What was the question again?

No, I don't think you should take the weekends off.  For one thing,
that's when it's easiest for me to read BartCop.  (Yes, I read it at
work, but always with nervous glances over my shoulder.  At home,
I can concentrate properly.)  For another, no anti-Bush, pro-democracy
site can afford to take a second off.  We need all of you guys always on the job.


The French Family

If you can do the work without killing yourself, don't stop the weekend issues.


J. Aber

no do not take the wk end off.
what would us 70s and over do .
we count on you
dont let us down.


I've been impressed at how regularly you put out new material on the weekends,
and regularly seek out the issues on Saturday and Sunday or look at them in the archives.

Few big operations do as much on the weekends-- much less most other Treehouse enterprises.
I'm sorry that folks are missing out on what you're doing, but a casual reader might not
expect that you've done fresh material on the weekends.


Dear BC,

Should you take Saturday and Sunday off? Theoretically, no.
The Reich Wing needs somebody watching its scurrilous ass 24/7.

But in the real world--you probably will be better off if you take the days off.
From my experience, most Internet usage is a workday (M-F 9-5) proposition;
if you look at the numbers, is it energy-efficient for you to publish weekend editions?

Probably not. I say take the weekends for yourself--but only if you promise to come back
well-rested and vicious each Monday!

Your Fan,

You're a hard-working guy and you definitely deserve weekends off,
but I'd just DIE without my daily BC fix!  Is that selfish of me?


I, for one, check Bartcop.com several times daily to see what new stuff has been put up.
Bartcop, along with Buzzflash and the gwbush.com forums, are the only things that keep me
quasi-sane anymore, since I quit watching CNN when they asked Pigboy to join them.

I would be very sad to see the weekend editions of Bartcop go byebye.


I read your page every day, including weekends.
Its one of the few political pages updated on the weekends,
so its nice to get in a little action.

Keep up the good work.


Personally, I enjoy the weekend editions.
You're the Man.
Unless of course, you and Rush are going to do a weekend update on the new CNN.


No way, weekends off.  Fighting the fascists is a seven day job. Maybe like
the networks you could have a light page.  then on Monday you can repeat it
in the regular issue.  Here's a picture of Bush teaching kids about first amendment zones.

<A HREF="http://us.news2.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/nm/20010815/imdf15082001153347a.jpg">


Please do not drop the weekend issues.

John J.

don't stop the weekend issues.
they tend to be the bond that keeps it all together.

an everyday reader



Don't take weekends off. I read you everyday.
I don't watch TV news anymore because of the Whore Virus that has affected all media.
We need your web presence in order to remain sane in this increasingly insane country of ours.



Your dedication to your site is an inspriation.
I read your site bottom to top every day, and when I can't,
I make sure to catch all of the back issues to make sure I didn't miss anything.
I look forward to the weekend issues, since I can read them from beginning to end
without being interrupted by work.


Godfather part II, Weekend Schedule

Hey bc --

I'm one of the ones who reads the page religiously, checking it twice a day,
seven days a week. That being said I would have no problem if you cut back
on weekends, either to an abbreviated Saturday-Sunday edition or dropping it
entirely. If comparatively few people read it, I can't blame you for
scheduling your efforts in the most productive manner. That's simply being
realistic. However if something big happens on a weekend, like the raid on
the "Miami relatives' " home last year, I think most of us would check in
more often for your comments.

If you are an unrepentant workaholic, sure, keep typing away. But I have no
problem with you taking it easy on weekends. Good for the mind & body. A
great burnout-preventer. Frankly, I'm surprised (and thankful) you've kept
up your output for so long without qutting the whole thing...

