Academy run by religio-handjobs
An anonymous cadet at the US Air
Force Academy (USAFA ) spoke out against alleged religious
at the school last week, saying that some cadets must pretend to be
evangelical Christians in order to maintain
standing among their peers and superiors. In an email to the Military
Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF),
the whistleblower stated that he is part of an "underground group" of
about 100 cadets who cannot rely on
proper channels to confront evangelical pressure.
The email, published by Veterans Today, applauds the MRFF from the
"underground" and indicates that the
academy is "literally overrun with
Christian conservative fanatics."
The MRFF and allies from a myriad of civil rights and interfaith groups
sent a letter Tuesday to the Department
of Defense (DoD) detailing the cadet's email and other startling
complaints, including testimony from the parents
of an academy graduate who believe their daughter was "methodically
brain washed" by a fundamentalist group
there, demanding an investigation of the academy and the evangelical
academy ministry Cadets For Christ.
Results of the so-called "Climate
Study" leaked to the press, and "353 cadets (almost 1 out of every 5
participants) reported having been subjected to unwanted religious
proselytizing, and 23 cadets (13 of them Christians)
reported living 'in fear of their
physical safety' because of their
religious beliefs," according to the MRFF.
It's very dangerous for the
religiously-insane to have access to futuristic weapons.
If somebody decides The Lord is coming on His Cloud, they
might as well
start launching all of our nuclear weapons because that's what God
wants, right?
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