This is an impassioned rant from December, 2000.
 I wish I'd found it sooner.


Subject:   700 Club Needed Here!

Christian...Bartcop; et al:

Hey "Goodfellas" 2000 is rapidly drawing to a close and even I know sitting here on the shore
of the Chesapeake Bay and I know even old Bob Dole knows down there on the Yellow Brick
Road Kansas that 76 "ain't" going to cut the mustard.

We need a 700 Club, like 700 Club "new members" supportive of if we're going
to be able to adequately "rag on' the nitwits ascending to their "appointed offices including Smirk".
IF the demonic fuhrer Marion "Pat" Robertson, devil incarnate, can get a 700 Club going with the
spill over from the "ditto monkeys" on Rush, why can't a spill over of bright, educated, intelligent,
red, white, and blue patriotic Americans muster for

We need a 700 Club pronto and we ought to be seeing a list of 700 strong in 30 days to ensure
any spineless from the Democratic ranks who have been vested with a lawful election doesn't
sanitize an illegitimate presidency.  Bartcop is a magnificent resource second only to the
U.S. Congressional Library and MacMacArthur of American Politics Journal.

Lets not wither and cower like beaten pussies with spines made of jello. Identify and testify
proudly by placing your name on the rolls as a "financial supporter" of who has
been brave and fearless.  Always focused like a laser beam "shining the light of truth" on the
liars, cheats, no account, oinkers, Right Wing dolts and do nothing Republicans for years.

This service is too valuable to waste and you must stand up like the American Revolution
Minutemen did against all odds. Don't look to "Fat Tony"-the Fixer Scalia or Sandy-the Bag Lady
to stand up for you!

Don't look to the Republican Partisan Supreme Court to speak for you because we know what
they think of you don't we? Don't look for your elected representatives to look out for you because
we saw what the Texas Jackal did to you by sending a mob of Hitler Youth to Florida to ensure
an end to the ballot count. has made a difference during this period of wholesale crime by Republicans--if for no
other reason than to keep them under the "microscope" along with Ampol.

The message is out.
The dangers are real.

The absence of on the national scene would be yet just another missed opportunity
and its absence would diminish democracy as we know it.

Do you want it restored?
Yes or No.

Surely with an alphabet of 26 letters we can see at least 26 brave Americans surnames in each
of the 26 letters of the alphabet by  the end of January to ensure a Bartcop Honeymoon for
The Smirkin' Appointee and His Second Banana.

Where is the national outrage?

Rayne Poussard

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