Blackwater's dummy corporations
to steal more from the Treasury
The Bush bastards at Blackwater
formed a network of 30 shell companies and subsidiaries to try
to get millions of dollars in government business after the company
faced strong criticism for reckless
conduct in Iraq, The New York Whore Times reported Friday.
The newspaper said that it was unclear how many of the created
companies got American contracts
but that at least three of them obtained work with the U.S. military
and the CIA. Sen. Carl Levin,
chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, has asked the Justice
Department to see whether
Blackwater misled the government when using the subsidiaries to gain
government contracts.
It said Levin's committee found that Blackwater, which changed it's
name to Xe Services due to their
rape scandal, went to great lengths to find ways to get lucrative
government work despite criminal charges
and criticism stemming from a 2007 incident in which Blackwater guards
killed 17 Iraqi civilians.
A committee chart outlines the web of Blackwater subsidiaries.
I'm sure our president wants to
move forward, so I doubt any charges will be filed.
However, if Xe employees are caught
using marijuana, I'm sure the heavy hand of the government
will slap them. But for organizing the drugging and raping of
hundreds of women, and stealing hundreds
of millions of dollars from the Treasury using dummy corporations,
...well, guys ought to stop that.
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