One week ago, three hours into the terrorist attack on America,
I qualified what I was about to write with the following words:
"By the time you read it, you'll know much more than I do now."
That was not intended to be so prophetic.
Just think about how much more we all know now than we did just one
week ago.
Not merely about the details -- that would be the case in any big story
-- but about who we are as a people, as a species.
How long ago was it that mention of national treasure Rudy Giuliani
evoked a joke about his marriage or sex life? Eight years?
Try eight days.
One week ago Monday, if someone asked you to name a hero,
would you have mentioned a fireman or policeman? Doubtful.
How worried would you have said you felt about the threat of terrorism?
We've aged decades in less than a week.
No event in our history has torn our hearts or bound our spirits like
No event has educated us like this.
No event has changed us like this.
It's not all good. As one who finds himself supporting a war for the
first time in his life
-- I'll continue to wear opposition to both the Vietnam and Persian
Gulf fiascoes as
a badge of honor -- it gives me no pleasure that I wake up hoping to
hear that Osama
bin Laden and anyone associated with him, anyone remotely involved
in organized terrorism, is dead.
But that's what I do for the first time in my life: hope someone else
gets killed. Indeed, when
President George W. Bush said Monday that bin Laden was wanted "dead
or alive,"
I shuddered at the "alive" part. Can you imagine how much terrorism
would ensue
in the name of freeing this rodent were he to be incarcerated?
This is not my customary tone. Then again, as I found after last week's
this subject doesn't lend itself to customary anything.
The response I have received in the past week has been overwhelming
and largely positive
-- a stunning development attributable to national unity and the subject
matter, not the piece
-- and many of the comments have been prefaced with the obligatory
"I can't believe I'm agreeing with you...."
A few individuals wondered whether I had changed.
Well, yes. Haven't you?
But a truly unexpected part of this is how alienated I've felt from
fellow "progressives," especially
those speaking the words of peace, understanding and "violence not
begetting violence," words I
might normally be uttering myself. The likes of bin Laden will never
give peace a chance,
nor should they be allowed to at this point.
As a left-leaning friend whose home is just a few blocks from the World
Trade Center site
told me Monday, "Bring these progressives to Ground Zero and see what
they have to say."
One other point: In a letter published this week I am accused of harboring hatred for Muslims and their religion.
It seems I suggested last week that to those who would declare a jihad
(Muslim holy war against nonbelievers)
against us, we ought to "give them the best jihad-in-return that a
$300 billion military budget can buy."
This, my critics suggest, placed me on my "bigoted horse" and amounted
to advocating "hating and
killing through stereotypes, racism and religious intolerance."
At the peril of committing further political incorrectness, I'll let
my statement stand. But it seems obvious
that the "jihad-in-return" (a clumsy phrase, I admit) should be aimed
at those who declare the freaking jihad,
not all -- or, really, more than a tiny sliver -- of the world's Muslim
Hello out there! There are 1.2 billion souls who adhere to the Islamic
faith on this planet, and the estimates
I've heard say there are as few as 5,000 key command-and-control types
to be eradicated in the
major international terrorist groups.
Get out your calculators. That's one person in 240,000 who's our enemy.
Muslims are not the enemy
of our nation. Terrorists falsely claiming to represent the Islamic
faith are our enemy, and they are the
ones who have specifically called for a jihad, over and over.
To them I say "jihad-in-return," not to Muslims anywhere, much less
everywhere. And let me repeat
one other thing from last week: "By no means should any ire be turned
on the millions of Muslims in this
country, who are every bit as much American as anyone else."
Could that be any clearer? We should be ashamed of -- and heavily prosecute
the perpetrator of
-- any terrorist incident aimed at Arab-Americans, Muslims or any other
ethnic group perceived to
be associated with the enemy. It's racism. It's wrong.
This speaks to the delicacy of America's mission. In a perfect world,
high-tech laser technology would
simply be used to vaporize the command-and-control types of the terrorist
groups, gangland-style,
and we'd go about our business.
In the real world, we must weave our way through a maze of complexities
related to, among other factors,
fundamentalist Muslim influences in dozens of nations. We must be sensitive
-- and I believe the Bush
administration is -- to the need to make this a war on terrorists,
not on Muslims.
To me, this shouldn't be about vengeance, no matter how soothing that
might feel when it comes.
This is the most pragmatic of tasks: Either we systematically crush
the well-funded and sophisticated
organizations of international terror or the entire world -- people
of all nationalities, cultures and faiths
-- will continue to be plagued with fear and uncertainty.
We should strive to do this with the absolute minimum loss of innocent
life in Afghanistan and elsewhere,
albeit with the recognition that war remains hell. We should try to
make this as multinational and civilized as possible.
At home, we should remain vigilant in minimizing the loss of civil liberties
and the gain of bad political ideas,
such as stupendous Star Wars spending and more tax cuts for the rich.
We need to keep the new wave
of patriotism funneled positively, not against dissenters.
There. I haven't shifted that much, after all.
But when it comes to the terrorist enemy, we should still want nothing but blood, nothing less than total victory.
That much we know like never before.
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