Dead Firefighters
   by Eric R. Theiner  

 Excerpted from the Fox Whore report--

 <Testifying before the committee Tuesday, USFS Fire Chief Dale Bosworth said that
 under standard procedure, firefighters would have used the Chewuch water to fight the fire
 and addressed any environmental violations or restrictions after the fire was extinguished.
 He said he was investigating why dispatch waited for approval before sending the helicopters.

 "We get the water where we can get it and ask questions later," Bosworth said.

 Forest Service District Commander John Newcom told Fox News last week that
 the Chewuch River's population of salmon, steelhead trout and bull trout
 are all considered when fighting fires, but insisted helicopter permission
 was never delayed or denied because of the policy.>

 Everyone knows it's the right thing to do-- the firefighters lives come first.
 But some idiot screwed up by trying to kiss the ass of the wrong  person at the wrong time.
 I'll bet you that when it finally comes out, there was one bureaucrat in the chain of command
 who had no experience with life or death situations who figured he'd cover his ass.

 This was due to a lack of morality/wisdom/intelligence (pick one).


 Rick, I think you're right.
 Maybe I wasn't clear, but my bitch was with the vulgar Pigboy.
 He sees dead firefighters and thinks,
 "Oh good, I can blame 'rampant liberalism' for their deaths," and he starts hammering.

 "Liberals think fish are more important than firefighters lives," and sheep believe his every lie.

 The son of a bitch is accountable to nobody, especially the truth.
 It's Pigboys job to fabricate horseshit to increase ratings,
 and I resent him using their deaths to make another million.

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