Who divides and why?

Role of Rush Hudson Limbaugh the IIIrd,

Big Political Donors & Joe Blow

In what kind of nation my son will grow up??

December 13, 2000 Albert Gore Jr. accepted his loss in the Presidential election 2000 and
congratulated G. W. Bush as the 43rd president of the United States of America. George W.
Bush  Son of a president born, with silver spoon in a wealthy and connected political family,
a transplanted Texan with a questionable youth gave his first speech to the country as
president-elect Bush. The speech was very kind and graceful. Albert Gore Jr. claimed hearts
of many Americans by his concession speech after a very hard, bitter, hateful, angry and
divisive campaign which included a stream of lawsuits. The election was ultimately decided
by a politically and philosophically divided Supreme Court of the United States. The
ultimate outcome was seriously aided and abated by the running of the Green Party
candidate Mr. Ralph Nader.

Here’s a brief recant of the events that has happened in the final days of the election:

The results of the November 7th election was inconclusive in a few States. The results were
too close in numbers. The Sunshine State Florida has automatic recount process and that’s
where it all started. Democratic process stopped and legal process started. County court,
Circuit court, State High court, Federal court of appeal and US Supreme court. They all got
a piece of it. The country got divided more and more each day. Finally we came to a stop
and we get G. W Bush.

As I tried to put the best face on this process I will quote retiring US Senator Daniel Patrick
Moinahan “Not one bullet was fired, not one person got hurt, no troops on the street and not
one life was lost in this process. This shows the strength of our democracy”. We as a nation
thrive and prove to the world that this is a nation of law.

After the election the talk of the town is how do we reconcile! How do we unite! The true
question is can we reconcile? Can we unite? Of course possibilities are endless. And as a
great nation of freedom and justice and one nation indivisible we will survive. Unity and
reconciliation will come if Santa Clause can bring it to our doors. The possibility of a united
nation is bleak. At least not in the near future. The differences between the two political
Parties are not very significant. But the differences among the Partisan members are at their
highest. The only unity the nation will see if there is a war against Saddam sometime.

If we take a quick look at the nation today, one can see the divisions almost highlighted and
underscored. Half the nation wanted Albert Gore as their president and half the nation
wanted George Bush as their president. In the certified results Bush got more votes in
Florida. And he won the electoral college. United States Supreme Court gave serious help
electing him as the president. About half the nation still have doubts who had more votes in
Florida! The US Senate is divided equally as 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats. The
congress is divided almost in half with a thin Republican majority.

The Republican Party is divided in to many segments. These various sections will become
visible within the first 12 weeks of Bush presidency. The segments inside the GOP from the
outset are 1) The hard right conservatives 2) The Clinton Haters 3) The Moderate
Republicans 4) The New Republicans (Bush supporters) 5) John McCain and 6) Rush
Hudson Limbaugh III and his followers. There’s more.

The Democratic Party has it’s own factions 1) Gore supporters 2) Bill Clinton supporters 3)
Hard line Democrats 4) Liberal Democrats 5) Democrats against the Hard Core Religious
Right Republicans 6) Reverend Jessie Jackson Jr. and his followers 7) New Democrats 8)
Old Democrats 9) Feminine Movements groups 10) Hollywood Democrats and 11)
Minority Democrats. Again I must have missed a few.

Next comes the groups who paid a lot of money to elect Bush and/or Gore. They pay money
so that they can get more money back after the election. These folks are known as “Interest
Groups”. They have been interested in the political process and electing certain person in the
office from the beginning of time. They benefit financially by helping elect candidates in
certain offices. White House is their prime target. This is the only group “The Interest
Group”  which is never divided. They just make business decisions. When they pay money
to any candidate they measure the future potential of the candidate. The criteria are not
about the candidate. The criteria is how much they would get back through the candidate by
passing legislation in their favor. If the answer is not very clear then they give similar
amounts to all the candidates on both sides.

Finally people like you and I. We are divided in our pocket books. Rich voters favor mostly
Republicans. Middle Class is divided in half and half. Poor and the rest favors Democrats.
Then there’s the gender gap. White male favors Republican Party, Single moms favor
Democrat, married women favor Republican. The division just gets more complicated
afterwards. These lines are not very clear and the support of different groups overlap
significantly. Like a soccer mom could be a strong Republican and a very rich individual
can be a Democrat.

Why are we divided the way we are today? How did we get here? Politicians have been
taking opposing sides forever. But the country was never divided this way before. People
cast votes for their candidate with civility for years. But today people are voting for their
candidate because they hate the other side. They vote for their candidate because they
believe that the opponent is an evil person. They vote for their candidate because they
despise the opponent. They vote for their candidate because they are afraid the opponent if
elected will destroy them. A vote has become a weapon of hatred. One vote has become one
weapon of revenge. One voter has become a hateful Partisan citizen. In all fairness,
Republican Party has been more active in creating hate than the Democrats even though they
are both guilty of the charge. Most of this started with Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.

The lead charger in the Republican side is Mr. Rush Hudson Limbaugh III and his EIB Net
work. He is the smartest man in the media, with the highest degree of hate and thirst for
blood. The most basic strategy in any war is propaganda. The party who has the best
operative in spreading hate and vengence always has the upper hand in wining a war. The
goal is two fold. Create high degree of conviction among supporters and boost moral to go
and fight till death. Mr. Limbaugh has classified our political process in our nation as a war
between Democrats and Republicans. And he is the best. There is no match for the Rush
Limbaugh show.

If George Bush becomes a Uniter what will happen to Mr. Rush Limbaugh? A cabinet
position could create a different scenario. But that is not very likely. Mr. Limbaugh needs a
target to beat up each day on his show. Bill Clinton was a blessing for him. Hillary Clinton
was a bonus. Monica Lewinsky was the jackpot. But after Al Gore being defeated by the
Supreme Court and George Bush, the target will be less visible. Lot of conservative
Republicans hated Bill Clinton since the day he got in office. It did not require much to boost
up the base of those voters. They already hated him. Bill Clinton wining for the second time
enhanced that hate. Rush Limbaugh became an icon for Clinton bashing. Clinton helped
himself and helped Rush in many ways. But preaching hate on national radio has long term
effects. It has created a great number of listeners who believed every word Rush has uttered.
Rush has become their leader. His ratings went higher and higher. He has become bigger
than any talk show host in the media history.
One can wonder how can a hate preacher get to become so powerful? The answer is very
simple. The leadership in the Republican Party has been weak for many years. Voters
needed someone to tell them something different.

The dilemma is, what should one do with this much power and talent? One can become a
responsible journalist, a responsible talk show host, a responsible idiologist and a
spokesperson, become graceful or just abuse it. That is the whole point of my book. It will be
up to the reader to decide whether Mr. Limbaugh or others are doing a responsible job or
serving self-interest. I am an observer and a listener. The nation will unite eventually. But
before that happens the division will grow deeper. The differences will appear increasingly
ugly. Because the voices that preach hate are too believable. The people who are diving the
nation are too credible. They are not only powerful in the media, they are also powerful in
all respect. Money, connection, rating, superior skill, intelligence and conviction. It’s all
there. Whoever wins the White House in 2004, whether G. W. Bush gets a second term,
whether Albert Gore runs again or Mr. Rush Limbaugh looses his hate preaching appeal,
this nation will topple the divisive status of our communities. This nation will identify the
real enemies of the people sooner or later. The real friends of the people and enemies of the
people will be recognized. I have come to United States to live and thrive in the best possible
democracy in the whole wide world. I am not ready to accept a second grade, vengence
driven, hate preaching, target shooting nation. I am going to raise my child in the community
where millions of decent Americans grew up for hundreds of years. I have my views about
how some of the things in the political system has moved to the wrong side. My hope is that
everything will be alright. I do not know any more than what you know. I just listen to the
news and talk shows every day. And I think a little. But this is a journal not my preaching.

For the past 10 years I have had the opportunity to follow the politics of this continent
closely. Before that I was in Bangladesh. We had access to the recognized magazines and
British Broadcasting Corporation radio news to follow international news. I consider this as
a blessing that I am here now when things are happening. Since the campaign for the White
House began early 1999 I am keeping a close watch for the events. I consider myself a
political junkie and very proud of that too. This is what I have listened and watched for the
past few years on radio and television. I tried to put that on a somewhat chronological order.
I needed to give a little background about my life so that you can reason my views in the
right perspective. These are my views only. I do not expect one to agree or disagree with my
views.The information in the diary is true. At no point I have meant any disrespect for any
person. Nothing personal. One thing I strongly believe is that the divisive nature of the
politics reached it’s peak during Bill Clinton’s presidency. He is gone now. Can we try to
change our feelings a little bit for the goodness of the people?

On a cold, dark, snowy night of December 1990 I got off the plane in a small airport at St.
John, Newfoundland, Canada after traveling about 25000 miles in about 24 hours. Once I
saw my sister at the end of the hall I was elated. The first few moments of my life in North
America is so vivid and joyful that I will always remember those moments. The day I
entered USA was even more exciting. Entering to the land of Lincoln, land of freedom and
opportunity was my dream since I was a kid. This is dreamland for anyone in the entire
world. This is the icon of democracy.

The excitement and joy never ended. I feel the same way today that I felt the first day when I
walked in here. Very excited to be in the United States. It’s safe to say that I will not be
embarrassed to be an American. We have heard some people say things at the top of their
emotion without thinking. Like the Mayor of Miami in Elian Gonzales mater that he is
ashamed to be an American. I feel that is a very sad statement.  I will always be proud to be
an American once I become one. Issues will come and go. Some we will agree some we will
disagree. But not be ashamed of being an American. To be an American is the ultimate
honor and previledge.

Parts of this dairy is filled with sarcasm and some humor but no disrespect to any individual.
Growing up in the poorest country of the world I have always wondered what it would be
like to go to New York one day? The first time when I was in New York I was speechless. I
was very proud and happy.

Politics in Bangladesh is very easy. If you have money you can get elected. Once you are
elected you always get elected. Your son, your daughter, your grandson, granddaughter,
son-in-law everyone has a shot at the office. In case someone died in your family for any
reason other than normal death your chance of winning increases. The death in the family
will enhance the chance of getting elected. The person running for the office has to have very
close ties with the religious leaders though. The frequency of the visit to religious places
increases significantly during the election months. One will need the muscle groups and
some armed people and some guns. The stronger the armed groups the better off you are.
The guns and the groups are needed to sabotage meetings held by the other candidates,
intimidate voters, and sometimes kill the opponent and attend the funeral as a national
leader. I left home in 1990. Things may have changed since then. In Bangladesh if you are
religious leader you have a better shot at the office. In USA is not so easy. Few religious
leaders have tried here in the past but did not work well as it would work in Bangladesh. I
now know it’s a phenomenon called “The separation of the Church and the State”.

My first election in this continent was in Canada. I was a student over there at the time. If
you are not sure where Newfoundland is I will not blame you. I did not know myself until I
got there. It’s a very small island closer to the Labrador coast. Extremely cold winter mostly
comprised of salmon fishing communities. Of course I landed 2 days before Christmas. My
sister picked me up at the airport all excited and happy. I walked out the plane and almost
stopped breathing because it’s freezing temperature. When I got on the plane it was 38
degree Celsius and when I got off the plane it was minus 6 degrees. My sister lived there for
10 years. She was kind enough to bring me some warm clothes. Very soon I got used to 2
pairs of socks, one set of thermal and snowsuit, upper body thermal and few t-shirts and 2
sweaters. It’s called layering. Kind of like the Fargo people.

I was amazed to see a different kind of election. There are no loud speakers waking people
up in the morning or screeching noises of mega speakers to let you know who is running for
what office. Instead the person running for office is walking door to door and meeting people
in town halls. TV advertisement was a part of the campaign. Newspaper advertisements and
flyers were very visible. The signs on the street corner have resemblance with home but they
are much smaller and meaningful.

I was finishing up my orientation at a hospital during the election. There was a strike going
on among hospital union members. I do not remember exactly what was it about. It’s been
almost 10 years. But I remember I talked about some of the union member running the
system as if they own it. And I was told that I would never find employment in that city or in
the region because of my remarks. I was very thankful to them for that. Because the Union
members in Bangladesh would not be so forgiving. I may have had to face physical beating
or insult to my family members even death threat. In a way I was relieved. I never had any
long term plan to stay in that cold weather. I have cold allergy and had to head for warm

The first election I remember in USA was 1992 presidential election. I was still in Canada.
Bill Clinton was the Democratic Party candidate. He was the best in that election. One will
remember his speeches and agree that he was the best in that year. Lot of us has serious
disliking for this man today. I am not here to convince anyone to change opinion. Mutual
respect for each other’s opinion provides a healthy society. No death threat, no beating,
insult, and name-calling and or physical harm necessary. I can remember the night Bill
Clinton called himself as the comeback kid. He was glowing in his achievement. Ross Perot
“the nightmare” for traditional politics also appeared for the first time in the political history.
If we look back and relate to our facts this election year 2000 he was a lot like John
McCain. Straight Talk Express can pass either way. That hurt George Bush Sr. in 1992. The
irony is Perot was independent but McCain is Republican. McCain has inflated the
expectations of a Republican candidate and George Bush will feel that during his presidency.

If average people with common sense get involved in politics they talk about things which
maters in life. Regular people will tell us to do things right and do things that makes sense.
There are two ways we can use that concept. We can take the opinion of the average people
and implement that. Or we can pretend that we are listening to people and tune’em out after
the election.

In Bangladesh you do not need to care about what people think. Because you can win if you
have money, support of religious leaders, muscle and arms. In here one have to care or at the
least pretend. But breaking promises after getting electing is not a very smart thing. President
Bush (Sr.) knows it better than anybody with his “Read my lips No new taxes” statement. If
you look hard at his record, President Bush (Sr) was one of the best president of recent times.
A lot of voters compare Bill Clinton with previous president with his Monica Lewinsky
affair. I personally think that it is not fare to compare a person with another person on an
extramarital affair issue. Since I moved in Louisiana I have learned it used to be considered
as a status to have a lady on the side in some high circle in Louisiana back in the 50’s. We
used to be ruled by the British for 200 years. It was a sign of virility for men to have few
ladies on the side for most British royalty. It never bothered us because we were slaves. Any
dignity we ever received from the British was a blessing. If any member of the family back
in 1870’s picked as a lady on the side for a British royalty was considered an honor. There
will be no Michael Isakof write one darn thing about that in any paper or talk about it over
there. The royals would talk about it over scotch during a game of cricket or polo.

Things that are right are always right and things that are wrong are always wrong.  Money,
power and influence make it difficult to say if one’s doing something wrong. History of
mankind and tradition makes it clear that you do not rock the boat. Regular people everyday
rocks the boat around the world. At first they are considered as revolutionary, or Marxist,
may be insane, may be a liberal, or reformer. Then we have James Carville. Rocking the
boat has a serious price. You may loose your job; you may loose your friends, your home,
and your earthly possession as far as incarceration. This part is universal all over the world.
Then you have Ken Star.

After going through intense pain and agony of not being able to rock the boat for centuries,
regular people came up with an idea. They created a profession called journalism. Now we
can rock the boat on almost anything. We still have to pay some price but it’s not as naked
as it could be. So we talk about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinskey. We even try to justify
some of the facts by comparing this with previous presidents having sex with slaves. I guess
if we could control our temptation and think about which boat I am going to rock for the
goodness of mankind before we do it may have made a difference. I am not qualified to
make that call.

1992 was a very exciting year. We just finished watching the Gulf war. Talk about
excitement. The vivid pictures of smart bombs hitting targets in Baghdad, B-2 stealth
bombers flying missions for the first time on hostile air, all my female friends talking about
good looking reporters on ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN reporting from Al Rashid hotel. It
was like renting a video war game and a lot of tequila. We all wake up one morning try to
figure why we did not go to Baghdad. Why Bush Sr. did not order to kill Sadam Hossain?
Some people even had the arrogance to say disrespectful things about the man and the
women who fought the war. Things look different after the fact but lets give these people the
dignity they deserve. It’s based on the principle not on tiny details. I can only hope that
making the Star report available on the Internet and on national television happened only
once in my lifetime.

Somehow the President Bush Sr., the hero of Gulf War became a person like you and I
during the 1992 election campaign. We have managed to forget how this man led the people
and won a war. How do you explain that? Economy varies a great deal before, during and
after a big war. President Bush was counting on the people to elect him. In my mind I find no
reason for him not to believe that. But politics is different. Politics is very naked. Politics is
based on the fact that regular people have a very short attention span on politics. Regular
people spend most of their time going to work everyday, take care of their family, cook,
clean and pay bills. When you add all of that, there’s no time to listen to politics or policies.
Election comes and goes. No data is available how many of the voters never voted in their
lifetime at all. I would like to get a reading on that. People vote for different reasons.
Motivation is the key to get the voters to the polling station. Most people vote to fulfill their
civic duty. This is democracy.

1992, at the end of gulf war politics won over the hero of this nation. President Bush
behaved as a very polite man. I wish I had the honor to know him in person.. He was very
polite. He believed in people and he trusted in people. Politics is not a people thing. Ross
Perot took away his presidency. Straight talk is good. Ross Perot proved that time and time
again. He was extremely popular just because the way he presented his ideas. Not a lot of his
ideas were realistic when it comes to run a nation.

A very important fact was missing there. A Corporation and a nation are never the same. In a
corporation decisions are made to make profit, only one group makes decisions. You don’t
like it too bad. You speak against it you get fired. You get what’s given to you. A nation is
created to protect and serve all citizens. You don’t get fired because you spoke against a
policy. You don’t always win or make profit. People go to work in a corporation while love
and cherish their nation. Ross Perot could never win. He knew it better than anyone did. His
thing against fellow Texas family was successful. Bill Clinton won too.

Bill Clinton used to be my favorite. He still is in many ways. He changed politics for
generations. He made it difficult for traditional politicians to talk about issues and tune’em
off after. He sounded like one of the regular guys to voters. Born and raised in single family
home, struggling most of his life to succeed, he appeared real. He looked like someone you
know lives next door. He is charismatic, wonderful smile, clever, extremely good debater,
interactive. He changed politics for a long time to come. Presidential biographers don’t have
to look hard for his legacy. Aside from his shortcomings his legacy would be the word
“Clintonian”. We do not live the life of “Buddha”. Anyone’s personal life pictured on
national media for unlimited period of time will look somewhat unpleasant. People are much
more forgiving than media and pundits.

One can wonder how did George Bush loose. There’s a lot to wonder about on that. Good
policies and achievements are not enough to win an election. The two party systems that
have been working for years had stagnancy. Democrats were too far to the left and
republicans were too far right. The gap in the middle was so big you could run a Mardi Gras
Truck Parade through. Ross Perot saw the gap. He had money to come out and rock the
boat. He was not afraid any of penalty. The boat started rocking and people loved it. Media
could not have better story in years. Regular people got motivated and started listening.
People listen to things that maters to their lives. It does not matter who is talking about it.

During election time in Bangladesh the incumbent has the biggest advantage. Incumbent will
go to an area for a visit and grant federal funding for broken down schools, construction of
roads and building community programs. These funding could be given at any point while
the person was in office. But these are saved for the election times. Now with short attention
span of average people this looks very good. Voter get motivated and they vote for the
incumbent. What Bill Clinton did was almost close. He promised to do thing that truly
maters in people’s lives. Family medical leave for example, was a huge hit among regular
people. A very good box office hit movie can stay the same for 8-12 weeks max. To expect a
political debate or issue stay popular any longer than that is pretty far fetched. Bill Clinton
brought things on the debate one thing at a time. So he had new things to talk about every
few weeks that touched people’s hearts.

We all know that tradition is good but it’s not always popular. All these politicians who
continues to insist that they believe in ideas and will die for it sounds good. But it really
doesn’t mater in a voter’s everyday life. Bill Clinton picked ideas extremely close to
everyday life of the voters. Some of the ideas were part of everyday life. Ross Perot talked
common sense politics. Bill Clinton just picked up on it and gave it a better dimension. I
have no inside information about his 1992 campaign. But from the outside I knew he’s got
incredibly talented people working for him. James Carville, George Stephenopolus and Dick
Morris and others . There were plenty more around the country that took the opportunity to
get on the boat with Clinton because he looked like a winner. Republicans never caught up
to that. Just like 2000 election. Republicans would have the White House if they tagged
along with John McCain. But they are always late to figure out what people think. Just like
Bush Jr. sending letter of apology to the cardinal of New York for his visit to Bob Jones
University. Now the election is so close between Bush and Gore that they are trying to mend
fences with anyone and everyone that’s going to give Gore team a field day between now
and November. It’s only primary season.

Just take a look at the helping hands for the Republicans, the religious leaders, Rush
Limbaugh and Ralph Reed and others. Rush Limbaugh himself is enough to turn off enough
voters in any election. I am a regular listener of Rush’s radio show. Things that he said and
did to senator McCain would hurt Bush even though Bush did not endorse Rush Limbaugh
until the general election. The concept of Rush that anyone who is not a traditional
conservative Republican is less than a human, does not work well in general population. His
bold insult to independent callers on his show turns people away from the excitement of
politics or whatever was left of it during the 2000 primaries. I remember one show Mr.
Limbaugh was telling a caller that he does not need anyone to tell him how to run his show.
He has been doing it for many years and need no advice on that. I am 39 years old and I can
tell you please give me any advice or suggestion you may have for me that will improve my
performance. I take it with open mind. People go to their priest to get advice how to become
a better person. But you cannot tell Mr. Limbaugh that he could change a few things on his
show to attract a bigger audience. Talk about rigidity, this one is beyond me. But he has
bigger problems than just small audience.

The 1992 election year was a year of disbelief to the Republicans.  President Bush had a group
of decent people in his campaign. His chief of staff Jim Baker was one of the most decent
man ever in that office. Others around him were polite, issue oriented and honest. The
campaign of Bill Clinton was aggressive, commonsense, and easy to understand, easy to
connect. He had people in there that would hustle for one vote if needed. Two completely
different personality group. The promise of welfare reform and welfare to work slogan got
bought by a huge crowd. There are two groups of people on these topics. One group is
unhappy because their tax money is being spent to feed welfare recipients; the other group is
decent people trying to get out of welfare. There is a third but small group who want to stay
on welfare for life. But the first two groups both loved Bill Clinton for his idea. Somehow
republicans are never considered as friends of the poor. No mater what Bush could have said
or done would buy him any vote on this issue.

After the end of gulf war the nation was focusing on economy. The economy was bad long
before the war started. But the attention of the nation was focused on the war until Bill
Clinton turned the attention to the economy. President Bush became the fall guy. He did not
participate a whole lot in the economic downfall era. That started before he got in the office.
But he was not able to defend himself. He was not unfit in any sense; his opponent was more
aggressive. Let me bring something in here relevant. Since republicans lost that election they
have become aggressive. But the irony is, no one in the Republican Party had the leadership
to tell when to stop this aggressive behavior. I come from a very large family. I mean very
large, eight brothers and five sisters. When we had a fight or disagreement with another
family or a group we would get our strategy set up. One of us is going to be very aggressive
and the other s around him will pretend to try to stop him. We would never go on and on for
years or try the same technique over and over again. Eventually you get the point across by
bringing people to listen to you not deter them from listening. If you just keep hitting on and
on you hit rock bottom. Like my mom used to say, “If you squeeze a lemon too hard it gets
bitter”. The ambitious Republican Party members never remembered that. They went after
Bill Clinton, his wife, friends and associates with vengeance. Got Rush Limbaugh to go
with’em too. They got what they wanted. They hit the rock at the bottom. Can’t go down no
more but now it’s going to be hard to get up. Tom Delay theory of “Kick the man once more
when he is down” or something to that context works in slavery and in corporation strategy
not good for politics.

At some point every single politician in the next 10 or 15 years will try to be Bill Clinton to
win. The hardest part is how do you become Bill and not be the evil they made out of him.
My gut feeling is a great number of Republicans wish that this demonization of Bill never
went this far. But my mom was not there to tell them “don’t squeeze a lemon too hard it only
gets bitter!”

I was watching Don Imus on Larry King few weeks back on CNN. Larry asked him what
his advice would be for the people in regards to presidential election or any such mater. Mr.
Imus politely responded that he is not qualified to answer that question. Just because he has
a radio talk show don’t make him an intellectual and a pundit. He may have some comments
but his sincerity was very clear in that answer. Let people make their decision. Why try to
tell a person what’s best for him or her in politics. Short attention span in politics does not
imply we all have to start giving advice to people. If you ever go in each individual’s life
you will see how incredible one’s life can be. Individuals live his or her life with pride,
dignity, success, love, foresight, some levels of education and skill. Regular people do not
need advice. They need politicians to level with them. Talk straight and simple. John
McCain was talking about the number of pages in the campaign finance law. He did not go
very far with it. Being a member of the Republican Party and talk simple is difficult. Over
the years extremely rich individuals, corporations and religious groups took over the control
of the Republican Party. Democrats on the other hand are in a joyous mood because they can
throw a serious jab on the Republican candidate even while putting a disclaimer on the soft
money coming form the labor unions. Democrats over the years have realized that it’s very
smart to admit the truth and take responsibility of mistakes. It’s a win win situation. People
like them more because of that. The system is not going to solve immediately. So they will
have their loopholes to get by and raise more money.

The Republican Party is deeply indebted to the rich or that’s how it looks from the outset.   If
the party tries to change it might help. I have not seen any serious attempt made by any
member to try to change any of that. John McCain was accused of starting class warfare
between rich and poor. What I don’t understand is this: rich has the money and the power
but they are minority in numbers, poor has less money, less power or none of the above but
they are majority. To win an election you need the majority. What is the plan for the rich
folks to win the election? You sure could buy you one election in Bangladesh but not here.
So you will have to do something to convince them that you are on their side. You cannot
pretend because Ross Perot, Bill Clinton and John McCain kind of made that harder for
years to come. This is time to get back to the drawing table and start with the brush all over.
That’s the legacy between 1992 and 2000. You can give some of this credit to Bill Clinton
some to Perot. We live in the Internet age. Kids know how to connect to the World Wide
Web faster than I can start my truck. This is the time to rethink all strategy, all policies and
all politics. Gun kills people, cigarette kills people: it’s all right to admit that. Bob Bar still
trying to defend that it’s not true. Bush Jr. had to distance himself from Wayne LaPiere on
his comment that the president accepts a certain amount of killing to promote his political
agenda. I will never understand why Mr. Bush did not say sorry about going to Bob Jones
the day he was asked about it. He would come out as a better person and the primaries
would be more pleasant. He may even come out few points ahead of Gore in the polls. Who
gives him advice? There is this perception that Bush Jr. is a little on the arrogant side, with
his smirk and the off-balance smile and all. He would look much closer to his dad if he did
say sorry earlier. Give him a better chance to win as well.

If you look at Gore it tells you how smart the democrats are. He kept saying sorry at the first
opportunity on anything he was wrong. He could not explain a lot of  things he may have
been associated with. But he was polite and did not try the arrogant route to defend them.
People forgive you if you say you are sorry. That’s the rule of life. If you continue to defend
a wrong behavior people turns away. When the election comes, most voters just don’t vote
because of that. To motivate a voter you have to give them very good reason to vote for you.
People are so polite that they will vote for you if you just can connect with their mind. We
all know that by electing Bush or Gore is not going to bring any money in my wallet. But a
strong leader will bring a good economy, which will create jobs and growth. A candidate tied
to rich folks and religious groups does not look attractive to a regular citizen who makes
between $12,000 to $50,000 a year. In 1992 Bill Clinton did not have to prove that he is not
tied to the rich or tied to the religious groups. Democrats as a party have less money than the
Republicans. Why do you think Mr. Clinton had to rent out the Lincoln bedroom? Because
he was short of cash and he had another election on the way. Mr. Clinton looked like one of
us. He was talking our language, shaking hands with regular people while he had regular
people standing next to him. If you remember some of his speeches he had one person from
each race standing around him in most of his presentation. The town hall meetings and the
bus tours brought him closer to people. His idea of giving a break to students whom wants to
go get higher education made him popular among young voters and their moms. His promise
of doing things was much more believable. Look how far he went with that. He defeated a
war hero, a veteran, and a sitting president, a gulf war winner and a very wonderful kind
man. I would tell my kid to read George Bush’s biography and learn about Mrs. Barbara
Bush. These people are good decent people. But politics is very unforgiving. He was not
aggressive enough.

Dan Quale was not much of help either even though his mistakes were negligible. I do not
know if President Bush had another candidate for vice president would make any difference.
Bill Clinton was too different. The age, the presentation, the issues, the charisma, the suit,
the make-up and the hair. Everything was different. Smart and polite Jim Baker was no
match for clever and aggressive James Carville. His book “The Stikin” tells a lot about his
philosophy and about his values. You can disagree with him but you can respect his loyalty.
Where I come from loyalty is crucial. We were “somewhat” slaves of the British royalty.
Loyalty was galvanized in our value system. I think it’s a good thing. James Carville
reminds me of my friend Sayedur Rahaman back home. We both went to school together for
almost a decade. But my friend was a frontrunner not a strategist. Mr. Carville and my friend
would be a formidable team. I don’t see that happening though because he has his own
ambition back home. There are some incredible similarities between winning a war and
winning an election. One needs a candidate, a strategy, resources and determination plus an
open mind to accept loses. If Plan A is not producing results go Plan B or C or so on. Time is
very crucial. Every mistake made needs an immediate repair. Politics is unforgiving.
Mistakes are repairable but if one takes a long time to admit a mistake it is not repairable
any more.

