Thurs-Friday, Jan 9-10, 2014 Vol 3179 - Toker and hooch
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"Fuck these guys. I’ve spent the last ten years of my life trying to keep Google’s users safe and secure from the many diverse threats Google faces. I’ve seen armies of machines DOS-ing Google. I’ve seen worms DOS’ing Google to find vulnerabilities in other people’s software. I’ve seen criminal gangs figure out malware. I’ve seen spyware masquerading as toolbars so thick it breaks computers because it interferes with the other spyware. I’ve even seen oppressive governments use state-sponsored hacking to target dissidents … But after spending all that time helping in my tiny way to protect Google—one of the greatest things to arise from the internet—seeing this, well, it’s just a little like coming home from War with Sauron, destroying the One Ring, only to discover the NSA is on the front porch of the Shire chopping down the Party Tree and outsourcing all the hobbit farmers with half-orcs and whips." -- relatively unknown Google security engineer Brandon Downey, ranting against the NSA, Link Send e-mail to Bart Pregnant and on Life Support There's no easy answer to this one Link The diagnosis was crushing and irrevocable. At 33, Marlise Munoz was brain-dead from a blood clot. But as her parents and her husband prepared to say their final goodbyes in the hospital here and to honor her wish not to be left on life support, they were stunned when a doctor told them the hospital was not going to comply with their instructions. Mrs. Munoz was 14 weeks pregnant and Texas is one of more than two dozen states that prohibit, with varying degrees of strictness, medical officials from cutting off life support to a pregnant patient. More than a month later, Mrs. Munoz remains connected to life-support machines, where a medical team monitors the heartbeat of the fetus, now in its 20th week of development. Her case has become a strange collision of law, medicine, the ethics of end-of-life care and the issues swirling around abortion — when life begins and how it should be valued. You know I'm very pro-choice, but what's the argument for turning off the machines? I'm surprised the family isn't fighting FOR the machines to remain on. I've only given this five minutes of thought but I say give the fetus a chance. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Help! Does anyone know how to cancel a bid on eBay? I put in a $7 bid for a “Mickey Mouse Outfit”, and now it seems I’m only nineteen minutes away from owning the entire Republican Party. Paul P ha ha Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Kluwe the fired punter Bart, Shasta Bart is a liar, or just plain wrong about Chris Kluwe, I looked up his stats In 2012 his last year, he played in all 16 games, his net punting average was 39.7, which was the highest of his 8 year career. His average (non net) was 45.0 which was .7 yards (less than 1 yard) less than 2011 but still the second best year of his career. He also played in all 16 games every year of his career except his rookie year when he played in 15 Like you say Bart, list the facts, here they are. Rick the Hollywood Liberal Subject: Kluwe the fired punter I guess Shasta Bart's idea of "fair and balanced" is the same as Faux "News". Because some of the "facts" he gave you are easily refuted. Shasta Bart stated: He had knee surgery and never performed well again. He missed games and his replacement out performed him. The only game (including pre-season and post-season) that Kluew ever missed for the Vikings was in his first season in 2005. He never missed another game. The last two seasons he played for the Vikings (2011 and 2012) his average punt was longer than any other season he played except 2008. And his net average punt was longest in 2012, his last season. Kluew had his second knee surgery in early 2013 (his first in 2006) and was cut by the Vikings a few months later before he ever played another game. So the Vikings wouldn't have any idea if he would have performed as well at that point and he never missed any games. His replacement, Jeff Locke, had slightly lesser stats in 2013 as Kluew had in 2012, so I don't get how he figures he out performed him. Sounds to me like Kluew's last couple of seasons he was playing about as well as he ever did for the Vikings. Keep swinging that hammer RJ, nomadic pillar Maybe Shasta Bart just got confused. Send e-mail to Bar ![]() ![]() "Marxist!" ![]() Dozens will see it! Advertise with Bartcop.com, Two days just $35 One week just $70 America is coming back Get back in business! Advertise on bartcop.com Banks moving towards Pot $ They have to - there's billions in Pot Link Pot is legal in Colorado and Washington, and it's legal medically in 20 states. New York soon will become No. 21 on that list. But federal law currently prohibits banks and credit card companies from processing pot business transactions. That may all be about to change. "Discussion with Justice to bring clarity to these issues for banks are underway," said Steve Hudak, spokesperson for the Treasury. Hudak told CNBC that "banks are obligated to report suspicious activity, but everyone involved is earnestly looking for a solution to this problem." So, the banks are getting into bed with BIG POT because there's BIG money in it. Can we get the banks in bed with online poker, now? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Mystery Celebrity Photo Bart how come you never have any men in the Mystery Celebrity Photo ? Just wondering. Gil formally from Cleveland. Who wants to look at a bunch of men? Send e-mail to Bar Shop Online
