In the immediate, before-it-sinks-in aftermath of the September 11 attack,
one of the first catch-phrases to take hold--and be
widely deployed by TV commentators, politicians and citizen e-mailers--was,
"this changes everything." As the media clich?
goes, time will tell how much of American life will be altered by the
assault. Clearly, politics as we know it will not be the same
in the weeks and months, and perhaps years, ahead. As Tim Russert observed,
while hellish dust clouds billowed, "Suddenly
the Social Security lockbox seems so trivial."
The hideous event will naturally dominate the national conversation.
There will be little media space for other matters. The
budget battle, the disappeared surplus, the Bush tax cuts, campaign
finance reform, patients' bill of rights, trade tussles, global
warming--Washington's agenda will be overwhelmed by the attack, to
the President's distinct advantage. And the terms of
political discussion will dramatically shift--again, mostly to George
W. Bush's advantage. Two hours after the first explosion,
Representative Curt Weldon, a Republican from Pennsylvania, declared,
"The number-one responsibility" of the government is
not education or healthcare but the "security of the American people."
And national security hawks quickly began to shape the
debate to come. The issue for them is not what causes such unimaginable
actions. On Day One did you hear anyone--in an
attempt to understand, not justify, the horror--ask, Why would someone
want to commit this evil act? Or note that in this
globalized age, US policy--its actions and inactions overseas (justified
or not)--can easily lead to consequences at home? No,
the national security cadre, out in force, mainly raised questions
of how best to bolster the military and intelligence
Before rescue efforts were up and running, the friends of that establishment
were mounting an offensive. Former Secretary of
State James Baker blamed the Church Committee, the Senate panel that
investigated CIA misdeeds in the 1970s, for what
happened: "We went on a real witch hunt with our CIA...the Church Committee.
We unilaterally disarmed in terms of
intelligence." Newt Gingrich assailed rules on intelligence gathering
that limit CIA interaction with known terrorists, and he
asserted that the intelligence budget (about $30 billion) was "too
small." Others decried the prohibition on
government-sponsored assassination. Dan Quayle urged that the President
be granted "extraordinary powers internationally and
domestically" to deal with terrorists. (Asked what he had in mind,
Quayle replied, "I'm not going to get too specific.") John
McCain, Orrin Hatch and Bob Graham--the last of whom chairs the Senate
Intelligence Committee--griped that the United
States has concentrated too much on technical intelligence (spy satellites
and high-tech eavesdropping) and has been negligent
in the ways of "human intelligence"--humint, in the parlance of spies.
More money would have to be poured into humint, they
and others remarked. Hatch also complained that "we've allowed our
military to deteriorate" and that the "Russians have a
better tactical fighter than we do." Former Secretary of State Lawrence
Eagleburger used the moment to claim that "the defense
budget is woefully underdone."
Some hawks and others did criticize US intelligence for failing to detect
the plot. Kenneth Katzman, a terrorism expert at the
Congressional Research Service, said, "How nothing could have been
picked up is beyond me--way beyond me. There's a
major, major intelligence failure, specially since the [previous] Trade
Center bombing produced such an investigation of the
networks and so much monitoring." No doubt, there will be official
inquiries. But the knee-jerk goal for most of the inquirers
will be additional funds for the intelligence community and the Pentagon.
The spies will defend their actions and plead, if only
our hands were not tied, if only we had more money.
Given the horrors of the attack, these pleas will probably have resonance.
But the operating assumptions at work deserve close
assessment. Human intelligence against closed societies and secret
outfits has long been a difficult, almost impossible, endeavor.
Hurling money at it is likely no solution. During the Vietnam War,
when resources were unlimited, the CIA failed spectacularly
at humint, essentially never penetrating the inner sanctums of the
enemy. Its record of infiltrating the Soviet government was
unimpressive (and the same goes for China, Cuba and other targets).
As for lifting existing restrictions, imagine the dilemmas
posed if the CIA actually managed to recruit and pay murderous members
of terrorist groups. What would the reaction be, if
one of the September 11 conspirators turns out to have had a US intelligence
Do not be surprised if the national security establishment even tries
to accelerate its push for Star Wars II before the debris is
cleared. The event tragically demonstrated the limits of a national
missile defense system. (And consider how much worse the
day would have been had the evildoers smuggled a pound of uranium onto
any of the hijacked flights.) But the loudest theme in
American politics--perhaps the only audible theme--in the time ahead
will be the quest for security. With those drums beating,
the fans of national missile defense will continue to argue that this
remains a dangerous world full of suicidal maniacs wishing the
United States harm and that all steps must be taken as fast as possible.
Moreover, how many politicians will now question
Bush's budget-busting request to raise Pentagon spending by 10 percent?
Speaking about Bush, Senator Hillary Clinton said,
"We will support him in whatever steps he deems necessary." Whatever
As the nation absorbed the shock, leaders and media observers repeated
the nostrum that the best way for the country to
respond to such a foul crime is to return to normal and signal that
the nation's spirit and resolve cannot be undermined. In that
vein, one challenge is to not allow the attack to distort the country's
political discourse. Unfortunately, extremism begets
extremism, and the dark smoke of a dark day will not be easily blown