bastards got off on nudity
They said it 'broke' the fella being
tortured 'faster'
In 2004, the CIA told President
George W. Bush’s lawyers how useful forced nudity was
for instilling “learned helplessness” in prisoners, though the repeated
emphasis on nudity
took on a lewd and sadistic quality, as Robert Parry reported in this
article from the archives:
The CIA shared with George W. Bush’s Justice Department the details of
how an interrogation
strategy – with an emphasis on forced nudity and physical abuse – could
train prisoners in
“learned helplessness” and demonstrate “the complete control of
The 19-page document, entitled “Background Paper on CIA’s Combined Use of
Techniques” and dated
Dec. 30, 2004, contains repeated references to keeping suspected
al-Qaeda captives – called “high-value detainees” or HVDs – naked as
part of the strategy
for breaking down their resistance.
The first of several “specific conditioning interrogation techniques”
lists “Nudity. The HVD’s
clothes are taken and he remains
nude until the interrogators provide clothes to him.”
The CIA said the prisoner is kept nude (or occasionally dressed in a
diaper) while being
subjected to other “conditioning techniques,” sleep deprivation and a
bland diet of Ensure.
Nudity continues while interrogators apply other more aggressive
techniques designed to
emphasize a prisoner’s helplessness.
Sure, that's the story the puppy dog press printed to
cover-up for the Bush bastards.
but we know the real reason they were
kept naked - so Bush could masturbate to them.
I wonder if Bush insisted the be branded them with a Texas-sized "W?"
Damn, that's more fun than exploding frogs back in Midland, right
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