If President Bill Clinton admitted his extra-marital affair early on and asked for forgiveness
he would be better off. But I do not qualify to be his advisor. And he made his choice. A lot
of people dislike him so much because of his wagging finger. Blatant denial of truth and
twisting legal words to protect his own self is hard to forgive. No one really believes that he
was truthful about answering question “what is is!!!”. Or “what sexual relationship means”.
Two consenting adults can do anything in private. Extramarital affair is not acceptable to
regular people. This is where Bill Clinton was wrong big time. He got arrogant because he
was cornered. No mater what was the motive or who was behind it, my mom always said,
“As you sow so you reap”? White water, File gate, Travel gate and Whatever Kenstargate
was there; would make no difference if he did not break his marriage vows. He could come
out as one of the greatest presidents of this country. Close to JFK. It’s tuff to be JFK. But he
would come close. James Carville and friends could successfully dismiss all charges against
him. With our short attention span in politics and our ability to forgive he would still come
out as a great president for years to come.

I do not dare to take President Bill Clinton’s side in this mater as much as I like him. I never
thought he really did it until he admitted it. I was shocked and sad, I felt betrayed and angry.
I could not believe how he deceived the nation. He tried to make us believe that he did
nothing wrong. Strongly disagree with that. Regular people live their live based on principles
and values. Cheating on wife is as big a sin as telling lies to people. I am not qualified to
discuss the legal aspect of this. I have no background in law and no academic knowledge of
law either. But I will not pick Ken Star as my teacher in this mater either. I learned a lot
about being impartial, focused on the truth and all from Mr. Star. History is my favorite
subject. I think any one person who has made a difference in other people’s life ought to be
judged by the history. A series of books coming up regarding this case. There are some that
even come close to saying that Mr. Star almost lied just like the President did. I let the
history decide that.

This is a true story about professional integrity in history. In 1948 David Ben Gurion led his
people to get a free country for the Jews. During that war a nurse was stationed at a sniper
spot for a few hours in between her breaks to shoot a sniper on the Arab side. She got her
target on the top of the hill and aimed at the Arab sniper. In her mind she is praying, “O my
Lord, I have taken oath to save life. How can I kill another human? But this killing is for my
beloved country and my people. Please help me do the right thing”. So she prayed to God
and shot the sniper. The bullet hit the sniper somewhere on his feet, the sniper fell downhill
but did not die. No further detail was given what happened to the sniper after that but he
nurse had her prayer answered. You call this professional integrity. Ken Star’s story on
professional integrity will be judged by history. I leave that at that.

Bill Clinton brought in a lot of enemy with him to Washington. He brought friends too but
they were outnumbered and outgunned. Unlimited money and ultimate revenge got the
better part of a group of people ranging from business owners to constitution lawyers. They
have achieved their goal and every dime spent was well spent. The damage that was done to
the Republican Party will take many years to heal. Revenge is a two way street. When I was
a kid, we used to watch Hindi movies a lot. I never understood the language a lot but the
stories were pretty much the same. A member of another family kills someone. They manage
to spend 2 to 3 generations not remembering any of that. Somehow an old man or women
will remember what happened and start preaching revenge. Few more gets killed in the
process. Finally a pretty girl comes in the picture. She falls in love with a good-looking guy
from the other family. Love wins and revenge is gone, everybody lives happily ever after. In
this case there is no love affair. Democrats and Republicans will never love each other. So
there is no happily ever after. There will be more revenge. President Clinton created his own
mess. But the revenge group tried to get back at him for lots of other reasons. They got him
good. Please wait for the Democrats turn. It’s coming and you can bet your 10 cents on that.

1992 was a very interesting year. Big political upsets and the year of Soccer Moms. Ross
Perot changed the way politics used to run. Bill Clinton picked it up and made the best out of
that. That’s what an ambitious politician is supposed to do. He was getting ready for his next
election before getting elected for the first time. Any change comes with a price. Winning the
White House for the Democrats had a price too. They lost the 1994 house election. Lost the
majority and lost big after 40 years. Newt Gingrich and “Contract with America” won. I
have memory of Mr. Gingrich waving the contract in his hand in his victory speech. Waving
to American people how the contract made the difference in that election. I did not know
how many people understood the contract? Or what good a contract it was. I always
wondered about that contract.

After winning the house majority the Republican Party was on the roll. Almost everybody
started developing long and/or short-term amnesia about the contract. What happened is this;
the party had a contract with the big corporation. But to win the election they had to sound
like the politicians of 1992, like Mr. Perot and Mr. Clinton. Commonsense material had to
be included in the issues and simple words came in politics. They had to pretend that the
average “Joe” is going to get something out of it. After winning the house majority the
amnesia had to happen. The real contract with big contributors and big corporations took
affect. The Republican Party had to revert to their origin and their resources.

In the interim enemies of Bill got some stuff on him and Hilary. Doing anything for people
was not important for the elected officials for sometime. Because they got the dirt on the
president. They are busy investigating. Media is having the most prosperous years since their
existence. Why bother about people? They will still be here. And they were right. People
were still here and nothing got done. “Contract with America” remained as an open contract.
As I have been claiming regular people have a short attention span when it comes to politics.
They forgot about the contract as well. A friend of mine told me today why he is not
interested in politics. We were talking about the process and how exciting this democracy is.
He said the one reason he never pays attention to politics is because it is frustrating. Nothing
ever gets done and the only time you hear promises again is when the election comes closer.

The dirt on the president and the first lady were top stories for years. The dirt got carried for
so long that when I started writing this script in March of 2000 the media still reporting
some kind of junk about Bill and Hillary. One person in the entire media that I have the
highest regard is Mr. Jeff Greenfield. In any of his sound bites he talks about the relationship
between the past and the present in politics. I can praise him for hours. Since I was diagnosed
with a bone tumor in 1999 and broke my on the Labor Day the same year I have gone
through a series of surgeries. I believe throughout all these I have become a stronger and
better person. I have met the dream of my life, the love of my life. My wife and I met on a
chat room on America Online. We are counting days for our first baby to be born this
August. God has given me everything any man can dream for in his life. I stopped smoking
after being a smoking for 18 years. The first day after my surgery I was able to put on my
socks and my shoes by myself I was so happy that I cried. I learned how people take things
for granted. Like I did too. Now I appreciate things more than ever. This is not a story of my
personal life. I intend to do that another time. Let’s go back to politics.

The first batch of dirt on Mr. Clinton was the Whitewater scandal. (Clinton’s were cleared of
that charge in mid-September by the Independent Counsel Robert Ray after spending $52
million dollars and the dignity of some good people). He just came out of the Gennifer Flowers
deal and Paula Jones story was brewing somewhere. Then Senator Al D’Amato led the
investigation on this later. Independent counsel investigation started looking deep in to the
lives of the president and the first lady. Between 1994 and 1999 Republican Party was
focused on investigation and digging dirt on the president and lost focus completely what
will happen once this is over. “Contract with America” went to sleep for a while. Only if
they could believe in themselves and focus on people’s lives 1996 election results would be

John McCain and his Straight Talk express in the 1999 primary attracted so many people to
the political system that the Republican Party was caught off guard. They never thought it’s
possible to attract so many people to go and vote in a primary. In some states like Michigan,
New Hampshire and others the participation was double than any previous years. The
scandal and investigation turned off people so long that the fresh ideas of McCain were like
a new beginning of politics in this decade. The new beginning of politics in this decade
began in 1992. But this one could have been the second one in 10 year. It’s sad that the
Republican Party missed such an opportunity. They had to reject senator McCain because of
the same contract they have with the rich donors and the big corporations.

The best explanation about McCain rejection and Bush acceptance I have heard is on Rush
Limbaugh show. One afternoon on the open line a caller asked him about the Bush
coronation story and it’s significance. Mr. Limbaugh explained that long before this primary
of 2000 the Republican Party was looking for a person who is can be elected in the White
House in the next presidential election. After digging up dirt for 4 years and embarrassing
the president and the first lady and many members of the administration they lost the election
to Bill Clinton again in 1996. As a candidate Bob Dole was the best they could offer. He
was a very good candidate but weak. Just did not work out against the aggressive and
charismatic Clinton politics. So they started looking for almost the same characteristics in a
candidate. George Bush Jr. was just re-elected as a very popular governor for the second
time. He has the family name, and he got connection, son of ex-president, tons of money,
promises of tons of tons money. What better candidate is out there than Bush? So they got
behind him and coroneted him. Made promises to elect him as the Party nominee. No body
in the Republican Party had any clue that the people are going to respond the way they did to
John McCain. (This particular one is my favorite). Very few politicians have any clue what
people think and Republicans never have any clue what people think? Anyway, this was
why they got behind Bush. In Rush’s own words it was the hunger for a victory to the White
House. What gets me is this, as if this is a corporation and the board members were selecting
a CEO. But a nation is not a corporation and politicians are not board members. So they do
what’s best for them not what’s best for the nation. People will still be there when the next
election comes. That is the concept working for years. The changes Ross Perot, Bill Clinton
and John McCain and others have brought are not widely accepted to the conventional
politics. The reality check is long overdue. Bush may just pay for it by tagging along with
the Republican Board of Directors plan for 2000.

 Of course the political process always need reality check. Over the years Democrats got
smarter. They get inside regular people’s head, talked to them, and began doing things those
maters in their life. First it was a shocking to the other party to watch this happen. Because
both parties used to talk about real things before election followed by profound amnesia after
the fact. They could not understand why the Democrats all on a sudden started actually
doing what they promised to do before the election. They were in disbelief. The Democrats
used to be no different than the Republicans. They were liberal and far to the left. Did not
care much about people after the election is done with. Some Republicans got impressed
with the result the Democratic Party was getting. Bill Clinton got elected twice. They lost
seats in the house and the senate to GOP in places where the conventional democratic
candidate did not change the business as usual policy. Some Republican candidates won
against very popular Democrats because they adapted the change faster. After 1996 the
house majority controlled by the Republican Party wanted to join the force of change and
started to work for the people. It shocked some members of the majority party; they could
not understand why the house is working on bills that are going to help people and/or solve
some of the problems. There’s a very good reason for this and that is if you solve the
problem what are you going to talk about before the next election? Guess what? The
congress and the senate did some good for the people. Some promises in “The Contract” got
fulfilled. Balancing the budget, welfare reform, family medical act and things like proposed
by both Parties passed the house.

Politicians were doing a few good things for a change. The elected officials represented
people. This sound too good to be true. And we all know Murphy’s Law. So it happened
again. The trash-digging group smelled more dirt on Bill Clinton. This time they really got
him. This time they got a friend they can never even dream off. This friend is Ms. Linda
Trip. This lady wrote a new book on friendship and trust. She did have one good excuse to
give that she was scared. But the American people never bought her argument. Being scared
was not a good enough excuse to tape the conversation with one’s best friend. This is a tuff
sell. Any ways the story was a good one. Media and Clinton digger had just what they would
dream for. And add Bill Clinton’s arrogance to this spice you got a downer. As much as one
would like to forgive him for his sin, it just got harder with his wagging finger. You and I
may know someone in life that has done similar thing, or thought about doing such a thing.
Why is it different than what Bill Clinton did? The answer is simple. He is our president, he
is the leader of this nation and the leader of the free world, he is a Democrat, he is the first
Democrat President elected twice in many years, the dirt on him about whitewater and others
were not going well, he stole good ideas from the Republicans and claimed them as his ideas,
during his presidency the economy started booming, the republicans were looking bad by the
minute. On the top of everything he lied to the nation and he called Ms. Lewinsky “That

Politics without any issue becomes so dull that the Rush Limbaugh show was talking about
Academy Awards 8 months before presidential election. The rest of the show was about his
disappointment and frustration why no one is buying into George Bush’s big tax cut plan for
2000 (March 27th, 2000). Well I could say John McCain told us so, Bill Clinton told us so,
polls told us so, Al Gore told us so, and the people told us so. But the problem is what we
believe does not mater. What they believe matters.

The second term of Bill Clinton was never dull. I do not believe this was in his mind when
he got elected for the second time. Too much confidence is not good. Arrogance is never
good. Combine this two together; add on the “Clinton Diggers” you have a mess in your
hand. The Monica Lewinsky story was a very indecent story. My wife and I had no kids
when this story broke. If we had kids we would have to stop watching news and we would
have to explain a lot of things to the kids too. I can understand the difficulty of all the
parents. I do not dare to say that I know the extent of pain they had to go through over this.
Mr. Clinton could have spared the nation from such a nuisance. This is not an acceptable

Politics without issue becomes so dull that the same day in March, 2000 Hardball with Chris
Mathews brings John McCain to talk. By now senator McCain has probably said about 50
times that he lost and Bush won and he supports the winner. Senator McCain talked about
some things that got me started in the beginning and gave me the impulse to write this book.
Chris Mathews described Bush’s campaign in South Carolina as allied bombing in Dresden.
John McCain called it scorched and ugly or he agreed to Chris to that mater.

The most interesting comment senator made is that the Republicans did not adjust to the
change in time. How so true and so real. Why is that the Republicans cannot accept the
change in time and adjust? The answer is simple. They have this “Contract” with interest
groups-corporations and super rich individuals. Today Democratic nominee Al Gore made
campaign finance reform as one of his main focus in the 2000 election. In his statement he
mentioned “McCain-Finegold” campaign finance reform bill, he mentioned Senator Bradley
and Minnesota governor Jessie Venture and others, who are committed to this issue with
total sincerity. All the voters who supported McCain, Bradley and Ventura in different
elections will have a reason to think about Al Gore and may even consider to vote for him if
they like to see campaign finance reform. A number of the voters may vote for Gore just to
send a message that George Bush’s rejection of campaign finance reform and his insult
toJohn McCain. Regular people do not like insult just like they did not like the insult from
President Clinton after Lewinsky mater. George Bush’s arrogant campaign in South
Carolina, his total disregard for the Senator,  and his naked attacks on McCain and his
supporters (like Lindsey Graham and all) could get lost in the down memory lane if this
election was in 1980’s or so. But 2000 is a different year.

Republicans lost the White House twice in a row by now. You would think that they learn
better. The trouble is they did learn but they can’t change. As a politician you can say or do
whatever you wish. With proper support, good campaign, money and charisma you can try
to win. But this is what aggravates a regular voter; According to George Bush’s campaign
and the majority of the Republican Party members, John McCain is an evil minded,
unethical, dishonest, anti-breast cancer, anti-family value, anti-clean air, anti-religion and
nothing but a bad candidate for the presidential nominee. But after he decides not to run any
further campaign he becomes a beloved, honest, sincere, man of integrity, a patriot and an
excellent senator. Not only that, he is a dream candidate to be the Vice President on Bush’s
ticket if someone could get him to say yes. That is nothing but a bunch of bull. Talk about
hypocrisy; what other example you need. People have been fooled for years when
information was not available at this extent. Times have changed. So is politics. Vice
President Gore decided to risk his own backyard of campaign finance irregularity and talks
about its reform. If this were McCain instead of Bush Al Gore would never dream of such a
thing. Mr. Bush is so weak on this issue that this and the gun control advocacy may be
enough for Gore to top over Bush in November.

I started writing in early 2000. I have no idea if this book will ever make to a publisher or if
it does I don’t know when. This is early April and politics is all-quiet. My most beloved
politician John McCain is campaigning for Rudy Julliani to raise soft money in New York
today 4/4/2000 because he thinks Rudy needs it to run for the senate.  I am saddened.
Wondering about the call of John McCain to rise above the politics of Washington. The talk
of the day is Elian Gonzales. The six-year-old little boy who arrived in Miami in an
inner-tube from Cuba on the Thanksgiving Day of 1999. His mom died on the trip and his
dad now is waiting for the mercy of the politics to even see his own kid for one moment.
Gore broke the party line to allow his entire family to become a citizen. Bush supports
whatever the Cuban American politician in Miami says because his election is at stake. Gore
did almost the same. I do not want to be a partisan in this. There are some thoughtful people
who want to get a message through that please do not get politics involved between a father
and a son. But that is not making any noise at all. Every person with some ties in the Cuban
community in Miami or seeking election this year is putting Elian as a symbol of victory
against Castro.

Let me tell you how I got here in the United States. I was borne in East Pakistan. In Pakistan
the police or the army would ask you to drop your pants to determine if you are a Hindu or a
Muslim while I lived there. Muslims have circumcision and Hindu’s don’t. If you have a
circumcised organ you are off the hook no mater why you are questioned at any point. If you
don’t you are guilty, you would be shot, and your family would be raped and killed and
burned to ashes so there’s is no evidence to prove what happened. This happened between
1969 through 1971 in Pakistan. After East Pakistan became Bangladesh in 1971 we were so
relieved that everything is going to change for the best. We have our own country.

Guess what? I have seen the same and even worse happen in 1980 through 89 until I left
home. Someone damaged a mosque in India about 1200 miles away from where I live, my
family and I saw the same thing happen all over again. I had family in Canada, they tried to
get us out and move over here. There were threats of rape, killing, arson, and total
destruction with the support of local police and local law to Hindu families. I would love to
see Elian stay in this country and never go to Cuba no mater how it gets done. Because this
is his best hope. But the point is, the interest groups control everything. Best said by the “lost
cause-lost speaker” senator John McCain. It’s a shame what John McCain is doing after his
crusade for campaign finance reform. It shows how strong the establishment of the party can
be. Senator McCain who did not compromise in the most painful and dreadful time of his life
is now bending down to the forces of the Party.

Seven months before the presidential election there is hardly any politics in the news. Few
sentences are said everyday regarding Gore and Bush here and there. The headlines are
Elian, Microsoft verdict, Stock market and local traffic. I do not remember this happening in
1992 or 1996. I am glad CNN has a dedicated hour of their program each day. Even then for
weeks they have nothing to talk about on the “Inside Politics” about politics. The excitement
is over for now. It may come back depending on how the Gore and Bush campaign shapes
up. I do not have very high expectation. If the excitement is not there Democrats have a
better chance to win. Because the party is much more organized and much more involved
than the Republicans. Most Republicans are well off and they are busy staying well off.
They get involved mostly when that well off situation is at stake. This is a very poor
generalization of a respected political party by me. I send my apology to all. I just want the
respected members to change this perception from a lot us out there. Take this as an
example, for last few weeks with the help from my favorite talk show host Mr. Limbaugh the
Republican Party got a new name. It’s known as the SUV party. We all know a SUV (sport
utility vehicle) cost thousands more than a family sedan. To be able to afford a SUV one has
to be well off or extravagant like me. I used to own a Chevy Blazer but I am far from being
well off. I have a bunch of friends who own SUV’s and neither one of them are well off.
Only Mr. Limbo can give the Republican Rarty a name like this. He is very resourceful.

Back in 1992 the Republican Party was running on the issue of family value. They never left
that issue but Bill Clinton took credit over the years doing things for single mom and
working parents. That was accepted widely among the voters than the slogan from the
Republican Party. In 1996 the family value issue was reinstated in the Republican Party
during the election. And when Clinton got caught with Monica the family value issue got
moved up. Now on April, 2000 the republicans are supporting the Cuban Influence group in
Miami so Elian can never be with his father whether in Cuba or in the United States because
they need the votes in Florida, New Jersey for George Bush. The family value deal is down
under and you will need a shovel to dig it up. Politics is very powerful. Just see how
powerful it can be.

I haven’t been writing for a few weeks. Since then a lot have happened. This is late April.
Elian has been removed from the Miami family home by INS personnel with show of force
and returned to his father, Gore stayed away from media for a long period and came back
hitting hard on Bush on economics. Bush has been taking his campaign to the center by
minute so we all will forget how ugly it used to be during the primaries. Bush’s implication
that everyone other than far right lives a dirty, unholy, evil life only true with Rush for now.
The senate members have questioned Janet Reno and INS director and a hearing is on the
way! New Independent Counsel almost made a threat to indict Bill Clinton after he leaves
office, Castro said peace for a second time in 42 years. New York possible candidate for
senate Rudy Julliani is diagnosed of prostate cancer. Rush Limbaugh is screaming on the top
of his lungs about what happened in Miami and disgusted with the American people that
almost 70% thinks what was done in Miami was alright. Personally I believe that it should
have been done a while back. If you let a citizen defy the law and order for political reasons
the long-term affect of this act will be extremely harmful for the country and the people.
Politics should never be mixed with family, children, husband, wife, sons and daughters or
individuals. Respect for the law and respect for family needs to be equally upheld.

The general census in the Elian mater is a clear mandate where all Americans stand on such
issues. A certain immigrant group cannot hold us hostage just because they contribute big
money to one of the leading Party. A certain immigrant group cannot hold us hostage just
because presidential election is coming up in few months. If we let that happen consciously
there will be groups from all ethnic background trying to gather money and buy into the
political system (As if it’s not happening now!). We have enough problems now at our hands
with group and groups trying to buy into political system and enjoy special interests.
Mushrooming ethnic groups all over the country will make this picture a living nightmare.

Let’s think what may happen if we allow this. Right now we have NRA, Tobacco, HMO,
Labor Union, Lawyers, AMA, Religious Groups, Environmental groups and big
corporations. Please feel free to add on more names to this list that I have missed. Now the
Republican Party favor of on behalf of the Miami Cuban Exile Group for votes in November
can generate Haiti Exile Group, Korean Exile Group, Vietnam Exile Group, China Exile
Group, South Africa Exile Group, Sareavo Exile Group, Bosnia Exile Group, Japanese
Group, Indian Group, Indonesian Group, Pakistani Group, Spikee Group, Houdini and
Cosmo group. Is this what we wish to happen to our country? Is this what the Republican
Party looking froward to? What is going to happen to the people?  The membership number
of KKK, NRA and other protectionist organization will jump up sky high. David Duke will
have a field day. Why are we trying to create a world that will be extremely unpleasant and
unhealthy? Why are we trying to create a nation that will have citizen’s in-groups who will
hate each other? I can’t even remotely understand why a major political party with decent
honorable leaders and members allow a six-year-old boy to become a pawn of special
interest groups in Miami. Let Mr. Rush Limbaugh do it instead. Mr. Limbaugh have chosen
to become a Clinton hater over the past 7 or 8 years. When he advocates the Cuban Exile
group to stand guard against the attorney general, very few people pay attention. But it’s
different when the senate majority leader Trent Lott comes up and say that a senate hearing
is indicated in this case. A boy has been united with his father with the help of law enforcing
agents. What investigation is this? Do we have another Mr. Star available!

It has been five months since this story broke. There are stories coming out now about the
fisherman who pulled this boy out of the inner-tube. Today the article in Washington Post
says that he was never a fisherman and his cousin claims he is very phony. He may have a
jealous cousin or he could really be phony. Here in New Orleans we listen to “Andrea
Show” on “WWL” before Rush Limbaugh. The week following the INS raid a caller called
in the Andrea show and mentioned two points. Transcripts of the show will give accurate
language but the summary of the call was that the cousin of Elian (Mary Slias) is a very
good actress and she should go try a career in Hollywood. But the fisherman should go get
some acting lessen before he tries any act. According to the caller he faked the cry when he
was being interviewed by the NBC reporter and did not come out as a sincere act. By the
time I finish this book we may know more about the fisherman and what the heck was he
doing in that house all night? And how does he make a living and be able to spend so much
time for months and months staying at the Lazaro Gonzales’s house day and night. Why is
the Lazaro Gonzales family is not even troubled by an adult male almost living in the house
for so many months? Personally I would be embarrassed to go to another house everyday. I
would go in the weekends and definitely call and ask before I go and leave shortly after I pay
my respect to the family.

I was watching a news conference after Elian was reunited with his dad hosted by the Miami
family. Elian’s cousin threatened the nation at one point not to get tired of listening to her
and she demanded that we all have to keep listening to her. I am just amazed by the fact that
a respected senator sponsored that news conference. I remember another caller on Andrea
show the same week regarding Elian story. This caller was very sincere and passionate about
his opinion. He stated that all these people who claimed that they are ashamed to be
American because of what happened could get on a plane and go to the country where they
will not have to be ashamed any more. Andrea supported that caller emphatically. I loved
that one, she said “the transportation is always there if you wanna go”. There’ no need to be
ashamed and suffer. I said amen to that and I believe a lot of people like that caller says
amen too.

April 28, 2000 Miami Police chief resigns in protest of the firing of the city manager by the
mayor. Miami mayor wanted the city manager to fire the police chief because he did not tell
the mayor about the INS raid at the Gonzales house. The city manager did not fire the police
chief because it’s the right thing to do. Police chief is not a puppet of the mayor like the
culture in Castro’s Cuba. He did his job by the law and by the book. He did no favor to
mayor or the attorney general. So the mayor fires the city manager. I always thought most
people when come out of an abusive situation try to become a better person. The mayor of
Miami just behaved as Castro and wanted the chief of police to obey him instead of obeying
the law of the land. Disgusted chief of police resigns with loud protest. I am amazed how this
can happen to the Cubans in Miami. Miami mayor who has been criticizing Castro of being
a dictator just showed his own real self as the shadow of Castro. It raised a question in my
mind “Can some of the Cuban people truly understand democracy?” Or it’s only the
politicians? Can they change and become free after all?

Putting the 21-year-old daughter of Mr. Lazaro Gonzales on camera at every opportunity
was probably the most damaging thing for the Cuban Exile Community in this episode. I
personally felt sad for the Cubans in general in this whole deal even though the voices in this
episode were not the voices of all Cubans. The reason I felt sad is because there was not a
single leader from the Cuban community in Miami who had the courage to say what the rest
of the community believes. Making the tape of Elian and releasing that to the media was a
crime. I was praying to see that one leader from the Cuban Community would come out and
say that it was out of line. Let the boy enjoy his childhood no mater.  All these people
shooting for their next election vote including Bush, Gore and others were active participants
of the guilt. The Republican Party leaders postponed the hearing until later date instead of
next week. Looks like the commonsense is entering in their head very slowly. If the
commonsense would enter in their head earlier they could have gotten a massive boost for
Bush on this issue. Al Gore was pandering to the Cubans on this issue. I the biggest dull
head even knew that one. But just like the Clinton impeachment hearing they blew it again.

As an average brain and average thinker kind of guy I have always believed that Bill Clinton
is the best Republican that the Democrats ever had and at the same token Bill Clinton is the
worst Republican that the Republicans can ever have. He broke the ranks of the Republican
Party with his political skills and his political team. President Clinton is too smart for the
traditional Republican Party. He stole every good idea that the GOP ever had and put his
signature on that. He added democratic agenda along with those plans and kept his own
party happy. He protected minority rights and protected the vulnerable. His commitment to
his friends and his loyalty to his friends always paid off. They stood next to him no mater
what. He never appeared as the perfect guy and never wanted to be the perfect guy. He
wanted to be a leader and he wanted to be the president. With his imperfect approach he
came out of the biggest fallout almost without a scar. When we all learned about his
relationship with Monica we visualized a friend or someone we know that have done the
same in our level of lifestyle. Some of us got very upset, some of us got mad and angry,
some of just said “that son of a gun”, and some of us got their feelings hurt. But at the end of
the day he appeared like one of us and most of us just did not care about it because he is a
human just like you and I. He had an affair and he got caught. As much as we talk about it
at the end it’s going to be between him and his wife and the kid. The Republican Party never
got it. But we did. Bill Maher told Larry king the other day that the Republicans used to
have a hot for money. And now they have a hot for Jesus. They were doing much better
when they had the hot for the money. May be they could think about going back to what
works policy.

There’s an unusual news today, G. W. Bush asked the party leadership not to consider any
hearing on Elian case and that is why the hearing is delayed until further notice. I must say
this “Bush is more real than a lot of Republicans”. If he continues this way he will have an
equal chance to win the White House in November. People are tired of pandering. As much
as they don’t like Gore pandering to the so-called Cuban Exile Community the same goes to
the GOP. This last Saturday for April 29, 2000 in Miami there is actually a demonstration
asking the Miami mayor (who has been behaving like Castro since Thanksgiving) to resign
and making very strange request by asking Janet Reno to run for president. Tomorrow is
also the anniversary of the fall of Saigon. Media is caught up in a dilemma. They are caught
up in a situation that they created on their own. To get higher rating they started covering
this story and went on and on the people told them that enough is enough.

It was a shame today what I learned on CSPAN watching a forum discussion on fall of
Saigon, Vietnam, Media hosted by CSPAN, moderator Bernard Kalb and Gerald Ford and
Senator Eugene McCarty and 3 other dignified journalists. Andrea Mitchell from NBC news
was scheduled to be there but the bosses of NBC news called her to Washington to cover
Elian story. Ms. Mitchell most likely did not have a choice but she sent her apology to the
forum and promised to be present on a later date. I was very surprised and shocked that NBC
would do such a thing. As I have no shame to say that it’s my most favorite station. Let me
say this to the producer of whatever program Andrea Mitchell was covering on Elian=wake
up and smell the air. Stand up for some commonsense, dignity and integrity. Rating is
important and so is integrity. Lucia Newman of CNN today reported stories of ordinary
Cubans who are Juan Miguals neighbor. An elderly lady was very bitter when she was
telling a the story of Juan Migual sleeping in his car 2 years ago at the time Lazaro visiting
Cuba so the guest can sleep in a comfortable bed. They are poor but they have good heart.
This is what he gets from Lazaro Gonzales for being a kind host. A friend of mine said might
be it’s not the Gonzales family in Miami, it may be the Mafia in Miami holding Lazaro
hostage like Castro doing in Cuba as a dictator.

The cousin Mary Slaisas and the phony fisherman are a different story. As a dad I might
have reservations about her going on national TV and disgrace the family. It was obvious
that she lacks people’s skill. It’s not my family and I have no say. So after five months of
putting up with this crap now she gets called “mayonnaise” on late night show. There was
this lady lawyer who used to work for INS and now an immigration attorney for the
Gonzales family. She sounded extremely sincere. She presented facts with compassion and I
am not sure if on Larry King or another show was asked about the taking Elian from the
house by force. She answered promptly and sincerely that it’s not an option. I am sure there
were other people who could bring more fruitful results. I somehow came to the conclusion
about this whole mater is that Miami Exile Community took control over a little boys life
along with their own political conviction. At the end it’s their Castro like mentality and
Castro like behavior cost them all of this. The boy was not helped by taken with armed INS
agents. There is no winner here.

