From: Steve Aiden -

Subject: Still dodging a debate?
Dear Sir,

Ok, you're promoting your agenda, on your website with your own propaganda, that's fair enough
...but what the Hell was that list about? Let's look more closely at some of the people you have listed shall we?

>Christopher Hitchens would have a best seller on it.
Christopher Hitchens doesn't like the Clintons because they are too right-wing for him!
He works for the Marxist mag The Nation for heaven's sake!

Hitchens is a money-grubbing whore who knows he can make a quick hundred thousand
by scribbling "The Clintons are criminals" on a paper napkin.

>Dick Morris would have a best seller on it.
That's Dick Morris, Bill Clinton's former chief political strategist (before, like everyone else in
the Clinton circle he was involved in his own sex scandal!), I presume?

Morris is a money-grubbing whore who knows he can make a quick hundred thousand
by scribbling "The Clintons are criminals" on a paper napkin.

>Bob Woodward would have a best seller on it.
Bob Woodward who brought down the Nixon Whitehouse? Bob Woodward author of 'The Agenda'
described as "Woodward uncovers the essential decency of the man from Hope" on Amazon?

Woodward is a money-grubbing whore who knows he can make a quick hundred thousand
by scribbling "The Clintons are criminals" on a paper napkin.

>Ben Stein would have a best seller on it.
Ben Stein? Oh, you're reaching now BC!
Ben Stein author of "Tommy & Me: The Making of a Dad" and, um, nothing else I could find.

ha ha
I'm reaching?
Ben Stein is Rush with an adenoid problem.
He wrote speeches for Nixon.
He's a remarkably ungrateful son of a bitch for shitting on Clinton when Clinton
reached out to him at his father's funeral with a hand0-written note.
Your ignorance of Ben Stein isn't my problem.

>David P. Schippers would have a best seller on it.
David P. Schippers, lifelong Democrat, voted for Clinton twice.

That son of a bitch fabricated charges against Clinton for having sex
while his wife and his whore were both in attendance at the impeachment hearings.
The newspapers ran pictures of them both in the gallery (not together).

>David Maraniss would have a best seller on it.
Maraniss' biography of Bill - "In this richly textured and balanced biography, Maraniss reveals
a complex man full of great flaws and great talents.". Works for ultra-liberal Washington Post.

The Washington Whore Post would print pictures of Kay Graham with a donkey
if they thought it might sell one more paper. There was a time when the Post and the
NY Times were both respected papers, but that was before they printed the rumor that
Clinton fathered a baby with a crack whore in Little Rock.

In contrast, Larry Flynt has NEVER printed anything so low class in his life.
When Larry Flynt is your moral superior, you got trouble.

>Judas Stephanopolous Maximus would have a best seller on it.
He has written one book about HIS life as Chief Propaganda
Minister for Czar Clinton, why would he suddenly attack Hillary?

For money, haven't you been paying attention?
Do you think those dozens of books were being printed to save America?
Do you think those dozens of books were being printed to reveal the truth?
Do you think those dozens of books were being printed to be fair and honest?

Tell you what - give me $2500 and I'll demonstrate how the world works.

Yes, some of the people you mentioned would/have attack(ed) the Clintons,
but there are plenty attacking Bush, or before him Reagan, or Nixon.


Make a looooooooooooong list of the best-selling books attacking Bush, Reagan or Nixon.
Go ahead - I'll wait.

Go on, ...I'm waiting.

Come on, put that list together...

Geez, the last book to attack Bush was pulled because Karl Rove didn't like it.
Then the author "committed suicide."

So what? Are you scared of opposing viewpoints?

Yeah, I'm a trembling bunny.
Is that why you always say that no-one will debate you, despite the fact that I have said I will?

OK, what are you doing tomorrow night at 9PM CST?
But first, two things:
1. Do you have a web page?
    I'd much rather debate someone with an internet presence.
    Otherwise, Thursday you'll be sea_boy12 and say "You never debated me"
2. Do you know about Bush's pardons in 1992?
    You don't have toi agree they hid the biggest crimes since WWII,
    you just have to be aware of them.

Get back to me on this. If tomoro night won't work for you,
I won't accuse you of ducking, but tell me when you are free.

Why you pretend that Ashcroft is trying to stifle free speech, when in fact it is liberals
who don't want him talking to magazines they don't apporve of?

No telling what the second half of that means, but the reason we don't want a religiously-insane
slimeball as Attorney General  because he's likely to find web pages such as
"obscene" and try to shut them down. The pink tutu Democrats knew this when they confirmed
the crazy son of a bitch, but he was "in the club" and that's all they needed. They like to pretend
the US Senate is some bastion of respect and civility, so any shit-for-brains religio-wacko who gets
elected MUST be qualified to sit in judgment of us sane folk.

That's, as we say in Oklahoma, horseshit.

Why you attack conservatives for criticizing what they see as promoting obscenity,
yet ignore it when Tipper tries to ban CDs?

Tipper tried to "ban" CDs?
Are you nuts"

Who told you that?
Hannity or Limbaugh?

...and why would you believe them?

Tipper tried to put labels on records, like we use for movies.

Would you want your eight year old to watch Ving Rames being anally raped in Pulp Fiction?
The labels on movies prevent that surprise from happening to your kid.
I don't have kids, but if I had an eight-year old, I wouldn't want him to learn about
"bitches & hos" from Eminem or Snoop Dog, would you?

There's nothing wrong with labels, and if anybody thinks there is me.

If you have to lie to 'prove' your point, doesn't that suggest that your point is wrong?



Point to a "lie" I told.
I'll straighten you out.

Get back to me with the two questions about tomorrow night.

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