The 'dumbing down' of America
   by Laurah D

The dumbing down of America (ddoA) "campaign" has been so
astonishingly successful, that i directly attribute its victory to the manifestation
of an American president whose time has arrived ... George W. Bush.

I have lost precious sleep pondering how anyone could possibly ...
... vote for ... stand behind ... justify his actions and blithering  ...
... defend his idiotic and dangerous decisions ...
... refuse to see ...that he (and his henchmen) represent BIG OIL and BIG Corporations, SOLELY.
While, to our faces, he merely FEIGNS  caring about the average citizen,
(COMPASSIONATE CONSERVATISM !  WHAT a load of oxymoronian horse hockey !!!)
... and finally ... HOW can anyone possibly, 'stomach' his smirky arrogance ?

America's dumbing/numbing down, is the only feasable answer
that allows me to return to my sleep in the wee small hours.
To my way of thinking, those US citizens, who think he's 'a swell guy',
have IQ's that very nearly match his.
They sense, unconsciously, a comradery with him that assists in overlooking ...
... nay ... in an out & out DENIAL of his seriously flawed character !

He has inherited the heart of his pater familias, which is as hard and small
as a walnut  (no offense to walnuts!) ... that is, if it, in fact, exists at all !

This dumbing/numbing is so heinously insidious that the dumbed/numbed ones
haven't the faintest inkling they've been 'stupidified' by outside forces;
utilizing such tactics, as tainting our water, air, food, media ...  What ever ...
They'll 'get' us one way or another.
It's been a slow process, though,
akin to the ol' 'frog in the pot', gradually being brought to a boil.

I have existed in a fairly constant state of alarm ever since I heard hewas running for President.
My blood pressure raises upon hearing his name.   I scream at the TV when his beady-eyed, loathsome
form appears.  My rage becomes uncontrollable, should I engage in conversation with anyone who defends him.

My sister and I no longer speak  because she voted for him.
... And ... I unabashedly torment my ex-husband  (who, is a 'Pig Boy'
listener, and also, a perfect example of someone who USED to be intelligent !)
with e-mailed exerpts from  It is my feeble attempt to awaken him
from the hypnotic dumbed-down trance within which he 'slumbers'.
I'm almost certain, that by now, he simply deletes them without ever reading them.

ONE of the (many) things that 'gall' me, is that no matter what forum in which
GWB is discussed, (I am an avid follower of C-span's A.M. Washinton Journal)
I have yet to hear anyone address the FACT that the 'boy king' is a mere, cardboard facsimile of a president.

WHY oh  WHY can not America SEE that the true purpose of GWB's
"SELECTION" was to RESEAT his (once CIA, always CIA) father and his REGIME ???
(Find/view the tapes, "The Panama Deception" and  "Destination, Argentina"
to get a REAL, TRUE  'feel' for the monsters who are now in charge.)
Cannot any ONE recognise gestapo rule, when it is perpetrated upon them ???
I want to shout it from the rooftops,

Georgie Porgie, Puddin' Pie 'kissed' us all and made us cry ...

... But, he ain't OUR President.  GOD HELP US !
He ain't our President.

Laurah D.

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