I'm forever happy with all of your editorial decisions, no matter how they turn out,

Chris O.

p.s. Watching "II" the other night, I came to the same conclusion that Ray
did re: Frankie Pentangeli. Consider that Roth "owned" Questad, the lawyer
on the Senate committee (played by Peter Donat who would later play Mulder's
dad on X-Files before it "jumped the shark".) (You know about
http://www.jumptheshark.com/ , don't you??) Consider also that the raid's
aftermath resulted in two witnesses in Federal custody that they could flip,
Pentangeli and Willy Cicci. Sure looks to me like Roth was trying to
manipulate the hearings to suit his own purposes.

I also think that part of Roth's motivation was revenge for Moe Green's
killing despite his claim that he "let it go ... because it had nothing to
do with business." He knew Michael was behind that. You could see his hatred
for Michael during that speech. Strasberg, the method actor, had to be using
that hatred & revenge as his motivation during that scene.

The bag o' money was just a stage prop in the grand chess game that Michael
and Roth were playing, if you'll allow the mixed metaphor...

Just a quick note,
I ALWAYS read what I missed over the weekend.

                       Chris Adams


I've been reading you for about 5 yrs now. I think you should continue with the weekend
editions, but maybe you should have TWO buttons at the bottom...one that says "previous edition,
it had everything" and one that says "yo, slacker, if this is Monday, the previous issue wasn't
FRIDAY's, Koresh there are two issues you've missed!".

I gotta admit, I have to make a mental effort (and my IQ is only 71.3) to check
the previous issues on Mondays if I don't get a chance to do web surfing on the weekend
(which is often because I'm on a koreshdamned computer 8-10 hrs/day M-F).

Brendan from NASA


I am one who goes to your site every day.  What if you did a Weekend edition
to cover both Saturdays and Sundays, and then could at least get one day off?
I'd sure miss it if I had to go from Friday to Monday without a fix,
although I would certainly understand.


Don't take weekends off

A great many people in Smirk's economy work 7 days a week,
so you should continue doing so. Keep Up!

BC -

How 'bout writing one issue for the weekends instead of two?

I'll admit that I sometimes miss a weekend issue, not because I
necessarily read you while at work, but because the weekends are always
packed with all the personal stuff you didn't get done during the week.

But I hate to think of you working so hard and not having people read issues.

Mary Beth


If Dubya can take a month at a time off then you should be able
to relax on the weekends with the miss and some fine Chinaco.

You've earned it, you deserve it!  Besides, you can save that material from
the weekend and make the weekdays I spend laboring that much more enjoyable.

The PsychoPhant

Not used to seeing Weekend Editions

Yes i read bartcop at work, but then again, they only pay me for half the work i do anyway

Senior Software Support Specialist
College of ________
Office of ________
______ Parkway
Bldg. XX Rm. XXX

Scott, I guess you're the guy I was trying to reach.


On Monday mornings I always Read the Previous Issue [because it had everything] after I finish The Latest. However, I realize that you've been on the job for the required 6 months to have earned a months vacation, and I wouldn't fault you for taking time off. Oh, I might mumble under my breath, "Who the Smirk does he think he is, taking the weekend off? That Hammer isn't going to grow itself higher!", but I realize that you spend more time making the Tree House a fun place to visit than Dubya spends mugging and photo-opping his way through the presidency.

Also, you have to consider that if you took a Smirkload of time off, I might actually devote the twenty minutes I normally spend reading each issue to getting work done, which would not doubt be that extra push that the Bush economy needs to really get going, and Jerry Garcia help us if Limbaugh had any pretense to claim that Shrub had a bona fide miracle to his credit. [You know he would.] One more and you-know-what happens. Or I might be lured to Green websites and become a Naderite. Did you even consider that possibility? But, hey, it's your call, BartCop. It's your Tree House [and Dubya's White House]. Do what you think best. [Like there was a chance you would do otherwise.]


I love the bonus issues on Monday, but on the other hand if it keeps ya
feeling fresh slack off a bit.  We don't want to keep you chained to us (much)!


Please don't take weekends off.   I read everything every day.


If you don't have the readership for  Sat/Sun editions, why not do a mega edition for Mondays?
I usually check in on the weekends, but not as regularly as I do during the week (from work!!!).

