Subject: Have You Ever Wondered Why?
Have you ever wondered how someone could actually
be a Republican? Think of the credentials necessary to join the club.
Love: guns, Rush, Chuck, executions, arsenic,
CO2, war, power, money, the Bible, discrimination, Reagan (they don't know
why), pitbulls, cockfights, greed, hunting, sex scandals, deregulation,
and...the smell of their own shit.
Hate: fairness, peace, clean air, minorities,
Clinton (they don't know why), free thought, intelligence, Hillary, Europe,
reasonable profits, Jeffords, and...Bartcop.
While there's no question Smirk lost the election,
I think it's a fair statement that a higher percentage of sicko's voted
Repuplican than Democrat. Not more of them, just a higher percentage. Is
it possible Dems read books while Repubs watched Faux News and listened
to the Boil Man? There's no other explanation as to why Chimpy was able
to convince Baker, Cruella, Jebbie,
cousin Ellis, and the Hive of Five, to subvert
the obvious will of the people in Florida, not to mention the rest of the
This is all so laughable because of the irony
and hypocrisy. Cheney won't let Smirk implement price controls on energy
in California because it will piss off their benefactors. Yet wasn't it
Reagan who did this very thing back in the 80's?
Reagan, the guy they love to idolize. The guy
who fired every air-traffic controller because they went on strike.
I guess this works if you're flying around in
a government owned plane called Air Force I. But for the rest of us....
Okay, this leads me back to my main point. How
could you possibly be a Republican and live with yourself?
Unless of course you fall into that sicko category
that attracted McVeigh, Barr, Burton, Lott, Delay, Armey, Helms, et al.
BC I can't go on. Now I'm starting to think of
paragons of virture like Scaife, Fallwell and Ollie.
This is the Repulican party.
Trailer trash!
But don't miss the barby at Paula's tonight.
You heard it here first.
Of course, and all their odious
content is still available at your favorite shopping mall.
In case you live in the Adirondack Park and don't
get out much, you'd know that Big Fat Wow is a company
that provides internet access through kiosks
in shopping malls. Thus, you can check your Yahoo! email, keep up
with the stock market, play games, or even update
your GeoCities home page from your local consumer palace.
Now, to my displeasure, I found that
has been blocked from their network due to content.
Must be the supermodel photos.
PROPOSAL: Next time you are at the mall, maybe
you're waiting for your better half to get out of Lane
Bryant, log on to as many Big Fat Wow terminals
as possible, go to a liberal/progressive/anti-Bush/left/pink/red/green
website, and LEAVE IT THERE for the dittomonkeys
to find.
I did just that at Sangertown Square near Utica,
New York today. You know Utica, that's the place that went
about 3 to 1 for Rick Lazio (R-Lightweight) against
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-She Won Anyway, Nyah!).
After leaving on one of the terminals,
a four year old girl pointed to it, saying something like,
"look, Mommy, look at the funny monkey!" Mommy
couldn't get her little rugrat away from there fast enough!
Subject: Rush Limbaugh's Dairy habit....
In a weird moment of surrealism, I almost agreed
with something that Pigboy was saying.
He mentioned that even at $2.50 to $3 a gallon,
gasoline in America is still cheap.
Being a traveled fellow, I assumed he was comparing
it to other countries around the world
where even in England, it's well over $4.50 a
gallon. But was this his rationale?
Nope... he started comparing it to the 16oz Snapple
he was drinking and computed that a gallon of Snapple was
about $9. Ok, but then he mentioned Nyquil
(which he claimed drug addicts use constantly), was over $100 a gallon!
There were more of these, but my favorite one
from his festering gobhole was that his little lunch-carton of milk
was $1.25, thus a gallon of milk was $12!!
Now, I don't know where his Pigness shops, but he's making way
too much Dittohead dime if he goes around buying
milk at $12 a gallon. Cheers!
BTW, has a gallon of Borden for $3.99!
Tommy Mack
Subject: Le Pore was a mole
You wrote:
>The lazy-ass Democrats didn't want to bother counting ballots.
>(This was before Scalia said counting ballots would cause Smirk
"irreparable harm.")
> They wanted their precious four-day Thanksgiving weekend more
than they wanted Democracy.
Hey Bart, I spoke to Bob Kunst of Oral Majority
of Fl. People down there all
think that the LePore woman, who voted to shut
down for Thanksgiving and who
invented the butterfly ballot, was a mole. She
has since become an Independent and
quit the Democratic party.
There is a lot of Shenanigans in the electoral situation in FL.
But I agree with you, the Democrats are APPEASERS.
They would rather
not fight because it is too much trouble and
the Right wingnuts are scarily mean.
So the D.'s just cross the street to avoid any
Which is the absolutely wrong tactic in this situation, as you know.
If you ever get a chance, talk to Kunst. We worked
the Clearwater Revival Festival last weekend.
(I was promoting a hopefully *huge* protest against
W in NYC when he comes to NY this month).
He is running in FL against Jeb Bush to highlight
the election fraud that NO ONE
else is talking about - - except for you and
a very few others.
We've got to get our own bigger Media. Pacifica
is being taken over and Democracy
Now is being threatened.
(You can hear the Democracy Now radio show over
the net. It's one of the only
that I know of, decent things out there on Radio)
I will be going to a book signing featuring Deshowitz
either tonight or tomorrow
night here in NYC. I will send you a report if
you are interested.
