

 Subject: Your recent comments about Virginia Kelley

 Dear Mrs. Olson,

 I was astonished at the tone and verbiage of your recent comments
 about Virginia Kelley in London's "Daily Telegraph".

 Whether or not you care for President Clinton or his politics is immaterial.
 Mrs. Kelley was "a barfly"? Considering the fact that she worked to put
 food on the table for her family, she must not have had many hours of the
 day to commit to her drinking "career". It would seem that the current resident
 of the White House could also be referred to as "a barfly," could he not?
 After all, his primary career till the age of 40 was drinking alcoholic
 beverages, wasn't it?

 You may also be forgetting Bush's underage daughters. Refresh my memory:
 How many times have one or both of them been cited for underage alcohol
 consumption in the past four months?

 Do you realize that most Americans work for a living, and don't find themselves
 "employed" by conservative think tanks? Might you also realize that most
 Americans believe in fair play and acceptance of those who weren't born with
 a large trust fund passbook in hand, and worked hard foreverything they had?

 Thank you, Mrs. Olson, for showing exactly what kind of person you are on
 an international scale. Also, thank you again for reminding me why I will never,
 EVER vote Republican. I am the daughter of blue-collar parents I'm sure you
 would classify as "barflies," since my father visited the local bar to meet his friends,
 who also worked hard for a living. Evidently, it must be more genteel to consume
 one's drug of choice out of a crystal decanter at home. Plus, there's the added
 benefit of hiding those inevitable public drunkenness and DUI arrests by lawyering
 up and telling the press, "This is a family matter," while the common folk are forced
 to take their medicine.

 I, and most Americans, would prefer spending our time with someone like
 Mrs. Kelley, who, while having such "lowbrow" hobbies, managed to inspire and
 motivate a son who later became the legally elected President of the United States.
 He sustained the longest peacetime economic boom in the history of our nation,
 bettering the lot of millions. I'm only sorry I'll never have the chance to meet
 Mrs. Kelley and shake her hand.

 Very truly yours,


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