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Tuesday, Feb 4, 2014    Vol 3193 - Crying styles

And as we wind on down the road...

Arrow US Blacks Out Snowden Interview
Arrow The Taking of Ukrainian House
The Sniveling MSNBC Apologizers
Arrow $7 Million Lost on Super Bowl
Inspection - Go for it, GOP!
Arrow Amazon Helps Tequila Treehouse
Arrow Sharknado II star - Tara Reid

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by the great Bruce Yurgil.

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"It's so much more fun to watch FOX when it’s
  someone else being blitzed & sacked!  #SuperBowl,"
--  Hillary's Tweet during the game

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US Blacks Out Snowden Interview
OR just how crazy is Jonathan Turley?


Last Sunday, Edward Snowden was interviewed for the German television network ARD. 
The interview was big news in Germany and much of the world in both print and broadcast media.
However, the interview appears to have been blocked intentionally by US government authorities.

Is that a gratuitous assertion or will there be evidence?
(Not that Jonathan Turley has a reputation to lose.)

In fact, the media in the US appears to have gone to ‘radio silence’ about it.

...because they're doing Obama a favor by screwing over Snowden?
Does that sound like today's whore media to you?

The NY Whore Times is acting like his goddamn defense lawyer, for Christ's sake.
Why would they roll over for Obama when they can help their friend the thief?

It has been posted on YouTube several times, but is taken down almost immediately. 

That sounds like a copyright infringement.
You have to pay the lawyers or nobody sees nothing.

The video site Vimeo has it embedded, but as I write this, Vimeo is under a DDoS attack. 

ha ha

So if a web site goes down, that's proof that Obama did it?

LiveLeak also has it, and that video is embedded in this report
by Jay Syrmopoulos for  Ben Swann’s news page.

That link doesn't work either - more proof that Obama shut them down.

Maybe Snowden should try Twitter.

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The Taking of Ukrainian House
 by Michael Hammerschlag


In an incredible display of fortitude, courage, and reckless stupidity; protesters seized the
Ukrainian House Museum + Exhibition Center at 3:50am Saturday night (formerly Lenin Museum)..
their 4th downtown building (by Monday they had 6). There was a frigid 6 hour very tense standoff
with MVD Interior Ministry troops guarding it only 5M inside the shattered windows Saturday night,
Jan 25-6. At about 1 am 300 protesters were crowded around the shattered windows chanting, threatening,
exhorting the soldiers to get out, when in a terrifying moment, laser gunsight red dots appeared on them,
roving around preparatory to a lethal barrage. Several of the crowd screamed at them to get back, but they
acted utterly oblivious to the mortal danger, even escalating the situation 3 minutes later when they threw
in big firecrackers (M80’s) that exploded at the feet of the soldiers. I thought I would see I lot of people
shot then, like happened in the Communist attack on Ostankino TV Center in Moscow in 1993 when
2000 heedless attackers drove a truck through the plate-glass windows and 25 Yeltsin troops inside
mowed down the first rows in a volley of gunfire (officially 62 died there). Miraculously the IM troops
held fire. Studying my video later, the laser dots apparently came from outside, laser pointers recklessly
waved around by protesters or provocateurs, something that could convince jumpy young troops that
they were being targeted.

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Subject: President Scott in Arizonastan  from last issue

1.  AQ cannot conquer the US and there is no need to surrender to them or anyone else. 

I can't believe you actually wrote that.
Al Qaeda is not a threat?
I think there are some New Yorkers who might disagree with you.

Right now there are dozens or hundreds of AQ wannabees building bombs for American flights.
If we don't drone them, eventually they will bring down a plane.
You're OK with that, because you want to be "fair" to the terrorists.  
I'm not.

They merely wish that the US would cease meddling in the affairs of Islamic countries;
apply an even-handed approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and cease propping up
every tin-horn dictator and strong man that serves US corporate interests.  If the US stopped
this it would remove any incentive for AQ to attack the US.

Al Qaeda does not have a list of demands - they just want every American dead.
Since you don't know that, perhaps you should read a little more before expressing such strong opinions.
Knowing your enemy is the first rule of war.

2.  The US should only attack or invade countries that actually threaten direct harm to the US;
"promoting" or "allowing AQ to exist a very thin reed on which to hang a rationale for war. 