Juan Miguel may be a looser here too. Because he had his chance to claim political asylum
but he did not. I have lived in dictatorial country. You do not have a voice in there. You do
not have a life in there. All these big shots trying to tell us how wonderful it is in Cuba is
untrue. There is a fine lines how you describe happiness. Of course all fathers love their
children. It happens in Cuba, China, Korea and United States. But the point is what kind of
life they live there.

My friend and coworker Kevin died in a car accident on the last day of the month of April. I
am not very good with death. Because of my schooling and job I have been exposed to death
many times. But the difference between someone dying for a medical cause and a
22-year-old bright kid killed in a car accident is big. I am waiting to come to terms with my
father’s death. I still have dreams of people carrying my dad to the back of our property and
burn him. Well the proper name is cremation. But back in 1965 in Daulatkhan, Bangladesh
I am sure no one even thought about any long-term affect of this picture on a 4-5 year old
child. I am not a religious person but I am a strong believer of God. I sure hope today in
Bangladesh in the same scenario someone takes the younger kids away from such a crude
process. I can respect the religious practice of Hinduism and cremation. No argument there.

Kevin’s sister works with me. And I knew his mom. It was extremely difficult for me and all
of us at work to get through this. We had a lot of support. Friends, family and peers poured
in help and condolences and showed up at the funeral. My deal with my dad is more than
death and burning though. All these years after his death some abusive childhood, crying in
the dark alone, I always believed that if my dad was alive he would never let this happen.
Knowing more about my dad while growing up as an adult I realized that it probably was a
false hope. Dad would probably do the same what my elders did. But as a child you always
hold your hopes tight and never let go. I guess I am still caught up in that. These statements
are in no way any disrespect to my family. My mom raised a flock of wonderful kids. I
forgave my brothers for what they did. I am very happy to learn that they don’t beat up their
own kids. This book is about politics not me. So I will move on.

Republican House Majority Whip Tom Delay, commonly known as Tom the Hammer
Delay spoke for all the mothers and fathers and the conservatives of the land this week. He
was very upset about the NBC show West Wing. His suggestion is that the name of the show
should have been Left Wing instead of West Wing. The vivid memory of Dan Quayle and
1992 election just showed up in my mind. The “Potatoe” and criticism of Murphy Brown.
Mr. Quayle turned out to be a funny guy not a vice president. And finally lost the election
too. Those stories still haunt him and will haunt him for the rest of his life if he shows up in
the campaign trail. Why is it always the Republican Party right before election come up and
trash a show that was never meant to be a part of politics to begin with? The show will get
more rating. The Baldwin kids speaking out about it and Mr. Delay will go in defense soon,
which will mess things up. G. W. Bush has been neck and neck and/or up against Gore for
about 2 months since he divorced the Republican Party Right Wing extremists. He had to
talk against Wayne LaPierre of NRA, pretend that he will consider Massachussets
Pro-Choice Governor as a running mate. He asked the leadership to stop hearing of Elian
Gonzales. Recently holding meeting with real African American folks, raised 21 million
dollars in one night, trying to mend fences with John McCain, almost disowning Ralph Reed.
Once in almost 25 years a Republican Presidential candidate truly showing some
commonsense in politics are getting pulled back by the politicians who are in my view are
not Republicans but Clinton haters.
I am going to take a walk for a little bit to the down memory lane. Politics in old days was
different. The new generation politics is enriched or cursed by the availability of
information. I am great history fan but was not actively aware of ex-presidents having affair.
These things were considered as taboo. If and when any such thing happened the focus was
not to talk about it in the view of general public. Only serious politicians and serious
historians would know the details and the rest of us heard of tale tales. The new media and
information age can put all kind of information within minutes. When the extreme right
wing people got converted to Anti-Clinton Group and lost all focus, they were having the
time of the day after Linda Trip tapes were discovered. This was like a meal at the Ruth
Kisty’s Stake House on Saturday night. Or a night out on Jazz Fest in New Orleans. Up until
then they had to talk about certain identification mark on Clinton’s private parts in
hypothetical terms. Paula Jones’s poor presentation of complaints against Clinton and her
history was getting nowhere. Now the tape is out and here’s a live person talking about
Clinton and sex. Woo la la. Who needs focus anymore! This is called the gotcha of a
lifetime. On this day the Anti Clinton Group/Republican Party was so sure that they would
be the hero of the day. Whatever politics was involved behind all this, whatever
manipulation was involved, the people will never know. Rather they thought they will be
remembered as the hero of this nation who brought a bad president down and established the
values of religion and family back to people’s mind.

What a disaster! I have not seen one like this in my lifetime. My respect for democracy and
respect for the citizen of this nation never grown deeper watching this story unfold on a daily
basis. It was not because Clinton was spared. It was because the people did not let a bunch of
self motivated, out of touch politicians, a group of hypocrites take over the this country
which was created by their forefathers. People preserved this nation for their future families
to come. I am proud to be here and proud to be able to watch it. My hats off to the American
people. Private mater of one’s life should be private.

May 9th, 2000 Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards got convicted of wrong doing on his
third trial since the feds wanted to see him behind the bar for long time. John McCain
endorses G.W. today publicly. We still have no rain and we are 18 inches short of normal
rainfall in New Orleans for the season. I have rose bush getting ready to bloom at our new
home and my wife will be seven month pregnant next week with our first baby.

May 8th, flood in New Orleans in 1995 was remembered by a lot of local residents
yesterday and today. I remember talking to a friend on the phone about 10 PM in the
evening and it was raining hard. I used to live on Prytania Street in uptown. My friend asked
me if I have looked on the street since the rain started. I did not and so I lifted the screen and
all I could see was the top of my car and a big size garbage bin just floating on it. The view
of the street is something you would remember all your life. Water flowing with high
current, swiping away everything on its way. There were a lot of garbage bins. And a lot of
garbage. In New Orleans especially in Orleans Parish it is very hard to keep the city clean.
Conscious people try very hard but a lot of residents just not clear about where they dump
their waste. It’s like they will dump things on public ground if no one see them do it and just
walk away after that. Other than garbage bins I saw beer can floating everywhere.

Beer and alcohol is an integral part of this city. When I first arrived here I learned that there
is always a reason for one to have a few drinks in this town. Like Mardi Gras, Jazz Fest,
Sugar Bowl, Halloween, Christmas, New Years, Just feeling good, Depressed, Down Under,
Happy and after all not having a reason is reason enough to have a few. The rain of May 8,
2000 cleaned a lot of empty beer can from the streets. Residents suffered a great deal on that
night. I did not loose my car. It started in the morning soon the water dried out. God Bless
the engineers of General Motors. The smell in the car after the flood was so bad that I had to
consider getting rid of the car though.

May 10th, 2000 New York mayor Rudi Julliani announced legal separation from his wife
on the media. His wife Donna Hanover had similar press conference claiming Rudy having
affair with a staff member and a girlfriend. Talk about Monica revisited. I am anxious to see
the Republican defense on this one and try to differentiate the Clinton case vs. Rudy affair.
Congressman Peter King from New York was very polite to say Rudy may be able to come
out of this.

Coming to think of the entire picture, the cost of hypocrisy on the Republican side was very
high. The preset goal to discredit the Clinton’s was very expensive. I do not mean in dollar
values but lot of dollars was spent as well. Let’s try to put this in some kind of list:

1) 1992 Clinton got elected while Gennifer Flowers story was public, then came the

2) White Water investigation, followed by

3) Travel Gate and

4) File Gate, sometime around there

5) Paula Jones vs Clintons lawsuit topped by

6) Monica Lewinsky and Linda Trip + Ken Star

Out of this entire series of investigation the only thing materialized was Monica Lewinsky
story. Clinton was impeached in the house but spared in the senate. People who did not care
about politics had to put up with the bickering and cry foul every day on national TV and
newspapers. At one point some people got angry and started to dig the Republicans. All said
and done there was the American People who knew that extramarital affair is a thing that
exists since the beginning of civilization. Bill Clinton did a stupid thing and the worst part
was that he got caught. We needed to stop and think and move on with our lives. But
Republicans who have already converted their party as anti-Clinton Party did not want to let
go. So they became the target of revengeful investigation. I must say that the day Larry Flint
got involved in politics was the day we needed to understand that we have dragged it too far
out of line. But who is gonna tell Ken Star and his friends. Bob Barr and his friends, Tom
Delay and his friends, who will come to sense and say enough is enough?

Let’s look at the fallout on this side:

1) Newt Gingritch ‘s personal life exposed, his resignation and the disgraced House of
2) Speaker to be congressman Bob Livingston’s resignation in fear of his affair to be
3) Congressman Dan Burton’s admission of his affair
4) House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde’s admission of his affair
5) General loss of support for the Republican Party
6) 1998 house election and loss of seat
7) Divided Republican Party over the hold of Religious right’s control
8) Coronation of G.W. as the presidential candidate for 2000
9) Reverend Jerry Farwell asking Rudy to resign because of his affair
10) Rudy stepping out of the race

I may have missed a few. But the point is when the this chain of events started by the
aggressive anti-Clinton politicians rattled on radio day in and day out by Mr. Limbaugh they
did not have the intelligence and skill to view the future. The level of vengeance made them
blind. The outcome is an automatic disaster. Now Rudy will have to step down from the
senate race or loose the election no mater what because of the standards made by their own
Party. We will never have the interesting election between Hillary and Rudy. It’s a loss for
all of the residents of New York because of the anti-Clinton groups and their preset standard
for relationship. I sincerely believe that if no laws were broken in Rudy’s affair he should be
able to run for the senate and let his peers decide how good a senator he will be for the state
of New York, not decided by the anti-Clinton Republican Party or Rev. Jerry Farwell.

The news for this week was the death of Cardinal O’Connor. Sierra Leon killing, Love Bug
guy caught by law enforcement. But my mentor Mr. Limbaugh opens his show for one more
time criticizing Clinton.

Mother’s Day, May 14th, 2000. Happy mothers day to all the moms of the world. I am
watching the Million-Mom March on CSPAN for licensing and registration of handguns and
stricter gun laws. I must admit that I am deeply moved. Before I get in details of the
discussion just wanted to say that I differ from all the conventional wisdom and strong media
like CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX plus the syndicated columnists about the impact of today’s
march in Washington. First time in my lifetime I have heard something that was not spoken
before. History will prove the outcome “ I believe that this Million Mom March” will be a
powerful force in the coming election, presidential and others and will bring better gun laws
for the country. NRA is not untouchable any more. The world has changed. One speaker this
morning said “The hands that rocks the cradle rules the world, don’t make moms upset and
don’t think that their priorities aren’t important” and “ Enough is enough, the time to act is
now”. I was watching the boldness of Rosie O’Donnell when she said we are here to stay and
we will change this organization to a lobby group and we will be bigger than NRA, we will
take surveys of each political candidate on gun issues before we vote. Whaoo... is what I tell
myself. If I am wrong I would like to be stand corrected; never in an election year a vote for
stricter gun control was considered as a way to get female vote cross the country. The
language got very simple; either vote for the laws or get out. The slogan got tougher; NRA
vs. mothers of America. John McCain’s campaign finance reform and the Republican
Primary got a lot more people aware of the buyouts of election by the powerful groups and
lobbyists. People know now that NRA buys election for the senators and
congressmen/women each and every year so that they can continue to do unregulated
business like the Tobacco industry. This will change soon. We have a serious appearance
problem. Giving money to candidates running for office will get difficult. This is a new
movement and mothers are more powerful than corporations.

May 15th, 2000. This morning papers and news shows downplayed the Mom March just
like they wanted to predict the outcome of this movement. I am not sure if this denial by the
powerful media moguls. It may even be a jealousy thing. Like they do not want to
acknowledge another powerful organization taking about changes in gun control law. Media
is so far was the only powerful organization talking about gun control. NRA out gunned the
individuals and politicians who have some to say about gun control so far. Up until now this
issue was being used for politics. That changed on Mothers Day this year. Today Rush
Limbo started again with insinuation that Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton is guilty because
Rudy Julani was having an affair and is getting separation form his wife. Hillary is
responsible for getting Rudy’s pissed off wife to talk about her husband and take a part in
the show called “Vagina Monologue”. Mr. Rush even believes that Ex White House staff
Sidney Blumenthal, James Carville and others have arranged Rudy to fall in love with this
women to destroy his career. Last week I was driving to a meeting and tuned to Rush’s EIB
Broadcast Excellence Network, a caller got him really pinned down how bad he looks
because of his Anti-Clinton policy. The caller questioned Rush’s judgement and did not
think Rush represents the conservative today rather represents Anti-Clinton philosophy. Mr.
Rush got defensive and I thought I heard a little nervousness in his voice. I am not the only
one who thought that there is a conservative side of the society and an Anti-Clinton part of
the Republican Party. Mr. Limbaugh, Tom Delay, Bob Barr, Peggy Noonan, Ken Star and
others have caused serious damage to the Republican Party members. If the leadership let
these people continue to do this damage will be beyond repair. Already New York
representative Ms. Susan Molinary is defending Rudy’s affair along with disclaimer of any
statement she made about Mr. Clinton. I think on CNN Susan Molinary was asked by a
caller from California why is she showing double standard on this issue? The actual
transcript may give accurate details but I remember her saying that she did not have the
position like the rest of the Anti-Clinton group about Monica issue. I will go to the library
and dig up any statement to find out if that is true. But now just for the sake of argument if
she was not criticisizing Clinton having an affair what kind of family value does she believe
in? What a double standard in the Republican Party. It might be repeat of something I have
said earlier but among other things Bill Clinton’s legacy will be how he has changed the
Republican Party. His affair, his victory, his slipping out of the impeachment and his
enemies falling in the holes dug by themselves. It’s amazing. Today Rush Limbaugh stated
that Bill Clinton was the person who set the fire in Los Alamos in New Mexico which has
caused so much damage and suffering to the residents. I did not hear Rush ask for an
independent counsel, I guess because even Ken Star may not take this one. How can this
man get paid by someone to talk impossible things just because he hates Bill Clinton’s guts
is beyond me. My wife has doubts if my book will be sold for money ever. I keep telling her
if Rush Limbaugh can make big money by telling people that Bill Clinton set fire in the
forest in Los Alamos, New Mexico or Hillary Clinton and her friends made New York
Mayor Rudolph Julliani fell in love with his current lady on the side as well as the other lady
Ms. Christine Roma… some reader will pay a buck or two to read what I am writing here.
Politics is one thing and truth is another.

The Democratic Party officially as the senate candidate nominates Hillary Clinton today.
Last night on the political talk show arena one thing was talked about if the Clinton’s are
just lucky. 1998 and early 1999 the entire Republican Party was doing one thing only. That
is criticizing Bill Clinton for his affair and was asking all Americans to hate him and believe
that he is an evil person. The list I had on page… showed fallouts of that act. This man Rudy
Julliani is supported by most of the Party elite and was considered as one of two people who
can win against Hillary. If I have to believe no one in the Party rank and file members knew
about Rudy’s extramarital affair and his out of control attitude about this mater then I will
be speechless. So may be they did not know this entire but some of this. How can the rank
and file Republicans pick Rudy as their candidate when he violates all the conservative ideas
and values? Well they don’t care about conservative ideas and values because they care
about winning. Like they picked G.W as the presidential candidate. They just want to win. If
you just want to win you will have to shrug off your big banner of idealism and
conservatism. Once that happens there is no difference between the Republicans and the
Democrats. Democrats have no problem with this picture but the Republicans do. Like Bush
picking Tom Ridge as VP candidate who is not profile because it will increase his chance to
win. These things are considered to win only not on values. But the Republican Party could
win by selecting McCain as the presidential candidate. They could not do that, because the
Party belongs to the rich folks who contribute most of the money in the election and they
thought way early in the season that G.W. is the one who can win against Gore. McCain
never had a chance. Republican Party had a much better chance winning if they could pick
McCain but money controls everything over there. They destroy any opposition to that group
just like the way they wanted to destroy Clinton’s. I will never get over the way Rush
Limbaugh wearing conservative hat and spending conservative money dishonored a war
hero, a respected senator, a man of dignity and integrity and a winner on national radio day
after day. Money rules most politics. The Republican Party is based on rich and isolated
people who could dictate other people’s lives. If one disagrees with them they face the risk of
loosing things. The religious extremists always favors rich because for them to function they
need money. Poor people cannot donate money or cannot donate enough for the expensive
religious practices or things. It is also convenient for the rich to look good if they are on the
right of the religious leaders. Syndicated columnist William E. Buckley said a few
interesting things on Crossfire today that I would like to say here with respect. The question
was if G. W. is a conservative. He says Bush is conservative but he is not A Conservative.
Ronald Regan was A Conservative. Bush is conservative and he lists conservative agenda on
his speeches. But his promotion of Compassionate Conservatism degraded the true values of
conservatism and will downplay the enthusiasm of the true corners of the conservatives. It
will make the true believers question why Conservative Principle is not a matter of pride and
integrity in a presidential election? Why can’t Bush stay with the conservative values and
run for the office with those values? Why he is afraid of loosing votes if he stays in the
conservative forum? Is this what Bill Clinton did to politics? Is this what I have been
thinking all along? The Republican Party is trading off values and principles to win and to
win only? Democrats and liberals have pleasant thoughts and then tend to make their
pleasant thoughts into legislation. Bush is doing the exact same thing just to win in
November. At the end of this election there may be no difference in the value system of these
two parties. I am clear in my mind to say that liberals have no problem with that. The
conservatives will be shocked and alienated by this position. Because traditional
conservatives truly believes in their value system regardless of who is winning in politics and
who is not. This may be a very good reason for Bush campaign to get excited about winning
to exclude the conservative base but in the long run it will hurt the nation just for the fact
that the liberals will take control of all discussion in life or in politics. The value system will
be determined by who can win in politics not by what is right and what is wrong will gravely
damage our society.

To win at any cost is a liberal policy. It has worked for the liberal since they got the
nametag. I am not aware how the terminology liberal and conservative got in the political
system. But as far as my memory serves the conservatives have always attacked the liberals
for being liberal and liberals have always been busy defending why they are liberals. This
has been going on for quite sometime and liberals got smarter. Lets take the acceptance of
gay rights for discussion. The liberals probably had no idea that most of the gay group will
be supporting the Democratic Party. May be the gay members did not know about that
either. As soon as any person openly stated his or her traditional conservative group gunned
down sexual preference. They got compared to the evil, the Satan, the bad, the ugly and what
not. No place to go and no place to hide as well as no reason to hide either, these human
beings took shelter under the liberal banner. Over the years people from all sections of the
society shrugged off their inhibition and opened up in public about their sexual preferences.
Some of them were rich and some of them were powerful and influential. They had a voting
group and money. Liberals accepted them as a part of being liberal. Republicans lost these
people forever. Democrats won a lifetime membership and vote from the gay activists. If one
gets criticized intensely on a regular basis the person has to get smart and strong in order to
survive. Eventually this one person looks better and smarter than the critic. This one person
becomes more attractive than the critic. To reject a person in a group because of his or her
sexual preference is detrimental. It divides society and divides families. Today the Bush
Compassionate Conservative motto wants those gay groups to like him but it’s not going to
happen. John McCain was talking to the Log Cabin Republicans today its May 18th, 2000,
who are actually gay and call themselves Republicans. G. W. refused to talk or meet with
them during the primaries. He refused to comment about it. But now the primaries are over
and he has the power to make decision and the power of money he is reaching out to the
groups that are forbidden by the conservative forum of the party. Carl Rove, Bush’s chief
advisor is trying to talk to the Log Cabin group under the table and have an understanding
with them so he could secure those votes in November. There is a serious risk factor
involved in this picture. Bush has received most of his money and support to win the primary
against McCain from the conservative far right group. His change in position from the right
to the center was necessary to make him a national candidate. The conservative will support
a part of this until it becomes confrontational. If he somehow goes to them Log Cabin
Republicans and other gay activist group and try to mend fence with them they may ask
some word at the convention platform. Nowhere in earth Bush will be able to do so and still
keep his support from the conservative group. Instead he will loose their support and he will
loose vote in the general election just by people not showing up at the pooling station.

The same situation is with his vice presidential candidate. The conservatives because of Tom
Ridge’s pro-choice and liberal stands would not accept his favorite Tom Ridge from
Pennsylvania. Already conservative newsmagazines and conservative media brought out the
muscle to put Tom Ridge under microscope and discrediting him for the positions in issues.
This will make it difficult for Bush to pick his choice for Tom Ridge or any other candidate
who is not supported by the conservative group. Now here is the interesting part. Bush
appears to me as a pretty arrogant person. He has the nomination locked in and he is doing
extremely well in the poll. Now he has power to tell people to go and take a hike. If he wants
to include people in his banner like pro-choice, gay and others he will have to tell the
conservatives to go take a hike. Conventional wisdom is that Bush will look all so nice and
inclusive and he will be a big winner. But the if the conservatives stay home in November
just because they feel betrayed Bush will loose. Democrats never had to pretend that they are
liberal. Bush trying to pretend that he is liberal will not get him the trust of the liberal
undecided voters and conservative traditional Republicans will stay home in protest Gore
wins. The big money that brought Bush this far will be the sole reason for him to loose in
November. Because you keep you loyalty to the people who pays the money. Or something
like that. Bush’s big money campaign was mostly from the conservative core traditional
Republican voters. They have a policy that they always follow. And that is no mater what
they hold on to their believes. And there is no compromise on that. Bush will loose big if he
chooses to disobey the old rule about money.

Rudy Julliani dropped out from the senate race from New York Friday (5/19/2000). House
member Rick Lazio is the candidate now to run against Hillary Clinton. House member
Peter King and few others were very much interested for the same run. But like they say,
“The fix is in”; the leadership of the party put the fix for Mr. Lazio. New York governor
George Pataki sponsored Mr. Lazio and the hard-core right wing in the national level does
not like Peter King. They had to adjust to a lot demands from the New Yorker because it is
primarily a Democratic state and in order to win you will have to come out of the Tom
Delay, Newt Gingritch, Pat Robertson group. But Peter King did not support Bill Clinton’s
impeachment. That one is a no brainer to the hard-core right wing Republicans. The most
unfortunate thing in this race is that Jullinai being diagnosed with prostate cancer. When you
are facing mortality your life changes completely. I was diagnosed with a borderline tumor.
Early detection and removal increased the chances of the tumor coming back much lower
than it ordinarily would be. I know how it feels. I wish Mr. Julliani the best. Even though I
would never vote for him if I was in New York but I can understand his life much more than
others because mine happened last year and it’s still fresh in my mind. The race for the
senate will now get nasty. It already got nasty; Rick Lazio calling Hillary a carpetbagger and
Hillary supporters calling Lazio a right wing thug. I have to be honest about a feeling I had
today about George Pataki, New York governor. He was very boring for a few days. He
seems to be saying the same things about the senate race over and over on each show since
Rudy dropped out. There is one thing that politicians do not understand. That is
commonsense. We the people need to hear things that is good and not repeated over and over
and over again no mate how good it is. Now if it is a criticism about an opponent it has to be
interesting and charming at its presentation. That’s where The Clintons are at their best. Of
course Bill is the best ever and he is on Hillary’s side. Overall Democrats are better in this
stuff because they always bring in pleasant thoughts and put that to voters during election
days as legislation just like Mr. Buckley said. The keyword is pleasant. Talking about
Hillary day in day out and night in night out how bad she is will not help the Republican
cause. Strange enough Hillary surrogates will benefit by talking about how bad it would be
for the New Yorkers to go in the Dark Age by voting for Rick Lazio. This is an advantage
Democrats have over the Republicans. Because the Republican Party is painted with the
Dark Age paint by themselves. It’s an enemy of their own. It’s an error in their judgement.
This is how I see it “ when the right wing hard core religious rights backed by Newt
Gingritch, Tom Delay, Bob Livingston, Rick Lazio and others called a moral suicide of our
country because Bill Clinton may have had a oral sex with a women, a good number of the
same group and few citizen of this country were doing same, more and worse”. This was
ultimate hypocrisy. People of the country did not like it then and they will not like it today or
tomorrow. Commonsense always works and presentation maters.

Something I want to note here to discuss later is how many right wing hard core Republicans
are making a career out of hating Hillary and Bill Clinton. They should be grateful to both
Bill and Hillary because the Clinton’s are responsible for their better lifestyle. I would like to
know from a media source how much money each one of the Clinton haters made by writing
books or giving speeches outside their regular income if they had any within last 8 years and
coming years. I am very loyal to my boss and employer because I make a living through his
corporation. Since when did the values change? You should be loyal to the person who pays
your bill. The Republican extremists have successfully integrated a new profession in the
area of journalism, broadcasting and publication. If you hate a person enough or at least
pretend you can hate enough you make a lot of money. That ought to be the legacy of Bill
Clinton after he leaves office along with the others. I read some religious books and my wife
read a few. I knew it was wrong to hate another person. And the Republican Party is
supposed to be Party of decent value system and moral principles and religious beliefs.
Please ask this question before you support another Republican candidate as your leader
how can they sponsor a person who makes a living by hating another person and be your
spokesman or spokeswomen. For value system. I definitely do not qualify to tell anyone how
he or she should make a living. But if this is what you have chosen as your career to make a
living by hating another person please do not try to tell the people that you are a moral
person. Let’s get a few names that made a fortune by hating another person:

1) Linda Tripp, The Snitch
2) Peggy Noonan, Former Regan Speech Writer
3) Barbara Olson, Former Federal Prosecutor
4) Larry Claiman & Donaldo (“The Fisherman who rescued Elian”) I just found out today
(05/22/2000) that lawyer Larry Claiman who chairs Judicial Watch an extreme right
wing law group is suing Janet Reno for $100 million dollars in damage.
5) Ken Star, Former Independent Counsel
6) Rush Limbo, Radio Talk Show Host
7) Christopher Hitchens, Author

The other thing here is all this media attention on Hillary and Rick Lazio is taking out G.W.
and his free ride to the voters out of the media. Even though he has a lot of money but this is
free media and he never got it. Until the primaries it belonged to McCain. Now it goes to
Hillary and Lazio. Gore will come and grab the free media along with his money a few
months from now and beat G. W. like a drum at the end. My wife who is the least interested
person in politics told me today that she thinks Al Gore is like a runner in a relay race, who
keeps his pace and strategy and he does his best sprint at the finish line. I am polluting my
wife and I feel guilty about it. She is seven month pregnant now and actually talked about
politics for a minute just because I am so intrigued by it. Her priority is the separation of the
church and the state. As long as a religious leader is not up there making laws how we
should live our lives she could care less.

This week the house votes on PNTC, in real word it’s a trade policy with China and will
allow both parties to share prospects and both parties to loose in some areas. The long term
goal is beneficial for the United States. Now both the Republican and the democrats are up
to their neck with money and lobbyist from Chinese Americans. They have to make this one
happen, like the old saying they will have to deliver. Here again money is the boss. I do not
oppose the plan simply because it’s good for my kid. It will allow my child to do business
halfway around the world and not profit off only American consumers. But that is not why
the house wants this done. Millions of dollars are changing hands tonight from the Chinese
community here in the nation to powerful lobby group for this to happen. The local
congressman/congresswomen filling up their pockets for the next election. The money is out
there; you do not even have to look for it.

One very important trial ended up with a guilty verdict in Louisiana this month. Governor
Edwin Edward the charming prince of the south got convicted. This was a surprise. Probably
was not necessary but I am not smart enough to judge that.
The talk on the political forum has new topics. Bill Clinton should or should not be
disbarred to practice law once he retires. It’s a mater of the law profession as much as Bill.
The Southern Law Society, an extremist right wing rich lawyers group wants to discredit
Bill because they failed to do so in the senate impeachment hearing. The people of this
country prevented that from happening. Now they try again. What I don’t understand is why
this right wing revengeful rich folks who claim to be “moralist”, the leader of the value
system of this country, the ultimate force to hold the truth and bring Jesus back to life again,
has members in their group who will be convicted of the same act that they are pushing here.
Just like Newt Gingritch, Bob Livingston, Henry Hyde and others there will be congressman
and senators and others will be disbarred if they are lawyers for lying to their constituents
and or lying to the congress during hearing.

July 16, 2000. I have not been close to the keyboard for a while other than just to check
e-mail. A lot has happened since then.

Elian is gone home with his daddy.

Bush is ahead in the polls, Gore is fighting back.
Average temperature of the city of New Orleans is running 90 degrees; rainfall shortage is
about 22 inches.
Many more books have been written by the hate groups to discredit Bill and Hillary. Rick
Lazio and Hillary is stuck at their polling numbers.

2 more person has been executed in Texas including one named Gary Graham.
Ralph Nader is running from the Green party for president and he is ahead of Patrick

Survivor, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and Big Brother are TV’s number one, two and
three show.
The millionaire bride Darva Conger from the Who Wants To Mary A Millionaire show
posed nude in Playboy after blaming all the media looking into her personal life too much. I
am not sure if media could ever could get that close to her personal life without getting help
from Darva herself.

Republican house and senate eagerly passed a bill for the president to sign, which will give a
tax, break to anyone who inherits app. 3/4th of a million dollar with the belief that this is a
burning issue for the American people.
George Bush actually went to speak at the NAACP convention a day before Gore’s speech.

A guy got beat up good by the cops in Philadelphia 3 weeks before the GOP convention.

Bush’s number one choice for running mate as VP is Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge
who is a pro-choice candidate. Now this is after Bush slaughtering McCain in the primaries
when McCain answered a question from reporter what he would do if his daughter wanted
an abortion. The brief answer was that this would be a family decision.