He's just written a book on the thugs of the
Supreme Court.
Marguerite of NYC
(Perkel's friend)
Yes, send that report.
Subject: And we give them BONUS'
????By Claire Cooper
Bee Legal Affairs Writer
(Published June 19, 2001)
SAN FRANCISCO -- A federal bankruptcy judge Monday
tentatively approved a
$17.5 million bonus plan for Pacific Gas and
Electric Co. executives after
demanding a written promise that the utility's
customers won't pay for it.
PG&E creditors or shareholders will foot the
bill, James Lopes, the
utility's bankruptcy lawyer, said.
"There will be no effort to recover (the cost)
in rates," he told U.S.
Bankruptcy Judge Dennis Montali during a brief
hearing on the controversial plan.
But Montali wanted it in writing, along with data
to back up PG&E's
assertion that bonuses are needed to keep its
leadership from quitting at a
time when replacements could be hard to recruit.
Montali said that if he gets the documentation,
he'll almost certainly let the troubled utility pay bonuses
to the top 223 of its 20,000 employees. The total
includes $630,000 for PG&E President and CEO Gordon Smith,
according to the U.S. bankruptcy trustee.
Bonuses equal to the executive's base salaries
could be paid to Smith; senior vice presidents Kent Harvey,
Roger Peters, Jim Randolph, Dan Richard and Greg
Rueger; and 17 unnamed top managers.
The vast majority of the executives and lawyers
provided for in the plan would take away
25 to 75 percent of their base pay, an average
of about $60,000.
PG&E sought protection under Chapter 11 of
the federal bankruptcy code on April 6 with debts attributed
largely to spiraling wholesale energy costs and
fixed retail electricity rates. In May, the utility filed the proposed
"management retention program" with Montali,
who must give his permission for all unusual expenditures.
Montali overrode objections voiced at the hearing,
including an argument by the trustee's lawyer, who said
the plan rewards failure, and one by a lawyer
representing the city and county of San Francisco, who said
the utility shouldn't be talking about bonuses
when it's too broke to pay for electricity.
Lopes accused the two lawyers of trying to substitute
their "uninformed business judgment" for that of the
utility and the official creditors' committee,
which has warmly endorsed the plan.<<<<<<
Subject: Re: The Missing Intern
Hi Bartcop,
From what I heard, Rep. Condit already talked
to the police,
but he hasn't submitted himself to the Fair and
Balanced Network
ha ha
Subject: Spinsanity
I thought you might be interested in our website
Spinsanity, subtitled Countering Rhetoric with Reason.
We feature daiily blog posts and weekly columns
on the way media, primarily (although not exclusively)
right wing pundits, distort logic with rhetoric
in order to demonstrate how reality is distorted in the media
in order to advance political agendas.
Just today I wrote about the way conservative
pundits unfairly attacked European leaders in order to
delegitimize their criticisms of Bush. Last week
we also put up posts about the Civil Rights Commission's
report on Florida and the rather pathetic re-naming
of Senate committees.
Our url is
I'd love to know what you think, and if you'd
consider linking to our site,
or one of our articles, at some point, that would
be awesome.
Thanks for your time.
And keep up the good work on the site!
ben fritz
Ben, thanks, will give it a look.
Subject: And they say that felons have guns...
Here's an Argument for a Gun Ban:
More than 84% of guns seized by law enforcement
in Milwaukee after crimes
were legally purchased at one time from a gun
dealer. Nationally that figure is 89%.
Subject: Don't Lighten up!
I read the email from John telling you to lighten
up on the travelog.
I disagree!
Normally I'm completely uninterested in someone
else's vacation photos/memories.
(Kinda like being stuck watching slides from
your Grandmothers visit to Wisconsin Dells
- without a shot of bourbon to make it go down
But you have a way with words that makes your
trips fun and <gasp> interesting to read!
If I can't go to NY myself, at least I get to
see the mob hit men from your site. ;)
Keep it up!
From: Withheld
Subject: A Letter to Jenna Bush
Dear Jenna,
I can understand the frustration you must feel,
being 19 years old and in college,
and not being able to get away with the things
your friends do. I remember being
a 19 year old college student.....well actually,
I don't because I was pretty much
dead drunk that whole year......but that's neither
here nor there.
I had the luxury of being just another face in
the crowd at a big university.
You do not.
Unfortunately (for us), your father is in a position
of high power, and
therefore you are subject to very intense scrutiny
for all your actions.
In order to avoid further embarrassing situations
in the future, may I suggest a tip......
You are a famous person now- when you try to buy
beer with an idea
that is not your own, people WILL recognize you.
Besides, these guys have the cushiest SS assignments
available (chasing
tail down at ole UT), so I'm sure they'd be more
than happy to run down
to the liquor store for ya on a Friday nite.
The Bush family has a long and storied history
of getting away with stuff......
Your great-granddaddy Prescott was a Nazi sympathizer
Your granddaddy George sold weapons to terrorists
Your Uncle Kneel ripped off billions with his
S&L holdup
Your Uncle Jeb (OK- he may be pretty clean, but
we're working on that)
And, of course, your daddy managed to stage a
nice little coup
It's time you started living up to the family
A concerned citizen