I'm one of those who's visited many times during the week and wondered how in heck you got so "famous" putting up
a few bleary-eyed paeans to cactus juice. I didn't realize until this week you did all the good stuff on the weekend.

As a software developer and former teacher, I strongly suggest you do NOT take weekends off, instead ADD
some clear, easy to use navigation to all your "back issues." At the very least, you could keep a list
(always near the top) of links to articles by title, for the last seven issues or so.

It would also be nice to be able to search by date, topic, and keywords,
so we can see how many times "lie" and "rove" come up in the same day ;-).


My appreciation for your 7 days a week page

Hi Bartcop--

I check three places in the morning (AMPOL, Bushwatch, Buzzflash) where I go through
their news referrals and four sites at night (Buzzflash again, Democrats.com, Media Whores,
and to top the night off and leave a good, positive taste I always check Bartcop just before
I turn off the computer.  My kids are usually still up (they're not kids anymore) so I share what
I've just read on your page. Sometimes they hear me laughing out loud in the studio control room,
where the Mac is.  Please don't take off the weekend! I'd have nothing to look forward to after the gig!



Why don't you save all 3 on Mondays page,
I try to read them, but sometimes I do have a life.

                                                                Keep Hammerin'

Weekends Off


YES!  You deserve it.
"People of the world, relax!"

Chill on the weekends, bud.

- DT


Don't tell me that you are letting our moron occupant influence you with his work habits.
Just kidding.

Take weekends off if you want but I read Bartcop everyday.
Maybe do a Saturday issue and take off Sunday.
Bush & co like to pull some shit around 5:00 on Fridays.
I guess because Saturday is a slow news day.
Wouldn't want you to miss writing about it.

Please do not take weekends off.
Winter is coming on sooner than we all would like and you
are one of my indoor hobbies besides a daily stop along with buzzflash.




Hey Bartcop,
This guy (me) reads ALL issues.
You could even have a morning and evening edition and I would read them both.

Thanks for being there,


I love to read Bartcop on the weekends, but if you took weekends off,
the 'labor rights' part of me would be perfectly happy.

laurie b

: Weekends off -- NOT!

I beg you. Please do not take weekends off! I swear I would get the
d.t.'s if I couldn't read you every day. Does our coup-imposed, weak and
stupid non-president take weekends off?.....Let me re-phrase that....
Even though the unelected Smirk DOES take weekends (and weekdays) off,
the Bush Family Evil Empire never sleeps! We must have you to counteract
their dastardly ways, even on weekends. Keep fighting!

- Karen

stay on

no dude,  I read your page on the weekends.
Keep going unless you really want to take the weekend off and I can understand that.
Erik M

weekend edition

hi bart!
i vote you get a little rest. seven days of publishing is rough for anyone.
heck, even God took a day off after putting in six!  ;)
of course, you can still do a special weekend edition, should dubya accidently push the little red button.
there may be a few survivors left around to read it!

Keep the weekend editions.
Also it would help to either name or number each issue at the top.
When I go to check the back issues I don't realize I have already read it
until I get into the body of the report.

Keep up the good work.

I read you every day..gets my adrenalin flowing!!

I hope i'm in the majority here, Bartcop.


Hey BC,

Busted.  I read BC.com at work, but rarely at home on the weekends.
In my job I stare at the computer monitor 8+ hours a day, so I do everything
possible to avoid it on the weekends.  You should take the weekends off, too.


Weekends - go easier bro'

How about just adding to a weekend page as you see fit? Not necessarily a
full issue, just what you have time to whip up. A few items here... a couple
items there. Kind of a running, two day edition. I'd rather that you take
time off to live your life than be glued to your keyboard and get burned
out. Have prominent links to friday's edition on the Bartcop Lite weekend
edition. I generally don't have as much time to horse around on the computer
on the weekends myself. Take a weekend off once in awhile too. Heck, take
most weekends off if you want to. It's nice to know that you and Mrs.
Bartcop have a life. How about a few days on the beach in Negril, mon?

                Later gator,

Weekends off?

Hell no!
Just put a link for Saturday and Sunday and they will come!
Most people probably don't realize you're a 24/7 kinda guy!


No Weekends Off


Just  my two centavos: Unless you feel you need a break from the
treehouse, don't take weekends off. Even when I don't get a chance to
read the weekend issues, I love coming in Monday morning and having two
or more entire bartcop updates to read. So that's my vote.


The answer to your question is yes.

Simone in Austria

Weekends off, Gawd no.
Yer pages on the weekend (and daily) help ...

keep the world in perspective.  I read your stuff first, daily, then am
prepared to read all the really bad news 'out there.'  Am not a dittohead
about your stuff but it does get me to laughing and then I can tolerate the rest.

Bob from Klamath Falls.

