Subject: 9-11 in 300 words
i know you're always looking for the simplest
explanation of 9/11, so hopefully this will do.
1) the pentagon
whatever hit the pentagon was not a plane. it
left only a small single hole (no damage from the engines),
no debris on the lawn, and made it through multiple
reinforced-concrete walls (nine feet in total). many
personnel on the scene recall smelling cordite,
an explosive found in missles. in that 'wedge' of the pentagon
that was hit were civilian auditors investigating
a 2.3 trillion dollar discrepancy in the pentagon budget.
rumsfeld announced that the money was missing
and declared a 'war on waste' on september10th, 2001.
2) world trade center
it was not brought down by the planes. it was
said that 2000 degree heat from the fire melted the steel;
that structural steel would not melt until 3000
degrees. in fact, it's tested to withstand 2000 for two hours
without weakening. however, there were big pools
of molten steel in the sub sub basements of WTC 1, 2
and 7 found a month after the attack. before
9/11, a steel building had never collapsed from fire, and no
building had collapsed symmetrically (straight
down, into its own footprint) without being a planned demolition.
all three buildings had fires in random places,
but somehow fell straight down, the concrete getting pulverized
to dust along the way.
3) pennsylvania 'crash'
investigators at the site of the supposed flight
93 crash found no debris from a plane, and the coronor reported
finding not a single drop of blood. also, it
was not possible to place a cell phone call from 30,000 feet in 2001.
swing it, |