destroyed US Economy
Says Reagan's Financial
Wizard, David Stockman
Will Dems use this? Course not - wouldn't be polite
"How my G.O.P. destroyed the U.S.
economy." Yes, that is exactly what David Stockman,
Reagan's director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote in a
recent New York
Whore Times op-ed piece, "Four Deformations of the Apocalypse."
Get it? Not "destroying." The GOP has already "destroyed" the U.S.
setting up an "American Apocalypse."
Yes, Stockman is equally damning of
the Democrats' Keynesian policies. But what this indictment
by a party insider -- someone so close to the development of the
Reaganomics ideology -- says about
America, helps all of us better understand how America's toxic
partisan-politics "holy war" is destroying
not just the economy and capitalism, but the America dream. And unless
this war stops soon, both
parties will succeed in their collective death wish.
But why focus on Stockman's message? It's already lost in the 24/7 news
cycle. Why?
We need some introspection. Ask yourself: How did the great nation of
America lose its
moral compass and drift so far off course, to where our very survival
is threatened?
We've arrived at a historic turning point as a nation that no longer
needs outside enemies to destroy us,
we are committing suicide. Democracy. Capitalism. The American dream.
All dying. Why? Because of
the economic decisions of the GOP the past 40 years, says this leading
Reagan Republican.
The GOP convinced the idiot American voter that THEY'D be better off
if they gave their money to the super-rich. The Democrats, of course,
couldn't think of a response, so the voters took that as total
How is it possible that the Democrats can be this brainless?
They don't even have the brains to save their own jobs.
When the GOP makes up a lie, the
Dems follow like sheep, right over the cliff.
Now that the Bush bastards have bankrupted this 8-years-ago surplus
the Dems STILL can't find a message that resonates with the bankrupt
I could kill a fifth of Cuervo and do a much better job - and I have an IQ
of 64.
God, what did we do that angered you so much that you
would saddle us with the party of stupid, surrender monkeys?
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