TV family we once liked into the next Chick-Fil-A, which means 47% of America likes you and 53 percent no longer does. That means their audience will go from 15 million to 7 million. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() The Gop, a Jim Jones-type Cult Podesta was right so why apologize? Link Republicans ARE drinking the Kool-Aid. On Wednesday, John Podesta said that Republicans are, "a cult worthy of Jonestown." Those comments caused outrage with Republicans in Washington, and in the interests of political correctness and civility, Podesta apologized to John Boehner because he's a pussy. But apology aside, Podesta was right. The Republican Party is a cult worthy of Jim Jones, and all across America, it's killing off its followers, just like Jim Jones did. For reasons that typically have to do with god, gays or guns, low-income people across America frequently vote Republican, thus becoming Republican cultist followers. And then, just like the followers at Jonestown, they let their leaders in the Republican Party pass out "policy Kool-aid" that actually kills some of them. For example, right now, 23 states, led by mostly Republican lawmakers, are refusing to expand Medicaid under Obamacare. As a result, millions of low-income Americans won't have access to life-saving health care and medications. And those millions of Americans include the "followers" of the GOP who helped give Republicans control of the House. The GOP are killing themselves off and that's OK with me. Every one of the bastards who stick up for Duck Dynasty's religious hate is telling voters that they're sticking with their platform of hate gays, hate Blacks, hate poor - hate anyone not white, rich & straight. The voters will register how they feel when they vote. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() The Republicans' vision for America is: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yum! Where can I sign up? Legal Pot = alcohol deaths down 13% We want fewer deaths, right? ![]() Link The results of a new study indicate that legal pot is associated with a decrease in the public’s consumption of alcohol, resulting in fewer alcohol-related traffic fatalities. Investigators at Montana State University, the University of Oregon and the University of Colorado looked at data on alcohol consumption and traffic fatality rates for the years 1990 to 2010. Their findings were published in the Journal of Law and Economics. “Using individual-level data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System [BRFSS] … we find that legal pot is associated with decreases in the probability of an individual having consumed alcohol in the past month, binge drinking and the number of drinks consumed,” wrote the autors of the study. They continued, "the legalization of med-pot is associated with a 13.2 percent decrease in fatalities in which at least one driver involved had a positive BAC level. I knew this had to be true - and how did I know? Because if there were MORE drunk deaths in legal pot states they'd never f-ing shut up about it. I've had the same theory about prostitution in Vegas. I say (quasi) legal prosititution would naturally result in FEWER incidents of rape, spousal abuse and sexual violence. And I'm sure because if Vegas had a higher rate of sexual violence, one could point to semi-legal prostitution as a possible cause. So bottom line, EVERY state would have fewer alcohol deaths if they'd stop being the-sky-is-falling ninnies when it comes to medical science and common sense on pot. Thanks to formerly-from-Colorado Gale for the story. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Democrats will be slaughtered in 2014 elections Many liberal news pundits are salivating over the Republican civil war between the Tea Party obstructionists and the GOP. They think that Americans are fed up with government shutdowns, and the war on women, and they are correct. However Democrats don't understand how fundamentally repulsive the NSA spying is and how many Democrats think that Obama should be impeached over it. They just don't get that we hated it when Bush did it and we hate it even more when Democrats do it too. And it's unfortunate because in a year when Republicans should lose the Democrats are going to just hand the Republicans a victory. The NSA spying is pure evil and we're not going to support it. Marc Perkel Let's remember the NSA spying isn't Obama's program. He inherited our national security mess from the Bush bastards. Why would voters reward the GOP when they set up this spying program? As far as how many Democrats think that Obama should be impeached over it I would put that number under 10 percent. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Dozens will see it! Advertise with Bartcop.com, Two days just $35 One week just $70 America is coming back Get back in business! Advertise on bartcop.com Obamacare's Next Victim - Investment Bankers Watch our or he'll make you give back 10% of what you stole ![]() Link I knew this story would be bullshit because it's currently fashionable to pretend you're getting screwed by Obamacare, so I went looking for an obvious paragraph that would demonstrate what a liar the writer is and I found it: My firm recently received our renewal package for next year's health insurance plan. It read: "Your current coverage is no longer being offered, but we've provided you with a great alternative" that translates into $1,676 in added costs per year for everyone covered on our plan. The response to our plight is that we are getting much better coverage. But that isn't true, either. We provide our employees with a generous plan with 100% coverage for in-network preventative care and low out of pocket maximums. Conversely, our new "great alternative" plan offers comparable benefits with much higher out of pocket maximums.. Thank God I only used two paragraphs or we'd be counting the lies all day. First, your insurance company has been screwing you for decades and Obama put a stop to their crimes and that's why they raised your rates. One other fact you might've included is how many tens of millions of dollars the crooked CEO of your old plan was making each year. The more he screwed you, the higher his paycheck got and damn, that's pretty f-ing high. You claim your old plan provided 100% coverage for in-network preventative care and low out-of-pocket maximums. Look how she had to twist those words to make it sound good. She's bragging about preventative care - which counts, but that's not covering everything 100%. She failed to mention what the coverage percent is for non-preventative expenses, the BIG ones. (A check-up costs $75, minor surgery costs $18,000.) She also bragged how the 100% was for "in-network" expenses. That works great until you need an out-of-network doctor. Sidebar: With medical costs going up like crazy, year after year, employers are always hopping from one insurer to another so your doctor is in-network THIS year, but not the year before that and not next year. On top of that. greedy health-banksters are always buying and selling smaller companies so that in-network thing changes more often than Romney's position on abortion. That means all her bragging about the 100% for in-network isn't worth a warm bucket of spit. She also failed to recognize the fact that once you get a serious disease, her current plan finds a way to cancel your coverage and sell you a new plan that doesn't cover "existing conditions." Under Obamacare they can't do that. Bottom line, with Obamacare you have a guarantee and without it, you're at the mercy of that greedy bastard who's making $35M a year by screwing YOU out of your money. Remember, undere the old plan, the adjuster who denied the most legit claims every month got to take his hooker girlfriend to Hawaii and some of those bastards went 6 times a year! Back to the liar - and what did the new, you-can't-screw-me plan cost you? An extra $140 a month, which IS significant, but it's the Deal of the Century compared to losing your savings and your home and your credit because you had to visit a hospital. As always, if they had to lie to make their point, isn't that proof they had no point? The niggest lie is telling us how GREAT the old system was. The old system was the worst of any develeoped country on Earth and Obama saved us from that. One last thing - that picture they used? That's not an "investment banker" - that's Peter Eastgate, just after he won $9M in the World Series of Poker in 2008 - they even lied about the photo, the bastards. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Quotes "You should thank us (The Jews) for killing Christ. Without us, he wouldn't even have been famous." -- Sarah Silverman, HBO comedy special Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]()
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![]() KKK School to be Renamed Of course, it's in Florida... Link A Florida high school named after a founding member of the Ku Klux Klan is getting a new name after a campaign to change it went viral. The local school board voted unanimously to rename Nathan B. Forrest High School in Jacksonville. More than 170,000 people signed a Change.org petition launched by a local resident urging the school board to rename the school. "The people who live here deserve better," Ty Richmond wrote in his petition. "I don't want my daughter, or any student, going to a school named under those circumstances. This is a bad look for Florida..." I like that they are changing the name but why not give some ink to the Republican bastards who fought tooth-and-nail to keep the KKK guy's name on the damn school? Also, Mr. Richmond, I disagree about this hurting Florida's image. Florida's image can't get any worse than it already is. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Colorado Private Cannabis Tours They're responsible and they drive the bus for you Link Do you have a large group of people wanting to enjoy themselves here? Yes. We have private cannabis tours for singles to large groups. We offer all-inclusive adult excursions to the beautiful sights here in Colorado. Planned excursions or just transportation to the places you want to see, we can do it all for you in our safe, comfortable & clean vehicles. Also included is admittance to private cannabis smoking clubs in Colorado. Smoke with others in a comfortable & hip environment. They have pool, darts, DJ music, comedy and bands. they provide vaporizers, pipes and papers. Sounds like a party to me. They pick you up at Denver's airport and by the time you reach the ski lift you're so high you can't figure out how to get your skis on the right way. BTW, Denver/Colorado is having a big thing on 4-20, a Saturday. Fest-wise, Colorado doesn't really know what they're doing as this miracle unfolds, and Januarys can be semi-cold in Colorado, so maybe it would make sense to give them 100 days to get their groove on, so to speak. Should we think about a 4/20 Fest? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() "No, I'm the guy from ZZ Top." ![]() I thought only godless Stalinists said "Happy Holidays" ![]() Will "Bridge-gate" Kill Christie's Bid? He's really bungled the cover-up Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Our 'Virgin birth' Epidemic And you thought it only happened in the Bible Link The results of a long-term study of reproductive health, published in the British Medical Journal, have revealed that one in two hundred US women CLAIM to have given birth without ever having had sexual intercourse. They CLAIM to have conceived - yet had not had vaginal intercourse or in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). The BMJ article notes that virgin births, can occur in non-humans as a consequence of "asexual reproduction, where growth and development of the embryo occurs without fertilization". Researchers found that the girls who had become pregnant, despite CLAIMING they had never had sex at the time of conception, shared some common characteristics. I think we have an epidemic of lies going on here. When I saw the headline, my bullshit detector started barking like a chihuahua on Cuervo Gold. Is the British Medical Journal one giant circle jerk? When a young girl finds herself pregnant, and she has parents who can't handle the truth, she claims "I never had sex- I promise" and these Brit Docs (and Teabaggers) believe her? Send e-mail to Bart 1-minute
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![]() Subject: Massive effort to free Dad needs your support Bart: you probably have millions of people bugging you to push something on your page all the time. as reluctant and as mortified as i am to be 'that guy,' i think this is a really worthy cause. hell, for all i know, YOU were the one to educate me about this american's life in the first place! i'm sure you've heard of Don Siegelman. he's been a bright light in alabama state politics for many years - and for all the right reasons. ...until the '02 election, that is. he was hounded by filthy right wing scum from the bush "administration" with trumped up, bullshit charges, notably by that cockroach karl rove. i guess his only real crime is not being a dirty, mindless fascist during the bush years. siegelman is a good guy who was at the wrong place at the wrong time - NOTHING more. and he and his family have paid for it having to watch this poor bugger sit for two years of his life in some shithole american prison. 'course, even under those conditions the guy bears up under it with the utmost grace and humility. this is a travesty - hell, it's a fucking disgrace. (it makes my blood pressure blow a bloody safety valve AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE!!) --that these rat bastards can just flush a good man's life down the dunny without the slightest consequences. anyway, he's got this devoted daughter who fights like the devil to get some justice. all she asks is that people who use social media (not me, unfortunately, but hopefully this makes up for it) to spread the word. i don't know what it would take to put a little blurb on your page, but if you could see your way clear, i know I would be happy and proud to see it. https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/3762-help-us-get-our-dad-back either way, thanks, bart. -G Why haven't elected Democrats done more to help this guy? Oh, that's right - they won't even stand with their sitting president. Why should they care that an innocent former governor was railroaded into prison? You'd think Siegelman's name would be on EVERY Democrats' lips in EVERY interview, but no, he's apparently having to rely on low-level bloggers to get the message out. Republicans aren't like that. They stick with their obviously guilty criminals. Our elected Democrats can't be bothered to defend their innocent allies when falsely accused. Send e-mail to Bart ![]()
Marty's Entertainment Page
has new stuff every day Marty's TV Listings are the best! ![]() Marty always has good stuff. Click on the E!
Today's OMG! Don't
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Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Duck Dynasty Quotes "Women with women, men with men, they committed indecent acts with one another... They’re full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant, God-haters. They are heartless... they are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil.” -- “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson, doubling-down on religious hate Link Send e-mail to Bart I get e-mail that says, "I bought a big ticket item from Amazon. Did you get credit?" Often the answer is no and ducks (She's from Oregon) may have found out why. Subject: your Amazon credit Bart, you need to tell your 12 readers about this (see reply below from amazon), it makes a difference. Do NOT shop first