I enjoyed your rant on Sat re: "leaving your best friend behind."
That's the kind of stuff that keeps me reading bartcop.com.
I usually skip over anything to do with sports, Chinaco, corn, your various travels
and other non-political stuff.  But if doing that stuff keeps you sane, by all means...


Taking Weekends off?

No! No! No! No! shout the selfish fans. I'm one of those people who
reads you every day, Bartcop. And if I happen to notice that I missed an
issue, I go to the back issues to check it -- although I haven't missed
in a long time. But politics happen 24/7, and I start to suffer
withdrawal if I have go to long without my dose of Bartcop.

On the other hand, if you do consider taking weekends off, don't
consider it because of what your readers are doing, consider what you
need for yourself and act accordingly. It can't be easy doing this every
single day. So, I'll express my preference, but do what you think is
best for you, not us. Although, if you put that "previous issue" link up
top, it might get more hits, y'know...


I read both issues.  Now, I don't want you to feel obligated to work on the
weekends just because of me, but if there's an issue or event you want to
address that is going on during a weekend, I say write it down while it's
fresh in your mind.  When I come in Monday mornings, I check to see if
there's anything new since Friday anyhow.

I have to have my daily fix of Bartcop. PLEASE keep it coming.
It is my only thread of sanity in an ocean of daily media crap!!

Just today my Repug friends are gloating over the fact
that the economic indicators are up for the fourth month.
They say Bush isn't doing too bad. I want to scream!

James Martin

bc, I DO read you every day; at least when I'm home.  As a matter of fact,
you are my home page, so your page is the first thing I see every morning.
I took last weekend off to rescue my mother from the clutches of the rural
south to see if we can find a real doctor who actually believes in treating
the elderly, not just reminding them that you don't feel as good when you
get old.  Remind me to write a medicare rant at some point in the future.
But I digress.  I like to take weekends off.  Why shouldn't you?  I wouldn't
object to archival issues. Take care.

No, please don't take the weekends off!
I love seeing new stuff on Saturday and Sunday!
But don't burn yourself out, though.
Thanks BC and keep up the great work.


being a loyal reader, I do read your page every day (sometimes 2 or 3 times a day).
Having access to a computer only at work, I am not around on the weekends.
But, first thing I do Monday morning, is read the Saturday and Sunday issues,
and then I read the Monday issue.  Good thing I am not in charge of any nuclear devices!


Dear BC,
NO.  As long as the chimp is destroying the country, we can't afford to take any time off.
In my case, I'm killing myself grabbing all the extra jobs and overtime I can.
There's a real fear out here that we'll soon be in a terrible depression.

Anyway, as a faithful, daily (honest) Bartcop reader, I wasn't aware you published every day until recently.
Try a banner at the top of the page, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK..
Your faithful fans are tired and scared and in need of your Hammer.

I'm sending a little something to help keep you publishing, I wish it could be more.

No way, no how!!!
I need my bartcop fix DAILY!

Maybe smaller weekend pages?


 "I guess it's possible that half the readers just aren't into "back issues," but there was some good
stuff (not really) in the Saturday and Sunday issues that, according to the counter, about 98 percent of
half of you haven't seen, which leads me to my question - Should I take weekends off? "

>From the Green perspective, without a more open attitude, you could take the rest of your life off.

ha ha

I read it on the weekends--guess Greens are more loyal than the rest.
Scary, huh?

     Thanks to smirk and his ruined economy, I'm busier at home on the weekends than I am
during the week at work.  The only reason I have for going in to work Monday is to read the
back issues from the weekend.  I just wanted you to know that your work isn't going unappreciated.

    I've been reading your little page for almost a year, and have been so unoccupied at work that
I've been reading the back issues (I'm almost to 100, some great stuff in there!)  If this smirk economy
keeps up though, I'll be laid off before I can finish.  Oh well, something to do at home between bouts
of standing in line with the thousands of other formerly employed.  Maybe I should spend more time
at monster.com....

