It is true that advertisers have special sensitivities.
Pizza companies sometimes don't buy commercials
on shows that have bloodshed,
fearing the unappetizing juxtaposition with tomato
Phone companies have been known to avoid advertising
on crime shows featuring ransom calls.
Still, there was something chilling about Procter
& Gamble's decision to pull its ads from an Emmy-nominated
episode of the CBS show "Family Law" because
the company was worried about a story involving gun ownership.
P. & G. is not prudish. It advertises on
soap operas, where hotties hop in and out of bed all day.
But, as The Times's Bill Carter reported on Friday,
the company is sensitive to political "hot-button issues."
CBS apparently replaced the episode — in which
the law firm defends a woman whose son shoots himself
with her handgun — with a different episode because
it felt it would never make up revenue lost from P. & G.
at a time when advertising is in a deep slump.
CBS also said that this summer it wouldn't repeat other episodes
— dealing with the death penalty, abortion and
interfaith marriage — that troubled P. & G.
Other TV executives and producers cringed at the
prospect that advertisers would be able to dictate the content of shows.
Lately, it seems, there's a whole lot of chilling
going on.
Cesar Chavez organizing a grape boycott to advance
the cause of migrant workers gave way to Tom DeLay
trying to organize a boycott of CNN to advance
the right-wing agenda.
Once the tactic of the disenfranchised — invented
in 1880 by Irish tenant farmers to isolate a punitive British
overseer named Charles C. Boycott — boycotts
are now the tactic of the enfranchised.
The Bush White House says it will boycott journalists
at Talk magazine because the September issue features a fantasy
fashion layout, with two sultry models playing
the Bush twins in pink frosted lipstick and pink feather boas behind bars.
(Everyone is sympathetic to the Bushes' desire
to shield their daughters. But sending Jenna, still on probation, to L.A.
to be a summer intern at Brillstein-Grey Entertainment,
which produces "The Sopranos," and be exposed to the wild Hollywood party
scene is begging for tabloid trouble.)
Growing up with "The Jetsons," "Star Trek," the
General Motors Futurama exhibit at the World's Fair with lunar
colonies and underseas resorts, and Disney's
"Tomorrowland Speedway," we imagined the 21st century as sleek
and expansive, a cascade of creativity and invention
in the arts, technology, science and medicine.
But the combination of the narrow Bush vision
and shrinking economy is creating a climate where everything
feels crimped, more about limiting expression
than liberating it.
We face the jarring prospect that some of our
top scientists may move to England, where they won't face the same
strangling curbs on stem cell research, which
is bound to go forward even without President Bush holding up his little
"Stop" sign. Expatriate scientists are redolent
of American artists in the 20's who flocked to sophisticated Paris,
far from Prohibition and Calvin Coolidge.
We've had the Age of Enlightenment and the Age
of Aquarius.
Now we're in the Age of Arrested Development.
Never mind the interplanetary cooperation presaged
in "Star Trek."
We're retreating from planetary cooperation.
America has grown insular, isolationist, paranoid.
Nothing leaps ahead. Power clings to the passé,
retreating from the cutting edge, running safe TV shows,
choosing scientific stasis. Everything — from
Washington's trashed international treaties to the coal-and-drill
Bush environmental policy to Hollywood's tedious
remakes and endless parade of World War II and
Cinderella-themed movies — looks backward, not
Our missile shield, more science fiction than science, has become a metaphor for our passive, defensive, retro crouch.
In the name of Captain Kirk, how did this happen?
How did we end up charting a course to timidly
go where every man has been before?
Mo, you ignorant slut.
You're NOT that stupid.
You and your whore friends shielded the boy king during the campaign
- THAT'S how we got here.
You and your whore friends fabricated horseshit
about Al Gore and protected Governor Blow Monkey.
You and your whore friends chose NOT to ask any meaningful questions.
Why don't you use that NYWTimes bully pulpit to ask Weak & Stupid
where he was when the National Guard record says he was "unavailable
for duty?"
No, you'd rather screech personal slurs at Senator Clinton than do your
damn job, MoDo.
Instead of telling the truth about Bush, you fabricated lies about
Bill and Hillary - because your whore paper LIKES that.
Don't sit there and ask, "How did this happen?"
when YOU and your whore friends fucking caused it.
Bob Schieffer "Bush has such a
firm grasp on foreign policy issues"
Candy Crowley "Bush is such a
genius, and we all love him."
Tim the Whore "Al Gore is a serial
exaggerator and cannot be trusted, ...not like Bush."
Cokie the Whore "Al Gore is so
stupid, he chose to lie about Love Story when his wife is still alive!"
David Letterman was the ONLY guy to ask any kind of probing questions
of the Failure in Thief
and he's a goddamn comedian. He's not SUPPOSED to be separating
the boys from the men.
That was YOUR job, MoDo, but you decided to play the whore, instead.
So don't just sit there, waving your chalky thighs in the air - get
off your ass and DO YOUR JOB.
Stop fabricating lies and stop walking the street in those hooker shoes.