and then use your link, bart gets no credit then. Everyone needs to use your link first. Although I think the whole process is kind of complicated, I have to say I am impressed with the response, including how quickly they replied. Again, the key is place it in the cart during the 24 hour session after using your link. People can shop all they want, just don't put it in the cart unless you do it during that window. Hope this helps. Ducks Hello Ducks, I have researched your orders placed on December 11, 2013 and found that they weren't credited to Bart's account. I'm sorry, but these order cannot be retroactively credited to the Associate. In order to ensure that Bart receives credit for a future order you will need to start your shopping session from that site. As you stated in your e-mail that you already had items in your shopping cart when you went and clicked on the Associate link on this site, that appears to be why the items didn't get credited to this Associate. Anything you place in your shopping cart within the 24 hours following your entry from the sponsoring website will be credited to that site if it is purchased within 90 days. Credit will not be given for other items already in your cart from a previous visit. I hope this information helps. The Amazon Staff. Ducks, thanks for that. In tough times, it hurts to not get credit for a reader purchase.. Send e-mail to Bart Noisy banner ads With no advertisng money
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You would like to see bartcop.com continue, right? Anybody out there want to send a giant lump sum for others to match? Subject: I have waaaaay too much money, Bart Hey BC, A challenge to you. If you keep me anonymous, and you can get 200 different people to send you Christmas cards with at least a $5 gift inside, I'll donate $1000. The greetings must arrive to your PO Box before Christmas Day. However, if there are only 199, then I won't even send you an extra lump of coal. Dare to take the challenge? (Withheld) Dude, thanks for that. I accept the challenge, 'cause I'm a gambler, but that's a lot of Christmas cards. I'm not sure my PO Box has received 200 cards since I opened it :) Can we get to 200 cards before Christmas? Bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 Update: I went to the PO Box Joanne in Edmonds, WA Janet in Morton Grove, IL Py Happy Holidays Dammit. Bill the Pillar in Sandy, UT Bruce A in Seattle Chris F in Bloomingdale, IL Kim M in Granville, OH Mary Lou in Brunswick, OH Mary R in Mandeville, LA Jim W in Burtchville, MI 10 Jim W in Burtchville, MI Jim W in Burtchville, MI Jim W in Burtchville, MI Pam & Jim in Hancock, IA Robert F in Monteagle, TN Tom C in Clifton Park, NY Karen in Memphis Janet in New Orleans The Bs on 218th Place The Smiths in Puerto Rico 20 Gary in Kettle Falls, WA The Palmetto Yankee Meutex in Germany John N in Industry, PA Rose in Bloomingdale, IL Ole Vet in Mauston, WI Mark G in Round Rock, TN Joe the Pillar in Setauket, NY Austin in Belton, SC Dennis in Overland Park 40 Terry, stuck in f-ing Alabama (yes, re-send photos, please) Debbie in Milwaukee Peter T in Greenwood, NM A. Nony Mous in Netown, US Tom the Pontiac Pillar Athena In Manchester, NH John S in Bellingham, WA Mike F in Wilsonville, OR KRL from parts unknown The Cranky Old Dirt Farmer in Kansastan 50 Love your page, Los Angeles The singing angel in Peoria, IL Jimmy Mac in Grand Rapids, MI Homegirl in Santa Rosa, CA Homegirl in Santa Rosa, CA Steve W in Seattle Georgia Blue in Roswell The Coogans at PO Box 130 Ruthann in Bean Blossom Hi to the kitties, Rochelle in Southern, CT 60 The Indiana Saffron Bill from Gohmert's district John & Marilyn, stuck in Arkanastan Go, Bart, Go! ND fan J Harold in Chattanooga J L H in Knoxville Paul in Utah Daniel the Walnut Creek Pillar Linda in Chantilly, VA The Sandman in Wisconsin 70 Carol in Placitas, NM Eric in Loveland, CO Stephen the Maple Grove Pillar Wes in Las Cruces, NM Paso Peggy, Thor, Freja, Snudge, Mimi, Mystik, Feather and Sherbett in GA Harv and Gwen in San Marcos Richard, the Santa Fe fisherman Norm the Deed Master RJ, Nomadic Pillar The Broken Arrow Refill Challenger 80 Ronnie and Ed in Mesa Rick & Carla in Fullerton Good Luck in the Challenge, Stephen With you from NYC, Dave/Jen/Sonya Diane & Gerard in San Francisco Gale and Martha - why did you leave Colorado? Catherine S in San Francisco John R Jr in Portland Terry and Alice (?) in Milton, DE Joe S, Bartcop reader since 2002 90 John (Hope your medical success is as good as mine seems to be) Leanne and Family, who sent a card showing a guy sitting next to Jesus saying, "That must suck having your birthday on the same day as Christmas." LL Zimmerman in Monticello, WI "Thanks for the laughs thru troubled times" Alex H in Bonney Lake, WA Mary H in Bonney Lake, WA Bob S in Bonney Lake, WA Sharon G, trapped in Dumbfuckistan just like you are Roberta in Excelsior Springs David W in Columbia, MD Ken N in Northville, MI 100 Charles F in Lone Grove, OK Peter in New Zealand George B in Monroe, CT John S., the flaming liberal veteran Jack P in Alabamastan Ken the Car Man in Nashville M David in Idaho David W in Columbia, MD Pat D Filibuster's dead, let's pack the courts! The Connecticut Okie! 110 "We may not always agree but yours is my