The Republican house made an absolute mockery out of the prescription drug coverage for

Rush Limbaugh still dreaming that Bush will protect the conservative ideas he believes all
his life. May be for the first time his own belief will be clarified by a word called change.
Rush did not get the Monday night football job at ABC as expected, Denis Miller got it. Just
could not help but leaving a thought for Mr. Limbaugh: A lot of conservatives are rich and
Republican, but Bush is Rich first, Republican by tradition, Winner for sure, Not
conservative but Compassionate Conservative. He will do anything to win the election. That
is something Bill Clinton did. A lot of folks who were close to Clinton in 1992 walked away
from him soon they really get to know him. It can happen with Bush but I wouldn’t bet the
same success. It’s been done once and not liked by a lot of us. Bush was at the extreme right
during the primaries, now at the center; if Tom Ridge is his VP then he becomes almost
liberal Republican with 100 million dollars of rich conservative Republican’s money.
Sending this man to the white house could be a serious gamble. Hunger for victory is one
thing, winning at any cost is another? Anyways, let’s get back to catching up.

My wife and I are going to have our first baby any day now. When that happens I will not be
able to write for sometime and the election will get much closer. That means this book will
not make it before this election.

Gary Graham was executed in Texas for a crime he committed in his teens. There is no
comparison between a convicted criminal and a person running for the highest office of the
land. My question was are we entitled to know the details of the person running for the
highest office of the land if that had anything to do with the law or using illegal drugs or
something in that nature?

The third trial launch of missile defense test failed miserably. Middle East piece summit is
going on at Camp David with the hope of resolving nothing.

Rush Limbaugh show today was pretty regular except for one statement I wanted to note that
Rush was emphatically saying he does not give a dam and the American people should not
give a dam about who is the VP candidate. If I am not mistaken, when something happens to
the president like an illness, accident or even worse the vice president is there to take charge
in a moments notice. If the president is deceased then the vice president will become the
president until the term is complete. I would like my wife and I to give a little dam about
who the vice presidential candidate is on each ticket. Unless we know for sure that nothing
will happen to the president. Mr. Rush may have a connection better than average citizen
with super power and he may be able to see the future to tell that the vice presidential
candidate is insignificant because the president will be just fine and serve his term.

Hillary Clinton is defending an accusation against her about making anti-Semitic comments
against Jews 26 years ago. Things like is will get her elected easier if the Republicans don’t
grow up. Little bit more on the only protector of The Conservative Ideas on EIB Network
Mr. Rush spent one entire show expressing his disliking against Hillary. He is so sure about
the incident and it’s authenticity that he was asking the New York voter to take his word for
it and go for Lazio instead of Hillary in his subtle way. Some facts came out since the story
broke. Mr. Fray was Bill Clinton’s campaign manager in 1974 for his run for congress and
he lost it. There are some records that show Mr. Clinton had no chance of winning that race.
The man who is the issue here is not a Jew. He also had physical illnesses in the past before
he gave this particular interview and those illnesses have caused him loss of memory among
other things. He even had his law license disbarred because of false statements or something
to that affect. Few other respected authors interviewed him and journalists for the same event
in separate occasions and in multiples where this incident was either not mentioned or
validated. Some of the names are Roger Marinas, Gail Shea and few more. John
Openheimer is probably not in the same range in terms of credibility and experience when it
comes to investigative civilized journalism.

Given these facts Mr. Rush is very sure that Hillary made that statement and she is an enemy
of the Jews in New York. What was very surprising that today 7/19/2000 the New York
Mayor Rudy who was the candidate against Hillary until few months back gave a statement
that no voter would make his or her mind based on this accusation. He also showed empathy
for Hillary in this mater. Rush Limbo was outraged. He considers this as breaking the rank.
He was extremely critical of Rudy. George Bush is running on a theme called compassionate
conservatism. Rudy was just showing a little compassion. I can try to predict one reason why
Mr. Julliani was speaking this way. Rudy came very close to knowing that he will die soon.
Any single human life changes when you come that close to death. I am one of those human.
Rudy is very sincere what he said. Mr. Limbo shouting bad mouth at Rudy was an insult to a
person’s compassion for decency. My friend Don Summers is a veteran political observer.
He told me that he used to listen to Rush regularly since the radio show started. Don said
that Rush used to be even funny sometimes. Today after listening to Rush in my office Don
said he was not surprised why Rush Limbo show is not going anywhere. He said “ I would
not be surprised if the show is no more on the air in a couple of years. He used to be a very
good talk show host who had values. Since he became a designated Clinton hater, he lost his
touch. Rush will survive among the other Clinton haters for a while but once the Clintons are
gone he will just become insignificant.”

I am not always offended by Rush’s show. I am always offended by his promotional piece
that calls some listeners Numbskulls. I am always offended by any one calling a name to the
next person. I am more offended today that Rush is upset that Hillary back in 1974 may
have called a guy some name that could be labeled as anti-Semitic statement. He calls people
name everyday. He is not running for office but he is asking us, the listeners to believe what
he says and what he thinks, he also is asking the listeners to believe what he says on his show
is the whole truth like his other promotional piece as being right on the middle. What is
Numbskull anyways? I sure can see what is hypocrisy. Do what I tell you to do; do not do
what I do.

Senator Paul Coverdale from Georgia passed away this week. A very liked senator, polite,
honest and decent man. A Republican senator from a Democratic constituent. His friends
will miss him. The nation will miss him. We show our respect for the family.

Rush Limbo show on July 20, 2000. New theory about the senate race in New York. Hillary
is looking for a way out because she does not have a chance to win. And the recent
accusation against her about being anti-Semitic will give her another way out of the race.
Rush has talked about this few times before this incident. Today he just strengthens his
theory. Al Gore is travelling in Texas and talking about the air pollution in Houston
offended Rush deeply. Because according to his theory Gore is responsible to maintain the
air quality of a state, which is, governed by G. W. Bush who is now running for President. A
study came out early this year about the air quality of the different cities in the nation.
Houston air is really bad. An argument was made about the proximity of big industrial zone
and the city. But it failed there miserably. There is no control about air pollution in some
cities. If there is no national debate or no national election going on around those cities, it
does not mater what happens over there. But Bush is running for President and it maters. If
he does not care about this issue then it will be an issue the voters will care about.

I want to give a little clarification about why my book keeps referring to Rush’s show and
his ideas. I am a hungry for news. Ninety percent of my TV time is news and one hundred
percent of the Internet time is news. There are different groups of news and different groups
of talk shows. Mainstream media gives you the news with a bias view of the producer or
director of the program. The bias is very little. The presentation of the news can cause bias
too. Specific presentation can cause bias. CNN news, ABC news, NBC news, FOX news,
NPR news, PBS news falls in the mainstream in my opinion. And they all have their degree
of bias. If you know your anchor and the producer you probably know the bias. Majority of
the audience does not know the person who presents the news, just know the face. News
people are different, that is a completely different audience group. If you watch CSPAN
sometimes you will know the dedicated citizens who cares about issues, cares about news,
cares about things that happen here in the nation and abroad. I sometimes fall in love with a
caller on CSPAN asking questions or making a statement about an issue that I have similar
views or concerns. I sometimes shake my head either agree or disagree with the caller or the
speaker on Saturday morning Washington Journal. I do not take any shame in my behavior.
I father-in-law shakes his head vigorously when he is watching the fights on Showtime or
even a Kung Fu movie. I had it on videotape once and showed him what he does once; he
called me something that I cannot write here. But the point is when you get in to something
deep you care about it. So I care about the things that are in front of us as media, talk show
and publication. It’s clear to any viewer after watching for a few hours that the FOX news
channel has a conservative view compared to other network. It’s clear that CNN and PBS
are almost neutral although CNN has a much less conservative approach in the business.
CBS, NBC and ABC are not comparable here in the context of news because they have
prime time news not 24/7 news. The prime time news is different. It’s like here in New
Orleans a lot of people watch the evening news to watch Bob Bracker who is the
weatherman. My sister in Canada watches ABC new to see (the guy), my other sister
watches Ted Coppell and stays up late to watch the ABC Nightline. When it comes to talk
show it’s also similar. You have shows that talk about mostly local issues, show that talk
about national issues, shows that talk about religion, shows that talk about personal
problems and shows that are pure entertainment. I ever doubt any reader will have problem
accepting the fact that it is very easy to decide whether you like Jerry Springer or you don’t.
There is no mystery there. If you have likings for preachers you can a few religious talk
shows. Dr. Laura drives her show on the borderline. On one side she enjoys bullying people
who are weak and frail and looking for a direction in their life. The other side is that she
preaches a hypothetical pure society free of everything bad and with everything good. I say
borderline because I wonder sometimes if Dr. Laura get her kicks by kicking innocent
people on the head that calls her show out of respect for her only. If that is true then it will
make her a pervert. I do not have any real knowledge of that so I cannot conclude my
thought. We have Andre show in New Orleans at 870AM. She is just great. Andre once said
that she wonders why people would call on air on national radio to discuss their so intimate
and private life. It’s no surprise that Dr. Laura humiliates them almost every time because
they know it’s inevitable. That’s how Dr. Laura is. I agree with the thought and just wanted
to add to that is there are a lot of us who are just fragile and not have the courage to go see a
professional. So we pick Dr. Laura to humiliate us on national radio. It’s not her fault
because everything she wrote and talked about is very clear. Just like Jerry Springer. It’s
easy to like Dr. Laura or not like her show. Rush limbo is the one that bothers me. Because
he is not on the border. He is walking inside our value system with his preaching. Rush
claims to be the protector of all the good things, good values, and conservative ideas. He
must hold a very high standard. It’s not the standard of the Republicans or Democrats. It’s
the standard of conservative ideas. I have always listened to the show to strength my
conservative values however miniscule they may be. Others listen to his show to strengthen
their values and look for guidance form someone they know. Dr. Laura is known to
humiliate her callers if they are not doing what she thinks they should be doing. It’s not
political. Rush has political influence as well as others. Rush used to tell us the truth without
the gravy. Now he is the hypocrite of all hypocrites. And this is one thing I say Bill and
Hillary Clinton are guilty for. They have changed this too many people. I never thought they
could change Rush Limbo. But they did. The Clintons are again responsible for destroying
another conservative Republican. The list just growing taller.

This is a chronicle and my reactions to everyday events. TGI Friday, July 21, 2000. What a
surprise that John McCain has agreed to run with Bush as VP if Bush asks him. There goes
my excitement for McCain. Talk about politics as usual. I never in my dream could have
thought about this. But that is what politics is all about. Value system and principles are
insignificant. Winning is everything. After watching Bush on Larry King last night I think
it’s safe to say that he does not need McCain to win. He has grown and matured. He sure
broke Rush’s heart by his total disclaimer about Hillary. Bush said with absolute clarity that
he does not wish Hillary to win but he never thinks that she is anti-Semitic. And there should
be no place in politics today for a gossip from 26 years ago. We can be more civil.

Just a little more on the Hillary story. I watch Chris Mathews for years. Last night was his
best performance ever. His guest was John Openheimer, the author of the State Of The
Union about Bill and Hillary. After a series of questions John was swinging many ways got
the question from Chris he did not understand it’s implication. I must apologize to say that
here is the difference between a good and smart journalist and a tabloid journalist. He
walked in the trap with hesitation and then mumbled. Finally just gave out his opinion about
Hillary. John Openheimer does not want Hillary Clinton as his senator. He had bias and
almost a reason to write these inflammatory topics in his book. I think if the main line media
watched this few minutes of Hardball they can rest this case now. So far the only people
supported this theory of Hillary being an anti-Semitic person includes Rush Limbo, Rick
Lazio, The author, few republicans in the Jewish community in New York who hates
Hillary. Lazio and the others do not surprise me but I am surprised that Rush could not get
past his Hillary hatred and be himself. I have a higher opinion about George Bush and Mrs.
Bush today than I had a few months ago. He may be tied to the money but inside there is a
strong person who makes up his own mind. That is not so scary. I can’t wait to listen today’s
Rush show.

Something else is going on in Washington D.C. I was not aware off this until yesterday. The
insurance companies pay for vasectomy, pay for abortion, pay for Viagra, and pay for
childbirth but they do not pay for prescription contraceptive. The data is not same for all
insurance companies. Some of them do offer different benefits. Now the catholic bishop in
D.C. is dictating the city council not to make insurance company to pay for prescription
contraceptive at Planned Parenthood clinics. Where did I hear about the separation of church
and state?
I was a little nostalgic the Saturday Elian was picked up by the troops in the darkness of the
night from his Miami relatives home. I can recall a night like that back in 1973. 1973 was a
very bad year in Bangladesh. We were liberated from Pakistan in 1971 and got a free
country to us. In my view we wanted a free nation of our own without the faintest clue what
would we do after we get it. Pretty much that is what happened. Before we could blame the
other guys for our failure but now it’s just us. Who do we blame now? The father of the
nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman is just not the father of the nation; he is also an
inexperienced and ambitious political leader. He refuses to loose his grip over the newborn
nation. So him and his associates have formed a special force to shut up any voices that may
be talking about the failure and incompetence of the government. One of the very Special
Forces units was named “Rakki Bahini” meaning the protectors. It was no confusion that
they were protecting. This special unit was trained to torture and kill. They were never
trained to fight a war or protect the nation. They were protecting the politicians from the
people. That sound very dumb now but that was the truth. One hot summer night in 1973 the
Special Forces raided our home at about 2 in the morning. We had no idea who these people
are. First we thought that these are armed robbers. But after about 2 hours of non-stop
kicking, shouting, cursing and hitting the walls and windows with the weapons they had on
them one officer identified himself as the officer in charge of the Special Forces. He
demanded that we open the door and hand out one of our brother to them. Because according
to their information he is an enemy of the state.

One can wonder why a group of troops from Special Forces have to wait so long to knock
and not kick it open like they did in Miami to get Elian. Our home like many other homes
are built of lumber. These are very strong lumber that lasts almost hundred years and
withstand winds up to 150 miles per hour. We did not take any chance and just waited until
a little daylight starts to show. My mom was the strongest of all, all my sisters were so scared
that they fainted, my brothers and I were crying and holding each other. The memory of
those moments still gives me nightmare and goose bum. Finally about 4:30 AM my mom
opened the door and the troops rushed inside. They slapped my elder brother for not opening
the door, kicked the other, pushed me against the wall and hit my sisters with the rifle. They
looked everywhere in the house for my brother but fortunately he was not in the house. Our
home was trashed by our own troops. My brother had to run for his life and crossed the
border to India to stay with the extended family. We did not get to see him for almost 2
years. I just mentioned this to give the reader some idea about where I get my values, how do
I form an opinion and what hurts. If I decide to write about Bangladesh in the future I will
tell more. Right now I have to be careful because I still have family there.

One very upset and frustrated talk show host Rush, the savior of the humanity, serving the
humanity EL RUSBO today was not sure what to say about his own favorite pick for
President George Bush. Bush exonerated Hillary about the anti-Semitic comment 26 years
ago on Larry King last night. He is even considering McCain as his VP candidate. Rush is
puzzled. He had not much to say about the Clinton’s after that. So the show lost its life for
the day. Lacking conservative ideas and absence of anti Clinton topics Rush had to talk
about the ban on cell phone on airplanes. To some extent I think my friend is right saying
Rush may be out of air once Clintons are out of office. But if Hillary gets elected in New
York he will be around for a little longer. I doubt how much longer. I am always optimistic.
And I need to have him on the air a little longer if I cannot finish my book this year. Now on
the Hillary issue Bush was very mature and sincere. I must admit that he has grown and I am
gaining respect and likings for the Texas first lady. I am very comfortable to say that if Bush
is elected Mrs. Bush will be a wonderful first lady. Mrs. Bush is original in her way. One can
see the pride and dignity at the same time a loving caring wife and a mother. The cynical
language of Rush Limbo show regarding the Bush’s decisions in issues will not help anyone.
For example we all know that it’s a long shot for this being a Bush McCain ticket. But this
talk and knowing the Bush campaign considering McCain, as VP will get him more
acceptances among the independents and McCain supporters. People may have all different
views about McCain but I don’t think there is an iota of doubt about McCain’s loyalty to the
Republican Party. Bush needs all the help he can get to win in November. There is no need
to alienate even one voter from the Bush camp or the one who might just join in tomorrow.
As an individual I may say almost anything about anyone as long as it does not break the
law. But as a responsible ideologist, savior of humanity EL RUSBO degrading McCain at
the time when he is being considered, as the running mate of Bush will alienate McCain
supporters from voting at all. Some may turn around and vote for Gore. Another example is
the article about the moderates talking conservative stands in most issues this year. Dear EL
RUSBO was able to degrade them so well that one caller on Friday politely asked him to
retract some of his remarks. In return El Rusbo claimed his statements to be based on
experience and took pride in his highly honed human nature in instincts, refused to show any
compassion to a caller who happened to like the show and happened to be a loyal

We live in a different time. To adjust with the change of time is the most important thing to
do. On Larry King Bush praised Bill Clinton for his effort to bring the heads of the state
together to bring peace in the Middle East when we all knew it had a little chance. He
praised Bill Clinton in three separate occasions on the same show because the President
deserves credit for those. We do not live in the dark ages any more. We do not have to
portrait the other party as the cause of all-evil. Doing what Bush did that evening made him
look like a statesman, mature and dignified. Why cannot Rush do some of that for a change
once in a while. It’s hard to say anything good about someone he hates so much. But baby
steps may help and it may just save his career.

It’s the day after GOP Vice Presidential nominee is announced. Former Bush Defense
Secretary Richard Chaney is George Bush’s Vice Presidential running mate. Dick Chaney
was in charge of selecting a VP for Bush; in turn he has become the candidate. Dick Chaney
is an able man, polite and competent.

Rush’s show today July 26, 2000 is a very interesting show. Rush got total endorsement
from Bush and Chaney by receiving a call from Chaney’s Wyoming residence on his show.
Since the announcement of VP is made the democrats have put out some of the voting
records of Dick Chaney in the past. In brief it’s all hard-core conservative and he has the
shadow of Bush’s dad on the ticket. Without going in to details at this moment it’s safe
enough to say that Bush had to pick a safe person without making one or more group angry.
Dick Chaney is safe because of which he is. Now to defend his records and the appearance
issue is a whole different story. I think that it will be difficult to make the ticket towards the
center at this point. So Bush has decided to stand on his far right corner by even calling in
Rush Limbo show. You can tell that after this call Rush will give out his heart and mind for
the Bush-Chaney ticket. And we all know that Rush has a wide range of listeners where most
of them are Clinton Haters and far to the right conservatives. It’s probably a call for help
from Rush to recharge the base. I would not be surprised at all if this call was arranged at the
beginning of show to get some free airtime.

Things that are against Dick Chaney are not very huge. He voted as a conservative
Republican like many others in his time. Time has changed and today the votes are
campaign issue more than ever. If Mr. Chaney ever knew that he is going to try this in 2000
he probably would be a little cautious. He is anti gun control, anti abortion, anti Washington
spending in entitlements and stuff like that. In his time that was routine. So he stands for the
routine or you can call it conventional. His addition to Bush is not conventional because
Bush is not conventional. That is the problem. If Bush can recover form the appearance
problem he has got a good run. The problem is Democrats will not make it easy for Bush
either. I will say this, that Bush’s winning just got difficult. As much as safe a choice this is
to pick Dick Chaney as VP I say it’s also an expensive choice. This will cost G.W. vote and
make the debates harder. I did not write the book about Bush that has some details about his
skills as a businessman. What I understood is that he is not a very smart business and he does
not have very good foresight in making long-term decisions. He is born in silver spoon and
he would take risk of spending money to make more lately. The decision of VP here looks
like one of those. Here he would loose vote or will be cornered by the left and the media with
a hope of coming out of this by November. The risk and the loss at this time to Bush are
acceptable. If his decision is a timed and well thought out one will remain to be proved. I
stay cautioned and may be not so confident as Bush regarding the long-term outcome. Jay
Leno said something really funny about this ticket. He thinks it’s like the Wizard of the Oz
ticket, because Chaney needs a heart and Bush needs a brain. Just a joke but pretty funny.

July 31st , 2000 my wife is going to have a caesarian section tomorrow around noon and
with God’s blessings we will bring a healthy boy or a girl and the mom home by the end of
the week. My in-laws are staying with us until we get our things together.

Republican Party convention starts tomorrow. Politics is not the most important thing in my
mind but I get a feeling that Bush Chaney ticket will use Rush Limbo as one of their
spokesperson until November. Bush learned in South Carolina during the primaries that his
best bet for the White House is to stay hand and hand with the conservatives. This will
always keep the hard-core right wing happy and may just bring some moderates and
independents to the ticket. Gore is doing very poor in his campaign and that is an added plus
for Bush. Mr. Bush is very confident right now. This weekend the convention in
Philadelphia delegates are meeting to take care off business. One of the issues was voted by
majority is to change the rules of the primaries: Delaware provision. G. W. Bush campaign
voted against it and turned it down because this will make Bush’s nomination difficult in the
second term. To me that is serious confidence. Bush is thinking of him in the White House in
July days before being formally nominated at the Party convention. I wish him good luck but
I don’t support the ticket.

I was watching Meet The Press today with my father in law Mr. J. L. Crooks. I knew he
works for Halliburton and Dick Chaney was Tim Russert’s guest. J.L. looked at him and
said he is going to hurt Bush. J. L. is never interested in politics; he is neither Democrat nor
Republican. He owns way too many guns and he lives in the heartland of America. I was
very curious and asked him why did he say Dick Chaney is going to hurt Bush? He said that
Mr. Chaney was never good to the employees of Halliburton and that he thinks is enough
reason for him to think that he will not be a good candidate for V.P. the show continues and I
was barely listening. But I could not help noticing one very distinct impression from Dick
Chaney is that he will do what Bush asks him to do while Bush is in charge. But things that
he believes and values will not change much. That was a little scary for me. Because if
Chaney becomes the president at any point he will implement his ideas that he values all his
life. Those values are scary for the mainstream average citizen. On a very specific question
from Tim Russert about the Cop Killer Bullet, Mr. Chaney did not show any compassion or
change of mind since his last vote. On another issue regarding how much is high for a gallon
of gasoline his answer was too vague. Both of these answers concerned me deeply. I am

Just finished watching the Shadow Convention in Philadelphia organized by Ariana
Huffington and others. John McCain is the keynote speaker. This was the most disgraceful
speech I have heard from senator McCain since I fell in love with his reform movement early
this year. He has become a pawn of the establishment himself. If John McCain believes that
G. W. Bush will do anything to change campaign finance laws to benefit the American
people then either he has lost his political judgement or he is just untruthful. Showing up at
the Shadow Convention was a bold step but a mile short of being authentic and believable. I
would hate to judge McCain or anyone but the power of political establishment is huge. And
I strongly believe that McCain is helpless inside that arena. He needs money for re-election;
he needs the Party base to exist. And the threat of loosing any of the two or both will results
in disaster. McCain will disappear without them. And he knows that well. I am also hinting
that the possibility of a talk between the Republican establishment and his close advisors
indicated that he has a better chance of advancing by endorsing Bush regardless of his own
ideas and views. Every body likes a free ride. McCain has served his cause for many years.
This is time for him to cash some in for the future. I am almost inclined to say that McCain
will become one of those that are a part of the system, that the group he talks about or used
to talk about during the early primary months. McCain is no longer a solution. He has made
history and he is history now. In conventional politics he has a better chance to revive later
with the help of the establishment of the Republican Party. Today he will deter most of his
supporters who got energized by his early convictions and walk away. A lot of them are
young and fresh voters without any political base. They will remain the same and not
participate in the process. The election in November is becoming more and more
conventional each day. What a shame!

Interesting comments from the President on Friday (7/28/00) after Bush charged him in
Arkansas about his word “is is”. The idea that says Bush isn’t all that bad since he is the
governor of Texas. And his daddy is an ex-president and all, and the Democrats had the
White House for eight years so they otta have it for eight years whether Bush is qualified and
have good ideas for all citizen is a fair question. But the problem is that an average citizen
cannot ask any such question.

In simple black and white this is how it is. An average citizen named “Jow Blow” or “John
Doe” gets to vote for any candidate in any election because it’s his or her constitutional
right. The candidate hardly ever thinks of the “Joe Blow” and never thinks of him or her
once elected. The elected representative whether it’s a congressman or senator or the
President will never have to listen to Joe. Because Joe cannot reach the elected official after
the election is over. Since anyone gets elected, they are protected by the secret service from
the Joe’s and they move out of their districts to big cities and live in houses protected by the
secret service. Only people who can reach the elected officials are the ones who paid big
money in the campaign before the election. Joe pays tax each year so the candidate now
elected official can get paid. Joe pays tax each year so that the official can live an
extravagant lifestyle, ride in luxury vehicles, travel around the world, make speeches, and
talk on television about how Joe should think or not think. Joe also pays tax each year so the
secret service can get paid and make sure that Joe could never come close to the official. Joe
pays tax each year so his tax money can be spent to give tax breaks for the big contributors
of the official. In the year 2000 and in America this is the picture of the majority. This is
where democracy is at it’s finest. The satisfaction Joe has is that he can talk about his
problems and difficulties without getting killed or arrested by the cops. In Bangladesh that is
a must. In USA the free speech protects you from the abuse of the law. So Joe is going to
work everyday and paying taxes. And the campaign contributor is cashing in. The media
takes gratification by asking tough questions and reporting irregularities. This is sad and
pathetic. Change is long overdue and change is coming. The days are over when you would
call someone reactionary or a liberal because he or she is asking you to do the right thing.
There’s nothing wrong to be a liberal or a conservative or a moderate when you are asking
the elected official to do the things that they are supposed to do.

I for some reason thought Bush could do better than bunkering in to the hardcore right wing
side of his Party. I for some reason thought McCain could break the Party line and be the
person he wanted to be. I for some reason thought that Bush would not take Rush Limbo as
his campaign partner. There are few more things that I thought otherwise. But my thinking is
not important. I am like Joe. I am actually smaller than Joe. What is this thing about rules of
the Party? If you have a view different than the Party nominee or Party platform you get

This is what the conventions have become. The major strategists and donors dictate what
will be said and done. It’s total dictatorship. In the Republican side Bush and his donors and
the Democrat side its Gore and his donors. Gore is little different because the Party is more
inclusive and gets to say more than the Republicans. For example all six female senators will
speak at the convention and none of the female Republican senators will get a place to speak
at the GOP convention. Bush is in the pocket of the right wing because they helped him win
the primary against McCain. Now it’s payback time for Bush and he will do so whether he
likes it or not. The hundred plus million dollars he raised from the donors will be entertained
with priority. Bush’s VP pick was just a part of it. He could not go outside his limit and
could not risk the anger of the donors. So he had to sacrifice his own wish and own ideas.
Just in your dream think of a ticket that says Bush-Ridge! A nightmare for Gore. But the
rule of money and power of money dictates whom you pick as you running mate. Even
Bush-McCain ticket would be a sure win in November. But the risk of loosing support of the
right wing is more than the risk of loosing the election. Either that or the concept is too
strong that only money is enough to buy a presidential election.

Decent hardworking Republicans gets embarrassed at their own party convention because
they are not allowed to speak their mind. Freedom of speech stops at the gate and power of
money dictates. What a shame! The speeches are controlled, staged. The topics are selected,
and edited prior delivery. Democratic convention is the same in many ways. Money is
shining in each convention. Fund raising is booming in both conventions. Future policies and
legislations are decided before the first vote is cast.

July 31st Matthew was born. I could not watch the Republican convention in Philadelphia
because I was enjoying the joy of life, our baby. Just had a few seconds of opportunity to
watch Larry King last night with Pat Robertson as his guest. Two comments strike my mind.
The base is upset and seasoned congressman is upset because they appear insignificant
throughout the entire convention. And this is de-Gingritization of the Republican Party.

We brought our joy, our pride and 8 lb of treasure, our baby Matthew from the hospital
today. It happened to be the August 3, 2000, the final day of the Republican convention in
Philadelphia. G. W. Bush'’ acceptance speech and the one hundred twenty five million dollar
Gala. Very beautiful speech, very touching and moving, almost like Bill Clinton in 1992. In
1992 Bill Clinton came out as a new democrat and started out a new democratic party.
Today G. W. Bush started a new Republican Party. His brother Jeb Bush calls him the
leader of the new Republican Party. Governor Tom Ridge called him the Father of the new
Republican Party. More inclusive, less judgmental and pretty. Bush presented pleasant
thoughts in his speech for the nation and his Party. I will have more to say later on about
this. Tonight I must note this for reference. A group of voters in Kansas interviewed by CNN
reporter Jeff Flock gave their opinion on Bush’s speech. “Bush is a wonderful Republican in
Democratic suite”, “He gave a wonderful speech but can he do all these with Tom Delay
and the rank and file in control?” “His speech was wonderful but where is the substance?”,
“He looks sincere but will the rank and file of the Party will allow him to do any of these?”.
My question is even more intense. Is this the Republican Party that Mr. Rush Limbo has
been talking about throughout his entire life? The argument is that the Republicans are
hungry for victory. Is hunger for victory exceeds the value of core beliefs and core

Matthew has severe Talipes Euqinavarus, simple name is Clubfeet. We have our work cut
out for next few years until we can make sure that he gets proper treatment. We will have to
take one day at a time. God is with us and we will overcome all difficulties. So far I have
learned that one in one thousand live birth in this continent has clubfeet. The condition
mostly means the feet or one of the feet is hyper flexed or hyper extended and it is primarily
treated by putting cast on the areas for very long period of time beginning as early as the first
day of the baby being born. I am amazed to learn that there are about 40 or more different
Websites that talks about the condition, clinical information, support groups and individual
stories. Matthew could not have been luckier being born in the Internet age. I was able to
learn the best methods and techniques that are used in the various parts of the world and in
here to correct the problems. I guess the joy of becoming a dad and the fear of what is going
to happen to him makes this very important part of my life more intense. As I remember after
I was diagnosed with a bone tumor my life was almost hung up. I could see death and I was
afraid. It was hard to accept the reality and the truth that I may have to leave soon and not
see Chanel any more. I kept thinking how much more could have I loved her only if I knew.
After my surgery when I learned that the condition was diagnosed as intermediate and total
excision of the tumor has given me almost a new life my entire life changed. It changed me
the way I used to think about life, the way I used to live my life.

