Subject: the $43 million
Couldn't help but notice the cartoon about the
$43 million we gave to the Taliban.
Like you, I also jumped on the bandwagon of this
story, but I'm afraid, like the accusation
concerning the bogus footage at CNN, this is
an inaccuracy we better nip in the bud.
There was a middleman. The $43 million was given
from the US to the UN who used it to
supply humanitarian aid, like food and medicine,
to the people of Afghanistan, supposedly bypassing
the Taliban altogether. Since this is precisely
the action recommended on your site in
"An Alternate Form of Action" from the Daily
Brew, I think it's time to call it quits on this particular accusation.
Did the humanitarian aid actually GET to the people
of Afghanistan?
Did any of it end up in the hands of the Taliban?
Different story.
Michael, yes, that's a problem.
Even if we just sent food, the taliban can hijack that shipment, give
half the food
to its army, then trade the other half for cash to give to bin Laden.
Let somebody else finance bin Laden.
Subject: That jerkoff President of ours
It was really refreshing and *very* surprising
to see Smirk stealing ideas from
Sens. Gary Hart, D-Colo., and Warren Rudman,
R- N.H last night. These are the guys
who put together the Hart-Rudman report, and
the ones who first thought up the idea
of the "Secretary of Homeland Defense"
position and to make it a cabinet-level position.
Nice to see Smirk steal the idea and take
all the credit.
Bush let this report SIT since he was inaugurated
(released 11 days later) without acting on it.
Instead, he let The Pacemaker head up another
commission that would have most likely duplicated
the findings of Hart-Rudman--if the Pacemaker
would have been thorough enough (Hart-Rudman
took 30 months; Smirk told the Pacemaker he had
6 months to pull together his report).
Turns out, this bipartisan commission had some
GREAT ideas that could have been helpful.
Now since its time to score political points,
Smirk acts upon it.
Here's the executive summary of the Report:
Ryan, he did the same thing in Texas.
He worked against some health care bill for children.
When it passed without his signature, he told America it was
"an example of how he worked to bring both
sides together,"
...and the whore press knew it but they refused to call him on it
because their boss, Mr. Rove told them it wasn't a good story.
Subject: Your best
Show the proof......No shit.
But Karl Rove isn't the mastermind behind this
carefully-orchestrated manipulation.
He doesn't have the skills of experience via
trial and error. That could only be one person.
Who was out of sight and out of mind last night?
Who was part of hiring a PR firm to sell the Gulf War
to the people? Who has the real power to create
a press blackout should he choose to, after seeing
first hand what happens when America gets a load
of its kids getting slaughtered ?
Richard Bruce Cheney. It ain't Rove, he's small
time. As Hyman Roth said of Frankie Pentangeli, small potatoes.
Cheney's fingerprints are all over this, the
strategy of an endless war, because Plan A, which worked ten years ago,
won't work now. Keep America on wartime footing
for as long as it takes means that opposition can be effectively
and legally squelched--only someone that was
knee-deep in Iran Contra would have had the brains to come up with this,
an elusive bogeyman that will never live long
enough to testify in front of the Senate. There's your boy.
Last night I watched the Taliban reiterate over
and over about how if the US wants bin Laden, they have to show
some evidence that he's responsible. My initial
reaction was, 'you arrogant bastards' and then it hit me--in any other
accusation, that's exactly what they do. But
because of the press steam-roll and script (''it has to be bin-Laden,
and he's pundit #31 to explain why"), even I
was swept up. We're ASSUMING that bin Laden is guilty because
that's what we've been told since Day One. But
there hasn't even been enough hard evidence to charge the dude
on a RICO violation--no one has ratted him out,
no tapes, nothing. We're so keen on immediate vengeance that
nobody has had the balls to say, 'hey, we remember
Waco and impeachment, show us the proof, too'.
Innocent until proven guilty, remember?
Nah, too much like work, let's lynch the sucker
on the say-so of people that we wouldn't loan a nickel to ordinarily.
To get the public to go for this over their increasing
(and healthy) skepticism requires the genius of a long-time pro
who's already made too many mistakes. That's
Uncle Dick (not unlike Uncle Joe, as in Stalin, folks, these poppas
don't brook no dissent, here?). Rove--not a chance.
Meet the same boss who already was the old boss
and there's your boy.
Johnny Angel
Subject: Made again
Another heads up: The Smirking Chimp used your
"Proof before war" essay on its listbot.
You know you've made the big time when your competitors
start boosting your stuff.
No, no, no.
I asked them to run that, as a favor.
They were very nice about it, too.
They even asked if I wanted to wait post-speech, but I said no.
Re West Wing's "Two Cathedrals": No, Bartlett
never went to the mat with his father about
the women's pay scale. He knew within a nanosecond
after daddy belted him it was a no-go.
(If he'd ballistic about a church service; what
would he do about money)
I don't think Mrs Landingham had a problem with
that; it was enough that Jed agreed to try.
She had Old Man Bartlett figured within a day
after he hired her -- "Jed, your father was a prick."
She obviously wasn't lacking in brains because
she worked for Jed for years.
Barlett wouldn't have dull people round him.
Everyone from his wife to his body man are super sharp.
One of the things I like about The West Wing
-- lots of texture and depth.
Subject: Over the edge?
Bart, you need a vacation. You said--
Depending on how you have your fonts set, this
will say different things.
But if you type "NYC" and then enlarge it and
change it to "wingdings" font,
you get a (poison sign) and a (Star of David)
with a (thumbs up.)
To answer your question as to why "Bill" would
have that in there...
When Bill was personally doing the code review
he got reallllllllyy tired
(you can imagine, with over 20 million lines
of code to look at).
So, the evil anti-Semite organization that had
infiltrated the TrueType fonts group
maneuvered to schedule their code review when
Bill was at his weakest.
This is the way I heard it.
I'm sure, with enough investigation, other 'facts'
will be uncovered.
BTW, did you notice that usa (lower case) is "cross"
"droplet" "peace
sign"... hmmm... Christians, oil, peace?
Wow! What another coincidence
(read as "stretch of the imagination").
Can somebody say Bible Code?
Keep up the... uh... good work, and lay off the Art Bell :-)
When you people write, you need to be baseball-bat-over-the-head clear.
What are you saying?
That I faked that?
Or that it's not really there?
Or that's not really a Star of David?
Or that Gates doesn't really control Microsoft?
Or that I really shouldn't have printed it?
What are you saying?
If that upset you, you're not going to like Q33NY in wingdings font.
Subject: 4 More Years 4 More Years
Great Scott, you'd think Bush delivered one of the preatst oratorical
masterpieces of all time. The damn bar is so low he passes because
doesn't drool on himself. Mark my words, this event will be turned
into the
Bush reelection campaign 2004 before because we are letting him off
the hook.
GAO inquiry of Cheney: Gone
Investigation of insider trading with O'Neil and Rove: Gone
Bailout for Bush contributors in insurance and aviation: Done
We're being blinded by misguided rah rah bullshit when we ought to
keep this monkey bastard's feet to the fire.
Support him but for Christ's sake let's not all get in line to kiss
his ass.