A time for outrage
By Jon Dougherty
and the Clinton-haters at WorldNetDaily.com
"I choose not to describe what acts were done
that we found upon arrival because I think that's part
of changing the tone in Washington. I think it
would be easy for us to reflect and to discuss these
things and to be critical. President Bush chooses
to set a different tone. The president understands
that transitions can be times of difficulty and
strong emotion. And he's going to approach it in that vein."
That's what White House spokesman Ari Fleischer
told reporters late last week when word that
departing juvenile delinquents in the Clinton-Gore
administration had caused upwards of $200,000
worth of damage to various offices in the White
House West Wing and Old Executive Office
Building before President George W. Bush's staffers
came in to take over.
If Mr. Bush really does feel this way and Mr.
Fleischer's comments were not complete spin, then
this is just one of the many reasons why Mr.
Bush is president and I'm not –- because I'll be
damned if I'd let these worthless, bitter little
Clinton-Gore trolls get by with this.
Personally, I'm outraged -- and I think it's high
time the rest of America finally became outraged
too. A handful of criminal poor sports just cost
taxpayers -- liberal, conservative, religious, atheist,
moderate, extremist -- more money than 95 percent
of us make in a year.
And why? Because they were ticked off that Gore lost. That's it; that's the "reason."
Mr. Fleischer said that Mr. Bush believes "transitions
can be times of difficulty and strong emotion."
Fair enough, but at what point does criminal
vandalism perpetrated by some of the most juvenile
idiots ever to darken the noble walls of the
White House enter into this "consideration?"
Whizzing in trash cans?
Going "No. 2" on desks?
Scraping off official seals?
Introducing computer viruses into computers?
Trashing entire computer systems?
Can we remember, please, that everything inside
the halls of government is paid for
by the taxpayers of this country? And as I see
it, the taxpayers have a case.
Politically speaking, for an administration that
hopes to rebuild our shattered principle of personal
responsibility, I vote for sending the Justice
Department on a crusade until they round up every
single one of the people who did these things
and throw the blessed book at 'em.
Oh, you think that's "small-minded?" "Unnecessary?"
"Too extreme?" If you think that, you ought to
be applying those same terms to the acts of vandalism
and stupidity committed by the losers that just
left office. They -- not me, or any other American
who wants to see justice done here -- are the
cause of this; they should be held accountable
for what they've done.
You know, most liberals and I disagree on just
about every "issue of the day." That's OK, because
in this country, we're allowed to disagree and
we're allowed to voice our opinions.
In that vein, it is perfectly legal (though in
incredibly bad taste) for the Clinton-Gore people to leave
office and bitch about G.W. Bush for the next
four years. Whatever floats their boat.
But these senseless acts of vandalism and juvenile
criminality go beyond simply "voicing your
opinion" about Mr. Bush and his election victory.
They are acts of incredible insanity aimed at every
single one of us, regardless of our political
beliefs and persuasions. After all, no matter who is in
office, we all "own" this government of ours;
it is all of us, as Mr. Bush said in his inaugural speech.
I find it hard to accept that in this country,
politics has become so nasty that these are the kinds of
people now "leading" us. If we let them get by
with this, there is no possible way you could argue
that we, as a nation, would be better off.
This insanity, in my view, also may have implications
far beyond our own feelings of betrayal. The
Bush administration might think about the ramifications
of doing nothing as it relates to the world
Right now all foreign eyes are upon us, and you
can bet your biscuits that all major world leaders
know by now what the Clinton-Gore people did.
If we let them get by with this, what will it say
about the strength of the Bush administration?
Not every culture is like ours; in some global circles,
by doing nothing we look like a bunch of weak-willed,
spineless weenies.
I support throwing the book at these people not
because I so "loathe" the Clinton-Gore
administration (which is true, and this is one
reason why). I don't support going after them because I
am a conservative columnist and supporter of
the current regime.
I say, "Go after 'em!" because I am an American
citizen who cherishes my freedom, cherishes my
institutions, cherishes the rule of law and is
damned angry that a bunch of whiny, liberal sore losers
would dare deface my property in such a way.
When it was just a couple of keyboards missing
the letter "W," yeah, I thought, "OK, just a prank."
Now, when I hear about all of the additional
damage -- and the way that damage was meted out
(and why) -- I think of public canings and jail
time, floggings and a lifelong criminal record.
Such an insult to the American people is probably
fitting after eight years of demonstrable, epidemic
corruption. But most of that went largely unpunished;
this time, the culprits deserve the full Monty.
We have them dead to rights.
Mr. Bush, I implore you: Go after these pinheads.
I know you're an honorable guy who's probably
thinking, "I'm above all this," but for the sake
of our integrity and honor, you gotta do something.
Jon E. Dougherty
Write to me.
Why do you assume the story is true?
Do you believe everything that every Bush staffer says?
If the story is true, why are there no pictures?
I thought journalists were supposed to uncover the truth.
You've taken an allegation and awarded it truth-status.
If the story is true, why hasn't someone been arrested?
Besides your hatred of Clinton,
why do you assume the story is true?