Feedback on Wednesday's Politically Incorrect/BartCop rant
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1.  Her name is Sarah SilverMAN, not Silverton

2.  Bill Maher let her get screamed at, but in other shows he asked black
women and men what makes the term "nigger" opffensive if they use it themselves

3.  It seems to me that it is no longer the CONTEXT you say something in,
but just the word itself.  In other words, if I was to be heard saying "Some guy called him a nigger",
I would be grouped in with the same bunch who actually CALLED them a nigger.

4.  NBC refused to show an episode of LAW & ORDER after it was originally aired because it
depicted the wildings that happened in NY during the Puerto Rican parade.  The minority leadership
decided that it portrayed Puerto Ricans and Blacks bad, so they protested and NBC caved.  Why?
Thisevent actually happened!  It wasn't like NBC made the story up!  And besides, the actual criminal
in the end turned out to be white. But you didn't hear about that portion.

The problem is that when a group makes noise, people don't use logic anymore, they automatically
don't want the bad press, so they cave.   And that my friends is censorship.  Just because one person
doesnt like one thing, should all of us be deprived?  Isn't that what an on/off switch is for?
I mean, I belong to the NRA and I smoke, but I still read Bartcop everyday.

C'mon people lighten up!

     From: (login TheLiberalMedia)
     (from the discussion boards, I don't have an e-mail for him/her)

     Bartcop is WAY off on this david spade thing....

     I watched PI last night and BC is WAY off on David Spade.

     He was not doing some cry baby spoiled white boy thing. He made a very good and very valid point
     about the glaring inconstancy between saying that we are all equal and should all be treated the
     same, yet having things like The Latin Grammy Awards.

     On one hand many of these groups have preached inclusion and desegregation for years and years,
     but now many of them are also doing things like creating black only or latin only events. They get a
     pass on this, while if some group did a whites only event, that wouldn;t fly.

     A good example is the protesting of white people moving into Harlem.
     It is self-imposed segregation and there is a HUGE double standard.

     Picture two scenarios….

     First you have a group of black people protesting the gentrification of their neighborhoods in Harlem.
     Basically saying they don’t want white people coming in and messing with their property values.

     Second you have a group of KKK members protesting blacks moving into their neighborhoods. Basically
     saying they don’t want black people coming in and messing with their property values.

     Which one is viewed as more racist and more hateful? They are essentially the exact same thing, the
     same reaction based on the same racial fear and prejudice. Yet there is a clear double standard in
     how the actions of each group are viewed. Can you imagine the outrage that we’d see if a bunch of
     white guys were protesting Colon Powell setting up offices in Manhattan? There would be a shit storm
     of controversy, whereas the black protesters in Harlem hardly caused anybody to raise an eyebrow.

     Spade was making a valid point about this inconsistency. If a black guy says he has black pride, that’s
     ok, but if a white guy says he has white pride, he’s instantly branded a racist. That assumption is, in
     and of itself, a racial stereotype against whites.

     I agree with everything else BC said about the show,
     but he really missed where spade was coming from.

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