Barton Retracts
Apology to BP
"How could I be so goddamn stupid?"
Rep. Joe Barton of Texas has offered an apology
for his comments this morning apologizing to BP CEO Hayward
for what he described as a "shakedown" at the
White House to set up a BP-funded $20 billion fund to pay for damages
from the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of
Barton made the initial comments in his opening
statement at Hayward's testimony before the House Committee
on Energy and Commerce, unleashing a torrent
of criticism. He asked for a "small point of personal privilege"
when questioning Hayward in the afternoon to
address his earlier comments.
"I want to be absolutely clear that I think BP
is responsible for this accident, should be held responsible and should
in every way do everything possible to make good
on the consequences that have resulted from this accident," he said.
"And if anything I said this morning has been
misconstrued to the opposite effect
I want to apologize for that misconstrued misconstruction."
No, dude, you were very clear and everyone knew
exactly what you meant.
You feel bad for your old friends and you don't
care how many millions of people got hurt.
You're OK with losing the Gulf, even if The Boner
and The Bitch disagree with you.
Did you ever think you'd be this famous?
You're as famous as Joe "You lie!" Wilson (not a compliment.)
Swear to Koresh, I caught some of the BP hearings and at one point,
a Japanese-American
Democratic Rep said to Tony Hayward, "Back
in my country, when you fuck up this bad,
we hand you a knife and you're supposed to
take care of business with honor."
Maybe he was kidding (at the oil spill hearings?) but I saw it myself.
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