Tom Steele Survive? Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham condemned GOP chairman Michael 'Tom' Steele's comment that Afghanistan was a "war of Obama's choosing." Of course, Obama was in the Illinois
legislature when Bush invaded Afghanistan. Neither GOP lawmaker, however,
was outraged enough to demand Steele's resignation, as some other
Republican have done. Steele's remarks, a political gift to Democrats
in a congressional election year, were captured Thursday on camera and
posted online. Graham, (R-Fabulous) described himself as "dismayed, angry and upset. It was an uninformed, unnecessary, unwise, untimely comment." He told CBS' "Face the Whore" that "this is not President Obama's war. This is American's war. We need to stand behind the president." Asked whether Steele should quit, Graham said, "It's up to him to see if he can lead the Republican Party. It couldn't have come at a worst time."
It'll be a sad day for us when the GOP
finally dumps their non-thinking token. |