
Subject: Democrats and KKK

If these morons knew anything about history they`d know that the Democratic party
was the conservative party during and for many years after the Civil War.
These people had the same beliefs as today`s Republicans which is why they joined the Klan.
Calling themselves "The party of Lincoln" is hypocrisy as usual.  Abe would die laughing.


John, expect mail from Lanny...


Subject: attribution

Christian, BartCop,

       In Vol. 535 (7.23.01), you wrote about Murder in Small Town X.
The first four paragraphs of that discussion are from my friend Aaron Barnhart's TV Barn column.
I'm sure you didn't mean to omit this attribution, and that you'll add it now that it's been brought to your attention.


Vern, I get the Barn column, so that's entirely possible.
Usually I make the attribution, but I guess I was in a hurry.


From: Brandy Tucker

Subject: my tax "rebate"

Well, first my friend and I were having a discussion over the
difference between a refund and a rebate.  I'm still not sure....

Anyway, I know that I won't see a penny of the $300, as my taxes are
withheld to pay back my student loan from the Reagan era, which was
placed in default status after the failure of Crocker Bank.  I was on active
duty in the military at that time, (without a degree - I was in the "poverty
draft" of the 80's) and had applied several times for a deferral as per
federal law, but as I am female, apparently the paperwork was not
processable!  So, the loan amount was doubled through interest once the
state collected on it.  I would send them money, and they would return
it saying they had no idea who was handling the loan, and by the way, the
loan was in default!  So the state kept my tax refunds, and now the
feds keep their share.  They are getting more by keeping my tax return than
if I was paying them $50 a month, so they don't bug me about it.

Either way, my tax refund/rebate will be retained to pay this debt...
It seems like the money really doesn't exist, they will merely adjust my
balance owed.  I don't mind repaying the principal, I'm just angry that
they messed the account up so bad while I was serving my country.

In fact, I don't know anyone in my age range (32-42) who will be seeing
any money, as they have tax debts and student loans, or are unemployed
to the point that they didn't even file a return.  But then again, I don't
know anyone in my age range who owns a house here in L.A.

Which is another topic altogether.  I'm kind of hoping for a recession,
so house values will drop.  Of course, apartments are now renting for $1000
for a 2 bedroom, but a 2 bedroom house costs well over $140,000.....
unless I want to live in a worse area of town than the one I'm in now.
And just where are we supposed to get the down payment when we can't
afford the cars we need to get to work?!

Sigh, I can go on this way for days, it does no good.  At least I know the
only way to have money is to work hard every day, and hope to die at your
desk so you don't have to worry about being an old retired person out
on the streets.  It's no wonder we play so hard.  There are no vacations
in Fiji in our futures.  We can't even afford a honeymoon, much less children.

But thinking is still free, isn't it?

Thanks for your site,

Thinking is free until Smirk gets his sixth judge.


Subject: CNN: Bush Sr. Bails Out Bush Jr. On Saudi Arabia

Here's a story from last week that seems to have gotten little notice.
Says Bush's dad had to reassure the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia with a phone call.
And he's done this before as well.
How many smart guys does it take to prop up the dumb guy anyway?

That's how Smirky was brought up.
Daddy makes a phone call, and the doors magically open for him.


Subject: Wife's bike accident

My wife was involved in a nasty bike accident and hit her (helmeted) head hard.
She's gonna be OK but she was pretty dingy for a while.   The doc's asked her who
the president was and she looked baffled for a few seconds, then she said...
"Oh, no....It's that fucking Bush!!!!.....guy's an idiot!!!"

The three doc's - probably Republicans - looked at me, alarmed.    I told them this wasn't
crazy talk, this was appropriate and really mild compared to her real feelings about the  moron.

I knew she was gonna be OK from that point.


I understand Chinaco is good for a headache...


Subject: Satchmo Armstrong


    I was in the Waldorf Astoria Ballroom in Manhattan to see Louis
Satchmo Armstrong give his last performance. I was seated in an aisle seat
when he came walking from the rear of the room blowing his trumpet so
powerful that it was hard to believe that he wasn't well. There were a
couple of steps leading up to the stage which he had to climb with difficulty.

As he reached the top step he faltered, and I got up from my chair to catch him
and help him to the stage. That didn't stop him from giving another one of his great
performances. The ovation from the diners after his performance was tremendous

    One of my memories that I will never forget. How can I forget?



HEY Bart! An idea...What about someone, anyone with media connections etc better than moi,
suggesting we donate the tax cut to some committee to investigate THIS President and the unelection?

I can see the ads! I can see Bush turning more purple than Barney.

...maybe we'll get rid or this worm...



Subject: The Overlooked Part of the Salvation Army Story

The under-reported and under-remarked-on part of the Salvation Army story
is that they have a $1 million dollar budget to lobby the pResident's administration.
They want to guide this fraudulent effort for "faith based" religious subsidy,
so that they don't have to hire gays, etc.  (See the original Washington Post article)

Wait a Minute!!!  This up-to-this-time seemingly marvelous charity HAS WHAT?
Yes. A one million dollar political lobbying budget!!!  That is outrageous!

Unless they publicly and loudly renounce this FAST,
they get no more of  my money, EVER.

Keep up the great work!

John Cole


Subject: can't order Fortunate Son thru B&N bookstores

Dearest BC,

I tried ordering "Fortunate Son" last month at Barnes & Noble.
On 6/29 I recieved a card from them saying: Is unavailable because: Not stocked by our vendors!
Normally they carry just about everything just not this book.

I guess we'll have to get it from Soft Skull Press or thru other websites.
I love my bartcop.
A day without bartcop is like a day without....
Well that's just to horrible to think about.

Thanks, RFK

R, I think should be rewarded for taking the risk, and
has a special to send his daughter some cash with their proceeds.


Subject: Murdoch

BC, Alaska Tom here

I heard on the news yesterday that Murdoch is being allowed to buy up some
stations that will give him access to 41% of the American homes.  This is in
direct violation of the law which states that no one is allowed to reach more than
35% of these homes.  This is the gist of the situation that I do not understand.
(I do not know how major networks do this either).

I do understand this.  The important part of the story is that the sale is going to be
allowed until his lawsuit against the 35% rule is heard.  This is like me filing a lawsuit
saying a bank should not be allowed to deny me access to other people's money.
I then go rob this bank and get to keep the money until my lawsuit is finished.

It just goes to show that justice is for sale under this current administration is you
only repeat the right wing mantra and give heavily to their campaigns.

Where is the liberal media on this issue?

Tom, Karl Rove has not given the media permission to print those stories.
They will not print anything critical of Smirk or Murdoch without Rove's permission.
This crooked administration will do everything in their power (break the law) to expand
Murdoch's networks to reward them for being such efficient whores for this administration.


Subject: Food for thought

Greetings, Christian!

You probably know George W. Bush as a great leader - the dynamic visionary
who's not afraid to make the hard decisions about carbon dioxide
emissions, faith-based initiatives, and corporate tax cuts...

But do you know George W. Bush the man? Or George W. Bush the cook?

In an effort to humanize the President, the White House has been setting
up various media outreach opportunities over the last month, including
a guest appearance on my cable TV cooking show, "Cooking with Bigfoot."

While we weren't actually able to get the President himself, we were
able to get the next best thing -- a cartoon version of his daughter Jenna!

So please stop by and see the homier, hungrier side of George W. Bush, at

Bon Appetit,


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