When my leg broke after about a month following my tumor surgery, I have learned a lot
more about hanging tuff in life. My mother in law used to stay with me and take care of me
because Chanel just got a new job and she did not have any time off. I can only say few
things that I vividly remember. It was one morning when I was able to bend my knee far
enough to be able to put my socks by myself, I cried in joy for a few minutes. It was the day
when I could walk to the bathroom to use the toilet by myself and put my pants on by myself
was a day that I was the happiest man on earth. Tonight August 3, 2000 Matthew reminded
me of those days again. I have to give him the best shot at his full recovery. But if there are
any residual affects I don’t think I will worry about them. I am still afraid though. I am very
afraid. Inside in my heart I am praying for his full recovery. We will go to see his orthopedic
surgeon tomorrow. Tonight I pray.

G. W. Bush got a huge bump after the convention at the polls. He is up double digit and in a
very steady fashion. I was impressed at the Republican convention. The entire convention
was scripted and monitored by the Bush campaign and specially Carl Rove, his chief
strategist-campaign manager. All speeches were screened by the Bush camp, timed and some
edited. Traditionally Republicans talk about the core Party values e.g. Pro-life anti-abortion,
Gun rights, Tax cuts, elimination of Department of Education, anti immigration, anti trade,
religious practices etc. This convention was different. Somehow Bush was able to convince
the core Republicans that he can win in November. So Bush camp was able to dictate how
the convention will behave.

Philadelphia convention was the best Democratic convention under a GOP banner that many
have ever seen. A lot of the presentation and theme was copied from the 1992 Bill Clinton
convention. It was a presentation of new identity of the GOP, a kinder and gentler GOP. No
Patrick Buchanan because he is out of the picture, no Tom Delay or Dick Army because
they are too partisan, no Henry Hyde because he was too involved with the Clinton
impeachment, no Newt Gingritch because he is Newt, no religious leaders because that will
make them look too conservative, no Christian Coalition Leader to avoid right wing label,
no Bush Sr. to avoid dependency and so on. At the same note, they had a lot of African
American speakers to get he inclusive label, Hispanic speakers because Bush have them in
the family and it made them look more inclusive, gay congressman from Texas on the
podium speaking with the Texas delegates head down holding Bible and banner “it’s never
too late to change”, rock and roll singers to look close to the century, total Sold out and Got
off the Bus “Straight Talk Express” John McCain to endorse Bush in a pathetic speech
saying he is proud of Bush and not mention the issue “Campaign Finance Reform”, a
depressed Tom Ridge introducing Bush to the audience etc. I am comfortable in saying the
Bill Clinton has changed the face of politics for many years to come. Even G. W. was not
able to criticize Clinton on his record rather on his personal behavior. This is the Clinton
Legacy. He made the Republican Party to adapt with the time. In order to win they had to
adjust with the time and stop calling next-door neighbors subhuman. This was a hundred and
eighty degree turn since the Republican majority house passed the bill to hang the Ten
Commandments on the schools of this country to make our kids more morally responsible.
Instead they had to put a gay speaker on the podium to look tolerant. Bush had to talk about
how important it is to support The Head start Program that his own vice presidential
candidate Mr. Chaney voted against in his early years at the house. If this change is for real
and for sure I am very optimistic. This will change the practices of politics and change the
core grips of a political Party into something new. It does not mean that, the changes are
coming immediately but it means that adjustments will be made and some attention will be
paid to the issues in order to look more acceptable. The whole point is that the voters will
enjoy some benefit. Lobbyists will always benefit the most regardless which Party is in
charge. The Joe Blow and John Doe have some chance there too. Bill Clinton made it
obvious to the political system that you will have to change and try to come close to the
mainstream in order to win.

Early 1999 G. W. Bush was coroneted in a private party as the next Republican presidential
candidate. The concept was to win and win only. The entire Party machine, the rank and the
file, the donors, the base is hungry to win. If Bush wins in November I will wait to see how
many of the core Republicans are truly happy in the mid to late 2001 with Bush’s centrist
position. It will also be very interesting to see how much pressure he can withstand from the
right wing of the Party. How strong are his position and his promises not to turn back to the
Tom Delay section of the GOP. There is a basic difference between the Democratic Party
and the Republican Party when it comes to loyalty for its members (I call brothers). When
Clinton got in to trouble, he got the highest support from all the rank and file and voters.
When Clinton got hooked he got criticized but still did not loose the support from his rank
and file. The Republicans has so far abandoned Newt Gingritch, Bob Livingston, Henry
Hyde, Bob Bar, New York Mayor and to be senate candidate Rudy Juliani and many others
for various reasons. The sharp contrast between these two parties in terms of loyalty makes it
more interesting. The risk of being an outcast in the GOP is very high compared to the
Democrats. I guess the word “Inclusive” has still more meaning in the Democratic Party.

August 7th, 2000 we had our first visit to the Children’s Hospital in New Orleans for
Matthew’s clubfeet. They poked at him every way possible, did X-Rays and Ultrasound and
finally put cast on his both legs from hip down. After that they put him on a harness. He
looks very institutional. A little baby with all kinds of stuff on him. My days are beginning
to get rough. I know what they put on him is going to make him better but to look at him
makes my heart break. In last seven days I have read about sixty case story and almost one
hundred articles about clubfeet. For whatever reason we have this condition the promises of
cure and rate of cure is very high in recent times. The key is early intervention, sometimes as
early as the first day after birth. The parents of these babies go through enormous uphill
battle and enduring pain. It’s hard to imagine that you are so excited to be a parent and bring
a baby home. Immediately after that you are looking at unknown amount of time of having
your baby in a cast with weekly visit to the hospital, surgery at 3 to six month and more
surgeries and physical therapy. It is a long journey. So far I have learned Matthew only cry
for 3 reasons, 1) he is hungry 2) his diaper is wet 3) his tummy hurt. My wife and I have
learned that we have not slept in a long time and have no chance of sleeping in a while
either. And it’s only a week since we have Matthew. He makes all this worth in one moment
when he shows a big smile grin or smile in his sleep.

As I walk in the door bringing Matthew home from the hospital the news flash just
announced that Gore Picks Joe Lieberman as his V. P. candidate. It’s probably not a day for
me to think politics. But it sure would take my mind out of the present status for a few
seconds. Senator Joe Lieberman was the first Democratic leader to speak out against Bill
and Monica saga on the capital hill. It was widely accepted by the media and among the
Republicans. At the same token it was accepted as a possible collapse of the loyal Democrat
Party line against Bill Clinton. That did not happen. Rather it was considered as a bold
speech from the respected senator from his heart showing his integrity. This goes hand in
hand with his consistent active role against media violence and out of control sex and
indecency on television and video games, working with Bob Bennett and Jack Kemp in
Empower America. Joe Lieberman was one of the four in Gore’s short list. I had my nickel
on senator John Kerry or senator Evan Byah. But this puts Bush campaign in a very odd
position. It’s extremely dangerous to bring the Jewish issue even though he is the first Jewish
American to be nominated at the highest office it will hurt Bush-Chaney ticket if there is any
sign of disrespect or any unwarranted criticism from the Bush team against Joe Lieberman.
The same did not apply for Chaney when he was picked.

This news has created new interest in the Gore base and among some regular voters. Gore
got a bump almost as big as he will get at the convention coming up in about ten days. This
was enough to get Rush Limbo another one of his hypothesis today (August 8, 2000) that
Bill Clinton asked Al Gore to pick Joe Lieberman. This choice was not made by Gore
himself. Bill called it in to get Hillary elected in New York for the senate seat. I guess I
should not make any comments on this one but to say that too much Clinton hatred can
cause damage to one’s sound mind. Why would Albert Gore risk loosing his bet for the
highest office of the land and the entire world just to favor Hillary Clinton is beyond me?
But I am not a Pundit and I do not have a radio show. So it makes no difference what I think
or what I say. Mr. Rush Limbo has a radio show, he is supported and funded by the
conservative Republican resources and he concluded that Bill Clinton demanded Al Gore to
pick Joe Lieberman as vice presidential candidate so Hillary Clinton will win in New York.
And Rush wanted his listeners to believe that because Rush is always right. I am just
spreading his message out to the folks who missed today’s show. I am curious about what
Dr. Laura would say on this pick. Dr. Laura usually stays out of politics and her most beef is
with the National Organization for Women. But Joe Lieberman is an orthodox Jew same as
Dr. Laura. Other than his pro choice stand he is close to some of the values of Dr. Laura
hypothesis of a perfect lifestyle. And they are both same religious background. Los Angeles
mayor Richard Riordan on Joe Lieberman and religion said a wonderful thing on CSPAN
this morning: “religious beliefs and theology can be can be summed up in two sentences.
You are important and every body is equally important as you are”. Very touching and very
compassionate statement. I liked it.

Talk about Pundits:

Joseph Lieberman and Mrs. Lieberman was guest at Larry King tonight. If American people
were looking for civility, integrity, dignity, decency and compassion in a candidate this was
night when all these words have found a new meaning with each moment of the show. Not
just because I prefer Democrats over Republicans, but for the very reason that millions of
Americans will agree with me on this couple and their shine on this promised land. There
was not one question that Mr. Lieberman had to mumble or hide or to give an answer that
pollsters would want him to say. Instead he said what he believed without offending any one.
In regards to his criticism to Bill Clinton on Monica he just emphasized what he believed but
he also mentioned that he would never do such thing if he was Clinton’s vice president.
Because that will cause serious constitutional crisis in a way where it would appear that a
vice president is trying to through out the president from the office and in turn become the
president. As a vice president his job is to stand by his president as expected by the
constitution. This explains Gore’s steady position and his support for Bill Clinton. I have not
heard such good explanation from any Pundit in last 3 years about Al Gore’s position in
Monica issue. Al Gore did what he had to do and he might just get credit for it now after
being beat up by the opposition and the Pundits for so long.

On question regarding gay rights he is one of the sponsors of equal rights for gay in the
senate but against “Don’t ask don’t tell policy”. He had a very polite smile and he said, “I
hope Al Gore change his mind” on that because a person should be able to serve in military
or work at any job and not have to hide his or her sexual preference. Although he do not
support same sex marriage. Mrs. Lieberman is a daughter of a holocaust survivor parents
and an immigrant herself. She will appeal to the softer side of our nation but the
unbelievable opportunities and possibilities of a human in the best piece of land in the whole
wide world. Definitely a sharp contrast to two rich almost CEO type, oil tycoon, born with
silver spoon Bush ticket. I must admit that with this pick as vice president all on a sudden Al
Gore is beginning to be perceived as a modest, bold and thoughtful leader in contrast to his
earlier perception as a Hawkeye, slasher, grinder and merciless campaigner.

Today is august 22nd, 2000. I was not able to write for a while. Since Matthew was born
our life have taken a different turn. We are busy taking care off his needs. It takes about one
and half hour to get his cast off of his legs each time he goes to the local children's hospital
for a new cast the following day. He has grown a lot in three weeks. As silly as it may sound
like Matthew like to be talked to and he tries to sit up by himself in his 3rd week.

My computer died a week ago and I am fighting with Circuit City to get back my Microsoft
Word program that was erased by the crash. This is a Word Pad program that I am using
now and have no idea if I will be able to convert any of my notes to Microsoft word.

Too May things happened in last 4 weeks. Bill Clinton Legacy theory of Rush Limbaugh
and Jim Baker theory, 06/15/2000. Trade preference with China. Bake stated that it was
probably never occurred in Clinton’s mind that it could be his legacy. It was just a policy
issue and he needed to do it. Look at the grace Mr. Baker has in his mind and look at the
hate Rush has in his mind.

September 6th, 2000. It will not be possible to recreate everything that I would like to say or
I wanted to say about current events after almost 3 weeks. My computer still dead since  the
end of last month. I had to replace the hard drive. I am sure many of you readers know
exactly what I am talking about. My book was saved on a floppy and it just saved my life.
Because, I am not sure if I would have any initiative to start over. I have lost all information
and all files I had in my hard drive. I have a Packard Bell Multi Media 730 that I bought in
1998 from one of the electronics store. I did not know at the time what I know now about
computers. But the fact is you can never know enough about technology. My hard drive is
being replaced because I had a maintenance contract. But the programs that I had were not
included in the contract. And I never had a copy of the contract because they never gave me
one. Now that I needed to find out how would I get my programs back, I am told they can’t
help me. The local store manager told me off. I wrote to their corporate office and they
promised me help. I go to the store and hit the brick wall again. After repeated calls and
many frustrations I just asked a friend of mine to help me out. She lent me her disk and I got
my writing program back. On the record, if you are reading my book, I say thank you my
dear friend Susanna. It needed a friend to bail me out of a situation where a multi
billion-dollar chain electronic store refused to solve. Kind of like the Bridgestone-Firestone
tire case going right now. On congressional hearing today Firestone executives failed to
claim responsibilities and just made people more mad. This is one place I agree with Dr.
Laura, the controversial talk show host on moral compass and that is “If you do an act, take
responsibility for it. It will not fix the problem if there was one but it will prevent future
ones”. Ironically tonight Dr. Laura was on Larry King to talk her TV show that will begin to
air next Monday. I will not go in details about Dr. Laura not because she has a lot of fans
but because it is never my place to look down on a person. I only take stand on views and
opinion. I strongly believe that religion and faith and being religious are completely different
than play God. People do the right thing by upbringing and by learning. Telling on a
syndicated Talk TV show to viewers of all demographic about doing the right thing reduces
the weight of the preaching. Sunday morning shows on TV by religious groups hosted by
preachers carry more weight than this forum. Being controversial is good, preaching values
is much better, standing up for your beliefs is even better. I am not sure that combination of
all these with a little arrogance is any good at all. Radio talk show is always safer than live
TV. Rush Limbaugh learned that earlier. Dr. Laura may have better luck because Rush is all
political and too arrogant. Rush is also limited in his thought process. Dr. Laura is much
more intelligent and much more modest.

Labor Day politics was very interesting. After enjoying 10 to 19 percent leads in the polls for
months G.W. fell behind 10 points according to the Newsweek poll on Labor Day. As
expected Rush calls it a garbage or junk poll because it did not favor his candidate. He
would not call it junk when G.W. was ahead. But that is politics. I am very surprised that no
one is missing John McCain yet. I miss him. Do you ever wonder if G.W. were not
coroneted by the big donors early in the process Al Gore would dare talk about campaign
finance reform! Bush dynasty is fine and dandy but the party needed to win. G.W. still may
win but I think Gore got him good. Gore is seasoned politician and he knows Bush’s
weakness. Bush only had Clinton to bank on as his opponent. Miraculously Gore separated
himself from Clinton in his convention. Now Bush is hung up. He is having difficulty
explaining his tax cut, had to adopt prescription drug plan for seniors pressed by the Gore
team, can’t add up all the spending programs after the tax cut, calling reporters assholes in
frustration; what a mess! Wouldn’t he be better off if he had McCain as the V.P. candidate
instead of Dick Chaney? By choosing Chaney he may have made another serious mistake
which only time will decide. Representative John Kasich would be a formidable V.P.
candidate against Gore-Libermann. But like we all heard in the beginning that G.W. is a
little arrogant and little immature for the big game, like his daddy introduced him as my boy
in New Hampshire, may prove to be the obvious. On the top of all this there’s the debate
over the debate.

September 12th, it’s the third advertisement by the Republicans that caused trouble for G.
W. He is been trying to talk about his prescription drug plan, his tax plan, his education plan
for weeks. And he is down in the polls. Not dangerously low down but the dangerous part is
the trend and a loss of 16-19 point boost since the convention. For the first time I am
remembering Christopher Matthew’s comment on Late Show “Bush might get the popular
vote but Gore will win the election”. What I see is that Gore is not winning as much G. W. is
loosing. The first TV commercial G. W. got in trouble is the one that said Al Gore invented
the Internet, second one was about the debates and questioning AL Gore’s credibility, the
third one is about a less than 30 second display of the word “Rats”. Poor Mr. Bush, he was
supposed to talk about his plan for Medicare today. Instead he is defending the Republican
Party TV commercial and in the process he even failed to pronounce the word subliminal
wrong every time he tried to be emphatic. He is still trying to come out of his on air
statement to Mr. Adam Clymer on Labor Day.

Just compare that with the Gore campaign. He is up in the polls since his convention
performance. The big kiss, the speech and his skillful separation from the Clintons. I did not
hear any political commentator say this but selecting Joe Libermann as the VP was a wiser
decision for Gore than Bush picking Dick Chaney. By itself it shows that Gore is more
mature than Bush. On the top of all this, Gore is talking about media control of violence,
real patient bill of rights, prescription drugs for seniors, education and government handouts.
He is talking about campaign finance reform, paying down the debt and other stuff. His
running mate is talking about faith and religion, most recently investigating the Firestone tire
recalls and what not. This was supposed to be G. W. Bush’s election to loose and Al Gore to
win. Things changed so fast. So far now it’s Bush who is giving away the election to Gore
and the Republicans Party hardliners are helping him the best way they can, just like Newt
helped the Party to loose by digging dirt on everyone instead of trying to understand what
people wants to talk about.

For example, a good number of people think that it’s an excellent idea to offer some
financial aid to seniors under Medicare who qualify to get prescription drugs. Mr. Rush
Limbaugh is very mad about that. He is preaching his philosophy of hate and arrogance on
air in this issue just like everything else under the name of Broadcast Excellence at EIB
network. Mr. Limbaugh is preaching that it sends a wrong message to the people by helping
poor seniors citizens with prescription drug benefit. Please tell me why the Republicans
should win. Now this is the show that G.W. and Chaney called in the day after Chaney was
picked as VP and expressed serious confidence and support for the Limbaugh show and
asked his support in the fall campaign.

Patrick Buchanan is back in politics after he successfully divided the Reform Party in about
five different segments. He got his twelve and an half million federal money once the court
decided in his favor against the nuclear physicist John Hagelin. The outcome of Pat being
back on the trail is minimal but it will make the things interesting. It will hurt Bush a little.
Any vote he takes a way is a vote for G. W. Pat’s expression about Bush that he is caught up
in the bidding game by Gore and trying to pay up for the federal programs to buy out votes
only will hurt Bush. Because voters know that Gore is for federal programs and it is not a
news. It is news for a Republican presidential candidate. We all remember that Republicans
are for smaller government. Ironically for two weeks the house and the senate running
hearing why the NHSB did not step in to the Firestone Recall mater earlier. This is a true
case of how government needs to have some say in our daily life and protect us from harmful
things that can happen. If there is no regulations and all is left for the corporation CEO’s to
decide, we may have a dangerous world to raise our kids.

I can’t just get over the facts that, How did G. W. manage to go behind polls running against
Al Gore who is “part of the most corrupt administration in history” and did support Clinton
during impeachment and who will say or do anything to get elected? I guess I go back to my
impression of Bush that a lot of us had in the early primary season. Bush is not ready for
this, he is not mature and he is a little arrogant, and he is dependant on his dad and his
advisors. Only the concept of Bush Dynasty made this happen. McCain would be a much
stronger and better candidate for the country any given day. If my statement stands true in
November, Republicans will pay a huge price for years to come in politics of this nation.
The question will haunt the young Republicans for years to come whether McCain should
have been the nominee not Bush. In America only a person wins the election who is the best
not who is supposed to be the winner. In America only the person wins who is the fittest, not
the one who comes from the rich and the Dynasty. In America money matters but it does not
give one a birthright to be the president or a senator or a congressman even a governor. We
all have to earn it by quality and quantity.

There is one other danger that G.W. is running in to right now. That is, he is beat in every
way by Gore and he is very agile. People from all directions are giving him advice how to
run his campaign. Last week he had advice from the polite conservative group how to run
his campaign e.g. Billy Crystal and Bill Bennett. Bush shrugged them off by saying these are
the Washingtonians. He will win by his own virtue. This week he is getting advice from
centrists and Media Republicans e.g. Frank Lanz. At some point he may pick one or the
other and humiliate his most trusted friends. At the end he will loose without dignity and
give the Bush Dynasty a bad name. John MaCain as a VP candidate would be so much
better for him today over Chaney. As I have expressed my frustration many times in the past
about Republican concepts of loosing a battle over issues that is not important to the people I
say it again. Gore is making Bush to say “I do” to every single issue that Gore brought in his
campaign. These are issues that resonate among voters. Gore brought them up first. Bush
saying “I have a plan too” is not good enough. First he looks less believable, next he appears
to follow the issues of his opponent and then he picks the plans designed by the house
Republican representatives who only speaks on issues that is paid by the corporations that
are funding their re-election campaign. These are the same people who either believed that
Clinton is just the face of an evil and he should be hated, or they had to go along with similar
concept. These are the group of people who had no guts of their own to speak their mind and
break rank for the best interest of the nation. Bush taking up their plans on public affair is
just pitiful. It proves the point that he needed home schooling in foreign policy from Ms.
Rice and domestic policy from a heck of a lot of people. To make that dignified he had to
bring Novel Prize winning scholars to say that he has a good plan for whatever. Now every
Tom Dick and Harry is telling him how to run his campaign. People are even telling him
how would he win and what his policies should be.

September 13th, Ralph Reed got fried tonight on “Crossfire” because he was refusing to
admit the mistake that was done by the RNC and Bush campaign to put the word RATS on
a TV ad. The democratic counterpart was giving examples of Bill Clinton denying the
Monica scandal and his refusal to admit the truth. I think for the first time since Monica
story broke I have heard any Democratic spokesperson saying it so straight and clear about
Bill Clinton’s denial of the truth and compare it to G. W.’s refusal truth side by side. To me
I think it could be seriously damaging for Bush camp. There’s a similar picture but in a
different way in New York Hillary debating Lazio on Tim Russert’s forum. Tim as always
asking tough question if Hillary would apolosize for saying “The vast right wing
conspiracy” immediately after the Monica story broke in the media. To me it was a good
question and Hillary gave an honest answer without going to any details. Because after all
this is a wife trying to live a dignified life after the whole nation finds out he had a few blow
job from an intern and lied about it to the rest of the world wagging his fingers emphatically.
This question might just help her get more votes instead trying to look like “gotcha”. In
recent times it was very clear that the American people dislikes “GOTCHA” politics and
will reject it in the ballot.

One thing is so obvious that the number of seasoned “Clinton Haters” are going down by the
minute as the next election approaches. People understand that he will be gone and a new
president will be sworn in. and for many years to come any president will be extra careful
before asking for a blowjob from any intern. The same error applies to the Republic Party
that they are caught up in the concept that the only way they will win or the only way Bush
will win is by bashing Clinton. This question by Tim Russert may be the deciding factor for
Hillary to win the vote she needed to win against herself. More than 50 percent of the
American people are either divorced or remarried or multi divorced and tired of marriage.
Clear fact states that majority of these people and the rest of the not divorced people will
refuse to accept any punishment because their spouse had an affair or got a blow job from an
intern. It will only get the female spouse more sympathy and compassion from the rest of the
society. No one appreciates a guy cheating on his wife in private or in public. And if the
humiliation continues to punish the wife for the husband’s guilt, it will create more support
for the wife. Hillar may have just got her ticket to the United States senate tonight by virtue
of the debate and Tim Russert question. Because what I saw on the debate was a women
defending her marriage once the accusation was made when she was not privy to the truth.
Tonight she is confident and sure and not defending the nuisance rather trying to ask people
to move on and not dig in to her intimate life. She has done that with dignity and to me she is
a winner. Hillary showed dignity and Lazio will go in a hole if she carries on with this issue
and try to discredit Hillary on her marriage. After all this is about Hillary being the senator
from New York over Rick Lazio not what her husband did outside their marriage. The same
applies to Lazio and it’s not about his wife done anything outside the marriage (not implying
any wrong doing at all) rather him being the senator from New York over Hillary.

Rush had a field day about Gail Sheehy and her article in Vanity Fair magazine implying
Bush being Dyslexic. This will be now the story for a few days unless Bush can change it.
Chances are, Bush family will come in to rescue and try to restore G. W. not being dyslexic.
Which in tern may appear him being introduced as “My boy” in New Hampshire in the
primaries by his dad. He is in very tough road and he will get hurt either way. I am just
hoping that no Bush family member come in public trying to disclaim the dyslexia article by
Gail Sheehy. Whether there is any truth to it or not I do not think it’s a topic that should be
dignified. As I remember the speaker in the Democratic Convention the kid in wheel chair
on behalf of the physically and mentally handicap population, he concluded by saying one
day he would like to accept the nomination as being the presidential candidate for the Party,
I think it is not relevant whether Bush has dyslexia or not. If he has or had the condition it
would be very smart of him to come to the media and say it and then close this chapter rather
letting people dwell on it. This is again the week when Indiana University basketball coach
Bobby Knight got fired for grabbing a student in public after being warned early this year by
the IU President and agree to the terms of zero tolerance policy. Success in career does not
warrant any person immunity of unacceptable behavior. Bill Clinton taught us that in the
recent history. The overall picture can be repainted with little distortion and create few
sympathetic ears but the ultimate responsibility is to accept the punishment.

After a lot of Hoo La La about debates G.W. agreed to do all three debate commission
debates and one VP debate. In the mean time him and his Party showed up on TV running
commercial while questioning Gore’s credibility, all his advisors showing up on every single
“Sunday Morning Pandit” show and trying to discredit Gore. Bush lost money by running
the ad and lost vote by sending his team on TV to critic Gore and at the end agreed to debate
Gore because that’s the right thing to do. I don’t really care at this moment who wins in
November. I am sure about the lack of maturity in G.W. in leadership and decision making
around crunch time. I am sure about my assessment early in the book why McCain should
have been the Republican nominee instead of Bush. Bush at this point just making it clear to
the nation that he is a popular governor in Texas and is a very likable person. He comes
from a rich and elite family. He was given the nomination by the rich Republican donors as
much as the rank and file of the Republican Party to win the White House. But Bush is not
ready for the major league yet. May be in the year 2004 or later, not now. He needs to get
mature and learn leadership. Excess money gives you advantage but you need inherent
qualities to win.

On the side for the first time since Hillary-Lazio debate, Chris Matthew on Hardball tonight
9/14/00 said that the question about Hillary’s misleading the nation would give her benefit
in the election. As respectful Tim Russert may be, that question was almost outside civility
in the context that she was a victim in the case of Bill Clinton having an affair. People who
hate her will not vote for her. But people who does not hate her will give her the benefit of
the doubt as being the cheated not the misleading twisted women. I had a few busy days and
could not get back to my computer. We took a trip to Matthew’s grandma’s house and stuff
like that. Sydney Olympics already started. Sad news about the International Olympic
President. He lost his wife in a heart attack. The opening ceremony was beautiful. There was
no bomb or unpleasant events. The event was controversial for internal issues in Australia.
Today with thousands of media looking everyone under microscope controversy will be
found anywhere. But regular folks like me and others, we can see through the real stuff. So
the spirit of this wonderful tradition lives on.

In the meantime, the mean show, the broadcast excellence show, the Rush show kept digging
for dirt from the opponents as usual. Some of the stuff he talks about on his show is not even
gets dignified by the mainstream media or average folks like us. The people who hates Bill
and Hillary loves his show no mater what he talks about because Rush will find something
sarcastic or bad about the Clintons every chance he gets. For months his firm belief was that
G. W. will win in November without any serious contest. Because Gore can be tied to
Clinton. Because Gore is hated by the same group who hates Clinton. Mr. Rush lives in the
same dream world like a few other extreme right Republicnas who believes that hating
Clinton is enough to become the President of the United States. Few shows around Labor
Day, he was very upset because Gore is up in the polls and his audience is calling him in
despair. Rush did not like people telling him that they were concerned about Bush’s
prospect. Some of the caller had few good points that were discredited by the Mr. Right
Rush. He asked them not to call him once he comes back from his trip to Washington where
he will be speaking in a political gathering of app 40,000 people with Bill Bennett and
others. I guess this was his chance to move up to the sophistication level of Mr. Bennett and
others. I doubted that it will happen. But Rush tried to talk about his association and his
invitation to this event over and over and over again to let us know how much he got
upgraded by this event. William Bennett is a respectable man. He has different views than
mine and many other Americans. But I respect Mr. Bennett because of who he is and what
he stands for. He is respected by a great deal of Americans. William Bennett will never talk
about Al Gore’s wife being fat and trashy talks of that kind. That is considered tabloid.
Unless I am wrong, Mr. Bennett has much higher value system and integrity.

Here is the Mr. Right, back from his vacation in Europe and his much advertised speech with
Mr. Bennett still getting calls from audience how down they are now even after they received
warning from Rush. They have very good reason, because Gore is just moving up and up
and Bush is coming down and down. Of course this would not have happened if Bush was
doing what he should have done all along. That is talking about his plan and his vision for
the country instead of trying to trash Gore. His multi million dollar advisor team believed
that trashing Gore would win the election just like Mr. Right Rush believes. After spending a
lot of money trashing Gore in TV advertisement and others Bush finally came up with policy
and issue talks. He now talks about real plan for real people. Trash is over. Debate over
debate is over. Calling reporters odd words is over. The only thing is not over is Mr. Right
still preaching hate and preaching trash talk. But Mr. Bush does not control that. If I would
be voting for Bush I would never hold that against hold that against him. Rush will go down
at his own accord.

19 days to election day. I got lazy and busy. All the debates are over. The pundits are upset
as the election day gets closer because they will loose the limelight. Candidates are more
upbeat and looking good. Gore is probably end up being the winner as Bush lost his touch in
the last debate. Bush also lost in issues as much as in details. Matthew is much bigger now,
he weighs more than 10 lbs and he is beginning to smile a bit. We watched the last debate
together. The first debate was the best one as I saw it. It was issue oriented and details
oriented. Folks in the media is always critical about Al Gore and his appearance. I have a
completely different view on this. I call it discrimination. We are screaming loud about how
blacks and others are being discriminating because of their skin color. Here the most
qualified person for the president given the choices we have is being considered less qualified
because he is less personable. This is prejudice. The saddest thing is that the media which is
promoting this for months and years.

