I’ve seen the emails that Bartcop occasionally posts from visitors who
vow to never visit the site
again, forsaking their former respect and friendship, because of an
honest opinion BC stated.
I watch this happen and I am saddened every time.
We on the left have had few enough victories in my lifetime (I just
turned 40).
We’ve had even fewer effective fighters. If we keep abandoning each
other over mere differences
of opinion, how will we ever stand against the right wing?
I’m not going to make Bartcop into something he’s not. He’s just a guy.
I don’t agree with everything he says, but I doubt that he would agree
with everything I say.
Every person is an individual with unique life experiences that shape
our opinions and ideals.
None of us will agree on every issue. But if we on the left truly respect
and encourage diversity,
does that not also apply to personal opinions? Do we hold each other
under such close scrutiny
that we cannot forgive a dissenting opinion? If so, we might as well
give up now.
Uniformity is the environment of the fascist.
A closed mind is the enemy of reason and liberty.
When we judge our brothers we limit ourselves.
When we cast out our own kind, we diminish our capacity to fight.
We live in a dark time for progressives. Our elected leaders are quickly
broken, compromised and
subverted by the realities of financing their campaigns. Diligent press
members who dare to break
with the party line are quickly silenced or lost to obscurity. Citizen
protesters who take their causes
to the street are arrested, or have their spirits broken by brutal
police tactics.
If the United States actually were the noble entity it claims to already
be (a fantasy only fools and
republicans believe) there would be no need to fight, no need for a
Bartcop. Unfortunately, that
nation to which we pledged our allegiance as school children was nothing
more than a beautiful myth.
We on the left want that Myth of America to be real.
We want to believe in our country, but not so badly that we are willing
to accept lies as fact.
We see our democracy as a work in progress, and do not shirk the responsibility
we have
as citizens to make America worthy of our highest expectations.
Freedom, equality, tolerance, liberty, justice for all.
These are not mere words to be tossed about for effect.
They are our truest, noblest, highest goals as a people.
They are the touchstones our Founding Fathers carved into stone and
into our national heritage.
We on the left (Bartcop in particular) fight because we want to be
proud of our country
and proud of ourselves as Americans.
We need each other more than any of us could ever know.
Let us work together as brothers and sisters; let us set aside our
differences and disagreements.
We must focus on the ideals that draw us together, and forgive the
opinions that could tear us apart.
We MUST stand together, now more than ever.
Tim Ferguson