
  Subject: Strawman Attempt
  (I'm guessing he read "kiss my ass")

  With your Ad Hominem insults and juvenile vitriol, I not sure you are to be taken seriously,
  but Eric Alterman mentioned you so I ll take the bait.
  See my comments regarding your contention that the media isn t liberal:

     1.Hannity, O Rielly, Beltway Boys, Hume, Snow, and Van Zahn, North, Liddy are all relatively new.
       They are there because they get listeners.  Ward, Owens, and Hightower are doing all right.
       Cuomo and Brown failed because they are so extreme.

      Just because you say it's true doesn't mean it is.
      There is a phenomenon that I can't explain, but every anti-Clinton book skyrockets to
      the top of the best seller charts, but anti-Bush books hardly break the top twenty.
      If a talking head says, "Bill and Hillary murder their political opponents," he will become
      rich beyond his wildest dreams and get his own talk show, usually on Fox.

      I can't explain why, but the facts are the facts.

     1.If you think Juan Williams, Mara Liasson, Sam Donaldson, Cokie Roberts and Bob Scheiffer are
       right-wingers I suggest simply that they are SELF PROFESSED liberals.You need to revisit that

      I don't care what they say, (when did they say that?) but have you ever heard them speak?
      Juan Williams was hired by Fox because he was a black man willing to slur Clinton to death.
      It's a safe bet his children's college is paid for and so is his house.
      Mara Liason, ditto. On NPR she's her normal self, on Fox News she is a whore,
      agreeing with every word from Tony Snow and Brit Hume. That's her job - to give
      Snow and Hume "credibility" by having her ditto the Snow and Hume Clinton slurs.
      I realize you think she's agreeing because "she's smart enough to see the truth,"
      but no, like Juan, she's taking huge amounts of money to be Murdoch's parrot.
      Sam Donaldson is in a class by himself. he had so many on-air multiple orgasms during
      impeachment it's hard to know what's in Sam's mind. People remember him giving
      Reagan a hard time, so they assume he's a liberal.
      Cokie Roberts is the senior whore in all of Washington DC, and that's not an easy thing to accomplish.
      If you were paying attention when Bush & Gore were coming down the stretch, Cokie wrote the whore
      column of all time (again, extremely hard to do) saying Gore was such an idiot and a serial liar, that he
      didn't even think about his wife being alive when he claimed they were the characters in "Love Story."
      She KNOWS that's a false story, but she ran with it to make a splash.

      In your mind, that makes her a liberal? Stabbing Gore in the back?

      Bob Scheiffer's brother worked for the Bush campaign, which isn't a crime until after the debates,
      Scheiffer went on and on and on and on about the "incredible command" Bush had on foreign policy.

      Funny, you see all those people as liberal, yet they spent 2000 fabricating horseshit
      about Gore while insisting Bush was a mental giant with calm nerves of steel.

     1.If you think Chris Matthews is a right-winger I suggest you review his resume, his views on the
       minimum wage, gun control, income tax rates, etc.  There is a difference between finding the Clinton's
       contemptible and being a right-wing zealot.  Matthews just obviously loathes the Clinton's, their knee-jerk
       sycophants, and the cynical political style they hoisted upon us. I think he's
       just ashamed at what his party has become and is letting them know it.

       Thank you for being honest about Chris Matthews.
       He's been screaming Clinton slurs for years and years.
       Why do you think they gave him his own show?
       Because he was honest, fair and balanced?

     1.On not ONE of the shows you mentioned (save Limbaugh), would there not have been a
       representative from the left defending the negative Dateline assertion. Not one.  These shows
       ALWAYS have a lefty and righty.  (Podesta, Fabiani, Davis, Alred, Carlson, Borger, Sheilds,
       Brazille, Press, etc., etc.)

       You have made my point for me.
       Not one person on that list has their own show.
       You equate Podesta, who might guest 10 minutes per week on some show, with
       Chris Matthews's seven hours of relentless attacks every week? (More, if you count repeats.)
       Thanks for the assist.

       And before I let you get away with that (save Limbaugh) remember Rush is the leader.
       Nobody can slur as many blacks or gays or liberals in a single hour as Rush, and he does it
       21 hours a week for 4 million people, pounding and pounding and pounding with lies.
       Meanwhile, smiling and polite John Podesta waits until Hannity finishes screaming
       to try to get in a lttle rebuttal, but gosh, we're all out of time, John.

       That's the crux of my whole argument.
       The right wing pounds and pounds and pounds for hours and days and weeks,
       then the networks allow mousy John Podesta a three-minute rebuttal - if there's time.

      <Stephen's letter went on, accusing all the networks and news magazines and major papers,
        plus UPI and AP as being in Clinton's pocket, but anyone who's seen them in the last
        four years know they've been no friend to Clinton, the Democratic party or the truth.>

       Your turn, if you have the stones.

       Stephen Henry

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