Let us take one example in the media. Very well respected Mr. Robert Novak from the
Chicago Sun Times on the CNN Crossfire closes each show with an expanded tone of the
word “Crossfire” which I find kind of odd and goofy. Fighting cajun guy and Reverend
Jessie Jackson has a special way they speak which is difficult for me to understand and I
have to turn up the TV high. It could be partly because english is not my original language.
But none of this is a disqualification when you want to be a leader. If Bush’s ticks and
smirks are not a disqualification why is AL Gore’s stoney personality be the issue.

I think most people care about issues. Most people vote on the side of issues. If there was no
Clinton factor Bush would have no chance to win in this economy. The trust issue has been
hurting Gore from day one. And voters are concerned about this issue. A lot of the voters
will cast their vote on the election based on the trust issue. Bush believes that being thematic
and presidential will give him the edge and details on the issues will not mater. we are yet to
find out if he is right.

The Bill Clinton success against the traditional conservative ideas and values was proven
again today on the Rush Limbaugh show. Mr. Rush is talking about a Rolling Stone
magazine picture of Gore and his private parts. Mr. Limbaugh is very upset because in that
picture Gore’s private parts is looking large and he strongly believes this will draw women
vote for Gore against Bush as Bush has no picture to show how big is his thing. I just don’t
get it, how a conservative role model is talking about a presidential candidate and his penis
size while the show is not even rated as “R”. And the idea he is talking about is that this will
draw more women vote is just disgusting. Just yesterday a lady from Texas called in the
show to tell Mr. Limbaugh that her 13 year old daughter is a big fan and regular listener of
the Rush Limbaugh show. I sure hope the 13 year old was not listening today. Let us elevate
from this downgrade trend of show business in order to win vote. I hope Mr. Limbaugh will
find some sense in him sometime and not repeat this in the future or caution listeners about
the content of the show. As much as I am for free speech and I show all my respect to Mr.
Limbaugh to his effort to get more vote for Bush, this is not broadcast excellence material.
Please lift up your senses from the mud. Bill Clinton has done a lot of damage to the balance
of what is acceptable in the general media and what is not acceptable. Ken Star created the
era of edited pornography on national television. Journalists have crossed the line to get
ratings. Why not try to stop or reduce it sometime when we can.

I am very sure that George Bush will not endorse Mr. Limbaugh discussing his or Gore’s
penis on national radio. I am sure all the conservative voters will be offended by this
discussion. Why then Rush gets to do it anyways. Hopefully someday we find some
commonsense. How does the most respected first lady Ms. Barbara Bush come and say on
national television that she thought Al Gore is going to hit George Bush in the last debate
just because Gore walked closer to Bush for a second. How did we become so silly and
cynical? Where are the good senses? Bill Clinton did not do any of this. Our job at hand is to
elect the first president of the new century. Voters will decide who is that president. Chances
are that this will be a very low turn out election even though the outcome of the election will
influence most household for the next 10 years. Responsible people need to talk about things
that are important.

I can not understand the Rush Limbaugh view on this disgusting subject of Gore’s crotch
and the Rollingstone magazine. Rush’s point on his Website is that the Gore campaign has
ran out of ideas as they are running behind in the polls. So they are going to exploit the Gore
Alpha male by showing or implying to the women voters that Gore has a big male organ. If
this is true it will offend most women and female voters and Bush is going to get more vote.
This should secure Bush the election 18 days before the election if this is true what Rush
claims to be the case. Why talk about it on national radio and glorify the discussion of future
president (!) or the candidate’s genitalia? Is there any concern at all by Rush that he has
some minor listeners who admire and cherish him as a moral leader? Is there any concern by
Rush that this is tasteless? Reminds me of another discussion where Rush was talking about
Tipper Gore being fat and all months ago.

We were moving forward and away from the distasteful era of oral sex, semen stained dress,
private lives of public figures towards decency and high values. Whether Gore or Bush goes
to the White House we will achieve that regardless of the economic policy differences. Why
can’t Rush and others help the nation with the power they have over the huge audience each
day to achieve a better nation for tomorrow. The main stream journalists have called this an
absurd concept by Rush and others who hate Gore and Clinton so much that they will find
anything on the show to discredit Gore. Regardless of the morality or taste. Rush has his
credibility on the line here almost in a way because if Bush cannot win after all the millions
of dollars and millions of attacks on Gore, Clinton and everything else, Rush will be hurt

Jessie Venture is running for president in 2004. That’s what I think. If the campaign finance
reform is not passed by the house or the senate after the presidential election of 2000, Jessie
Ventura is a name that is going to come up many times in 2004 election. I do not have any
insight in this, just a hunch.

I could not write for a while. Almost a month not because I am busy or tired. But because I
lost my impulse. The election has become so boring that I am beginning to fall asleep during
prime time CNN programs in late October. It’s the 31st of October, election is just one week
and this is how I feel. It does not mater who wins the election on November 7th because the
politics of money has won and the Gore has successfully lost the voice of millions of hopeful
Americans. Al Gore has become so boring that I was not able to listen to his speeches since
his first debate. 1992 the nation elected a frat boy from Arkansas because they did not like
the economy. They did not care taking more risk because there wasn’t much to loose
anyways. If Bush wins this year will be the same because he is another frat boy and the risks
are low. Simply because if he mess up, which he probably will in his first term, he will not be
reelected for a second term. The economy will not go Joe Blow because it’s only four years.
People are much more in control of their lives and the prosperity is pretty solid to let a frat
boy get his erection for a while.

Al Gore on the other hand will pay a much higher price if he looses. History will make him
pay for the biggest disappointment in a democratic election if he loose this election to a frat
boy. His exaggerations, his inflated truth/lies, his sigh, his Mr. Know it All approach and his
artificial reality approach combined with his robotic staff members and team of advisors will
be put to serious questions about the skills and competency of this Gore campaign. I have a
few and I might just keep writing this book with those questions until then. Please don’t get
me wrong. I am the last person on the planet who will be indifferent while watching Rush
Limbaugh glow in victory advocating conservatism while it’s the same Rush who dedicated
almost two days of broadcast excellence discussing Gore’s package on national radio. That
in my book is not conservatism. I intend to say it without any hesitation. The same Rush
who was discussing tabloid material about Tipper Gore being fat, Gore did not have a large
penis as showed on the cover of the magazine cannot be the conservative standard. Just the
same way G. W. Bush is not a typical Republican president either, if he is elected. He will
the second Bill Clinton in the White House. Which in turn will prove one more time that the
right wing conservative group has lost it’s voice for many years to come. America does not
like their president entertaining himself on an intern but refuses to punish him for that.
America does not mind an ex alcoholic, shallow, good looking frat boy to become the
president against a serious monotone guy because the risk factors are not very high. The bad
economy made Bush Sr. loose his election and record good economy might give Bush Jr. the

The polls are very close with consistent trend showing Bush is leading in most data.
Republicans are drooling. NRA, Tobacco, Oil and Gas, Timber industry, HMO and filthy
rich folks are planning for the bonanza party after the 7th.  It’s beyond me how Gore has
managed to do this.

Up until last night November 2nd in the history of the presidential campaign there was no
such thing called November Surprise. Around 9 pm eastern time the news broke in all major
media about George Bush being arrested for DUI in 1976 which was verified by Bush a few
minutes later at a press conference in Wisconsin. The facts are that a court house reporter in
Maine heard a rumor from her regular contacts that a lawyer and a judge was talking about
Bush and DUI long time ago. The reporter finally caught up to the lawyer and obtained a
copy of the docket of the case. The lawyer happened to be a delegate at the Democratic Party
convention this year. This will be converted as a conspiracy theory against Gore and the
DNC by Rush Limbaugh today. I can’t wait to hear him scream about it. Yesterday on his
show he was very mad while predicting Ross Perot endorsing Gore at a surprise appearance
on Lary King. Well Perot endorsed Bush instead. Let’s listen what he has to say about this.

Bush in his defense gave the same reason Clinton gave in Monica story. And that is they
both did not disclose the event to protect their family and it was a personal mistake. May be
the Republicans who has been blinded by Rush and others for years will understand that it’s
a good thing not to disclose personal indiscretion to public because it serves against one’s
own family.

I am waiting to see all the big guns of high level intellectuals from the right try to defend
Bush, while they partied on the Clinton story. Mr. William Bennett already has a defense
theory about the Bush indiscretion. I would die in peace if I could ask one question to all the
Bush defenders and the defenders of morality and conservatism, how would they feel and
how what position would they take if the courses were reversed? How would they feel and
what action would they take if this was Al Gore instead of Bush? We will never find that

I am sorry that I just got a cold and don’t feel like writing now. But Rush as always came
with his huge conspiracy theory. And according to his opinion it’s Al Gore’s fault that G. W.
Bush got a DUI in 1876 and it’s Al Gore’s fault that the news came out public. I am not
surprised but I am very angry.

This is Sunday before the election week. Bush is slightly ahead in the polls. Gore is
struggling hard to catch up. It’s a very close call. Toss up election. I am sure about what will
happen on Tuesday.

One thing I am sure about is that if Bush wins the White House we will see a repeat of Bill
Clinton born again. Revenge will take new face in politics. Just a hint Dick Morris gave on
Fox News Chanel on Friday Night “It’s not the DUI that is the problem for Bush, if he lied
about it in an mortgage application or in a bank loan application or in a security clearance
paper to get in the White House during his dad’s tenure”. If that has happened and I am
almost sure with Bush’s arrogance he may have done it thinking no one will ever find out.
There will be hell to pay. I can already see the headline, Bush is under investigation for lying
to ……… about his arrest record and alcohol problem. God help us.

24 hours past the big election day. We have no winner for the presidency yet. I must say I
have never seen anything like this in my entire life. Until the 7th, I was getting ready for an
easy Bush win but not a big win. Only states were in play are the battleground states,
Florida, Michigan, Pensylvania, Wisconsin, Missouri, Ohio and interesting states Bush
claimed to be his were Tennesse and Arkansas. Around 8 pm central time most of the major
networks gave Florida, Pensylvania and Michigan to Gore making it look extremely well for
Gore. Then came Carl Rove, chief Bush stretegist. He claimed Florida is not done yet and he
was very right. Around 9 pm networks took Florida back to undecided. The race got very
tense. Bush got Tennesse and Arkansas plus many other states showing a strong lead and
most likely winner. Around 1 am in the morning all the major networks declared Bush as the
43rd president of the Union and I went to sleep.

Got up around 6 am and told my wife that Gore lost and Bush won. We turned the television
on. Hillary Clinton was on CNN which is most likely a rerun from the night before. My wife
asked why there’s a message showing Presidential election too close to call? I told her it’s
the same tape from last night that they are playing. As I tell her that I realized that this is
realtime. So the call made has been taken back again. And there is no decision yet. Well we
all learned the details throughout the day. The votes are too close to call and by Florida law
it gets a recount. Gore called Bush during the night accepting the defeat and sometime after
that call he call back and retracted his concession. After an entire day we still have no
winner. Wisdom says Bush might keep a small lead at the end of the recount but we got
more problems. There are claims of voter fraud and confusion in the ballot in one county
giving Pat Buccannan almost 3500 vote which is intended for Gore. This alone will give
Bush the win. Someone filed a civil suit in Florida court today about that.

The out come of a democratic election is left to the lawyers to fight it out and find the
winner. This will be the outcome. But the surprises are:

1) Gore won the popular vote against all odds
2) He is still ahead in electoral vote and might just pull this one too
3) Hillary Clinton won in New York against Rick Lazio
4) House Impeacement manager Bill McCallum lost his senate bid in Florida
5) House Impeachment manager Jim Rogan lost his re-election in California
6) The senate majority for the Republicans has become pure academic
7) Among all the states that play important role in our politics Florida has become the
most important state today which will decide who become the 43rd president of the
8) As I stated before this election will be won in the court unless Gore gives it up.
Day 2 since the election. As I thought this will be settled in the court I am afraid my fear is
beginning to become a reality. Both Bush and Gore has gotten legal experts to handle the
recount of the votes in Florida. Gore did not expect to get more votes than Bush at the end of
the recount. But he is betting on the Palm Beach County which is a Democratic stronghold.
This is a case of disputed ballot if I could name it. Even though I don’t like political rhetoric
I did like Rev. Jessie Jackson’s comedy today. He said “if a car is not aligned properly it has
a wreck, the ballot was not aligned we have a wrecked election”. Late night talk shows had
fun. Letterman’s harse style “after one day since the election Bush is not our president and
Gore is not our president, why don’t we keep it that way!”. Jay Leno’s famous “the Chineese
are very confused where do they send their checks to”.

G. W. and his typical arrogance surfaced again today. No one knows the outcome of the
recount and any other legal recourse but Bush has picked up his White House Chief of Staff
Mr. Andrew Carr, selected Dick Chaney as the head of the transition team. Carl Rove
shrewd as usual implied threats that if Florida mater goes to the court he might trigger other
states to go to the court as well. Chairman Daley from the Gore team almost said that there
will be court battle over this. Two cases has been filed before the end of the day November
9, 2000 in the state court of Florida against the voting ballot in the Palm Beach County.

Experts are flocking to both sides. Each side is trying to look like the good guys. People
voted and people have no control over the result or the outcome of the election. Something
seriously and deeply wrong in here. We are looking to elect the leader of the free world in
the heartland of democracy. But the people who are the most important part of this process is
irrevalent at the present time.

Tomorrow waits. What I understand is that it’s not gonna be over immediately. So I take my
family to the country for the weekend. This drama will still be here until I get back to my
keyboard again.

It’s November 13th, 2000. We still have no election result for the president of the United
States of America. Pandits have put the best face on this one as this is the ultimate
democracy. We are resilient, we are strong and as a nation we will be even stronger once all
of this is over with. Veteran politicians and historians recited old stories of 1700 and 1800
America. I am not sure how many of the voters were reassured on the prehistorical history of
the republic.

Bush camp filed the first law suit to stop manual vote count in four primarily democratic
counties that was requested by Gore camp. James Baker leads Bush camp and Warren
Christopher leads Gore camp. Both dignified seasoned representative on both sides. Bush
camp lost the first court battle. To follow the suit the Republican Secretary of State in
Florida has issued ultimate warning that manual count or not all vote must be certified by
tomorrow 5 PM or will be excluded in the final count. Now the Democrats have gone to the
court and the decision is expected mid morning tomorrow. Gore camp strongly believes that
they won and Bush do the same. This is a fight for the White House. All the hoo la la about
the call for the duty and serving the nation is pure crap. There is nothing but self serving
group and groups, self serving individual and families. There is no higher call. Undignified,
lack of respect for the system and insult to the voters.

This is what we get from practicing Rush Limbaugh culture. Intelligence and sound
knowledge branded with partisan hatred and venomous speeches, seeking indignity for the
people who choose to walk on a different road, who has different ideas about life and living
has brought us here today. We have successfully managed to bring the leader of the free
world to the level of Joe Blow by discussing the size of his private parts on national radio
day in and day out. Mr. Limbaugh AKA Mr. Right know it all has created a culture where
it’s alright to make the devil out of any democrat and hate any democrat. The failure to kick
Clinton out of the office by impeaching him made this revolution even stronger. The goal
has become to evict Gore at any cost. Civility and decency went straight the door and
Limbaugh culture has set foot in our nation for years to come.

As I look more in the election results the most telling picture was the one that was on USA
Today showing the red color for all the counties won by Bush and Green for Gore. The
country is electing their president straight through the party line. In the past presidential
election was primarily about the person running first followed by the political affiliation.
This time it’s based on the political affiliation. Neither Bush or Gore has shown leadership
or attractive personality. They are all the same. The nation voted according to their
preference for the system of government they desire not the candidate.

Following is a summary in my view of both the candidates:

G. W. Bush, The Republican candidate Albert Gore Jr., The Democratic
Son of president Son of senator
Born with silver spoon Born with silver spoon
Arrogant and deceiving Exaggerates facts and claims credit for everything
History of alcoholism, possible cocaine use, records of arrest for vandalism and DUI History
of marihuana intake or questionable substance abuse
Untruthful about his past Untruthful about his past
Fraternity style appearance Extremely mechanical and robotic appearance
Campaign based on rhetoric but little substance Campaign based on too much
substance no emotion
Strongly believes that he deserves the office Strongly believes that it’s his office
Campaign funded by large corporations and rich individuals Campaign funded by large
corporations and rich interest groups
Changed and adjusted campaign policies to gain vote without any serious commitment
 Changed and adjusted campaign policies to gain vote without any serious
Have no respect for the opponent Have no respect for the opponent
Voters are considered as a commodity Voters are considered as inherited peoperty
Will win at any cost even without dignity The word Dignity is excluded form the
Never sincere in answering an honest question Avoids all straight questions at all times
Never told the truth about the money trail Shameless about fund raising
Wears a centrist mask on a right wing face Wears a centrist mask on a liberal face
Surrounded by people who specialize in winning strategy only Surrounded by people
who specialize how not to loose strategy

Trying to avoid monotone and decided to move on to the next thought. The nation voted on
November 7th, 2000 to protect what works for them. Here’s a brief comparison of what
works for who:

Republican contributors Democratic contributors
National Rifle Association Labor Unions
Tobacco Industries Trial Lawyers
Oil Industries Movie Industries
Rich Individuals who wants tax cut Rich Individuals who wants to be as rich as the
Religious right who hates liberals Liberals who hates the religious right
Traditional conservatives Traditional liberals
Whites and Hispanics African Americans and Asians
Folks who hate Bill Clinton Folks who loves Bill Clinton
Folks who hate Hillary Clinton Folks who loves Hillary Clinton
Defenders of the Christian Coalition Defenders of Rainbow/PUSH Coalition
Church goers Movie goers
Reverend Jerry Farwell (one example) Reverend Jessie Jackson (one example)
Congressman Tom Delay (one example) Congressman Bernie Frank (one example)
Supporters of Ken Star Supporters of Susan McDugal
Friends of Linda Tripp Friends of Monica !

The Florida State court has it’s verdict that the deadline for the manual count ends today at 5
PM. Gore team rush to appeal the decision. This manual count was allowed by a federal
judge earlier in the week when Bush team tried to stop that. Election is still hanging up in
the air. At the end of the day Ms. Katherine Harris the secretary general of the State of
Florida gave a very calculated legal statement and her decision about the mater. She wants
the democratic counties to show ground why manual recount ought to be amended after due
date by 2 PM tomorrow. This will aloow the Republican legal team to see the cards the
Democrats hold in their hands and will provide the secretary general sufficient legal grounds
on what she will deny those manual count and give the election to George Bush. It would be
wonderful if Ms. Harris would have recused herself from this position like Jeb Bush as she
was intensely involved in getting Bush elected. This will cast shadow any decision made by
her in Bush’s favor regardless of the sanity of the decision.

The war has officially begun with the decision of the secretary of the State of Florida Ms.
Katherine Harris denying any manual hand count using her discretion. Gore made an
statement earlier offering manual count in few counties or all counties within a week and get
it over with. He also offered a meeting with Bush to plan for a united country. But this
decision by Ms. Harris will formally start the war.

As I thought a lot of activities has taken place between November 7th and today November
28, 2000. I just like to summarize briefly. It’s also possible that I will miss a few incidents or
a lawsuit or two as there are so many going on. A lower court allowed the Secretary of State
Ms. Katherine Harris to certify election at her discretion on an earlier date. Florida Supreme
Court changed that verdict and allowed the manual hand count to be included and the
election to be certified Sunday 5PM, the Thanksgiving weekend. It was done accordingly as
the Republican operative did not waste any time to declare Bush as the winner. Bush
arrogant as always declared himself the winner even though he knew the Gore team has filed
contest to the election. Bush declared his Chief Of Staff and Chief of the Transition team. In
the meantime Chaney had his 4th heart attack even before taking the office. Both Bush and
Gore election campaign is now at the hands of the court and the lawyers.

Bush won the verdict of the United States Supreme Court and Gore lost. That’s it. End of
story for at least four years from now. No mater how you look at it, this is the end of
election. For over 200 years, Democracy is the driving force of all economic systems in this
planet. United States of America is the Icon of Democracy for most of this era. I do not know
why I wonder about the fact that a candidate won more vote from the real voters-real people
had to accept loss and congratulate a candidate who received hundreds of thousands of vote
less than the official looser. I am not troubled by the fact because this system offers a great
deal of good things. I am troubled at all that I can even write about this which may be
published without any of my family members being decapitated! I take this as a part of my
learning process and ultimately sip in my system. As I know now that my beloved wife born
in Louisiana and her family would want me to learn the system well before I take the oath to
become a US citizen in next few years.

I had to learn a lot of things when I got here a few years back. I learned that I can express my
opinion against any government policy without the fear of prosecution. I have learned that I
can voice my opinion without the fear of prosecution. I have learned that I do not have to
stop at the army check post to cross a state line. I have learned that I do not have to carry
papers to drive from one state to another. We all drove to Florida beaches from New Orleans
and came back the same evening without being questioned by any special forces.

I have also learned that you can buy political influence just like the way we used to buy
influence back home in Bangladesh. All you need to know is someone who is connected to
an elected official, local, state or federal. Once you connect to that person, you will get your
wish. Because money will buy it for you. Back home we were never threatened by an
investigation. Over here the threat of investigation will happen if the other Party gains the
majority in the election. But the threat only continues long enough to spoil the next election
season. The threat is not really a serious threat. The threat only dictates the donors to give an
increased amount of money for the next election year. Back home we could grab the neck of
a politician if he/she is not keeping the contract. Over here it’s a little more civilized. You
give the money to the 3 or 4 most electable candidate. If the receiver of the contributor wins
and not do the favor you have asked for; another candidate will be elected next time by the
name of Democracy.

I have learned that Democracy has a color of it’s own. The color is printed by the amount of
money that was put in there by the folks who represent people. Whatever happened to the
concept of: Government of the people, by the people and for the people; is none of my
business. In the year 2000, we were cloning sheep, we were closing old Russian Space
Stations because it’s outdated, we have found a way to increase sexual satisfaction by
getting prescription Viagra. Even Senator Bob Dole, Republican Presidential Candidate for
The President of United States in 1996 is speaking out about a sexual potent drug while his
partner Mrs. Dole, once a Presidential candidate, then a proud lieutenant of George Bush’s
campaign team represents the conservative values of the traditional religious rights, we do
not worry about loosing our family values, but we speak vehemently about explicit sex and
violence on television. Why is it so right to take money from any business and stand up to
say that the product of that business is for the goodness of our humanity! Regardless of what
the product actually is capable of doing! And why is it so right only because you belong to a
group labeled as conservative! Why is everybody else is a devil according to Mr. Rush
Hudson Limbaugh and Talk show hosts of the conservative groups all over the nation, just
because they do not belong to the conservative forum!

I am not afraid to speak out and tell my readers that I am not a member of the conservative
forum. I used to like Bill Clinton a lot until he became indefensible. I came from a country
where we used to have a new list each week of all the “Presidents’ Lady’s”. Before I left
home in 1989 the last one they ousted out of power in Bangladesh was General Hossain
Mohammed Ershad. He had a list of his night companions and the list would renew each
week with new names of beautiful house wives, dignified political leaders, actresses, and
what not! Compared to that Monica Lewinsky is a negligible story. But the strange thing is
this: General Hossain Mohammed Ershad would take money from any major corporation to
build his luxury home in another continent while making suitable legislation to allow those
businesses to profit off of regular people millions of dollars. For some reason I do not see
that any different here in this country with all the big mouth of Rush Limbaugh and others. I
am not saying at any point in my observation that I think Bangladesh was better than United
States. I probably will never go back to Bangladesh to raise my family. But what surprises
me is that Rush and others pretend that it’s extremely surprising that any one would accuse
George Bush of being a part of favoring his friends who paid to get him elected! At least it’s
a comfort that the Democrats don’t appear surprised who paid for their election any more.
Bill Clinton left enough trail of money for all US attorneys to investigate for a while.

I am thrilled to listen to Rush Limbaugh each day since George Bush was elected by the
Supreme Court of the United States that it’s alright to favor the people who paid to get Bush
elected as long as we don’t admit it. We can never admit the truth because George Bush will
sign laws in the book to pay back his employers. If we admit that, we will look like Bill and
Hillary Clinton. So we must look pure. Lets hide behind the conservative forum. Lets hide
behind the religious groups and religious leaders. The folks who paid to get Georgie elected
must get what they paid for. It is not relevant what the American People voted for. A very
smart and wealthy ad company will take care off all these concerns in the year 2003 and
2004 around his re-election. You know, I just keep asking myself; why are we so
indifferent? I know some of the answers to that question. Average person does not care about
anything outside their daily lifespan. That daily lifespan constitute a job, kids, wife,
ex-wives, step kids, boss, coworkers, grocery, bills, some sort of alcoholic beverage, some
sort of sex, some sleep, medication for existing medical conditions, telephone chat, television
and a little computer. The things that are not mentioned does not mean that they are not
included. After the regular day stuff comes the weekends. And weekends are filled with yard
work, fishing, movie, gardening, shopping, cleaning, laundry, trips to places, ironing shirts
or dresses for the next working week, spend time with kids, work extra job, hunting, walk in
the park and sleep even may be the bonus sex.

We do not have time to worry about what is on the news that affects our lives, even though
most of the things that are on the news affect our lives significantly. When the election comes
closer, the issues are discussed at the “water cooler” and an average person begins to pay
attention. That where the highly skilled advertisement companies come in action. The
advisors and the seasoned political strategists take over. The campaign begins. It’s a vicious
cycle. And we will see it happen again in 2004, partly in 2002. I am absolutely sure of the
fact that I am not smarter than any average American voter. I am sure about another thing.
And that is, I spend a lot more time following the events in politics than an average
American voter. I have been doing that all my life. I stay informed about the political process
and the players. Never thought about running for any office because I will not be able to lie
on records or twist the truth on record or flip flop on record still defend my character.

In early March, George Bush the president did something exactly his father George Bush did
about 8 years ago. He broke a campaign promise and shamelessly reversed his position after
being elected in the office. His father raised taxes, he reversed his position on CO2 reduction
in industrial pollution. Even his own environmental secretary former New Jersey Governor
Christine Todd Whittman did not like it. She was completely against the decision. One may
wonder why George Bush said during his campaign “A promise made is a promise kept”?
and then break the promise. There is a very simple answer. And the answer is being debated
in the Senate floor this week beginning today, March 19, 2001. The debate is the campaign
finance reform. Bush received millions of dollars from the coal industry in Virginia and
other related industrialists in the country for his election campaign. Even though he promised
to reduce CO2 emission after being elected, he could not do it. The money talks and he was
sold out already. Any surprises! I don’t see any.

I came to this country in 1994 and had been watching politicians even before that. I am yet
to find one politician to answer a question directly. Few politicians have made promises
directly only to reverse them and break their own promises. E.g. G. W. Bush the Bushes.
Few Democrats will fall in the same category but they don’t have the dynasty of father-son
presidency. I am privy to know a politician who will answer a question straight to the point
or tell the truth. What Rush Limbaugh, Bill Clinton, George Bush,      Hillary Clinton has
created today for the rest of the country is that who is going to win! The thing that maters to
them is who is winning the election and will take the chair. Because as long as you are in the
office for a certain duration you can excecute orders. That means you can pay off your
contributors while you are at the office. Clinton did that in the past eight years. Hillary will
do that now, George Bush is already doing it=CO2 reduction promise turning 180 degree is
the first example, Rush Limbaugh advocating Bush as the perfect president we ever had
since the declaration of independence.

Lets look at Bush. He is the least qualified of the Bush kids in the family. He never had any
business success in oil or baseball or drinking. He is the candidate only because he is the
screamer in the family. He wants attention. And he wants recognition. Please never get
confused any criticism of Bush presidency with his family. I always leave the family alone
with due regards. It was in a way strange to observe his brother Jeb Bush during the most
critical time of his governing of the State of Florida. Jeb Bush was calm, focused and
authentic. Just like his mother, honorable first lady Ms. Barbara Bush. I always wondered if
we could have a better president if this was Jeb Bush instead of George Bush. Today March
20, 2001 George Bush signed the law to repeal the argonomic law regarding industrial
injuries which would help workers with repetitive motion injuries at work. Another example
of big business cashing it in. Ironically campaign finance reform being debated by the
Senate. Mr. Rush Limbaugh is biting his teeth while talking about it. This is one time I feel
sorry for Mr. Limbaugh because he knows in his heart that no mater how critical his tongue
gets against the campaign reform or how sadistic he gets over this issue, some kind of
campaign finance reform may pass this year. This in turn will stop some filthy rich self
serving human to continue to make more money at the expense of the regular people. I am
surprised to see that Mr. Limbaugh is opposing this reform. Because once the reform is
activated as a law, the same group of individuals will pay political perverts more money to
speak on their behalf. That means any one who has no real value of his/her own but protects
the interests of the rich folks will be paid more money in the future to do their campaign
outside the election spectrum. The media and the news groups will be able to help corrupt
the campaign finance system by advocating candidates for office with the new system if they
wish. We can have a few more Rush Limbaugh or few more Bob Dornan, paid and
entertained by wealthy individual donors. Wealthy donors now can start buy out television
stations and radio stations and employ Rush Limbaugh like folks. What I see is a bright
future for the Rush’s to proliferate and multiply. I might see the Rush’s support some
campaign finance reform in the coming months, who knows! At the present time Senator
Chuck Hagel is leading the George Bush version of campaign finance reform as a game
plan. This plan will confuse a few lawmakers and will make some other take shelter or hide.
The goal is to make people retreat as much as possible and as far as possible. I have a doubt
that it may not work at it’s best this time around.