    NOT a complaint, but I wish you'd have put out a VCR alert on the TNN Jethro Tull concert sooner,
I'm a big Tull fan, but I'm so used to thinking of it as  T Nashville N, I don't even read the TV listings for it.
My loss.

    Keep up the good work,


I generally don't read Saturday's and Sunday's issues until Monday...
every now and then I'll hit your site during the weekend, but not often

My suggestion, take the weekend off, and compile the most urgent, and funny
stories and information you get during the weekend, for a larger Monday issue.

The weekend reports must continue! I, for one, read Bartcop every day of the
week, yes, even at work (like right now, hehe)

I don't understand the traffic counter for Sat. & Sun. That's when many of
us fill up the post board and chatroom like crazy, and we all know we must
never, NEVER, go into chat 'n post without reading Bartcop's main page,
lest we miss something and look stupid doing it.


NO!!!! Just because some of the readers are only 'weekday readers'
(or should that be 'workday readers'), there are plenty of us that are so fed up
with the bush-media, that we get our news from the web seven days a week.

Personaly, I email all kinds of info from your site to friends all over the country
and also to friends in Europe, so we can continue to get the word out that the
US is under a terrible cloud. Inormation is the key to getting this message out there.

I enjoy every issue, and always look forward to my daily dose.
Keep up the great work!


Everyday after I check my email I go to your page.  Maybe you could post a
link on Monday's page to the Weekend section (I know there's a link to the previous issue already).
Or how about one large post on Sunday?

You are the man.


Although, I enjoy reading whenever I get the chance, be it Monday, Saturday, or Sunday,
I think you should take the weekends off.  You could still update the reader, just not the main page.

eric dickson


Rarely do I go to back issues because I read you daily. However, for
some reason I wasn't on my computer yesterday, and clicked on 'previous
issue' today. If I hadn't, I would have missed a "coach" rant of mine you printed
which I sent so long ago I'd forgotten about it. There was also a good article by
Isaac and two cartoons I stole for a newsletter I send to Repub friends.

In other words, it pays to check previous issues.

Whether or not you do weekend issues is up to you of course.
But if you write 'em, I'll certainly read 'em.


No, please don't take weekends offf. I look forward to reading your site each day.
Thanks for bringing sunshine into so many lives.


No, please don't take weekends off.  I read you every day.
Those days when you're away and there's nothing new are starvation days!



I read everyday, except weekends, too busy.  On mondays I always try to read your back issues.
But, if I were you I would take the weekends off, but give me more during the week!

I really enjoy your site, keep up the good work.

madison, alabama

Personally, I read it every day.  If it doesn't "burn you out" to do weekend issues, keep doing them.
Maybe try a hiatus (for your own sanity) for a month or two.
Football season would be the perfect time to experiment with "weekends off" actually.

Best always,
Fr. Mushroom

I enjoy reading Barcop almost every single day.
Something I look forward to.
And I always check the previous issue if I wasn't able to get to it.

Thanks for being there and keep on providing sunshine


Psychology of Web Surfing 101

I noticed the same thing you did about the weekend edition.

On my website, http://www.way2muchsense.com, I notice that I get most of my hits on Thursday and Friday.
Now, no way am I as prolific as you, but I do update my page often enough to satisfy repeat visitors.
No, I can't prove I get repeat visitors.

Anyway, I stopped expecting to get large numbers of hits on weekends.
I'd say go with the USA Today model and publish one edition on Friday
to cover the weekend, and a rather large one on Monday to cover what we would have missed.

You want weekends off?? Geesh, next you'll be wanting an ENTIRE MONTH OFF,
and expect us to act like FOX, CNN, NBC, etc.., and tell you what a great job your doing!

All the while you'll be off chugging down Bombay Saphires, and spending an inordinate amount of time
looking for revealing pics of Britney Spears (for future issues??) ha!

I suppose next you'll want people to write all your rants, tell you how great you are,
and type up 3x5 cards for you to read on your Net Radio Show....

