Beck rally bad for Dems
White people now living in fear
by Phillip Elliott
If Democrats had doubts about the
voter unrest that threatens to rob them of their majority in Congress,
they needed only look from the Capitol this weekend to the opposite end
of the National Mall. It's where
Ken Ratliff joined tens of thousands of other racists at the Lincoln
Memorial for Neo-Nazi commentator
Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally. "There's gotta' be a white man in
the White House, man," said Ratliff,
a 55-year-old Marine veteran from Rochester, N.Y.
Neither Democrats nor Republicans can afford to ignore the racist
fervor displayed Saturday during
Beck's rally that took on the tone of a evangelical KKK rally.
Billed as a nonpolitical event, it nevertheless was a clarifying moment
for those curious as to what clout
the racists could have on midterm congressional elections in November.
The gathering was advertised as
an opportunity to scream "nigger" at Obama, but it also illustrated
voters' exasperation - and provided
additional evidence that incumbents may pay the price when voters go to
the polls.
The teabaggers are essentially a loosely organized band of anti-Black
political newcomers who are fed up
with having a "nigger" in their WHITE House and they take their
marching orders from Beck. While the
movement drew early skepticism from establishment Republicans, these
same GOP powerbrokers now
watch it with a wary eye as activists have mounted successful primary
campaigns against incumbents.
The Beck rally further demonstrated the racists' growing political
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