So, you're OK with handjobs in Yemen and Somalia mailing bombs to America.
That makes you either crazy or a kumbaya peacenik liberal.
Either way that's a surrender and I'm glad you're not our president.

The US certainly sees nothing wrong with supporting terrorists in Syria for instance and using your logic,
Syria would be completely justified in attacking the US.

Non sequiter.

3.  The problem with that logic is that there is no determination that military targets are being attacked. 
There is ample evidence of civilian casualties, civilians that have nothing to do with AQ. 

Yes, war in a terrible thing that should be avoided at all costs.
But we can't go back in time and erase all the abuses the Bush bastards put on the Middle East.
I'm trying to deal with the problem at hand, you're singing "War is bad."  We already know that.

Any male of military age is now considered a target regardless of what they actually are. 
Recall if you will, that Alwaki was never charged...

Nice speech but you didn't address the problem.
Our choices are to stop the threat or let it arrive and you chose to make a speech.

Speeches are fun but they don't keep an airplane flying that has a hole blown in the fuselage.

Note: Scott sent a whole lot more but there no room/time to print everything

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"With the demise of Chris Christie, the new GOP 2016 frontrunners
  are Mitt Romney and one terrible Sandra Fluke joke."     Explain
--  LOLGOP in a tweet 

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Subject: Does Obama really think the Repugnicans will compromise?

Of course not.
Barack Obama is a very smart man.
Until he became president, all of his experience was in dealing with REASONABLE people.

He must have been shocked when confronted with opposition that would call THEIR OWN PLAN
the spawn of the devil, the worst evil since slavery and an affront to liberty.

That if he said the sky was blue and the sun rises in the east, would say no.
But I doubt it took him that long to catch on.
He just had to keep saying he was willing to compromise for public relations' sake.
It took until his second term to come right out and say that if Congress won't do anything, he would.
Stu the lawyer

I think he wasted five years - pity he didn't catch on quicker.

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The Sniveling MSNBC Apologizers
Cenk Uygur says they Don't Represent Progressives


First, let me be clear that this is not intended for the hosts on MSNBC. It's management that's
the issue. The way Phil Griffin has his hosts trot out for one apology after another is revolting.
At least, he included himself in the genuflecting to the right-wing last time around. The whole
display is pathetic.

Phil Griffin, the head of MSNBC, is not a liberal or progressive. I know Phil Griffin.
He is not remotely progressive. All he cares about is success in his own career.

First of all, the last two apologies were not at all necessary. Melissa Harris Perry called Mitt Romney's
black grandson gorgeous (go back and check the tape). Yes, it would have been nice if someone on the
set said, "God bless their hearts for being open minded in adopting someone outside of their race." This is
about as minor an infraction as I could imagine. Instead we got a tearful apology that was hard to watch
and hard to stomach.

Now, there was a tweet sent out about how some right-wingers might not like a biracial ad by Cheerios.
Gee, I wonder why they might think that. Maybe it's because some right-wingers already had hateful
things to say about that ad (yes, they don't represent all conservatives, but once again, this is the most
minor infraction in television history).

Wait, you say this Griffin guy is an apology station - and he's not a liberal?

That's f-ing with the paradigm.

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Subject: Amanda Knox

Hello Bart,
Amanda Knox could easily be sent back to Italy, if an Italian court
says she's got questions to answer she could easily be sent there.

The USA might not like the Italian justice system but I believe they do see it as a legitimate one?

You can't sign extradition treaty with other countries and ask them to send back
the likes of Snowden and others and then refuse to send them those convicted of
 murder in their courts - that's just not how a two way treaty works.

It has to work both ways. Really, don't you get that?
I think Amanda Knox will be sent to Italy. See if I'm wrong.
 David Wallace

I don't know enough about extraditions to be sure but I'd
hate to be the guy who signed the orders to send her back to hell.

Did you hear what those Italian animals did to her?

They falsely told her she was HIV positive and they DEMANDED
that she give them a list of every person with whom she'd been intimate.
THEN they posted that list in the newspaper under the headline "Amanda the Slut."

Whoever signs that transfer order will be the most unpopular person in America.

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Inspection - Go for it, Republicans!
   by Ken Carman


Republicans, please follow the lead of Rand Paul. Please?
You have so many "great" examples to follow!

