FDR Feedback
    by Ray Coleman

Although it is not well-known (not many bad things about wingnuts are),
there was a serious attempt by the right-wingers of his day to actually
overthrow Roosevelt -- to force him to resign at the barrel of a gun.
Did you know that?

And this coup -- for that is precisely what it was -- would probably
have succeeded, had it not been for the brave actions of the Susan
McDougal of his day, a great American hero who should have movies made
about him, but never will because he chose his country over money,
Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, USMC -- winner of not one but
TWO Medals of Honor.

General Butler blew the whistle on the conspirators, which included JP
Morgan and DuPont, in front of a quickly convened congressional
investigation. The plot was proved true, and guess what happened to the
collaborators -- the prominent American industrialists who were
literally plotting treason -- guess what happened to them?

'Atsa right -- nuffin.

And guess how much press attention this attempt to actually overthrow a president got?

'Atsa right -- doodly squat.

The whole sordid story is here:


The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (and its influence over the press) goes
back a looooong time. They have literally tried directly to destroy,
one way or another, every Democratic president since FDR.

It proves beyond doubt that:

(Conjure a vision of Dana Carvey doing his imitation of Poopy Bush)

Republicans are bad,,,baaaaaad! Bad

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