The Fence around the White House
   by Mike Lordi
I am amazed at what has gone unnoticed in this country, the latest outrage being that
the Resident in Thief is going to be allowed to install barb wire fence around an are of DC.
There are so many aspects to this that are unconstitutional or against the Republican theory
or "access to the White House", that it amazes me.  So here are my arguments:
1.  It is against the Freedom of Speech
        The Constitution does not say you can protest only in designated areas.
2.  It is against the Freedom of Assembly
        So we are allowed to assemble, but only where we are told?
Isn't that exactly what that part of the Constitution was meant to stop???
3.  The Republicans were so against the barriers meant to stop terrorist bombers from hitting the
White House, but Koresh forbid some of their countrymen want to protest.....
4.  Mayor Guiliani lived in the Gracie Manor, and had his girlfriend staying there.  His wife wanted her
out, so she filed an injunction against her.  The judge ruled that SINCE IT IS A RESIDENCE TOO,
she can't be there.  Isn't the White House a residence?  So can I put up barb wire around MY house?
Of course not.
5.  Why is this not being more widely reported in the press?
Shouldn't tourists that are coming to the US know that their plans will be interrupted?
6.  Isn't this a little too reminiscent of the Berlin Wall?
They started with a barb wire fence too.  Is it too much of a stretch to think that they won't wall in
DC with the excuse "It is for the President's protection"?
I have an idea.  Why don't you (or one of the people you know who are going to protest) file a lawsuit
against the fence saying it is unconstitutional?  I wonder if it would get any press if you did?
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