Take the weekends off...Smirk does.

 bart, im one of the hundred that reads the weekend issues on monday. yes.
 i read them at work. i sneak in early. read. then jump off. i enjoy your
 rants and logic. it all makes sense to me. keep up the good fight,


I didn't know you did seperate weekend issues.  I thought you used to leave
an issue up for a couple days, adding as the days went on.  Can you write
Saturday-Sunday-Monday as one issue?  Didn't you used to do that?
I read this weekend's issues.

I don't notice changes unless there's a big honkin' sign.


Weekend Publication

Unless you are competely exhausted and need a long Tequila break
defintely continue publishing the weekend editions.
I completely enjoy your site and need my daily bartcop fix.

Hi, Lanny

i would prefer that you publish on weekends

should you take weekends off?

maybe some readers don't realize you post new stuff on the weekends

Weekends - Yes, No, Maybe

I love BC being on the weekends and often read it everyday - even weekends.
But I could live without it on weekends, as I am more likely to read it during the
week and why not just have the weekend content in the weekday content?
Plus, I should stay off the computer on weekends and do other things,
so if no Bartcop, that would be much easier to do.
What does Betty say?  Probably at least take off Sunday!
Keep up the great job.


Remember, no one used to have a habit of reading Weekend Edition.
You were too busy drinking Chinaco.
I only recently figured to check every day.
Give us poor peons a break.

We LOVE you, Bart....we read everything.
But frankly, you had NO updates on the weekend until recently.
hey, when's the Vegas thing?

I didn't know I could go a whole weekend without having an opinion on something.
The Vegas thing is ...uncertain.

Where is it written that you have to work weekends?
Hell even the Christian  diety took a day  off.


I read BC everyday, even weekends and during the workday.
I don't care if my employer knows, screw 'em.
But I tell you what, you need to take the weekend off to keep the old juices flowing.
However, if something significant happens during the weekend,
like Pigboy is out surfing in Florida and some sharks are out in the water, too -- well, you know.
Have a good one.

I don't know about the rest of the group...  but I read every day regardless.
Bartcop has become my with-coffee heart-starter (as you can tell by the time of the e-mail).

I can understand the desire for a weekend off, but I just wanted to
reply in the affirmative.  I know there isn't a whole lot that 10000 or
so pissed-off middle-or-below-income people can do spread throughout the
country against the GOPstapo Freedom Rape Machine, but knowing I'm not
the only crazy mother-effer out there that notices all the Orwellian
double-talk hypocracy is what keeps me from drowning myself in my bowl
of Lucky Charms every morning.

I'll put in my bits to Grow the Hammer Higher after all the financial
fallout from medical bills is cleared up - just know that in the
present, you've got a 24-7 torch-bearer in Akron.



Weekends  off?

I read Bartcop every day and if I'm not home on the weekend,
I read Monday's issue and then hit the back issue button to see Saturday and Sunday's issues.
It may be that people are off on summer vacations and that's why the weekends are not being
looked at right now.  Wait a while.


As one who reads your comments everyday, and often goes to your site several times a day
to see if there are updates, I say no, don't take weekends off.  Work all the time!

Leisure might lead to all kinds of problems, including pox and rash.
You can't take that chance.
Seriously, I enjoy your work a lot.
Keep it up (if you can - I'm amazed you are willing to put as much time as you do into it.)

I would go for the compromise solution.  Publish something on Saturday, and take Sunday off.
That way, I have one less column to read on Sunday night (I try not to spend Saturday night online).

BTW, I actually do read you almost every night.

Why not do a shortened weekend edition????

Why not do a shortened weekend edition, or just take the weekend off?
I look at your stuff almost every day, really I do :-), but you ARE
allowed some time away from the terminal, you know.

I notice that my email volume drops off on the weekends, too.
Maybe we're just too addicted.......


PLEASE don't take weekends off!


Thanks for the response.  Do me a favor, tho...if you DO print any of it,
please just identify me as "DFL".  I've got some REAL enemies at OmniChat
that I would prefer not to know my real name.  I know you understand how that goes!

Thanks again for your great work.


Don't turn out the light of democracy

Bartcop:  You are now much too important a voice in this American media
wilderness to take any time off at all!  No kidding.  You have simply set the
bar too high.  I read you every day (I read the back issues when I have to to
accomplish this boast).

Best wishes, Rai

Dear Bartcop,

I'm one of the people who, as you put it, ha-ha, read Bartcop every day.
I enjoy the weekend issues too, so please put me down as a vote for weekend issues.

By the way, I live in Fayetteville.
You mentioned once that you used to hang out at the pool hall.
When were you here?


Conrad, you in Arkansas?
I left Fayettenam in 1976.

Lived at Rogers Rec for several years,

weekends off?

Oh god, no honey. I just can't navigate too well
yet. I read you like the last life line I have in the
entire shrinking universe. I read you like there was
only just this much oxygen in the room and you were a hookah.

Does that make sense?

Sigh. Love ya babe.

Helmboy, having a hard time getting it all across

 I think we will continue the weekend editions,
 but that combo Saturday-Sunday might be a good compromise.

 Thanks to all who wrote.

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