Indeed I do hope in 2016, if Hillary runs, all the Right's noise machine is focused on calling
Bill Clinton a predator and blaming his wife for his, admittedly problematic, actions, um...
how many years ago?

Please get just as rape-y and "slut" calling as you have been too. Remember; wives can never
be raped and if a woman is raped they can't get pregnant: stick to your, oh, so "great," talking points.
Close down a bridge or two. Go after the gays even more. Scream at those who ask you inconvenient
questions and threaten to break them in half, throw them off balconies. In fact I recommend that last
one during debates with your Democratic opponent.
More! More! More!

And there's been so much more demanding a sequel election time, like Rush's "slut"-a-thon, their VP's
very public FU and his shooting another pol in the face then making his victim apologize, oh, and damn
near anything that hath flushed forth from Ted Nugent's, or Ann Coulter's toilet-like mouths...

Very short list culled from an infinite one that shows a pattern here on the part of Republicans.

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Subject: Amanda Knox

Like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, and any number of other female pieces of trash
you support because you think they're attractive, convicted murderer Amanda Knox
is the latest recipient of your stepfatherly advice.

Have you ever noticed it's only women the whore media trashes and keeps trashing?
Chris Brown hasn't gotten 1/10 of the bad publicity Paris and Lindsay have gotten.

Tell me what Paris and Lindsay did that compares to this atrocity.

Remember, Paris was jailed because the public demanded it.
Funny, they never demanded that Chris Brown be jailed.

It's always the women who get slut-shamed, never the men.
Forgive me if I think that's wrong.

If you think she didn't commit the crime, it would be interesting to hear your take on gaps in the prosecution.

It's my understanding there is ZERO forensic evdience she was ever involved.
No murder weapon, no blood, no fingerprints, no witnesses, no anything that says Knox did it.

If you don't think that, how about you get on the "let murderers do their time" side of things?

I'm always on the side with the evidence.

And if you're going to say "double jeopardy," the crime was committed in Italy and prosecuted under Italian law. 
You know damned well we don't apply the laws of other countries here, except Sharia law, which is spreading like wildfire! : )

Steamer, you need to go fuck yourself and I mean right away.
I assume you got that name because you closely resemble a freshly laid pile of shit?

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Subject: Larry from Colorado


Born and raised in Western Colorado I’d have to say Larry is probably from the other side of the state.
I understand and sympathize with his belief that we have more than enough people. I live in an area that
has been heavily Californicated.  You rightfully describe his attitude the “GOP stand on immigration”,
but the influx of people is great as long as they didn’t move with the idea to use their trust funds to create
a smaller version of where they came from. Many of these instant-environmentalists believe that their ideas
of how to live and coexist with mother-nature having been learned out of books in a large city university are
superior to those of us whose families have been here for 130 plus years.

Many of the problems and short comings of the new legal status is the Republican 6th grade response to the
voters legalizing it in the first place. They are placing as many road blocks and making it as difficult as possible.
The town and in fact county where I live will not even allow a medical dispensary to open, let alone one for
recreational sale. The recreational side has been set up to be so tightly tied to layer after layer of what republicans
love so dearly, Government Regulations, that there is not even an allowance for small medical growers, such as myself,
to recoup a little bit of our expenses by selling small amounts of surplus at farmer’s markets and fall harvest festivals.

As you know from past emails the area I am in is known the world over for having some of the best herb grown anywhere.
This simple god-given plant could make this one of the richest areas in the state instead of one of the most economically
depressed, but you just confuse conservatives when you use facts.  Hopefully over time after it has been established that
the world doesn’t come to an end, things will loosen up a bit. Maybe Larry will be able to kick back and enjoy things
and not be so uptight.

Two thoughts:
Rising property values is a good thing.
If your state is crap, people will leave and property values will fall.
If your state is nice, people will come and property values will rise.

Also, those "dry" counties are just killing themselves.
People in dry counties will still get high, They'll just drive to "wet" counties and
spend their money and help the other county's tax base grow but the dry county
won't get any tax revenues from pot so they're just shooting themselves in the ass.