Are you doing anything in 2004?
Karl Rove has a good job for ya...
Oh nevermind, if you read this far down without losing attention, you're over qualified...

I am one of the 50% who read you on weekends so my gut reaction to this question was hell no.
But, I am not the one who has to be creative and funny seven days a week, either.
I prefer a fresh Bartcop on Monday morning if it comes down to burnout or feeling stale.

In other words, it's up to you -- we will support you no matter what.


El Bicho Says:....

BC, I check in a multiplicity of times per day...

I pop in a minimum of 3 times a day...and usually up to 20 times...
Yes!...'Cause I know you are always addin' somethin' new....
BTW, I do the same for BuzzFlash...I'm lookin' for the latest and greatest....

Then, sometimes, I have to re-read another salient point...
just to remind me exactly why I am a Democrat...

El Bicho

How about this, Bart...

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

It's YOUR thing, whatcha gonna do?! If you feel a good rant coming on,
something important happens, and you just can't keep it in... publish it on
the weekend ... use a link to it on Monday if you're afraid it may be missed.

If you have a hangover, or just nothing to say... take one day, or even both days off if you want.


Hey BC-
As a loyal reader I definitely get to your site on Saturday and Sunday- It's a lot more informative
and has more laughs than the Times, LA or NY- anyway, for the amount of work that I know
this site is for you I would certainly not hold it against you if you took the weekend off....

Keep up the good work and a shot of Chinaco Anejo to you my friend.
Los Angeles, Ca

Please don't take weekends off.  I look forward to reading your page every day.
I do computer stuff for a living and I don't want to turn my computer on during the
weekends so I do read at work.  I can't get enough  of this stuff and I do read the back issues.

Keep up the good work.
Your page and mediawhores and buzzflash are keeping me sane.



You deserve to take weekends off but I hope you don't.  I'm in the half that checks your site almost every day.
 I was pleasantly surprised to not only see full issues Saturday and Sunday but to see them posted early.
And I do click "previous issue" to see if there's something I might've missed.
I don't always agree with you but I always enjoy reading you.
You're doing good.  Keep it up!

I read every day...and if I don't 'cause I'm on a not infrequent enough business trip,
I read all the way back through past issues to where I last read.
And I follow 99% of the links.  I think I read all the back issues.

If you didn't have week end issues I would survive just fine though.
I really should get out more anyway <g>



I read BartCop every day and look forward to the fresh stuff on the weekends. My vote is to keep it daily.
That said, I would understand if you wanted to give your staff the weekends off (har de har har).

Either way, you've still got a loyal reader in me.

Los Angeles

Even God took a day off


I read you everyday possible, (even catch the back issues when I miss)
but I personally think YOU would be fresher, healthier, and happier.

Heck, no Bartcop!
Just run a Saturday-Sunday version.
Or not.
Just keep printing the good stuff M-F.

I read Weekend Issues! (and love them)

        Hey Bart, been with you from the beginning, and read the weekend issues
(either when they come out or monday). I don't visit the archives much because
I've read it all before... one thing I would like to see is an update on those Klan rallies,
I remember reading your report on that one way-back-when you were on http://www.ctyme.com/bartcop
it would be fun to hear some more reports from the shallow end of the gene pool.

        Keep Writing,

If I work the weekend I read.
Otherwise, I read during my lunch hour during the week.
Don't want to miss anything! You're brilliant.


        When I get in on Monday at my HOME PC (cough) I read until I get to an issue I read before.
Then, I read a little more to make sure it is old. I don't go to the back issues section.
I keep clicking previous issue at the bottom of the page.
Does that affect the number of hits a page gets?
Do I have to go to the back issues section to register a hit?
You better check it out because I read it all.


....uhh, ...you may have solved the riddle.

The people hitting "Previous Issue" go right to that issue and wouldn't show up on the "back" page.

I'm so stupid!

That means this whole page is pointless...


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