Our son Matthew has begun his series of surgeries to correct the leg deformities. He is going
to the Children’s Hospital in New Orleans since he is 10 day old. Doctor ordered to put cast
on both his leg the same day. We have been going to the hospital each week since then to get
a new cast. We take the cast off and they put a new one back on. That’s the name of the
game. As a father I pray that no parent have to go through this or no baby goes through this.
But I also know that there are many father like me and many parents like my wife and I are
going through the same pain that we are going through. I believe the baby suffers the most.
At the time they put the cast on, the cast technician will twist the leg, the foot and the thigh in
order to align the leg straight. After that another technician will hold the leg in that
alignment and the cast get put on. Things were kind of easy for first few weeks as Matthew
was too young and the bones did not resist much. He did not mind much either for at least
for a month or so. After that it has become a serious battle. He got stronger and started to
resist. Continuous crying and struggle is a regular component. He sometimes soils his diaper
in pain. Gradually he got stronger and then not let the technician work with the alignment at

Matthew does not like to take a bath. Most babies love the water but he does not like it at all.
Since his first cast on his legs, each Sunday night we had to put him on a baby tub in warm
water and vinegar soak his legs until the casts soften. The process takes about an hour. After
an hour or so we would cut the cast material little by little until we get’em all. The vinegar
in warm water irritates his soft baby skin. He has grown serious disliking for bath since then.
I don’t blame him either. We have been doing this for quite sometime. After about two
months I have learned more skills about how to cut the cast without the vinegar. At work
pharmaceutical representatives bring all kinds of goodies for the doctors. I found a pair of
scissors with “Azactam” (it’s a drug) label that looked like the most perfect equipment for
Matthew. We have already learned that a butter knife can cut the cast material by soaking in
plain warm water if you can handle the knife with precision. Well, you don’t have a choice
here because if I am not careful I will cut his skin under the cast and he will miss his next
session of cast. I don’t think I am being very successful describing the events well. The
whole thing is very delicate. And when all of this is going on my wife is crying all the time
before, during and after any of the events that is going on. I am not allowed to cry, because
that will enhance the intensity of her cry, and my hands will not be steady. I can’t afford to
cry while I am doing this. So I cry deep in the night while Matthew and his mom is as sleep.

I have learned that my wife and I had to take turn to hold our son while he did not have a
cast on. Which is about 12-24 hours each week. I mean holding his whole body, touch his
little feet, play with his little toes, put him on the chest and look at him without the fear of
the weight of the cast hurting him. Eventually his legs got so strong that he would pick up
his leg with cast on and play. We have learned and adapted with the new lifestyle. February
19th, 2001 he had his first surgery. The right leg was operated by a very good orthopedic
surgeon here at the Children’s Hospital. It was a total success. Never in my life I was so
afraid but the moment I had to hand him over to the nurse in front of the operation theater on
the morning of February 19th. I could not help but to think that, I will never see him again.
Our baby, six month old, 25 inch long, 12 lbs. He is a gift directly from Haven. So small, so
delicate and so helpless. We waited about three hours until the doctor came out and told us
that all went well and we will be able to see him in a few minutes.

I have learned another thing about children’s surgery. As soon as they come out from the
surgery, their voices are broken and hoarse. It’s because the anesthesia tube that goes in the
throat. But for a few minutes when we saw him lying in the little baby bed, wrapped up in
white sheets and white blanket, his voice was so faint but scary. I mean scary and hoarse. We
would not know from another room that it’s our son crying if we did not see him. My wife
completely broke down in tears. After his second surgery about a month later we were
prepared. We knew a lot of things the second time. Matthew has to go for two more surgery.
We are half way through. In each step of the way I have gained my faith in my God.
Without his guidance and the support of the family, I do not know what would I do. To
become a father is a great responsibility. I am learning the details of that each day.

There are many delicate details that go with our life. For instance, the cast on Matthew’s legs
can never be soiled or get wet. So changing diaper becomes a skilled job and we mastered it.
Sometimes the edges of the cast may be sharp that will scratch the skin around his upper
thigh. You have to check this for a few days once it’s put in. if you find any spots then we
put some cotton under that and then tape it to secure and hold it. Have you ever imagined
that your baby is not able to put a pair of shoes on him for a year! It happens! We would buy
shoes for him when we go to the store and once or twice a month for a few hours we would
put them on. Sometimes we buy larger size that he might be able to put on when he is older!
Sometime he will have one sock on and the other leg is on cast. He can only have clothes
that has openings at the bottom, no pull up clothes. He can’t have any sporting clothes
because his legs are not in use now, not for at least few more months. When we go to the
local Sear studio to get his pictures taken, we cover his legs. So that his grandmother in India
will not have to see her grandson in a cast. Matthew cannot sit on regular stroller or regular
car sit. He is now about 8 moth old and we have use the carrier not the car sit. He is been
trying to sit up for the last month or so. But can’t do it because he can’t get any support from
his legs. But he has this heavenly smile. He has his extremely handsome face, light brown
hair, little nose and very tiny lips on a round full face. My wife and I could never ask for a
prettier boy from God. It does not get any better. We do not have any second thoughts. We
never resent, we never look back.

My days are taken by my work. I am employed by a small private company. My loyalty and
my efforts are an integral part of the growth of this company. At the same time this job is an
integral part of my livelihood. My evenings are taken by Matthew and the dogs and my wife.
We have five dogs. They are all small house dogs. The first one I got from SPCA. Then I
inherited one from a friend. The third one is a half sister of the second. I met my wife on
America Online in a chat room. She is also a dog lover. Her dog had five puppies before she
was killed by a hit and run. We kept two from the five puppies, a boy and a girl. That’s the
total household. I love plants and gardening. I have quite a few plants and I also do some
gardening. This Christmas we added a few fish on a small fish tank as a new addition to the

My old broken leg was giving me some trouble for a few months. After seeing a doctor I just
learned that the eleven nails and the long plate that is holding my broken thigh must come
out. It’s causing bleeding inside my knee joint. There are no other alternatives. At the
present time, we are preparing for Matthew’s surgeries. I have no time to become
handicapped myself. My leg is going to have to wait. Few more things I have learned about
Club Foot. The same is probably true for any baby born with some kind of illness that
requires long term care. It eliminates any doubt about the existence of The Creator. It brings
family members closer. If you have a member of your family who did not participate in any
event, not even by a phone call or a card or a letter, please pray for his or her eternal soul.
Because, that soul needs definite restitution. There is no hurry about getting better in these
conditions. Because the process is extremely long. It teaches one the real meaning of
patience. When life is confined with limitations, one learns to appreciate little things. For me
one of the most happy day after my surgery was that day when I was able to put on my sock
by myself after about 6 weeks since I broke my leg. One day we cheated the doctor and cut
Matthew’s cast earlier than we were supposed to. And we took a trip to see the water. Took
all our doggies and drove to Grand Isle. His first trip to the ocean. We couldn’t be happier.

Tonight he is sleeping and waking up in infrequent intervals. His voice is hoarse again. We
had to come home the same day after his second operation because of insurance restrictions.
The doctor worked on his left knee. My wife and her mother is up with Matthew. I am just
trying to keep my head out of the worries by doing this. As a parent I could not ask why do
we must leave the hospital within six hours of a major operation? Sometime yesterday our
president George Bush was threatening the nation about his strong intention to veto a
sensible bipartisan Patient Bill of Rights. He was very bold and straight about that too. I will
not complain about my HMO now. Because without the insurance I would never be able to
afford any treatment that I need for Matthew. But the talk about veto on a bill that is
expected to help real people is troubling. What else is new? Big insurance companies and
HMO’s paid millions of dollars to Bush’s election campaign and for a lot of senate and
house members to get elected. They must favor those corporations.

There was a story on local newspaper yesterday March 22, 2001 about some money trail
and campaign finance reform. In New Orleans Freeport-McMoRan Inc. gave the Republican
National Committee $165,000 last spring while it’s subsidiary gave $150,000 to the
Democratic National Committee. In just two days, last August a local realtor Joseph
Canizaro led the charge by gathering $250,000 for the Republican National Committee, In
June Bell South Corporation gave $51,000 to the Republican Senatorial Campaign and a
month later gave $35,000 to the Democratic Senate Committee. In the last election the same
company Bell South Corporation gave $598,086 to the Republicans and $438,650 to the
Democrats in soft money. Mr. Bill McCloskey, spokes person for Bell South was very
optimistic that they will start looking for ways and will find ways to keep giving money so
the influence continues. This is a futuristic forecast if campaign finance law bans soft money
donation. One believes truly like Rush Limbaugh that Bell South has donated this money as
soft money to both parties because Bell South sincerely believes in the causes of Republican
Party and Democratic Party simultaneously. What is that cause or what are those causes! I
have heard Mr. Limbaugh said something like that within last few days on the EIB network.
His truth telling monologue as expressed in it’s excellence that these soft money that we
have in the politics come from people who deeply believe in the causes. I am going to
continue my search to find the causes in Republican and Democratic Party simultaneously
which influenced the Bell South Corporation to give $1.036 million dollars combined. Until
I find some, I refuse to believe the truth telling Mr. Right and his monologue. Bell South
Corporation is based in Atlanta and provides telecommunication services in this area. I do
not imply or say that I have any knowledge about this corporation involved in any wrong
doing. I am just wondering about the common cause or causes that have influenced the
corporation to let go of huge amount of soft money into both political Party in their election
funds to elect presidential candidate, senate candidate and house candidate! Lawmakers
sometime compromise with each other when their mutual interest doest not conflict. But they
share common deeply convicted cause is a news to me as described by Rush Hudson
Limbaugh III rd.

I will continue to look for the soft money donations by HMO’s to Bush’s campaign and or
the Republican Party. That will explain why our president is so compassionate about his
veto against a sensible Patient Bill of Rights! Compassionate conservatism is opening up it’s
veil slowly and shamelessly. The first few bills approved by the house and signed by our
president shows that clear enough. Why the heck did we hammer Bill and his friends about
breaking promises for eight years? This one is supposed to bring honor and dignity to the
presidency. This one is known to say, “a promise made is a promise kept”. Being married to
the wife and not having fling with interns or other women can not be the biggest
qualification to be the president of the United States. Because if that is so, we have way too
many candidates who have that plus more. While being sold to the “contributors” and
campaign “fundors” is the criteria and qualification will not show any difference between
compassionate conservative president and Mr. Willy.

I left home about 10 years ago. Most of my adult life I was informed and alert. Watched
politics closely and always found things to remember. The last president who was arrested
by the cops days before I left home was General Hossain Mohammed Ershad. He came to
power by removing the last president. No direct link was made how did that happened. But it
happened. He made promise to give free and fair election. He never did and he was elected
by overwhelming majority. Overwhelming majority enjoyed the day off and never went to
the polling station. The election results were declared before votes were counted. And the
self proclaimed savior of the nation became the president. Again he did not do anything new.
This was done before by General Zia Ur Rahaman who took charge once the Father of the
Nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and most of his family was killed by few medium rank
army officers a while back. Again Mujibur Rahaman became a dictator himself once being
honored as the Father of the Nation earlier. Each one of them had dummy election where
there is no real vote count but they claimed majority and was reelected the same way. Mr.
Ershad was the lucky one who did not get killed to be removed from power. Both his
predesessors were killed to be removed from the office. Mr. Ershad was very creative.
Respected daily newspapers had a long list of his girlfriends both home and abroad while he
appeared happily married in public especially in religious programs. His list of girlfriends
were updated on regular intervals. Rumor has that his wife adopted a baby since she could
not conceive any of her own. And later on General Ershad announced on a religious day that
he is grateful to Allah who gave him a son. This rumor was believed to be true because he
never tried to defend his claim. He just let it go and let people forget about it altogether over
a period of time.

General Ershad was extremely smart and creative. He abolished all laws that will make his
governing difficult. He implemented new laws that will confirm his stay in power for many
years. He created new laws that will allow him to stay in power indefinitely. He was a
dictator disguised as an elected president. South East Asia is famous for this kind of
government with exception to India. India has democracy, and always had democracy. The
rest was almost predictable. If there is a news about a new government in that continent, it’s
most likely that the members of the previous government are dead or in prison. And there is
some kind of emergency “Martial Law”, troops on the street and a General is in charge.
Only this General can and will save this nation now. Once in a while one might find a news
that this same general was about to get fired from the armed forces by his government or
about to face some kind of criminal charges against him.

Out of this trend Mr. Ershad was one of the brightest. He has fooled the traditional
politicians as well as serious politicians about his motives for quite a few years. His ideas
were seriously deceiving. But he won in most accounts until a new generation of politicians
started to enter the arena. By that time he has destroyed the credibility of many leaders by
making them a part of his administration. Once he was gone the vacancy was severe. Back
in 1971 when East Pakistan was fighting to establish a free nation of their own, Pakistani
troops killed most of the intellectuals and national leaders so that even if they loose the
battle, the newly formed nation will be a nation without leaders. Pakistan was very
successful. Mr. Ershad did that by deceiving instead of killing them. A nation born in 1971
had two severe vacancy of genuine leaders and thoughtful people is still struggling to make
ends meet. The ultimate name of the game is money.

In each of this change of power and introduction of a new savior was dictated by and created
by major industrialists. Money decided who dies and who lives. Money was used to kill and
money was used to elect candidates. Surely enough there was no John McCain in
Bangladesh to draft campaign finance reform. Ironically, senator McCain had an adopted
daughter from Bangladesh. Genuine politically motivated folks never had a chance to get
elected because they did not have enough money to buy votes. Now this may sound like an
unbelievable term. But in Bangladesh votes are purchased. I know of one such attempt that
was made in the last election in the United States via the Internet about purchasing votes.
The information was pretty vague. But over there votes are bought by cash. This is what you
may call real soft money. No trace of the source. Printed cash comes out of the pocket. Paid
to a certain group of community leaders. And they assure the votes. Rain or shine, voter dead
or alive, the votes will be there. Each year the unit price of the vote goes up. And each year
the cost of getting elected gets higher. One can imagine why these countries have so much
inflation all the time. There is a very simple reason and that is they can not deflate. Mr.
Ershad perfected this system in his two terms as the president of Bangladesh. He had his
entire cabinet filled up with folks who had continuous source of cash (soft money) that is

Over about 20 years since Bangladesh became a free nation, the basic criteria of the leaders
and their background have changed significantly. As a kid we would always know the
people who are running for office whether local office or national office. The candidates had
some education. For cabinet positions they were definitely well educated. They had long
family history of public service. They had long history of serving the nation by joining the
army or as an individual. Most of them has donated their personal wealth for the better of the
community by creating schools or academic institutes for the poor. Some even donated their
lifetime of service to those institutes. In summary, educated, serious and community oriented
people would run for office to serve the nation not to serve personal gain. Any cabinet since
1974 would consist of elected officials with questionable academic degree or background.
Some will definitely fail a police check but the records were taken out from the books by
money. Overall the quality of leadership zone is compromised. A new generation of corrupt
and self-serving politician took over the domination of tens of millions pf people. Most of my
direct memory goes as far as from 1965 till 1990. Rest of the information is via friends in
politics and newspapers. The sum of my thoughts is once the leadership quality degrades and
the leaders are not really qualified, there is not much hope left for the people. Just because I
can win and I can get elected or just because I want to get elected for an office does not
provide the good for the people. In Bangladesh nobody cares. I am hoping that in here
somebody cares. Why is there a need for a son of a president to be elected president just
because he wanted to do it! Why is there a need for a political party with so much resource
to pick a guy to defeat the other party just to win! What is the need for good people to keep
silent just because if they talk will heart their candidate during election or after being elected
in the office! What is the need for the people of the United States to settle for something less
than “The Best” that ever comes!

I want to make sure one thing while I talk about my views about George Bush or any
Republican or Democrat. Never in any remote way I imply that these are bad people.
Corporations who give money to the political parties are protecting their interest which in
turn protects their personnel at the top. Individuals who give money to the political parties
only protect themselves along with their families. Rush Limbaugh is protecting his job, his
rating and his money. Rush Limbaugh knows that to defend his money will be easy if he can
get few others with him. So he supports the rich and he supports the rich people. He sings
their songs by the name of conservatism. He sings their song by the name of constitution and
the rule of law. If integrity was the core issue in his system he could have expressed his view
while Bush broke his first campaign promise regarding CO2 emission regardless of what the
policy should be in his view. He has accused Bill Clinton way too many times for breaking
promises. He has demonized Bill Clinton way too many times for much lesser charges. He
gets mad at the Republican Senators, who does not support Bush’s policy one hundred
percent. He gets mad at John McCain because he has his own views about the politics in
America. But he does not say one word about the man who just broke his campaign promise.
There may be good explanations for doing do but keeping silent about one breaking a
promise only shows extreme bias and lack of integrity. Back home we have a saying that
“My boss never smells bad, because he pays me and he protects my interest”. I say no more.

Matthew has recovered from the initial pain and discomfort from his knee surgery. Both his
legs are on cast beginning at the top of the thigh up to his toes. He also has a tight bandage
on his left palm as the doctor removed an extra digit he had since birth. This seven and half
month old baby can only play with his right hand only. Everything else is either tied up or
painful. Nothing we can do to change his situation. Nothing we can do to make him feel
comfortable. Nothing can do to make him feel any better. We just cry with him when he
cries. Today he is feeling a little better and I took him for a stroll. He seems to like it. This is
the first weekend of the spring. Real pretty weather in the Big Easy. Everyone is outside
enjoying the day. We enjoy these days more than any one in the country. Because very soon
the heat wave will take over. 100% humidity and 90-95 degree temperature will bring
changes in lifestyle. Our hope is that next year we will do everything with our son like a
regular parent can do. Like going to the park and ride a bike or feed the duck in the lake or
go fishing or just sit on the green grass and watch the wind dance with the green leaves of the
magnolias. Doctor has told us that after two more operations Matthew will be able to learn
to sit up and stand and walk. How much limitations he may have is not understood at this
time. We are the least bit worried about that now. We would be elated when he has no
cement cast on his legs and he can play with them. We have our hopes and we are serious
about our hopes. We have dreams. Like we bought some shoes for him that he might be able
to use one day. We bought jeans and T-shirt that he might be able to put on someday. And
we believe all of this will happen.

Late last week I thought I have heard Rush wining about why people put so much
importance on their emotion and not on the facts. There is a group of people who bases their
lives on facts. That group is known as Certified Public Accountants. They must base their
activities based on the facts because there is no other way to do it. Regular people live their
lives on emotion and other things. Doctors treat patients with emotion, lawyers defend or
prosecute people on emotion and facts and with compassion, even politicians care a lot about
the emotion of the people. Only Rush Hudson Limbaugh does not care about any emotion.
People who brings emotional values along with their decision making process are less than a
person by his standard. This was I believe regarding a comment he made about smokers and
smoking. My wife is extremely emotional. She will cry when she hears someone is ill, dying,
sad or crying. My wife need not to be related to the person or know the person. She expresses
her empathy for others known or unknown. She will cry at a movie if the hero dies or get
sick. I once made a joke about that. She told me to watch her carefully. She said that I need
to worry about her the day she stops crying. As long as she can express her emotion she is
doing fine. I took that as a valuable lesson for our life together. I can’t tell what has
happened to Mr. Rush as a kid growing up that makes him treat as substandard who
expresses emotion. He may have just chosen to be such a human all by himself. I do not
know and I do not imply any wrong doing either. I know that there are different jobs where a
person without emotion or with less emotion has better performance. Broadcasting is not one
of the top job for that as far as I knew it. It’s perfectly alright to have some control over
one’s own emotion.

What is more interesting is that Rush is very predicitble. He has become more predctible
since Bill Clinton’s second term. If one listens to the news and political developments for
each day and listen to his show daily most people will be able to predict about 30 percent or
more of his monologue the next day. He will start his show with broad criticism of the
Democrats. So just pick a few names from the Democratic Party, you will get one that he
starts his day with. There will be broad range criticism of the liberal groups or liberal
leaders. Pick a name or two and you will be right. He will praise George Bush for his smile
or his suite, or his standing up, or his walk, or a sentence he said somewhere that no one
knew, or the way he turned around to shake a hand, or a policy statement. So all you have to
do is to track Bush and you can get this one about 80% correct. Then he will praise the
Republican leader who follows Bush and he will criticize Republicans who does not follow
Bush. This one will be almost 100% correct. In between all this Hillary Clinton will get a
few jab. If this is call in show, he will get confused if any intelligent caller tries to make a
point on the show. And he gets elated when a caller supports his view. Liberal bashing fills
in the monologue as a cake filler. If and when Rush loose his rating and his show looses
appeal he will blame some one for sure. But in this case I will blame Bill Clinton. Without
Bill Clinton Rush could never be so popular. And without his presence it will be difficult for
him to hold his rating.

As I was saying Rush being so predictable that his cry baby speech today was very sad and
real. Topic was replacement of Dan Rather at CBS by some one. is running a
survey with possible candidates including Bryant Gumbel, Tim Russert and few others.
Rush got upset because his name is not on the list. Like the old story as “Grapes are sour” he
claimed that he would never consider accepting that position because he is better than them.
The fact is Rush is not acceptable as a mainstream person and he is not acceptable as
attractive person among broadcast industry. His early attempt for Monday Night Football at
ABC was denied last year. He accepted that defeat with little more dignity than this one.
Well, probably because they even refuse to recognize Rush Limbaugh as a broadcaster. The
greatest EIB network broadcaster, the maharishi, maharashi, the Mr. Know it all, the perfect
human and the only protector of truth and the defender of the humanity does not even gets
his name put in a list to replace Dan Rather. Oouch! It must hurt bad. What Rush will
understand one day that his radio show will disappear just like his television career in his
early life. Because vengence and hate preaching never gets one person closer to regular
people. Hate preaching creates dedicated and committed supporters who will be loyal no
mater what is said or done. Mr. Limbaugh has successfully created a massive forum of
listeners who love him. Dragging the Clinton’s to the ground each and every day on his
broadcast was the principal reason for his success. Regular folks who did not approve of Bill
Clinton, rich or well off house wives who disapproved Hilary Clinton were amused by
Rush’s monologue. Each moment of those monologue were composed of extreme disregard,
disrespect, dirty and explicit sexual comedy, explicit language. This whole concept is
extended to all the Democrats and the liberals. His supporters and listeners were amused.
And the numbers kept growing. Regular people will not use the kind of language Rush uses
on radio or in a conversation. But they probably have feelings that might come close to some
of those expressions. Again regular folks keep civility and do not express explicit thoughts
on national media. I can not say the word pervert. But the concept comes real close to that.
Rush enjoys all of this.

Earlier in the book I mentioned about Rush having a field day discussing Al Gore’s private
parts. While taking calls from moms and dads around the country who said that their young
sons and daughters believe Rush is a symbol of moral and values. Now that the election is
over I would like to play the same show from the archive if I had the resources and ask the
same moms and dads if they still feel the same about Rush with that content on his show.
Would they allow their sons and daughters to listen to the show where Rush was
extravagantly mad about an airbrushed picture of Al Gore’s loin. Morality is not a word. It’s
a lifestyle and it’s very well circumscribed. Bill Clinton is not anyone’s moral leader. He
never claimed that. Rush claims that almost everyday. He compares himself with William
Bennett! His popularity increased with every broadcast that was filled with Clinton jokes
and obscene language about them. His audience started questioning him once he started
demonizing decent people including Republicans and Democrats who does not say what he
thinks should be said. John McCain was his first victim. He treated senator McCain like he
treated Bill Clinton. He went after each Republican Politician who said one word that Rush
disagree. Why on earth he would be picked as a replacement of a national television
broadcaster. I think deep in his heart he knows that he will never get those positions. And
may be last year was his thoughtful attempt to get out of political show and switch to sports
show to keep his income steady.
It did not work out. And now he is just sad and sour. I hope Rush will realize some day that
dragging people through the dirt because they disagree with him is not the way to go.
Because Rush is not God and Rush is not a dictator of a third world country from the 70’s.
People are going to disagree respectfully. Just because they disagree does not make the other
person an evil.

Battle inside the Republican Party officially started today April 2, 2001 by passing the
campaign finance reform in the senate. This is only the first phase. But a new beginning of
modern time politics. The battle got an extension by voting against Bush’s tax plan led by
three Republican Senators Specter, Jeffords and Chafey. They even got called names as
Ynakees and Liberals. Rush Hudson is very very upset. He can not comprehend why would
a Republican senator not agree with a Republican president even when the president is
wrong in policy issue! These days Rush Hudson is trying to pick a fight with the women of
America. He is mad and sad and devastated by the women of America because they do not
agree with Rush Hudson. Mr. Rush Hudson Limbaugh was critical about the views of a
show that airs on ABC called “The View” which shows primarily women views and opinion.
Most working people are at work when that show comes on and it’s meant for viewers who
are stay home mom or have time to watch television at 9 AM in the morning. I had some
opportunities to watch a few show when I stayed home with Matthew. It’s entertaining and
recreational. I have no quarrel with any of them as the show expresses women views with a
feminine touch. If my wife has issues with them I will not be surprised. Because I honestly
believe that I do not know everything about the women of this world. And I never try to
understand either. Rush Hudson has serious issues with them because he does not agree any
one to see the world in a different way but the Hudson way. He is offended because the
views of some women are different than Mr. Rush Hudson. So he speaks his arrogant
monologue for hours. Complains about the women of America. I have a hunch that his
characterization of women of America as Opera Americanization will seriously hurt women
who loves Operah Winfrey. Operah Winfrey is a recognized voice of America who has
nothing but kindness and love to offer for all the people on this planet. She is valued as one
our moral figure. She is valued as one of our decent media figure. She has no fights with any
political party. She has no favortism for any political candidate. It’s beyond why Mr.
Hudson is looking for a fight with Operah Winfrey and may even be with her fans.

Rush got his popularity by demonizing Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton. Since Bill
is gone from the picture Rush lost his pace. He is trying many different fights with the
liberals so that he can bring back his ratings up. The problem is that there is no liberal alive
who is popular as Bill Clinton. Picking on Hillary was the subject on his show for a few
times. But after that Hillary dropped out of headlines. The hard right Republicans do not
want Rush to bring Hillary back on headline again. So he had to back off from Hillary. Now
Rush Hudson has no one to pick a fight. He has no one to demonize. He can see his rating
coming down like the saying what goes up must come down. He is scared and looking for a
fight. My gut feeling is that the 22 million plus audience that Mr. Rush had for his show
sometime in the year 2000 is his best ever. And he will have to spend the next few years to
remember those good old days of the year 2000 and watch his audience slow down. Even
though he has no competition in his category. There is no one today in media industry who
would be bold enough to believe that being arrogant, rude and macho mania is the key to
success in talk show.

This past weekend a spy plane got hit by a fighter plane in the Chinese coast and 24
American troops are in Chinese custody with the spy plane in the island of Hinan. The crew
is still held by the Chinese government. George Bush has behaved just as he could be
predicted by a blind duck. He demanded the release of the crew and the plane immediately
as if the Chinese government would just listen to him because he is the son of an ex
president. But it did not happen. He toned down and now trying diplomacy fro change. All
our heart and soul is with the family of the 24 members of the armed forces. We want a
quick resolution of this incident. It is not necessary to find who was wrong and it is not
necessary to criticize who messed it up. Long term diplomacy and calculated sound foreign
policy can bring fruitful results for the country in the future. At the present time it’s not a
good idea to try to look good to a certain group of political forces and danger the lives of our

I feel more strongly about my headline of this diary than ever before. By demonizing Bill
Clinton for years for political benefit has reduced the honor and dignity of the President of
United States to the world. Republican Party has got their political victory with serious help
from the Supreme Court by selecting George Bush as our 43rd president. As a grown up
adult from a 3rd world country migrating to the US in the past 10-15 years I know how one
would view Bush or any president in the White House from outside. Reducing a president to
the level of a regular citizen was a victory for the hard core Republicans and definitely a
victory for the Clinton Haters, Rush Hudson included at exclusive. But it did not help the
image of the most powerful nation of this free world. It is pitiful how one would observe a
president today after Bill Clinton’s angled genitalia discussion on the front page of a national
magazine. It has brought disgrace to the office by making investigators of Ken Star find a
semen stained dress of Monica Lewinsky. Today it is completely irrelevant how good a
person G. W. is or can be, it’s not material how strong a leader he is or he can be. People at
the outside world will remember his DWI and his frat style college life more than his speech
at a school about out moral values. His frail English words will dominate in the minds of
people abroad over his conviction of issues. His smirk will relieve his politeness. His stature
will remove his humility. That is how it works. Republican hard core and the Clinton knew
about this human behavior all along. they capitalized on the same human nature and was
victorious when majority people agreed with them regarding Bill Clinton’s shortcoming as a
human. Now it’s time for us to watch the consequences of the Rush Hudson Limbaugh
culture. It’s going to affect us each day while we face confrontational incidences with China
or any other country who is suspicious about our motive.

When a regular person watch a president of a nation, he or she does not relate that president
as a regular person. It’s human nature to think that way. That president can be from any
nation from this world. Just the office itself adds enough valor and dignity which in turn
brings respect for that human who is the president. If I elaborate a little more, it takes a lot
for one human to become a president. Leadership is not a easy skill to grab. It’s a difficult
job to get to think one and to take the journey to that path to run for the office of the
presidency. Why should a regular person not respect that position! There are differences
between a regular person and a president. When Rush Hudson starts discussing Bill
Clinton’s sex life day after day, week after week, by calling him ridiculous names, by
singing parody and disrespecting his basic human character along with his wife and the rest
of his family could never bring anything good. And it did not. The behavior of the Chinese
official in the spy plane incident is showing gross disrespect for our leader and they will
continue to push more because they believe now more than ever that it does not mean much
to be in that office. It does not mean much to be the president. We do not respect that office
or the person in that office why should the Chinese be so respectful all on a sudden!

