love big government
Now that goo is washing ashore in red states
The words "government takeover" were originally
injected into the discourse by Frank Luntz in the early stages
of the health care reform process and have been
repeated in the pejorative sense by Republicans across the board.
Likewise, the Republicans and tea party people
have been screeching about the bailouts. They insist that the banks
and financial institutions (and GM) should have
been allowed to fail, rather than receiving emergency loans from the
government in order to, at the time, prevent
the American economy from being dragged down along with these
institutions had they not been hoisted with an
infusion of cash.
Republican idea that the states and the free market
should be left alone to deal with problems and crises on its own
without "socialist" -- or even "communist" depending
on which AM radio station you listen to -- interference from
big government and our America-hating president.
No government takeovers. Freedom! Liberty!
That is until last month.
A major corporation, not unlike General Motors,
failed to properly outfit one of its deep-water oil drilling platforms
with the proper failsafe mechanisms and a chain
reaction of death and destruction ensued. The BP oil rig is spewing
black gushers of oil into the ocean at a rate
of upwards of a million gallons per day.
And suddenly all of these state's rights, anti-government
takeover Republicans
are demanding a government takeover of the capping
and cleanup process.
Of course, the Democrats are too shy to say,
"THIS is why you need controls on 'free' enterprise,"
but they just can't bring themselves the point
of standing up and speaking. It just wouldn't be a nice thing to
Democrats always fail to list the facts
because they want to be nice instead of ruthless.
Ruthless almost always beats nice, but our Democrats
can't learn..
Democrats firmly believe you can get more with a kind word
than you can get with a kind word and a gun.
Have I ever mentioned that surrender monkeys disgust me?
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