favorite site" Suzanne from San Jose Emilio in Keller, YX George B in Monroe, CT again Duane in Cedar Falls, IA Denise in New Franken, WI Murray L in Alberta, Canada from You Know Who at Lost Coast Art Whitey in Norman, Oklahoma Giselle, who lives with Whitey in Norman Brad, Cindy and Griz in Ann Arbor 120 Rod in Warren, PA with kids in college Deborah, the Vacaville real estate agent "Screw FOX" Emilio in Keller, TX again ![]() Kent and June in St Simons Island, GA DaveRatz, been with you since Clinton's impeachment! Jenny in Lake Stevens, WA Merry Christmas to you, Mrs Bart & the Kitties, Mary in Seattle Dan in WA, with a very nice card! Democracy - from Tom in Seattle 130 More Democracy - from Catherine in Seattle Love your site, Tom D on East Hampton, NY Keith from South Jersey, 75 feet North of the Mason-Dixon Line. I don't agree with everything you say but I usually do, June in Cali Thanks for years of political humor and sanity, Bill from the Left Coast Dream of a Demo House, Senate and White House, B K The Man has firewalled you at work, can only se you at home, Sharon in Minnesota Merry Christmas from a longtime reader, Lauren R Susan in Benton, WA Matt, Laura, Patrick, Robin and Eddie! 140 Keep hammering! Jack in Alabamastan Emilio in Keller, TX (hand-drawn Christmas tree) This card opened and resealed by me, not the NSA, Martha in Ft Davis, TC Keep the hammer swinging, Charles in Lone Grove, OK From the Rust Belt of the Frozen North (no name) I hope this isn't too late, Stan in Durant, OK Keep swinging the hammer, JoAnne in Delaware Your website is a Light Glowing in an Abyss of Dark, Ron & Carol Merry Whatever...Bill in Algona, IA Dr. Harold, the PA Philosopher 150 From Darlene the Pillar! Hatfield mailed those letters, the DoJ and FBI green-lighted it for him - Anthrax Sleuth Have a humanist Christmas - Enilio in Keller, TX (4th card) Have a Sprinmgsteen Christmas, Jim in New Kensingtn Read Bartcop! Emilio in Keller, TX (5th card) Hope this makes it before Christmas, Emilio in Keller, TX, (6th) Melly Christmas, Emilio in Keller, TC (7th) Love Wine Cheesie X-mas Emilio in Keller, TC (8th) Bart, I wish this was card #5000 Michael in Norman, OK Happy Holidays, Bart Jan in Columbus, OH 160 Bush hater X-mas, Emilio in Keller, TC (9th) June in Califonia Can we get 200 cards before Christmas? Bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 Thanks if you can help. Send e-mail to Bart ![]()
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![]() Duck Dynasty Gay Basher Defended Gov. Jindal: "All he said was faggots like dog sex!" ![]() Link "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson may not have the backing of his network, but he at least has the support of his governor. Louisiana Gov. Bhabbi Jindal, a Republican (Really?) has come to the defense of Robertson, who A&E has put on hiatus from his show after he made some controversial anti-gay statements to GQ. "The politically correct crowd is tolerant of all viewpoints, except those they disagree with. I don't agree with quite a bit of stuff I read in magazine interviews or see on TV. In fact, come to think of it, I find a good bit of it offensive," Jindal weaseled in a statement. "But I also acknowledge that this is a free country and everyone is entitled to express their views. In fact, I remember when TV networks believed in the First Amendment. It is a messed up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended." Bhabbi, is you crazy? Acting the fool in a skimpy outfit isn't anything like hate speech. And where was your Freedom of Speech riffing when Martin Bashir was fired? But there's another part to this: The "Duck Dynasty" name is tied to a number of corporations – including Target, Kohl's, Universal Music and Hallmark. Each of them will have to decide whether a connection to Hatemaster Robertson is worth it for their bottom line. A&E was only the first to give him the chopping block. If the GOP has no problem with Duck boy's words, that's another indicator that they don't know the voters at all and that's good news for the refuse-to-fight Democrats. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Here's another chance to donate. ![]() You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or make a one-time Donatation
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Today's Mystery
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, that would be model and actress Ali Landry. Joe D Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Bart, I believe that is a harbor view of Hong Kong. Phil Portsmouth, OH Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Name the Mystery Car Link This one will stump you. Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, that's a 1941 Chrysler New Yorker Highlander Convertible Paul in VA Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's History Mystery Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Bart, that's the USS Oriskany in 2006 a decommissioned aircraft carrier, which became the largest ship intentionally sunk as an artificial reef May 17, 2006 when it was sunk approximately 24 miles off the coast of Pensacola, Fla. Danny (Houston, TX) Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: donations Thanks
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