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![]() Week 1, $5 Million in Pot Sales Colorado's doing some really big business Link Colorado marijuana dispensaries made huge sales in the first week of legal recreational marijuana. Owners of the 37 new dispensaries reported first week sales were roughly $5 million. That's a lot of money for Colorado's legal weed. Colorado has projected nearly $600 million in combined wholesale and retail marijuana sales. The state, which expects to collect nearly $70 million in tax revenue from pot sales this year, won't have its first official glimpse at sales figures until Feb. 20. "Every day since Jan. 1 has been better than my best day of business ever," said Andy Williams, owner of Denver's Medicine Man dispensary and not to be confused with the dead Fascist singer. And remember, they were turning people away because, stupidly, Denver law requires the dispensaries to stop selling pain medication to their patients at 7 PM each night. Now if they can just figure out as way for tourists to celebrate. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Student Expelled for Casting a Spell Student Expelled for Casting a Spell? � Now this is a doozie for a precedent. Here we have a gov't entity (local? state?) acknowledging that witchcraft is real and casting spells is effective. That should make for some interesting legal arguments. Keith Dude, welcome to Oklahoma. That's how I got to be one of the smartest people in the whole state with just an IQ of 64. I think everyone should spend a month here. It's like living among cave people for a history experiment. It's like going to Colonial Williamsburg but they're not acting. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Is Bartcop.com Blocked at Your Job? If so, tell me the name of your company - we'll leave your name out. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() This coming Tuesday on ABC Caught in a Bog-Ass Lie Chris Christie, Trapped like a Rat Is his 2016 Goose Already Cooked? ![]() Link Chris Christie is in big political trouble at the moment. If you haven’t heard, Northjersey.com has published e-mails indicating that several top aides to Governor Christie conspired to create traffic jams on the George Washington Bridge, punishing the Democratic mayor of a nearby town who did not support Christie’s recent reelection. “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” said one of the aides, Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Anne Kelly, in an e-mail to Port Authority employee and Christie associate David Wildstein. As that missive indicates, the aides took a measure of vindictive glee in their handiwork, which involved closing access lanes to squeeze traffic back onto access roads. At one point the Fort Lee mayor complained that school buses were having trouble getting through the mess. In response, Wildstein counseled an associate to not feel bad about the kids’ plight. “They are the children of Buono voters,” Wildstein wrote. He was referring to Barbara Buono, the Democratic gubernatorial candidate Christie defeated in November He's not just a crook, a fraud and a liar. He's a stupid crook, a fraud and a liar. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Christie implodes Another gas-filled giant crashes and burns in New Jersey. Oh, the humanity. Neil ha ha Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Quotes "What I've seen today for the first time is unacceptable. I am outraged and deeply saddened to learn that not only was I misled by a member of my staff, but this completely inappropriate and unsanctioned conduct was made without my knowledge. One thing is clear: this type of behavior is unacceptable and I will not tolerate it because the people of New Jersey deserve better. This behavior is not representative of me or my Administration in any way, and people will be held responsible for their actions.” -- Chris Christie, doubling down on his, "Who, me?" defense, which nobody is buying Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Okla. bill: No punishment for schoolkids brandishing pastries chewed into gun shapes Link Oklahoma schoolchildren could not be punished for chewing their breakfast pastries into the shape of a gun under a bill introduced by a Republican legislator. Rep. Sally Kern said Wednesday her measure dubbed the Common Sense Zero Tolerance Act was in response to school districts having policies that are too strict or inflexible. Under Kern's bill, students couldn't be punished for possessing small toy weapons or using writing utensils, fingers or their hands to simulate a weapon. Students also couldn't be punished for drawing pictures of weapons or wearing clothes that “support or advance Second Amendment rights or organizations.” Some stories have "Oklahoma" written all over them. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Snowden and the Constitution Bart, did you really say that? Last issue, a reader said: "The NSA operations he exposed *are* UN-Constitutional. When the government engages in criminal activity, it must be exposed and opposed." Bart: "But at what cost? How many people (or cities) would we need to lose before you change your mind?" Either you believe in the Constitution or you don't. I kindly and respectfully ask that you reconsider your position on this because people who start defending the taking away of civil liberties in the name of security are generally called "Republicans". Kind Regards Gary That seems to be the crux of the question. Would you break the law to save someone's life? The Catholics used to teach that if you see a "No Swimming" sign and a baby falls in the water, it's OK to break the swimming laws to save the baby. Some people say, "All laws must be obeyed at all times no matter what, no excuses." I would save the baby. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() The New Book by Robert Gates It's called "Duty: Memoirs of a Whore" Link Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates set off shockwaves in Washington with accounts from his upcoming memoir, in which he unleashes petty grievances and bullshit stories to sell his book. Gates, a Republican, writes of a 2011 meeting in which Obama questions the abilities of Gen. Petraeus. “As I sat there, I thought: The president doesn’t trust his commander, can’t stand Karzai, doesn’t believe in his own strategy and doesn’t consider the war to be his…For him, it’s all about getting out,” Gates writes. Such bullshit. Gates writes about his feelings like a 12-year old girl. Where are the facts? Does anyone see any facts coming from Gates? Gates is pissed because he was wrong about the bin Laden raid. He advised against the bin Laden raid and Hillary was for it. When the seals put two in his head, Gates resigned and wrote a "tell all" book. Boo hoo - poor f-ing him. Everybody knows if you want to make money in 2014 you trash Obama. If Gates had written, "Obama's a great leader and I was proud to serve under him" he would've set a new record for fewest books ever sold by a partisan Republican. Gates is a bitchy little girl. Fuck him. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Snowden Bart Snowdon is certifiably insane. He believes he's Mr. (NSA) Peabody's pal Sherman, and they can go back in time in their Waybac Machine, and listen to every conversation you've ever had. ![]() Tally It was crazy enough fpr him to say "They (kids) will never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves an unrecorded, unanalyzed thought,” Link but to claim the NSA can go back in time? Shirley he was mis-quoted - nobody's that crazy. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Marty's
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Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Question I have a question, if you have time to answer it. A friend told me today that we can no longer take a cut and retire at 62. Is that true? Must we wait till 66 or 67 now? Ricky I think that's false, but I'm a bad research guy. Someone said you get almost 20% a year increase to delay it. Who's got a link for this man? Send e-mail to Bart Today's Wildlife Photo
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Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, that’s Maggie Grace, Shannon on “L O S T,” and Liam Neeson’s daughter in the “Taken 2” movie. KingoftheRats You are correct! How'd you get to be King of the Rats? Send e-mail to Bart Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Nobody got last issue's Mystery City. I'm guessing it's in Russia. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Name the Mystery Car Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, that's a 1963 Cadillac Coupe deVille - 390 cubic inch V8 with a 4 speed Hydramatic transmission. It was great to see the message you got from Bob Witkowski - I remember his radio show from Phoenix, AZ and his television show from Prescott, AZ back in the 90's. He used to mention your website frequently on his radio show, which is how I found your site (and continue to visit to this day). Keep swingin' the hammer. John P. Buffalo, NY High of 5 degrees yesterday, 50 degrees forecast for Sunday... Send e-mail to Bart Today's History Mystery Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Bart, they are Night Witches, Soviet female aviators in WW2. First clue was those 'hats', must be Russian or Eastern European, likely from WW2 era from those clothes. Looks like riding pants. But those eye goggles and head/neck coverings made it likely were pilots/aviators So did a quick search on GOOGLE images for female Russian pilots or female Russian cavalry. And that same photo popped up. Dan the Detective Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: donations Thanks
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