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Sirius XM

$7 Million Lost on Super Bowl Bet
Furniture store happy they lost the money


Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale is out $7 million today because of a Super Bowl promotion
he ran in his Houston, Texas furniture store. The “Pigskin Promotion” offered Gallery Furniture
customers a full refund if the less favored Seattle Seahawks won the big game. The patrons had
to spend at least $6,000 in the store during the two weeks before the Super Bowl and have their
items delivered by Sunday at game time.

The store’s slogan of “Save You Money” couldn’t have been truer for over 1,000 customers,
when the Seahawks won. The customers benefited from Mack’s losing bet but surprisingly he wasn’t upset.
“Yeah, I get a kick out of this. And it’s also about building the brand. You know, and keeping the brand
fresh and invigorated so this is a great thing for Gallery Furniture, great…Delighted a lot of customers
and that’s why we’re here,” said the owner.

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Subject: Amanda Knox

I agree. We will not send her back. Yes, I know we have an extradition treaty with them.
So technically we could send her back after her appeals etc..
But when has America ever honored a treaty they didn't feel like honoring?


We turn our backs on International law all the time. Especially during the Bush the smarter administration.
Snowballs chance I say. Also great advice on not leaving the country, EVER!
Hell I wouldn't even go to Canada. She's not going anywhere.

Tom, you are correct.
If we don't send her back, what's Italy going to do?  Force us?

If she does get sent back, I'd call for a boycott of Italy.
Maybe losing a billion tourist dollars would get their attention?

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The GOP is so terribly desperate for somebody- anybody to run
against Hillary they're thinking of putting Thurston up again.

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Subject: pot laws

Why is what Washington and Colorado are doing OK with the federal government,
but when Montana did it, guys went to jail, lost their material goods and are considered felons? 
Does it make sense to you?

None of it makes any sense, but Obama loves to wring his hands and dither
for a few years before he makes any kind of decision about anything.

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Slut-shaming from the Left
Bill Maher calls out new NY Mayor


Now contrast that to New York City, where a woman named Lis Smith, who ran Mayor Bill de Blasio's
communications department in last year's campaign, was all set to take over the job she earned as his top
spokesman, but then didn't, because the tabloids found out something about her.  Was it that she lied on
her résumé?  Or accepted gifts from a lobbyist?  Injected Alex Rodriguez with steroids?  Nope.  It's that
she's dating Eliot Spitzer — America's evilest, horniest man.  (audience laughter)

Which according to the New York Post, made her a "Ho!  Ho!  Ho!"

Because over there in Salem on the Hudson, apparently we're not just rooting out adulterers now,
we're rooting out anyone who dates them.  The Post righteously demanded that Mayor de Blasio dump her. 
And he did just that!

So I would like to ask, what exactly is the sin here?  She's an adult in a consensual relationship with another
adult, who's in the process of divorcing his spouse.  What business do we have, telling her who she can date? 
This is the country that marries people off on reality shows!

You know, there's all this self-congratulation on the left these days for gay tolerance. 
Acceptance of gays is the new having a black friend!  (audience laughter and applause) 
But when liberals say — and rightly so — that everyone should be allowed to love
who they want, that doesn't include these two?

Bill's right.
If he's telling the story straight, shame on the cowardly Mayor of New York.

The woman always gets the blame and the bad publicity.

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Today's Wildlife Photo


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Today's Mystery City


 Subject: last issue's Mystery City     Link

Bart, that is Athens, Greece showing the Parthenon and Acropolis.
 David in Truckee, CA

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Name the Mystery Car


 Subject: last issue's Mystery Car    Link

Bart, that’s the Ryno microcycle
  Paul in Utah

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Today's History Mystery

 Subject: last issue's History Mystery    Link

Bart, that's the construction of the Berlin Wall which commenced August 13, 1961,
by the East Berlin Communist government, to keep East Berliners from defecting to the West. 
The Brandenburg Gate was sealed, and there was no other entry/exit.

I was alive in 1961 but not aware, and this has always bugged me.
When they built that wall, why wasn't that propaganda coup #1 for our side?

We were competing with the Russians for control of the planet, so why didn't JFK say.
"Their system is such shit, they have to build a wall to keep the people from leaving."

Why wasn't that every other sentence out of the Kennedy administration?

Was it because Democrats can't find a way to list the damn facts?

How did free America "compete" with commie jailer dictators?

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