End Special Privileges For Blacks!
    By Ted Rall

A Wake-Up Call for White America

NEW YORK -- Pantywaist liberals may be afraid to say it, but not me: David Horowitz is absolutely right.
Black Americans have been getting special privileges for far too long. What kind of society puts quotas above equality? Preferences above equal opportunity? Certainly not the America envisioned by the Founding Fathers,
who owned slaves, but we're not talking about that now.

What we are talking about is this: It's time to stop giving blacks special treatment.

For instance, did you know that there are entire sectors of the economy where there are far more African-Americans
than whites? It's true. For instance, in the burgeoning fast-food sector -- run by the highly profitable McDonald's,
Burger King and Wendy's corporations -- a higher percentage of African-Americans are gainfully employed than
actually live in these emporiums' respective communities! The same shameful fact is true about the always-vibrant
field of sanitation engineering -- whether you're in a bus station or a sporting arena, that magic broom or mop is more
likely than not being pushed by an upwardly mobile black man or woman.

Everywhere you look, there are professions almost entirely dominated by blacks. Home-care attendants, dishwashers,
those guys who poke at trash with sticks alongside the freeway, you name it -- all of them beneficiaries of this sickening
special treatment. How long are we whites going to put up with political correctness masquerading as free-market economics?
I don't have kids, but if I did I would absolutely demand that they enjoy the same privileges as their supposedly "oppressed" African-American fellow citizens.

Speaking of kids, black people enjoy special schools. It's true, you know. Black people get to attend all-black schools located
conveniently in their own communities, where their children are coddled with discriminatory special programs. When a whole
classroom shares a single textbook, black kids bond with each other. And with 30 to 40 kids per class, that's a degree of
high-volume bonding white kids can only dream of!

Unlike their white counterparts, who are forced to suffer the rigors of homework and whose eyes suffer endless pain
from the glow of computer monitors, African-American schoolchildren are footloose and fancy-free. In fact, they're even encouraged to drop out at age 16 -- giving them an extra two years of freedom to work their special jobs thus gaining
invaluable experience! Many white kids -- the truly needy, one might say -- come into the work force at age 21,
only to find themselves completely locked out by savvy young blacks with five years of experience.

Even more amazing, did you know that hundreds of thousands of African-American men enjoy free housing -- with free meals
to boot? That's right. Your federal, state and local taxes go to fund the ultimate pork-barrel giveaway just so that blacks,
for whom slavery ended 136 years ago, can live for free, in many cases without even working! As with their special schools
and their special jobs, a much, much higher percentage of blacks are admitted to these programs than their proportion in the general population. And this free government housing is incredibly safe -- it's so safe, in fact, that not only can no one break in,
but the residents themselves can't leave! As a white person, I demand that this despicable practice be stopped at once!

Last but hardly least, the same government agencies that run the disgusting free-housing-for-blacks boondoggle provide the
ultimate in free health care -- a privilege enjoyed by only a few whites! Yes, as usual, blacks get this ultimate solution to all
health problems -- all in a single, painless shot -- administered absolutely free, and special quotas ensure that a far higher percentage of them than they deserve will continue to receive it.

What did blacks ever do to deserve this "special treatment," as the German government used to call it? Absolutely nothing.
Blame the same old white bureaucrats, worthless old codgers who refuse to see that this country can't keep treating people differently merely because of the color of their skin.

Fortunately, things are slowly improving. On May 16, a white man, a European-American, as David Duke would call him,
will become one of the rare members of his race to experience the free health-care plan so often meted out to blacks.
In this era of discrimination, Timothy McVeigh will become this century's Rosa Parks.

Special privileges can't last forever.

(Ted Rall, a cartoonist and columnist for Universal Press Syndicate,
is author of "Search and Destroy: Cartoons by Ted Rall," due out in May.)

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