Alien Rule
It's called "losing."
Defining this discomfort is tricky. I reject nearly the entire Obama agenda, Of course you do - you're white and he's black. but the term "being opposed" lacks an emotional punch. Nor do terms like "worried" or "anxious" apply. How about "insane with rage about skin color?" I was more worried about America's future during the Johnson or Carter years, so it's not that dictionary, either. So, ... you're LESS worried now than you were
under Johnson and Carter?
Nor, for that matter, is this about backroom odious deal-making and pork, which are endemic in American politics. How 'bout you stop telling us what it is you're not talking about. After auditioning countless political terms, I
finally realized that the Obama administration and its congressional
You mean like a few years ago when Bush &
Cheney turned America into Torture Nation?
It is as if the United States has been occupied by a foreign power, and this transcends policy objections. Of course it does.
It is not about Obama's birthplace. It is not
about race, either; millions of white Americans
Yeah, but how many Southerners and Pigbots have
worked under a Black boss?
The term I settled on is "alien rule" -- based on outsider values, regardless of policy benefits -- that generates agitation. There you go - we finally got down to it.
This is what bloody anti-colonial strife was all about. No, they knew how to handle "niggers" back them
- they put them in chains.
Wait a minute, ...Weissberg? Are
we ...Jewish?
No doubt, millions of Indians and Africans probably
grasped that expelling the British guaranteed
ha ha
Just travel to Afghanistan and witness American
military commanders' efforts to enlist tribal elders
Wait - how did we suddenly get into Afghanistan's local politics? Many of these elders probably privately prefer
abject poverty to foreign occupation
How is that Obama's fault?
I hope the Secret Cervix is aware of this Weissberg guy. No, "nigger" isn't a bad enough slur for our president.