Cheney and
the oil spill
HE decided what controls that pump needed
It turns out, according to an environmental lawyer
whose interview on Ed Schultz last week
is getting a lot of circulation, that this leak
may well be traceable in part to...Dick Cheney.
Mike Papantonio told Ed Schultz show in an interview
can watch here that it was Cheney's energy task force
- the secretive one - that decided that the switches,
which cost $500,000, were too much a burden on the industry.
The Papantonio segment starts at around 5:00
in and lasts three minutes or so.
Regulatory decisions have consequences all the
time, and the people who made them should be asked to justify
their decisions in a democracy. It'll be very
interesting to watch this week and see if other news outlets pursue this.
Well, it's a safe bet the Democrats won't pursue
this - they want to look forward.
When the Bush bastards screw up real big, they
say, "This is no time for the Blame Game,"
but when is the Blame Game appropriate?
After everyone's sick of talking about it?
The GOP is never held to account because the Democrats
are mice, not men.
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