Rush Hudson does not stop at his efforts to Bill and Hillary. He can not stand any Democrat.
A Democrat is a low life in his criteria. In this complex diplomatic event California senator
Diane Finestein expressed her sorrow for the deceased Chinese fighter pilot and his family.
Could not escape Rush Hudson’s criticism. He had to get the song and play it with her
comments today. It’s Thursday April 5, 2001. The crew is in the Chinese custody for the 5th
day and we need to bring them home. Almost simultaneously the news flash was showing
George Bush expressing his sorrow about the loss of life of the Chinese fighter pilot. But Mr.
R. Hudson will not find anything wrong in that because it’s a Republican Party president
and senator Finestein is a Democrat senator. I could almost scream and say stop this play.
Please stop this practice of  hate preaching for political gain. In the case of R. Hudson it’s for
his financial gain and his popularity. But I am only one voice. I must complete this book as
soon as possible. So few more like me will join and say yes. We must bring civility back to
our life for the sake of our common goodness. It does not mater how many people listen to
Rush Hudson or how many people agree with my views. Lets stop this for the better future of
our children. I do not want my son Matthew to grow up to a nation where a self proclaimed
moral leader Rush Hudson keeps talking about the penis size of political leaders and think
that it’s alright to say so. I am very serious about this. I do not mind him giving lecture about
what the Republican senators should or must do. I do mind him proclaiming moral
leadership while preaching hate and disrespect for anyone who holds different thoughts. Our
society is rich because of the diversity and the differences of opinion. Not because we all
must say yes sir to R. Hudson. That happens everyday in places like Bangladesh and few
other countries. I am honored to be able to raise my son in a country where he will not have
to say yes sir to some one because he is R. Hudson.

It’s Friday April 6, 2001. Absence of Bill Clinton and Democratic Party victory in the year
2000 election has taken toll for Rush and EIB broadcast. Today he spent about two
segments of his valuable time of Open Line Friday broadcast as a monologue trying to guess
whether Hillary Clinton is a happy person or not. He emphasized over and over again for his
listeners that these are just his guess only and not based on any valid information. I could not
figure out what was his point but to say that it was pointless. How can that be possible? The
man who has half of his brain tied at the back to bring him at the level field of an able
listener had nothing better to talk about on a busy Friday but to guess “IF” Hillary Clinton is
an unhappy women or unhappy senator. Let’s look at the picture today what else is
happening in our nation:

1) US senate is passing the most talked about and controversial tax cut bill
2) US crew still held in China on their 6th day
3) John Breaux, a Democratic senator is rising to a leadership level topping Bush’s tax
cut plan by bringing his own plan.
4) Pacific Gas and Electric filed for bankcrupcy in California
5) Credit card companies are blamed for leading citizen to debt in a report published
today that includes target area in high schools of the nation
6) Tiger Woods playing for his fourth title

Among all these things Rush Hudson was able to allocate more than one segment of his
show trying to guess if Hillary Clinton is an unhappy women. Lets look at few other topics
of today’s show. He again demonized senator Finestein and Congressman Gephart for saying
sorry in regards to the loss of life of the Chinese fighter pilot. One caller contested his view
and said that the statement of Collin Powell and the statement of the senator had virtually
same. The Maharashi Hudson Limbaugh never see that way because Collin Powell is
working for a Republican administration. He plays word game. It gets more interesting. The
best call was about 12:30 pm our time, a Republican voter asked why the Bush
Administration is not accepting the 1.27 trillion dollar tax cut as a Bush victory as he started
his campaign with 1.3 trillion and got to 1.27 trillion. Please listen to Rush’s answer: there is
no way it can be accepted because if Bush accepts that, the liberal media might claim this as
Bush’s defeat. This is the standard of our broadcast excellence EIB net preaching. Do not
take a victory even if it is a victory because someone might say it’s not a victory! I am not
sure who pays the bills at EIB but I really wondered today if this will be reviewed by some
sensible people and may even be discussed on a realistic fashion. Whether the money Mr.
Limbaugh gets paid by being the Maharashi broadcaster is really worth it. The point of my
diary has always been that Bill Clinton bashing was financially beneficial for a lot of people.
Folks who wrote books got their money worth, folks who ran for office got elected or
selected by the supreme court. Folks who claimed to be the ultimate truth teller and superior
broadcaster got their ratings and their wage increased. But Bill is gone now. Now is the test.
Can R. Hudson pass the test! There may not be another Bill in the near future. Hillary
already announced that she is not running for president ever.

At some point, the folks who pay Rush will be concerned once his ratings start falling. On a
busy Friday in April when the world is engaged in life and death maters and many important
maters while R. Hudson guessing if Hillary is a happy women may not be a good start. And
if it is, then the standard for Maharashi needs to be defined. As an outsider I would suggest
that this may a good time for Rush to untie his other half of the brain and start using it on
issues that maters in our lives. Because as hard core the Republican conservative faction
may be, they are smart and have sound financial ideas. They will abandon Rush if necessary.
It makes more sense now why Rush has been looking for a job outside his political talk show
forum. Because he can see this coming if I can see it. I don’t even have enough brain to
match his half brain. Our Mom taught us that if you are smart than others it’s just polite not
to brag about it. Because there are people on this planet who are not very smart but they are
decent and good people. By bragging about how smart you are offends them. It makes some
people feel that they are inadequate. All my opinion here in this diary are formed from by
own upbringing. The values and the lessons taught by our Mom. I always find Rush
offending when he insults other people because they have said or done something less than
perfect. And I wondered how is it possible that Rush is better than all of us and smarter than
all of us! Well, looks like he is not smarter. He has used the disliking of regular people
against Bill Clinton for his own personal gain. He is not a leader or a conservative icon. He
is just a businessman.

Since I started listening to Rush Limbaugh show, I have wondered if Mr. Limbaugh is not
really that smart that he claims to be. May be he has a fear that people will find out somehow
that he is just like you and I and lacks any superior skills. May be he is no Maharashi after
all. And his fear of being exposed makes him say things many times a day on his show that
he is better than any of us. May be his fear of being identified as one of us makes him
advertise about superior skills many times during, before and after the show. I have no fear
of accepting the fact that I am an average person. But I have excelled in my life in many
ways by hard work and conviction. Did not use other people or their weakness to make
personal gain. I can not function with one half of my brain. I need all of it to survive. Only
suitable time and facts will show whether Rush has one half of his brain tied on his back or it
does not exist. And it’s all pretend. May be it’s important for Rush to think that he is smarter
than us. I don’t have any problem with that. Because I am a listener not a follower or
believer of everything Rush says. It would be a problem for the folks who believe in him and
trust his judgement, comments and his theories.

It’s a full week since our 24 servicemen and women are held at Hainan island in China. No
progress on any area except for the claim of progress. A letter was sent to Bush by the wife
of the deceased fighter pilot asking him to apolosize. She also called him a coward. Very
strong word and it was on the news in China and in the US. I have one specific issue with the
Bush White House and this incidence. To me it’s all about the immaturity of the man and his
staff. I do not know if inside the inner circle of Bush house they have the same doubts as
others in the rest of the nation about his capacity to handle serious maters. But at the outset it
appears that way. when he got started with his selection of his administration he went and
picked up a bunch of guys from his daddy’s administration including his vice president. To
me it is very simple. He can not ask his dad every time some thing happens while he is the
president. So he gets himself surrounded by the people who worked for his dad and he still
gets the same advice that might come from his father. In the China incident, the very early
hours everybody advised him to pick up the phone and call his father for advice. He could
not do so because it has appearance problem. So he took his advice from the folks that came
from the Bush Sr. administration. He was very strong in his words and very sharp on his
demands. He wants his man to be released and his plane returned. But it was obvious that the
Chinese did not pay attention to his demands and asked for an apology instead. Since the
incident is moving to it’s 5th and 6th day Bush got advice from the people who are in his
administration and not from his father’s administration. He showed compassion and
expressed his regrets for the loss of life of the Chinese pilot. Things got a little smooth and
conversation began. My problem is with Bush not his advisors. He is our president and he is
not up to the job. He is learning on the job. This is what was talked about during the
campaign. It was important for us to think about electing a man who is mature and can
handle crisis. I guess it’s too late for that.

I have one more issue here on the same topics. Early in his campaign Bush claimed
extravagantly that our armed forces were inferior in training and preparedness. His famous
sentence of “Two divisions will say not ready for duty sir” echoed among the right wing
conservative Republican constituents and got him many votes. That statement gave him
ultimate pass through the Bible Belt. My understanding is that the same sentence echoed
inside the Chinese armed forces and may be other countries who are not big fans of ours. I
can not say how much it will affect this incident. But I am confident to say that that famous
campaign sentence has some to do with the decision of Chinese pilot to challenge this plane
of ours. Getting vote to get elected is alright. But misrepresenting facts to gain votes while
telling the world how weak our armed forces are was not a wise thing to do for George Bush.
But again it’s too late for too. I see it the same way Rush gains audience on his show. He
will bite a Democrat to the end because it will get him more acceptance among the Bible
Belt and the conservative Republican core. Is there a long term outcome of this promotion
which is harmful for the nation! Rush don’t care about that because he is counting his rating.
Bush was only counting his vote against Albert Gore. He said what he needed to say to gain
vote. It was not based on facts or it was not necessary for him to verify the truth. He said it
and it got him vote. It made our armed forces looked weak among the world community. It’s
all about maturity. We allow our lives to be governed by a leader who we elect with our
vote. It’s a choice. Bush was selected by the court and his immaturity was obvious during his
campaign. Now we watch the consequences. The families of the 24 crew members are
suffering the results of the immature behavior of Bush administration. My only prayer that
no one suffers any serious consequence.

We needed a leader to lead the nation. We got a cry baby. He started screaming about the
economy just like the same way to make sure no one can blame him if we have a slower
pace for a while. That skeptical approach has cost millions of Americans who had any
money invested at the stock market. Now the other famous sentence “Two divisions not
ready for duty sir” and it’s toll. Can we try to elect a president in 2004 who will have respect
for the nation and will not for dad every time we have a incident! I never mean any
disrespect for the ex president Bush Sr. But creating the dynasty was not good for the nation.
The proof is in the pudding and if we don’t see it clear yet, it will be very visible. Republican
Party base is known to mess things up always to prove their point. Republican activists are
known to blow things out of proportion. Ken Star and the Clinton investigations is probably
an example we will remember for a while. They messed it up so bad that the fear of looking
bad to the American people again got them backing off from the Clinton pardon
investigations early on. Now this one was probably more genuine than the sex scandal case.
Sex scandal case was personal. Pardons were official business. But that’s always the case for
the Republicans. Democrats on the contrary somehow get to be the subjects of all these
investigations. Don’t know how but that is always the case or in most of the case.

I am gonna go down memory lane a little bit. Bangladesh was liberated in 1971 from then
West Pakistan-Pakistan. Bangladesh used to be known as East Pakistan. Back in 1947 the
departing British government divided Indo-Pak subcontinent in to two parts based on
religious specifications. India was the primary Hindu nation and Pakistan was the primary
Muslim nation. The man who divided the sub-continent had absolutely no idea about our
land, our culture or our priorities. He was a very dignified legal scholar from England, his
name was Sir Ceril Redclif. There is a tower open even today by his family name in England
to honor his family. This guy was given the map of the continent and cool place to stay so
that he can think quietly. Thus he got the expertise to draw lines among the maps of our
sub-continent dividing the lands in to two separate nation. India always had the more
intelligent and more solvent groups of people. The east was mostly working group and the
west was somewhat similar to parts of India in some parts and working class in the rest of the
territory. The British power had one thing in their mind. They never wanted India to become
powerful enough to rule or dominate that part of the globe. Because given the resources, the
money, the people and the rich culture of the area, India always had the potential to be the
dominating power of the South East Asia. So the map was divided in a way that India was
kept in the middle and Pakistan was created on both sides of India. One East Pakistan and
one West Pakistan about 1100 miles apart from each other but created as one nation. It
sounds funny and it was funny. But in both parts of Pakistan only one common bond existed
and that is the Muslim religion. Both East and West Pakistan had muslim majority.
Geographically and politically India had to protect a vast border in both sides. The cost of
the armed forces always ran high and few war broke out since the separation.

Now about these wars between India and Pakistan was predictable from the beginning as
they were formatted early on by the division. The division between India and Pakistan was
as much as geographical as much as religious. It was always about Hindus and Muslims.
Every single conflict, every single incident was related to the religious differences between
these two nations since their birth. Let’s get some silly examples to bring these differences.
Conventional Hindus do not eat beef in India and all Muslim celebrate one special religious
function each year by sacrificing a cow and eat the meat. Traditional Hindu male do not
have circumcision and all Muslim male celebrate circumcision as a part of religious ritual.
All Hindu religious functions are represented by some sort of statue or a picture or in most
cases both. The physical presence of an object painted as God or son or daughter of God or
something to that context is included in the practice of the religion. Muslims on the contrary
do not believe having any object representing their religious practice. So one day a drunk
muslim will throw a rock at a hindu religious function and break a part of the object that was
being worshipped as God-hence kicks off the conflict which will end up burning temples,
breaking mosques, arson, killing and so on. As a kid I remember watching these conflicts
begin from just a name calling between two kids at school or at a ball game. In a few days
there will be public outrage that include burning Hindu villages, looting, rape, killing and
finally National Guard will be called to stop the violence. Afterwards there will be mock
trial and mock compensation.

I will go back on the broader picture of the India-Pakistan war in a bit. But the most
important point I was trying to make here that all of this has been happening simply because
religion had the most influential effect on the administration of  Pakistan and some factions
of Indian administration. The weekly holiday is a Friday only because it is the most holy day
of the week per muslim religion. Religion is preached at every level of the education system
and grass root level from the beginning of each life. Religion is protected and supported by
the government. But the problem was only the majority religion is being protected. Religious
services are maintained by the government. I must be careful while I discuss this. Because I
still have family in Bangladesh and any single word by me can be used against my family.
My hope is that 20 years after separation from West Pakistan folk back home may have
different views about religious practice and free speech. Hindu religious services are
performed in temples and individual homes. They are usually quiet most of the times except
for a few big festivals per year. The few big ones that signify major religious festivity were
guarded and sometimes protected by the local law enforcement in order to prevent any
conflict. The Muslim prayers are always five times a day with few major festivities per year.
Each prayer is preceded by an invitation of the prayer by the preacher called Muazzin. This
invitation also known as Azan is broadcasted via loudspeaker among the community to
attract more people. So each day we would hear five Azan from each mosque. Depending on
the financial resources of the mosque will determine the loudness of the loudspeaker. Even
though one mosque does not compete with another about this loudness but they very much
appear so sometimes. Sometimes they will sound like an echo of the same because the Azan
will start in seconds intervals in all mosques in a certain area or community.

It took me a few months once I got to this part of the planet to get used to quiet nights and
quiet days. No Azan or no prayer in a loudspeaker from any place at all. Not even noisy
drumbeats of a Hindu religious festival. Folks in America who appreciates the separation of
the church and the state have my respect. If you ever have any doubts about the alternative,
please visit a country where religion is practiced by their government. No doubts will remain
in your mind. Simply the quiet nights are enough for me to be thankful for being in America.
The respect for religion is sacred, the practice of religion is sacred. But the presentation of
the practices are definitely better here.

Now going back to the India Pakistan wars, the land was divided by this Sir Ceril Redclif
who had no knowledge of the land. He has never lived in India or in the continent before. He
has divided the same river multiple time in order to divide the map. He has divided many
homes right through the middles by making family members in to citizens of two separate
nation. He has divided peoples kitchen in to separate nation just by drawing lines in the map.
Parts of the continent used to be ruled by “King” or “Maharaja” before British took control.
This is not Rush Hudson Limbaugh “Maharashi”. This guy actually owns all the land in his
territory and thereby owns the people on this land. Rush has no real clue about the word he
uses to claim his superior skill of broadcasting. The word “Maharashi” actually means
something different, but that is another topics. At the end of British rule in 1947 all these
“Maharaja”’s were given a choice. Whether they want to stay with India or go with
Pakistan. Majority of these guys were geographically located in the Indian part of the map as
I stated before that India had the most enriched portion of the land in all criteria. This choice
has nothing to do with democracy because the landlord decides where they go not the people.
One piece of this land that was located at the border between West Pakistan and India is
known as Kashmir. The king of Kasmir is a Hindu and about 99 percent people were
Muslims. The king decided to stay with India and the genius Sir Ceril Redclif decide to draw
the line exactly over there. The first war between these two sovereign nation began over
Kasmir and at the border of kasmir. The war was not for the land but dictated by religion
and religious practices. Again it was about the differences between Hindus and Muslims.

The danger of creating a Rush Limbaugh Culture and the danger of practicing a Rush
Limbaugh was clearly proven by the recent incident that involved the 24 crew of the recon
airplane and the Chinese army. In most of our opinion G. W. as immature as he is turned out
to be looking like a man surrounded by good advisors in foreign policy maters especially
Gen. Collin Powell and Dr. C. Rice. Bush looked more able and the job was well done. We
got our man and women back and no harm was done only except for the fact that we looked
a little scared in the entire mess. But the Rush Limbaugh culture made Bush look like a
weak and unfit commander of chief. There were serious criticism in newspaper and talk
radio about Bush’s behavior. The hard core right wing faction of the Republican Party
wanted Bush to take action against the Chinese while the crew was over there by either
reverting the PMTR or things of that nature. So that they can make myrtr  out of the man
and women of our troops. These are the same group who does not believe in any
imperfection. Just like Rush Hudson, no mistake, no slip of the perfect lifestyle, never
breaking law or never misspoken about anything in their entire life. As much as it’s common
knowledge that these are mostly hipocrates and born again Mr. Perfect but by virtue of their
financial power and by virtue of their influence inside the Party, they can claim whatever
they want and claim that to be the most perfect thing to do at that time. Surprisingly Rush as
not sure why folks are not in one hundred percent behind Bush in this issue even though
Bush is not doing “100% perfect” thing. A man with half of the brain tied up behind his head
always gets things 100% perfect and preaches that all the time but wonders why these hard
core Republicans are expecting Bush to be 100% perfect.

Well the problem is that they have voted for a man who was never perfect. Without going
back to the same old stories of DWI, drunken youth, frat college years and master of
misspoken words, Bush is anything but perfect. They paid his way to the White House to
defeat a Democratic candidate. They wanted a Republican candidate to win and they got real
close until the Supreme Court helped them out. But the expectation of getting the perfect
thing out of this man and from this White House is not a reasonable one. At the same time
Rush’s surprise on the frustrations of a these folks who wants a perfect president is serious
hipocracy. I have an explanation for this mess. These right wing Republicans wished for a
perfect president. Rush Hudson advocated for a perfect president. The man who they voted
for is George Bush. He is in the White House now. So the fight is inside the Republicans.
And Rush Hudson is upset because he did not actually believe that people will really believe
what he has been preaching. All he wanted is to win the contest in talk radio rating and he
got that. He is not responsible for what he was preaching. He was only preaching the
opposite of what Bill Clinton was doing. The danger is that people really believed him. Now
they are not happy when Rush is defending a less than perfect president. My hunch is that it
will get even deeper before you know it. It will be mighty interesting to watch the inner
fights of the Republicans and downfall of Mr. Hudson. On a lighter note I was surprised to
learn that Dr. Laura television show will die at the end of it’s first year. This happens to all
the folk on television who preaches “The perfect life, The perfect lifestyle, No mercy for
mistakes” while they are not one of them. Rush’s television show died a few years back. He
has tried to re enter actively and passively few times since then and was refused. Dr. Laura
did not believe that it can happen to her. Well it did and I am positive that I had nothing to
do with it. I actually liked to listen to her radio show once in a while where these rich
housewives would call up a national radio show and discuss their most intimate private life
with a stranger while claiming that they are very religious and they are the beholder of the
saying “The Family Value”. I probably made a lot of enemy by saying this last sentence but
I guess I have my opinion and they have theirs.

My preaching if I can ever qualify to preach will be: that we all need to get along. Almost
like the saying of Rodney King. Use sound judgement in all aspects of life. Do not hate other
because they support another political party. Do not destroy them because they may be your
opponent in next election. Have healthy competition. Take some money out of the political
process for a few years and you will get decent people coming back to the leadership. George
Bush is not a bad person while he reverts the CO2 emission policy even though he knew he
is breaking a campaign promise. He does not want to hurt people by changing the Arsenic
standard of our drinking water or dis-infection policy in the beef industry. He is only paying
back the folks who paid to get him elected as the president. George Bush is not capable of
understanding the consequences of these decisions in people’s lives. Either he is not
intelligent enough o understand these facts, which is unlikely or he does not want to
understand the total implication of his decisions. Now we as voter had the responsibility to
cast our vote for the guy we wanted and we picked the guy who will make sure we can have
gun racks on the back our pick up trucks. We have accomplished that. While we voted for
G.W. to get the freedom to have pick up truck gun rack, we gave up a lot of important
things. Few of them only showed up so far and it’s only 80 plus days of his presidency.
There’s a lot more to come in coming days. In layman term one can say that a man who does
not understand that arsenic in large amount in drinking water is harmful to our body is truly
ignorant. It has been said about Bush few times around the campaign and even after the
election. It was Bush’s turn to prove otherwise. We just gonna have to wait and see if he is
really ignorant. I don’t believe he is such rather he does not have time to know all this. He is
really a busy man. He got put in an office that is way over his head. And he is doing his best
to learn as much as he can and as fast as he can. So it all depends on the folk who are doing
the teaching. Also it depends how many people he has to pay back by signing favourable
policies who paid for his presidency. Money is power and it counts. So I don’t call him
ignorant or unintelligent. He might be a good and able president in his next term if he can get
there. Now that is a very expensive proposition. Do the voters really feel good about having
the backseat gun rack while drinking unsafe water or eating unsafe beef products! There’s
plenty more to come where that came from.

Second time in two weeks around the Easter week of the year 2001 I was surprised to hear
the audience of Rush Limbaugh complaining about his characterization of things that he
normally does. Liberal bashing in absence of Bill Clinton is getting difficult even for Rush
Hudson L. the man who claims excellence of broadcasting among all media each day every
day with half his brain tied up behind his head while at work! The truth is that each and
every day on Rush’s show he has offended a lot of regular citizen by telling them no good or
numbskulls or liberal and tagged them with Bill Clinton for the past 8 years. Now in Bill
Clinton’s absence these comments and statements are going through people’s head for real
and they are finding these offensive. I have always found them offensive. The problem with
Rush is that he got so high up on the ego scale that he will not understand what he is doing
wrong until he is told by his producer or the guy who pays for EIB 1 or EIB network. The
caller today in the early hours of his show was very offended by Rush’s characterization of
Opera-feminization of our behavior when one expresses sensitive behavior. Today was the
Monday after Easter April 16, 2001, the caller was offended by Rush’s remark that only the
rich and millionaires are the achievers. The gentleman who called the show was not happy as
he realized that his wife an school teacher was left out from the achiever’s group by Rush
Hudson Limbaugh. It’s a good thing that these comments and hypocritical remarks by Rush
are getting to people’s head after all. Rush got his feelings hurt because these are the
Republican audience and they disagree with him and they take issues with him. But then he
defended his statements by saying that “The show can be evaluated by just listening in the
background rather it need to be listened very very carefully” probably did not score any
point in the caller’s mind because it implied that he did not listen to Rush’s show carefully.
Few other points were about the comment regarding Troy Aikman’s retirement. Not too
many people liked Dallas Cowboy superstar with three superball rings Troy Aikman to be
called a selfish person.

In my analysis, Rush never has nay respect for any human. He only brags for him and
himself only. He will brag about how he made a certain stroke in a golf game or how he
received a certain award by a conservative group. He always brag about how is he better
than the next guy. He will take side of the people who will help him get up. He will speak
against people, which will help him get up in the rating contest. Which will help him make
more money in the long run. Bill Clinton was his best friend ever and now that Bill is retired
we will just have to wait how long it takes R. Hudson Limbaugh to retire or may be just go
to a low profile. Some people are just not fit to be staying on the high profile because they
are not qualified enough. If by any hot spot chance they get there they blow it. I think Rush
just blew it and he does not even recognize yet. I bet he will not recognize until it’s too late.
Early in the campaign when George Bush was running for the top ticket, Rush has
demonized Senator John McCain and his supporters just like he did to Bill Clinton. A lot of
Americans despised Bill Clinton for his lies. And they supported Bush and they carried Rush
up to the top. George Bush is not the dream child of the Republican Party. He is the dream
child of the Bush Family. The family has a lot to be proud of this son. The Republican Party
needed a winner and they picked Bush who had the money and who had the friend who had
enough money to buy him a presidency. The Republican Party has it’s differences among
themselves just like the Democrats. The point is that they all work together and they work
out their differences.

For example, the Bush stand on China on the Spy Plane issue was not well received by the
conservative faction of the Republican Party. Bush went to his centrist stand and got the sons
back to their mothers from the communist China. The conservative faction of the Republican
Party has harder stand on any communist inside or outside the country. They pretty much
call some liberals communist. Having to face with the real communist China was the dream
of their life. But Bush did not give them the chance and they are upset. After getting the crew
back now Bush is again behaving like a spoiled child. Saying I never said sorry to mean that
I am really sorry and we are gonna get you the communist Chinese! Wait just one minute.
Let me clean up my act first about the very very sorry business. I am coming after you. But I
am coming after you as a paper tiger by bold speeches, by aggressive threats without any
chance of follow through. What an example we are setting for the future American
generation! This is the time when I can bite my lips and grunt: WHY DID WE HAVE THE
CHOICE OF BUSH OR GORE ONLY! Dear God please do not let this happen again to
our nation. Please help us to get a leader who will make us proud.

As much as I can be painted as a liberal, I am a serious conservative in my heart. I do not
wish to see our leader undermined around the world by our own whether it’s R. Hudson
Limbaugh or it’s Ken Star or it’s a congressman or a senator or any media activist. I do not
believe that president George Bush will not engage any behavior like Bill Clinton did with
Monika Lewinsky. But hypothetically even if that have happened, I will strongly oppose a
public humiliation of a president for sexual indiscretion. In my version of conservatism, I
only support investigation of a president or impeachement preceedings against a president
only if his or her behavior has the potential of a national security threat. Or a capital crime is
being committed by the president may call for such action or actions. For what Rush and
others have done to Bill Clinton has created the environment of lack of respect and lack of
seriousness about our leaders. Political gain in a given election should never undermine
national pride and dignity. I think in my view these are conservative ideas. I am not
conservative in all my ideas and I got no problem admitting that either. But that will not
make me a numbskull or a easy target for R. Hudson talk show the “Broadcast excellence”
of the EIB net work. The same net work and it’s precious host could not find anything else to
talk about today April 17, 2001 but washing machine front loader vs. top loader while so
many important issues are going on here and abroad throughout the entire week. Tomorrow
USA meets China for the first time to discuss the spy plane standoff. Peace talk in the middle
east, tax cut, Bush’s reversal of the Lead standard, election in Mississippi about it’s state flag
controversy, flood in the mid west and drought in Florida. I can fill up another entire
paragraph with issues that are important which could be discussed on any given talk show
and was discussed in the news and other talk shows. Mr. Rush Hudson got scared and is
getting uncomfortable by getting the calls from his loyal audience who are serious about
their disagreement with Rush in recent days. Me personally is very happy because Rush did
not get a lot of chance to insult a lot of listeners today just because the topics was the
washing machine. He was able to bully liberals somehow relating them to the Maytag
washing machine. He was successful in bringing Bill Clinton’s name in the Maytag washing
machine discussion. He will always be able to bring Bill Clinton in any topics in the world
because that is how he got his popularity. Wouldn’t it be ironic if that is how he looses his

Am going to finish writing soon whether I can get his diary published or not. Because I will
repeat myself too many times to make my point and will become like Rush if I don’t stop
soon. Even though the comments are spreaded over a 55,000 word diary but there are few
strong opinion that I would like a reader to know from this diary. I do not believe that
winning a campaign or an election does not or should not exceed the best interest of the
country and it’s citizen. I do not believe that differences in opinion between two individuals
should never be an indicator of one being the better or superior from the other. And this
rationality can never be decided by the standards of an individual especially by Rush
Limbaugh. Being rich can not be the goal of an individual to become an achiever. Diversity
always bring strength in our life and in our community. Being sensitive to others is a quality
that we can try to earn. Demonizing other individuals who disagree with me should never be
the standard of conservative ideas. Operah Winfrey is a very nice individual and she has
contributed a lot to our society that can be recognized without hesitation. John McCain is a
national hero and a respected senator. And I am not smarter than you.

National interest should always exceed personal gain. Mutual respect and understanding the
pain of a stranger is a quality not an abnormality. Wealthy individuals have always
contributed more to the society than poor people in terms of wealth. It is not polite to claim
that one is wealthy and it’s cruel to claim that too bad you are poor and I am rich. I believe
that there is a philosophically difference here. 1972 through 1974 in Bangladesh we had
serious food shortage because of failed crops, flood and bad politics etc. Our Mom always
gave food and money to the poor. But she would save enough for all her kids. Each day at
the meal time she would ask all of us to close the doors and curtains at the window so people
from the street are not able to see our family at the dinner table. And for about an entire year
she has asked us not to plan any outdoor activity that involve meals. This was to show
respect to the people who did not have enough food for themselves and their families like we
did. We could not afford to feed every hungry person on the street with our resources but
shared as much as we could like the rest of the families of our community. The difference is
that we did not have a Rush Limbaugh to brag about how much food we have to those
people who did not have that. And we did not have a Rush Limbaugh to get on a national
radio to scream to those poor folks that we have food and we are eating too bad you can’t.
Because you are poor and you suck. It’s all about sensitivity. Operah Winfrey is a sensitive
person and I can learn some form her every day. The philosophical difference is that I take
pride to grow up in a family who cares about how the others feel. I am proud that our Mom
gave us lessons to become sensitive of the rest of the community and our neighbors. We were
not apolosiging to any one because we had plenty food to eat. We were just discret to show
respect to others.

Being rich and having a lot of money is not a crime.  Bragging about it and rubbing it on the
poor is very insensitive. Disrespecting poor people and their misfortune is ignorance. And
doing all of this to become richer gets closer to committing a crime. Even though there is no
law to describe such a crime. I guess it can be called a social crime where no court can
punish you. The only way to hold these people responsible is by rejecting them on their





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