Benny the
Rat vs Gays
Gays are 'Insidious And Dangerous'
Benny the Rat, trying to deflect the rape crisis
that has engulfed his crime organization, on Thuirsday
called abortion and same-sex marriage some of
the most "insidious and dangerous" threats facing the
world today, pretending they were worse than
the organized child rapes his cabal promotes.
Abortion is a necessary evil, like root canals.
Gay marriage is nobody's business but those getting
but child rape is just fine with this "man of
Benedict made the comments before an estimated
400,000 people in Fatima.
The central Portuguese farming town is one of
the most important shrines in Christianity,
where three shepherd children claimed to having
visions of the Virgin Mary in 1917.
How in the world did some wild-ass story concocted
by three Portugese kids become a Catholic touchstone?
Benedict's visit to Fatima on the anniversary
of the apparitions was the spiritual centerpiece of his
four-day visit to Portugal, which ends Friday.
It was cast by Vatican officials as evidence that he had
turned a page in weathering the abuse scandal,
which has dogged him for months.
Running to Portugal makes the approval and cover-up
of thousands of child rapes go away?
How delusional can a Rat get?
The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi,
pointed to the turnout in Fatima and said it was
"very beautiful and encouraging" that pilgrims
hadn't been deterred in expressing their faith despite months
of revelations about priests who molested children
and bishops and Vatican officials who turned a blind eye.
That's some semi-decent spin on an impossible
Looks like Ari Fliescher left Eldrick to help
the Rape Cabal in Rome.
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